Publications of Faculty of Medicine:The Effect of Subconjunctival Mitornycin C before Pterygium Excision as Adjunctive Therapy: Abstract

The Effect of Subconjunctival Mitornycin C before Pterygium Excision as Adjunctive Therapy
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impute: aluide the efficacy of subconjunctival miromycin C adjunctive therapy in eases of recut-hint prerygium before excision to reduce the rah: of recurrence. 1/cifiods: This stu‘l> included subconjunedval injection of (0.2ml of 0.2mu/m1 at mitomycin C before pterygium -.excision in patients with recurrent pterygiurn. They were followed up for 6 months. Ilistopathological examination of these sped "ens was dk 'TIC.