Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Electron Microscopic Study of Mucosal Sparing Techniques for Inferior Turbinate Volume Reduction: Abstract

Electron Microscopic Study of Mucosal Sparing Techniques for Inferior Turbinate Volume Reduction
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Electron Microscopic Study of Mucosal Sparing Techniques for Inferior Turbinate Volume Reduction Add Helm) MD. Ahmed Dussien MD . Mohamed All MR, Mohsen Ahdel Rank MD, Mohamed Gamil MISRCH. ENT Department Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University Abstract Chronic nasal obstruction is a frequent symptom. In the management of nasal obstruction, identification and treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy remains an important consideration for long-term improvement of nasal breathing. Various surgical techniques are currently performed to reduce the volume of the hypertrophied inferior turbinate. The multitude of approaches available to the rhinologist is a testament to the lack of a single established method. This study was conducted on 30 patients with chronic nasal obstruction due to bilateral persistent hypertrophy of the inferior tztrbinates. Twenty-three patients were males (76.7 %) and seven patients were females (23.3%). The mean age ± SD of the patients was 21.3 ± 3.4 years. In our study we compare between two mucosal sparing techniques used for inferior turbinate volume reduction; submucosal diathermy versus coblation; clinically and ultrastructurally. Also, we correlate between the post operative ultrastructure of the inferior turbinate mucosa and the clinical findings after these techniques. Patients were subjected to a sufficient evaluation which included subjective and objective assessment by; endoscopic nasal examination, preoperative and postoperative saccharine test and ultrastructure study of inferior turbinate mucosal biopsy one month postoperatively. Under local anesthesia, coblation assisted technique was performed along the right sided inferior turbinate while electrical submucous diathermy was performed along the left sides. Our study showed that both submucous diathermy and coblation technology are effective methods for inferior turbinate volume reduction. However, coblation proved by the ultrastructure study to produce less cellular damage, minimal crust, faster recovery of normal nasal physiology , faster improvement in nasal obstruction and better tolerability by the patients in the postoperative period. Up to our knowledge, this is the first time to study the postoperative ultrastructure of the inferior turbinate mucosa after coblation or submucous diathermy. Introduction Nasal obstruction is the presenting complaint of a large number of patients in otolaryngologic practice (Beckingham et al., 1989). Chronic nasal obstruction is a frequent symptom that can result from persistent hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate. The inferior turbinates are intriguing structures of the lateral nasal wall that are designed specifically to cause nasal resistance and slow movement of nasal airflow (Kelvin et al., 2001). The most common causes of such obstruction are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis or hypertrophy of the turbinate of unknown reason (Langerholm et al., 1999). Bhatt, (1997) stated that all patients with turbinate dysfunction should have a trial of medical treatment before surgical intervention. Although medical treatments (local corticosteroids, antihistamines, decongestants) are frequently effective to restore comfortable nasal breathing, nasal obstruction is sometimes only slightly improved, leading some patients to increase their consumption of local decongestants with a high risk of iatrogenic effects (Coste et al.,2001). When conservative medical management of symptomatically enlarged inferior turbinate is ineffective, the obstructing tissue may be reduced by an intramucosal or extramucosal destructive procedure, or by conservative surgical resection (Mabry, 1998). Various surgical techniques are currently performed to reduce the volume of the mucosal (and sometimes bony) tissues of the inferior turbinate: total or partial turbinectomy; turbinoplasty, laser-assisted turbinoplasty; and chemical, electrical, or diathermy coagulation or even cryosurgery (Jackson and Koch 1999). Although most of these techniques provide satisfactory results for a more or less long period, adverse events are frequently observed after such treatment: postoperative bleeding, crusting, sometimes associated with a foul odor, pain, hyposmia, and synechia (Faulcon et al., 1998). Controversy still exists about the best appropriate method for surgical reduction of the inferior turbinate. The multitude of approaches available to the rhinologist is a testament to the lack of a single established method (Chang and Ries, 2004). In recent years, inferior turbinate reduction has regained popularity on outpatient basis using local anesthesia. One of the recent methods is using coblation technology (high frequency cold plasma ablation) which is introduced submucosally, creating focal lesion with no damage to the adjacent structures as the