Publications of Faculty of Medicine:The effect of bolus dose•: Abstract

The effect of bolus dose•
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The effect of bolus dose• ofremifentanil on thepressorresponses to la ryngoscopy and tracheal intubation or^extubalion during rapid sequence induction .and recovery ofane^fhieMa was assessed in a randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled study in two groups of 20 patients each. No premedication was given. Anesthesia was induced with thiopen tal 5mg/kg, Followed by saline jilqcebo or remifentaniL 1.5 pg/kg and suxamethohlum. After the trached get iniiibgted, anesthesia mairitamecf;: with isofturane and nitrous oxide in oxygen, at the end of surgery inhald^ tional anesthesia dlscontirwedl, the study drug readministered and resid ual muscle relaxant was••reversed.. Mean artetifd blood pressure, heart rate and inira-ocular pressure were recorded immediately before induc tion, before intubation, at interval until. 5 min after treacheal intubation, before extubation and then at interval until 5 min after tracheal extuba tion. There was a significant decrease in mean arterial pressure (MAP); heart rate (HR) and intraocular pressure in remifentanil group (group R) compared with saline placebo group (group S) from, time of administration of the study drugs to the end of the study at 5th min after extubation (P< 0.001). we conculoded that rerrnfentarvl 1.5 pg/kg administered during induction and recovery, prevented the pressor response and increase in IOP after intubation or extubation.