Publications of Faculty of Medicine:AutologousFatTransplantation for SoftTissue Augmentation: Abstract

AutologousFatTransplantation for SoftTissue Augmentation
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Autologous fat transplantaion is an old technique, but the development of methods of suction extraction and in jection has given it new life. There is sufficient evidence that the new methods result in viable adipocytes that have the potential for long termsurvival. This study included evaluation of autologous fat in jection in 40 patients (30 females and 10 males). The in dications were central cheek depression in 14 patients, dif fuse age related lipoatrophy of the face in 10 patients, exaggerated nasolabial fold in 6 patients, depressed trau matic scars in 4 patients, rejuvenation of the hands in 4 pa tients, and correction of the face in 2 patients with partial lipodystrophy. All cases were done under local an aesthesia except 6 cases that were donewith other surgical procedures deserved general anaesthesia. Fat was har vested from the upper outer quadrant of the hip, lateral thigh, or the medial knee using sharp 13 gauge needle at tached to 10 ml syringe and injected by a 16 gauge needle. All cases were injected three times with 3 months inter vals except two cases of exaggerated nasolabial fold and one case of hand rejuvenation that approached satisfaction after two injections. The best results were seen in the cen tral cheek and nasolabial fold while the worstwere seen in depressed scars.We can conclude that autologous fat in jection is a simple, safe technique for soft tissue aug mentation.used themfor reconstruction of a soft tissue de fect on the face. In 1911 Brunning [2] was the first to inject autologous fat into the sub cutaneous tissue for the purpose of soft tissue augmentation. After the advent of liposuction, Blouz began injecting viable fat obtained during liposuction [3,4]. In 1986 Foumier [5] presented his mod ification called microlipoextraction and in jection by harvesting fat using sharp 13 gauge needle and then re-injected into the desired re cipient site. Since Foumier's description, slight variations of the procedure have been described by others, but the basic principles remain the same [6]. Although questions about specific as pects of the procedure remain to be answered, fat transplantation will certainly become an im portant soft tissue augmentation agent. The aim of this work is to report our ex perience with 40 cases for whomautologous fat transplantation was done for soft tissue aug mentation.