temperature delivered to the tissues is considerably low (40-70°C) (Coste et al., 2001). Coblation technology is based on an ionic "bombardment" of the biological tissue at the intervention site, which leads to ruptures of intermolecular cohesions (Sergeev and Belov; 2003). Submucous diathermy of the inferior turbinate is a widely practiced procedure. The effect of submucosal diathermy is achieved by coagulation of the venous sinusoids within the turbinate, leading to submucosal fibrosis (Jones and Lancer, 1987). The aim of this work is to compare between two mucosal sparing techniques used for inferior turbinate volume reduction; submucosal diathermy versus coblation, and to correlate bctween the past operative 2 uhrastructure of the inferior turbinate ',Waisa and the clinical findings after these techniques. Patients and Method The present study was conducted on 30 patients who were complaining of persistent bilateral nasal obstruction due to bilateral inferior turbinates hypertrophy. Patients in whom the nasal obstruction was due to other causes were excluded. Every patient was submitted to two different operative procedures; the right sided inferior turbinate was submitted to volume reduction by coblation assisted technique while the left sided inferior turbinate was submitted to volume reduction by electrical submucous diathermy in the same session. The 30 patients (60 inferior turbinates) were divided into two equal groups according to the operative procedure assigned for each group: Group I: coblation side (right sided inferior turbinates); this includes 30 inferior turbinates. Group II: diathermy side (left sided inferior turbinates); this includes 30 inferior turbinates. All patients were submitted to the following: I- Preoperative evaluation: 1-Saccharin test: Nasal epithelial function was evaluated preoperatively by saccharin test. Saccharin transient time (normally 10- 15 min) was measured after deposition of a saccharin tablet on the floor of the nasal fossa at the level of the head of the inferior turbinate. The patient was asked to swallow every 30 seconds until he tasted sweaty sensation in his throat. Time is calculated by the examiner from placing of the tablet till the sweaty sensation of the patient. The other side is done on the same way. 2- Endoscopic nasal examination: using 0 degree rigid endoscope to detect the presence of any other causes of nasal obstruction as deviated septum, nasal masses, or polyposis. Patients with any pathology other than inferior turbinate hypertrophy were excluded from the study. 3 -Corona! C. T. scans of the paranasal sinuses were done to determine whether the hypertrophy is mucosal only or with bone hypertrophy. Only patients with mucosal hypertrophy were included in the study (Figure A). II- Operative procedure: Anesthesia: The procedure was done under local anesthesia; by placing cotton nasal pack soaked with xylocaine cream 5% for approximately 20 minutes, and then the anterior head of the inferior turbinate was injected with 2 to 3m1 of mixture of adrenaline I /200000 and xylocaine 10%. Technique: Right side: The Coblation radiofrequency controller (ENTec/Arththrocare Corp, Sunnyvale,CA) with a voltage range of 96 to 312 voltage root mean-square (Vnns) value and the 3 ENTec coblation wand (Reflex Ultra 45 wand).An amount of saline is placed on the tip of the coblation wand . Coblation power level of 5 (168-182 Vrms) delivering bipolar energy (100 kHz) with temperature between 40-70°C was used.With 0 degree endoscopic guidance, the Coblation wand is applied first into the base of the anterior part of the inferior turbinate, wand is then activated by the foot pedal, and the probe is carefully passed into the submucosal plane of the turbinate. The Coblation wand is maintained in an active state for 15 seconds and then it is removed at the coagulation mode. The process is repeated in medial part of the inferior turbinate and its superior part. Dry cotton pack is placed in the nose to control any minor bleeding for 10 minutes (Figure B). Left side: Electrical diathermy device is set to a power level of 5. A grounding pad was applied to the patient's flank. A spinal metal needle is passed with 0 degree endoscopic guidance into the submucosal plane of the base of the anterior part of the inferior turbinate. Then, the hand piece is activated using a foot pedal, and touched to the spinal needle to conduct electrical current (2000 kHz) through the turbinate. Electrical current is kept for 15 seconds and during its removal. The process is repeated in medial part of the inferior turbinate and its superior part. Dry cotton packs was placed in the nose to control any minor bleeding for 10 minutes (Figure B). Figure A. C. T. scan showing mucosal hypertrophy of the inferior nasal turbinates. Figure B: Diagram showing 3 marked sites Jar the insertion of Coblation wand and the spinal needle III —Postoperative evaluation: 1- Saccharine test was done one week, two weeks and one month post operatively for each nasal side. 2- Endoscopic nasal examination for assessment of the surgical site on weekly bases for one month. 