This study was performed to evaluate the effect of maternal
derangement of homocysteine (Heys) metabolism and their children with
contruncal heart diseases. The fasting plasma levels of Heys, folk acid
and vitamin 812 were measured by radioassay technique. The study
consisted of 22 mothers of 22 offsprings having contruncal heart defects,
(Pre-treatment group) and 20 healthy mothers having healthy offsprings as
control group. Mothers having offspring with contruncal heart diseases
administered a commercially available multivitamin supplementation, and
considered as post-treatment group. The study revealed a mean fasting
plasma Heys level, in pre-treatment group, of 13.17±2.63 mo1/1, and
11+1.81 p mal in post-treatment group and 9.71+1.63 p mo1/1 in control
group, there was a statistically significant difference between all studied
groups. Also, there was a positive significant correlation between
maternal age and Heys plasma level, and a negative significant correlation
between fasting plasma levels of Hcysand folate and vitamin 812. In
conclusion, this study showed a significant increase of fasting plasma
Heys level in mothers having offsprings with contruncal heart defects
and that multivitamin supplementation would decrease this level. |