The authors reporetd six cases of atypical osteomyelitis of the skull
base in diabetic patients. They were studied clinically, radiologically and
pathologically. This disease may arise without intial temporal bone affection
or may complicate incompletely treated malignant otitis extema.
Spread of the disease may occur through vascular involvement of the
skull bones and fascial planes rather than through the air cells. The ethmaid
the sphenoid and occipital bones are affected beside the temporal
bones and the petrous apex. Multiple cranial nerves may be affected inducing
the 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 5th, 9th and 10th nerves and the disease may
present as the jugular foramen. or the orbital art syndromes. The morbidity
and the mortality of the disease is higher in patients wthout previous
temporal bone affection because it is usually not promptly recognized
and treated. |