3- Electron microscopic study of biopsy from the inferior turbinate of 10 patients (20 4 inferior turbinate biopsies; 10 from right and 10 from left sides). Legal consent was obtained after the nature of the work had been fully explained. A tiny biopsy is taken one month postoperatively from the inferior turbinates under local anesthesia, using 5% xylocaine without adrenaline. The biopsies were processed using scanning electron microscopy (done in Ain Shams Specialty Hospital Electron Microscope Unit). The results of the electron microscopic study of each side were compared considering cilia, goblet cells, fibrosis and inflammatory cells and documented photographically. Results Thirty patients presented to the outpatient clinic of ENT Department in Benha University Hospital with persistent bilateral nasal obstruction of variable duration ranging from I year to 10 years during the period from September 2003 to September 2004. Twenty-three patients were males (76.7 %) and seven patients were females (23.3%). The mean age ± SD of the patients was 21.3 3.4 years. Pre-operative saccharine test was done for all patients. All patients showed prolonged time ranging from 16 minutes to 32 minutes with a mean duration ± SD 21.7 ± 4.9 minutes (Table I). Number of patients Duration in minutes 19 20-> 30 min. II 16-20 min. Mean duration 2I.7min. Table ( I ). Preoperative saccharine test duration. Postoperative clinical results: In the early postoperative period; in the coblation side, 3patients (10%) showed minor bleeding in the first 6 hours. This bleeding was controlled by ephedrine packs. In the diathermy side, 5 patients (16.7%) showed minor bleeding in the first 6 hours which was also controlled by ephedrine packs with no significant difference between both sides. Pain was only recorded in the first day of follow up with no significant difference between both sides. There was improvement in nasal obstruction with significant difference in the benefit of coblation side in the first week of follow up as, (27 patients 90%) from coblation side improved, while in diathermy side (onlyl 1 patients 36.7% improved) (p<0.001). After two weeks and one month, all patients (100%) of the coblation side showed improvement while only 26 patients (86.7%) of the diathermy side showed improvement with non significant difference between both sides 0)>0.05),In the diathermy side 4 patients (13.3%) still complaining of mild to moderate nasal obstruction. Nasal crust was more in the diathermy side in the all postoperative follow up visits with 5 highly significant difference between it and the coblation side; in the diathermy side, 20 patients (66.7%) showed large amounts of crusts and 10 patients (33.3%) showed moderate amounts of crusts, while in coblation side, 25 patients (83.3%) showed few crusts and 5 patients (16.7%) showed moderate amounts of crusts (p<0.001). There was increase in the duration of the saccharine test after one week post operatively with no significant difference between both sides (coblation side; ±SD 26.4±15.57, diathermy side; ±SD 29.93±4.83). However, there was a decrease in the duration of saccharine test after two weeks and one month with significant difference between both sides in benefit of the coblation side (coblation side; ±SD 9.83±4.6, diathermy side; ±SD 14.5±3.6) (p<0.001). Ultrastructure Results: Left side (diathermy side) showed: Ciliated cells: In all specimens, no cilia were detected in the epithelial cells by low or high power magnification of the electron microscope; some cells were covered only by branched microvilli (Fig.1).Many of the cells showing apoptosis, most of cell junctions were lost and there was marked edema in between the cells. Few cells were still reaching the basal membrane(Fig. 1,2). Goblet cells: No goblet cells were found in any of the specimens from the left side by high or low power magnification of the electron microscope. Intermediate cells: Many of the intermediate cells showed apoptosis, loss of intercellular junctions; few attached to the basal lamina with marked intracellular edema in between the cells (Figure 1). Basal cells: Many cells showed apoptosis and few were attached to the basal lamina. Figure (1): A region of human nasal mucosa from the left inferior nasal turbinate processed by scanning electron microscope/ low power 2800. Section showing apical part of mucosa with apoptotic epithelium(E) with no cilia marked intracellular edema in between intermediate cells (0) and no attachment to the basement membrane (B) Figure (2): A region of human nasal mucosa from the lefi inferior nasal turbinate processed scanning electron microscope/loy• power 2800. Section showing epithelial cells (E) with no cell junctions, 170 till(1, no Goblet cells. Apoptosis (APP) and intraccIlulor edema (01. 