Introduction: Varicocele is an abnormal dilatation and torticulation in pampiniform plexus of
veins within the spermatic cord. It involves about 15% of young males. It is considered the most
common urologic problem in whole adolescence. Physical examination considered the important
examination in screening for varicocele in adolescence..
Patients and methods .-Three hundred boys with age range from 12—15 years old were chosen
for this study. Physical and general examination was done in the outpatient clinics. Color duplex
ultrasonography was done for all boys with standard protocol in erect and supine positions with
and without Valsalva maneuver. Varicocelectomy was done in 5 boys after acceptance of their
Results: On physical examination 13.6% had unilateral varicocele while on color duplex ex
amination 15.3% of the examined boys had unilateral varicocele that classified into grade I (8%),
grade II (5.6%), grade ^I (1.3%) and grade IV (0.3%). 8% represent grade I,
Conclusion: Our conclusion : by one non invasive screening examination with color duplex
ultrasonography we can increase the accuracy of detecting varicocele in adolescence with subse
quent prevention of their damage effect on testis |