To investigate the effects of sulfur dioxide (S02) on respiratory
epithelium, an experiment was performed on 20 rabbits. Experimental
animals were divided into four groups consisting of group 1 (control
group), which was exposed only to air; group 2, which was exposed to 15
mg/m3 sulfur dioxide for 30 minutes; group 3, which was exposed to 15
mg/m3 SO2 for 30 minutes daily for 3 days; group 4, which was exposed
to 15 mg/m3 SO2 for 30 minutes daily for 5 days. Only minor
morphological alterations were observed in group 2. However, structural
alterations of respiratory mucosa such as intracellular edema, loss of cilia,
epithelial thinning, widened intercellular space, vacuolization and
cytoplasmic protrusion were observed in groups 3 and 4. The basal
lamina and the connective tissue were well preserved through the entire
mucosa. Injuries to respiratory epithelium became severer with exposure
time. |