Background. Onychomycosis comprises all .fimgal infection that affects the nail
apparatus. It accounts Jiff up to 50% of nail disorders. This may occur as a primacy event
or secondary infection of a previously diseased or traumatized nail. The primary
pathogens are dermatophytes, non dermatophytes and yeast Mycological study appears
imperative for selection of appropriate treatment. Objective. Studying the mycological
pattern of onychomycosis in patients attend Bertha University hospital. Methods. The nail
clipping and scraping of 45 onychomycosis' patients were subjected to Pota.C.11 UM
hydroxide (KOH) mounts fbr direct microscopic examination and culture an Sabouraud
dextrose agar. Results. Candida spp. were isolated in :46.7% of the samples I candida
albicrins was the most common isolates 31.1%1. Dernuaophytes were isolated in 44.4%
of the samples( Trztbrum was the most common dermatophytes 37.8%).. spp
(8.9%) was being the only non dennalophyles isolates. The higher pe.rcentoge of
onychomycosis patients were farmers (40%), office workers (28.9%). The nail infection
was as frequent as finger nail infection (46.7%) each. KOH and culture positivity %vele
48.9% mid 31.1% respectively .Conclusion . Onychomycosis is a common medical
problem . T. rubrum and C. albicans were the most prevalent isolates. Proper diagnosis
not only allows for more efficient expenditure of .finuls and services, Ina also is
pammoum fin- the timely alleviation of the condition. |