Publications of Faculty of Medicine:BotulinumAExotoxinInTreatmentofFocalHyperhidrosis: Abstract

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lucks a precise definition and is of unknown elioloay. This condition usually involves the palms, soles and axillae, where the eccrine sweat glands are con centrated and show an exaggerated response to men ial stimuli"^. Many treatments for hyperhidrosis have been de scribed, but few are effective and acceptable, and non has been without potential complications. Topi cal agents such as aluminum chloride may cause irri tation. Iontophoresis may provide relief", especially for palmar and solar hyperhidrosis. but is less effec tive for axillary sweating. It is also time consuming and requires numerous treatments and maintenance therapy. Systemic amicholinergic agents frequently have unacceptable side effects^2*. Upper thoracic sympatheciomy often fails to cure axillary and pal mar hperhidrosis, and complications may include pneumothorax, pneumonia, Homer's syndrome and compensatory hyperhidrosis in noninnervated areas. Surgical excision of axillary sweat glands may be associatedwith scar contractures*^*. Botulinum toxin is a new and effective treatment for hyperhidrosis of the axillae, palms, soles and gustatory sweating. Chemodenervation with botuli num toxins appears to offer a safe alternative to sur gical interventions, ongoing topical applications, or frequent treatment modalities for reducing sweating, with no significant complications or side effects*4*.