6 The subepithelial layer: Showed many inflammatory cells; (lymphocytes, eosinoph i I is and macrophages,) fibroblasts, collagen bundles and marked edema (Figure 3). Some blood capillaries showed active platelets thrombosis (Figure 4). Some submucous glands showed red blood cells in their lumen (Figure 5). Figure (3): Basal part of figure II showing fibroblasts (F), lymphocytes (L), Eosinophilis (EO), Collagen bundles (CO), Macrophages (M) and edema (0). Figure (4): .4 high power .v 4600 section in submucosa of the inferior turbinate .chows a platelet thrombus in a capillary. Figure (5): A low power x 2800 section of a submucous gland (SGL) showing RBC inside its lumen Right side (Coblation side) showed: Ciliated cells: In all specimens, no cilia were detected in the epithelial cells by low power magnification of the electron microscope (Figure 6). However, by the high power magnification, short cilia and apical secretary granules were detected in the epithelial cells (Figure 7).Some epithelial cells showed moderate damage and moderate loss of cell junctions with some ulceration in the surface. Few apoptotic cells were seen (Figure 8). Goblet cells: Few non-functioning goblet cells were seen in the epithelium by the low power magnification (Figure 6). Intermediate cells: Showed to some extent intact cell junctions and no intracellular edema. Few cells showed apoptosis (Figure 9). Basal cells: Few apoptotic cells were seen, most of cells were attached to the basal lam rano. Subepithelial laver: Showed few inflammatory cells and few intracellular edema. 7 Figure (6): A region of human nasal mucosa from the right inferior nasal turbinate processed by scanning electron microscope/ low power x 2800. Section showing superficial epithelial cells (E) with no apparent cilia and apparent non-functioning Goblet cells (G). Lymphocytes are also present in this section (L) Figure (8): A region of human nasal mucosa from the right inferior nasal turbinate processed by scanning electron microscope/ high power x 4800. Section showing epithelial cells with moderate damage (E), apoptotic epithelial cell (APP), ulcer (U) and moderate loss of cell junctions (Arrow). Figure (7): A region of human nasal mucosa from the right inferior nasal turbinate processed by scanning electron microscope/high power x 8000. Section showing epithelial cells with short cilia (C) and apical secretary granules (SG). Figure (9): A region of human nasal 177LICOSa from the right inferior nasal turbinate processed by scanning electron microscope/high pmver x 3600. Section showing intermediate epithelial cellsa) with intact cell junctions U) with no intracellular edema and normal cytoplasmic organelles. Some cells showing apomosis (APP). 8 Discussion Nasal obstruction is one of the oldest and most common human complaints. While it may be a mere nuisance to some people, to others it is a source of considerable discomfort and it distracts from the quality of their lives. Hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate is a common cause of chronic nasal obstruction. Many cases respond to conventional medical management. In some patients, this therapy is not sufficient, and many surgical procedures have been used to reduce the size of inferior turbinates. This has led to search for effective, yet minimally invasive techniques for reducing the inferior turbinates (Elwany and Harrison, 1990). In our study we compare between two mucosal sparing techniques used for inferior turbinate volume reduction; submucosal diathermy versus coblation; clinically and ultrastructurally. The technique of submucosal diathermy of inferior turbinates was similar to the technique described by Talaat, (1987). The technique of coblation reduction was similar to the techniques described by Kelvin et al., (2001) , Bhattacharyya and Kepens, (2002) and Leif et al., (2002). In our study, all patients showed preoperative prolongation of saccharine transient time with mean duration ± SD (21.7± 4.9) as expected due to disturbed mucociliary Ihnction. These results are in accordance with saccharine test result obtained by Coste et al., (2001). In our study, bleeding from the entry sites of the reflex wand of the coblation device and the spinal needle was minimal; 3 patients (10%) from the coblation side and 5 patients (16.7%) from the diathermy side. The difference between the two sides most probably due to the coagulation option in the coblation device, which enables coagulation at the entry sites. These results are equal to the results obtained by Bhattacharyya and Kepens, (2002) for the coblation side (10%) but slightly more than Leif et al., (2002) who reported no postoperative bleeding. As for the diathermy side our results are slightly more than results obtained by Talaat, (1987) who reported 10% postoperative bleeding. In our study, all patients showed moderate to severe pain recorded only in the first postoperative day of follow up with no significant difference between both sides. These results coincide with that obtained by Bhattacharyya and Kepens, (2002) and Leif et al., (2002).However; Pain was not mentioned by Talaat, (1987) for submucous diathermy of inferior turbinate. There is significant improvement in nasal obstruction in the first week in the coblation side in 27 patients (90%) with gradual improvement in the last follow up visit in all patients ( I 00%). These results are in accordance with Bhattachary a and Kepens. (2002), Leif et al., (2002) and Kelvin et al., (2001). However, in diathermy side, there is gradual decrease in nasal obstruction in the first week of follow up in I I patients 9 (36.7%), with improvement after