Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Unexplained Male Infertility: A Possible Role of Ureaplasma urealyticumInfection : Abstract

Unexplained Male Infertility: A Possible Role of Ureaplasma urealyticumInfection
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Semen samples from 100 infertile and 40 control fertile males at the Andrology Outpatient Clinic of Benha University Hospitals were tested for the presence of Urettplasinu tirettlyticum (U. urealylicund by culturing on both the classical culture media (ureaplasma broth and agar) and the Mycofast All-1n test. II. tirea04ititin were detected in 14(14%) out of IN infertile and 3(7.5%) out of 40 control fertile males. The difference in the isolation rate between both groups is statistically highly significant (p4).05). It was found that in the in males in the age groups (20- <25y); (25 - < 30y); (30- < 35y); (35- < 40y) and (40 - C 45y), I out of 18 (5.5%); 5 out of 25 (20%); 4 out of 25 (I6%); 3 out of 25 (12%) and I .out of 7 (14.2%) respectively had U. tirealyticatm infection. In these groups the organism COUnt was = 103 CCU/m1; >105CCU/m1; >105CCU/m1; =104CCU/m1 and =103CCU/m1 respectively. In the fertile group U. itretiogicum was isolated from 2(20%) out of 10 in en iii the age group (25 - <311y); the organism count was =103 CCU/nil and 1(10%) out of 10 in the age group (30- <35)); the C011111 of the organism was=103 CCU/ml. All the control fertile men in the other age groups had negative culture for a etrettoliestm. So, the rate of infection increased in the age group (20-30 y), IMIX111111111 in the age group (25 - <30y) and decreased thereafter for both groups. Also there was a difference in U. oreablicom count in the age group of (25 - <35y) bet s% um the infertile and fertile males; as in the fertile group it was103 CCU/m1 (border line needed for urealilicant infection and 105 CCU/mlor more in the infertile group (suprapa(hological titre for infection). It was found that the results obtained by both the classical eulture method and Mycofast All-In test were identical. The sensitivity and specificity of Mycofast All -In test WaS 100%. All U. lirealyticum strains were sensitive to mincocyline, tetracycline and eiprolloxacine except 3 strains which were resistant to ciprofloxacine. In conclusion: 11. it reulyticum has a significant role on male infertility (r< 0.05). The Mycofast All -In ....-.n les( is a rapid etts sensitive test for diagnosis oil]. itrealyticum infection.