Avariety of riipcjaiities have beervuseiiiand; depending on thescaritype^treatirientjhayjbe:,
invasive and/or conservative.'-"-:•. ';ii •
Objective ^• ••-. ' ' .. ,.,;..;.!;^.., -.'... ,. ;' '„ , . \ ••','.."••••
The aim of this study is to assess the'safety and efficacy of treating stable nonhypertraphic
scars using a fractional carbon dioxide (COJ laser.
Patients and methods
This is a prospective study of 25 patients (skin types IIHV, aged 6-37 years) tyith stable:.
nonhypertrophic scars who underwent at least three sessions with a fractional CO, laser
at 1-month interval.. Side effects as well as improvements in texture, atrophy, and overall
satisfaction with appearancewere graded on a quartite scale bythe patients^andjnvestigators
after each treatment and 4weeks after the final treatment Before-after scoreswere compared
using the Student f-test,with significance assigned to Pvalues less than 0.05.
All patients showed clinical improvement. There was no significant difference between
the assessment of the investigator and the two blinded dermatologists.;In.terms pf, patient .
satisfaction, 32%of patientswere not satisfied to slightly satisfied, whereas 68%were satisfied '
and 20%were very satisfied to extremely satisfied. Side effectswere minimal and transient.
Fractional CO2 laser treatment represents a safe, well-tolerated, effective, and promising
treatment modality for nonhypertrophic traumatic and postinflammatory scars, with minimal
downtime and fewer side effects. |