Publications of Faculty of Medicine:A Study of the Role of Legionella pneumophila in Nosocomial Infection at Benha University Hospitals: Abstract

A Study of the Role of Legionella pneumophila in Nosocomial Infection at Benha University Hospitals
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Legionella pneumophlla (L.. Pneumophila) organisms although constitute a small proportion of bacterial count, they can cause severe pneumonia or acute respiratory insufficiency. It is now considered as one of the important nosocomial agents. We aimed to study Legionella as a causative agent of nosocomial pneumonia. This was achieved by complete bacteriological examination and genetic study of clinical and environmental samples. Out of 150 environmental samples, only 8 (5.3 %) were positive for L pneumophila, and out of 100 clinical samples, only 2 (2%) were positive for L. pneumophila. As regards the 8 environmental samples, 5 (62.5%) were from faucets, and the swab method gave the greatest yield 4 (50%) out of 8 positive samples. Regarding the clinical samples, the isolated strains were; one from . sputum and the other from pleural effusion. They were isolated from patients with malignant diseases. Restriction endonucleasc analysis (REA) showed that the isolates from patients and water faucets were genetically similar indicating that water faucets were the most probable source of infection. All the isolated 10 strains (environmental and clinical) belonged to serogroup 1 (6) and to serogroup 2 (4). These results revealed the importance of considering legionella in any nosocomial infection especially in those high risk patients.