Pa-Mrs:tidy was conducted on 70 patients (less than 5 years old), suffering from
symptoms and signs of respiratory tract infection and twenty healthy children as
control to detect rate of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, and to determine
role of apoptosis in its pathogenesis. The study showed that RSV infection was more
common below 1 year of age (79.6%) compared to 66.7% and 50% in children
between 1-2 years, and above 2 years respectively. No significant difference between
males (80.7%) and females (71.8%). The study revealed that RSV infections were
significantly higher in patients with bronchiolitis (87.2%) compared to pneumonia
(66.7%) and bronchopneumonia (47.1%)ir The sensitivity of direct
immunofluorescence test (D1F) in detecting RSV infection is 100% and the specificity
is 73.9%. As regards to apoptosis, the study showed that apoptosis in RSV infected
REP:-.2 cells is statistically non significant V compared to non infected cells.
Anititias was significantly higher in patients with mild clinical picture (no
respiratory distress) than in patients with respiratory distress. No significant
difference was detected between Giemsa stain and DNA electrophoresis in assessment
of apoptosis. |