Thermal injuries cause many complications and deaths Most burned patients have
reduced plasma volume and expanded interstitial water. Haes-S'teril is used for medium term
expansive volume replacement therapy to achieve a more rapid and profound improvement of
hemodynamic variables. The current study compared the effects of acute fluid therapy using
lactated Ringer's. (LR) solution and Haes-Steril 10% on hemodynamic variables, volume oxygen
consumption (1/02) and renal fitnction of burned patients. The study comprised 40 patients with
burn greater than 15% of total body surface area (TBSA) allocated in two groups receiving
either LR-sohttion or Hcres-Steril 10%. Comparison of results qf both studied groups showed a
non-significant (P>0.05) difference with regard to heart rate. .(HR) and mean arterial blood
pressure (MAP), but showed a significant (P<0.05) increase of central venous pressure (CVP),
cardiac output ((VP,), cardiac index (CI) and V02, in patients included in Haes-group than in
LR-group. Serum lactate, and plasma endothelin-1 (ET-I) levels were decreased in both groups
en the end of study period, and showed negative significant correlation with increased CI. Serum
creatinine was significantly decreased, and creatinine clearance rate was significantly increased
in patients comprised in Hetes-group than in those included in LR-group. We can conclude that
Haes-Steril 10% can improve overall hemodynamic situation of patients with burn and that
serum creatinine can he used as ct predictive factor for improvement. |