The neuromuscular blocking action of pipecuroniumO.04 mg/kg, 0.06mg/kg and 0.08 mg/kg was studied in three equal groups, 15 each by using Datex relaxograph. In the first group the mean maximum block ofTl was 68%, subsequent dose of 0.02 mg/kg was given to produce complete block (100%). In the second and the third groups the onset of maximum block (100%) was 10.08 + 0.61 min and 6.57 1.24 min, while the duration till Tl 25% was 65.33 1.97 min and 75.29 1.38 min re spectively. So increasing the dose of pipecuroniumfrom 0.06 mg/kg to 0.08 mg/ kg will enhance the onset, but, will delay the recovery. Lower doses ofpipecuronium does not produce full relaxatio |