Imipenem (Tienam) a recently introduced carbapenem beta- lactam antibiotic
was administered to albino rats for different periods at doses relevant
to those used in human to study its effect on the ultrastructure of
kidney and liver as well as the serum levels of creatinine, urea. SCOT.
SGP7' and alkaline phosphatase. The observed renal u/trastructura/
changes were dependent on the duration of drug administration and confined
primarily to the proximal convoluted tubule cells.
Specific lysosomal alterations were detected in the form of myelin like
figures ( myeloid bodies) within their cavities. The most stricking hepatic
changes were, swelling of mitochondriae with distortion of their cristae .
disruption of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and accumulation of large
lipid droplets . The above mentioned changes were more prominent when
the drug was administered for days. Serum creatinine increased after
5 days , while SCOT increased after 10 days. After 15 days of the the
drug administration, serum levels of creatinine, urea. SCOT. SGPT and
alkaline phosphatase become elevated significantly.
These ultrastructural and biochemical changes indicated that imipenem
may induce renal or hepatic dysfunction in human so, it should be
given with caution in patients with renal or hepatic impairment. |