The association of HLA antigens with vitjligo reimtinsa
controversial issue. In order to determine
^hich, if any. HLA markers were associated
with an increased risk ol vitiligo we investigated
HLA antigens in 50 patients with vitiligo and in 50 con
trols using the standard mierolymphocytotoxic method.
Vitiligo patients had ^ignificant increase in HI.A-Aj. A,,,.
\iUi CAVj DR.. and DQ; compared to controls. Familial
vitiligo i> marked by increased freL|uency of HLA-Ais.
[In- By. IL>. CW. and DQ-, while non- familial vitiligo
is marked by increased frequenc) of HLA-A:, C\V(, and
I^R|.!. These findings suggest that immunogcnelie incchanisms
may be responsible for vitilteo. Also there may he
heterogenecity in the pathogenic process between familial
and noti- familial vitilrgo. |