To study the effect of theophylline on erythropoietin, 4 groups
were included in this work: group I (theophylline treated
prematures), group II (theophylline untreated prematures for
comparison), group III (theophylline treated children) and group IV
(theophylline untreated children) for comparison. For all subjects,
serum level of erythropoietin, hemoglobin concentration, red cell
count, hematocrite value and serum level of theophylline (for treated
subjects only) was estimated the beginning and at the end of the
study. The results obtained showed a significant elevation in
erythropoietin, Hb, RBCs and haematocrit values in group I as
compared with group 11 as well as a significant decrease in
erythropoietin level, Hb, RBCs and haematocrit value in group III as
compared with group IV. It could be concluded that there is a
discrepancy in the effect of theophylline therapy on serum
erythropoietin level between prematures and older children This
may be due to the altered tissue oxygenation seen in apnea of
prematurity which may have a more potent stimulatory effect on
erythropoietin production than does the depressant effect of
theophylline in such population. Also, the effect of theophylline on
erythropoietin production may change by age and thus may differ
between prematures and older children. |