This study was designed to investigate the effect of ciprofloxacin, a
quinolone antibacterial agent, on the articular cartilage of albino rat.
Twenty five albino rats weighing 50-200 grams were classified into
control and experimental animals. The experimental animals were
injected subcutaneously with ciprofloxacin at 50 or 100 m/kg/day for 7
and 14 days. The control animals were injected subcutaneously with 0.5%
carboxy methyl cellulose for the same periods. Following the defined
duration of treatment the animals were sacrified and the articular cartilage
was prepared for histological examination. Ciprofloxacin treatment at 50
or 100 mg/kg/day for 7 days resulted in degenerated cells with vacuolated
and partially disintegrated cytoplasms accompanied with decreased
basophilia with cavity formation. These lesions were accompanied with
decrease PAS reaction and disarrangement of collagen fibers with cut
fibers in the cavities or matrix defects. Rats treated for 14 day with 50 or
100 mg/kg/day ciprofloxacin demonstrated a lower incidence of lesions
than rats treated for 7 days, suggesting the potential for reversibility of
the toxicity during ongoing treatment. |