Thirty mature albino rats were divided equally into two
groups, one control group and another test group. The control
1111 group received saline orally . Amiodarone, a widely used
antiarrhythmic agent, was given orally to rats of the test group
at a dose of 40 mg/kg body weight for 30 days. Statistical
analysis of values of serum alanine transferase (ALT), asparate
transferase (AST),alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin
showed significant elevation in the group given amiodarone as
compared to the control group. These biochemical results
coincided completely and confirmed by the histopathological
and ultrastructural findings in the livers of the test group. The
most striking hepatic changes were; portal vein radical dilatation
111 and congestion, fatty changes and even focal necrosis. Also by
electron microscopy, large inclusions in the hepatocytes were
seen. The lungs showed diffuse inflammatory changes and
congestion in the alveoli. Ultrastructurally, many inclusion |