Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Chest ultrasound in the evaluation of aCrossMark complicated pneumonia in the ICU patients: Can be viable alternative to CT?: Abstract

Chest ultrasound in the evaluation of aCrossMark complicated pneumonia in the ICU patients: Can be viable alternative to CT?
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evaluation of parenchymal and pleural abnormalities except for two patients with consolidation and effusion, three patients with loculated effusion, one patient with pulmonary necrosis and another patient with lung abscess. US was superior to CT in detection of fibrin strands within pleural effusion. Conclusion: Chest US provides an accurate evaluation of the pleural and parenchymal abnormalities associated with complicated pneumonia in the ICU patients. Considering that chest US is a bedside and avoids transportation of the patient outside ICU, free of radiation exposure and easily repeatable, chest US appears to be an attractive alternative to CT. 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier WV. on behalf of Egyptian Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.