This study aimed to evaluate the additive effects of using caudal neostigmine, midazolam or tramadol in conjunction with bupivacaine to the resultant postoperative (POj analgesia in children undergoing hypospadius repair. Patients 81 Methods: The study included 80 male children aged 5-8.5 years allocated randomly to four equal groups: Group B: received 0.25% plain buplvacaine (1 ml/kg), Group M received midazolam (50 pg/kg). Group T received tramadol (1.5 jig/kg) and Group N received neostigmine (2 pg/kg) in combination with 0.25% plain bupivacaine (1 ml/kg). Pain was assessed with a 5-point verbal pain score hourly for 24 hours and evaluated collectively for every 3 hours. The duration of absolute analge sia was defined as the time from caudal injection until the pain score was >2 and rescue analgesic was given at pain score >4. Sedation scores were measured at PO 30 and 120 minutes. Motor block was assessed on awakening by using a modified Bromage scale: |