two weeks and in the last follow up visit in only 26 patients (86.7%). These results agreed with the results obtained by Talaat, (1987). There is no significant crusting in the coblation side along the whole postoperative follow up period. These results agree with Bhattacharyya and Kepens, (2002), Leif et al., (2002) and Kelvin et al., (2001). However, there are crusting in the diathermy side which started to decrease mostly after two weeks in the follow up period. These results go in hand with Fradis et al., (2000). There is increase in the duration of saccharine test after one week with no significant difference between both sides. However, saccharine test duration showed significant decrease in the coblation side after two weeks and continued to decrease till the last post operative follow up visit. These results matched the results obtained by Coste et al., (2001), Leif et al., (2002), also by Sapci et al., (2003). The diathermy side showed also decrease in the duration of saccharine test but with a much slower rate than right side. These results coincide with Woodhead et al., (1989). A tiny biopsy was taken from the right and left inferior turbinates in the last follow up visit, and then processed by scanning electron microscope for the cellular ultrastructure. Up to our knowledge. this is the first lime to study the postoperative uhrastructure of the inferior turbinate mucosa alter cohlation or submucous (limbo-um Bruce et al. (1983) reported that the ciliated cells are the predominant cells of human nasal respiratory epithelium. The most striking feature is the cilia which are 150-200 per cell. Biopsies from the coblation side showed no cilia by the low power magnification of the electron microscope, however, short cilia are detected by the high power magnification of the electron microscope. These indicate moderate cellular damage. Biopsies from the diathermy side showed no cilia either by low or by high power magnification of the electron microscope. These indicate severe cellular damage. These findings may explain the significant decrease in saccharine test duration in the coblation side. Normally there are no apoptotic cells among the ciliated cells (Bruce et al., 1983). Biopsies from coblation side showed few apoptotic cells among the ciliated cells. These indicate moderate cellular damage. Biopsies from diathermy side showed many apoptotic cells. These indicate severe cellular damage. The goblet cells are actually columnar epically and tapered basally similar to the adjacent ciliated cells. Their striking feature is the electron-lucent mucous droplets which coalesce towards the apical surface of the cell to bulge into the lumen of the nasal cavity prior to discharge (Bruce et al., 1983). Biopsies from coblation side showing few non-functioning goblet cells by the low power electron microscope with no electronlucent mucous droplets which indicate 10 moderate damage to the cells, while in diathermy side no goblet cells are found by low or high power electron microscope, which indicate severe damage to the cells up to cell death. These findings may explain the significant difference in crusting between both sides. The intermediate cells are elongated or pyramidal cells with their base resting on the basal lamina (Bruce et al., 1983). Biopsies from coblation side showed intermediate cells with some extent intact cell junctions, no intercellular edema, few cells showed apoptosis and most of cells are resting on the basal lamina. These findings indicate very mild cell injury. As for the diathermy side, many cells showed apoptosis, loss of intercellular junctions, and few cells are attached to the basal lamina with marked intracellular edema. These findings indicate severe cellular injury. These findings may explain the increased incidences in nasal obstruction in the diathermy side. As regarding basal cells; according to Bruce et al., (1983), they are small polyhedral or triangular stem cells resting directly on the basement membrane. Biopsies from coblation side showed few cells with apoptosis and most of cells are attached to the basement membrane. These indicate very mild cellular injury to the basal cells. In the diathermy side, many cells showed apoptosis and few cells are attached to the basal lamina. These indicate severe cellular damage. Bruce et al., (1983), reported that the subepithelial layer is formed of collagen bundles, blood capillaries and submucous glands. Biopsies from coblation side showed that, it was within normal with few inflammatory cells and few intracellular edema. As for diathermy side, it showed many inflammatory cells with some blood capillaries showing active thrombosis and some submucous glands showing red blood cells in their lumen. These findings indicate reaction to severe cellular injury and may explain the increased incidences of the postoperative bleeding of the diathermy side. Elwany and Hesham (1997), in their study on 10 patients who had undergone carbon dioxide laser turbinectomy and followed by ultrastructure study of biopsies from their inferior turbinate mucosa one month postoperatively reported that; fast healing had been always an advantage of laser turbinectomy. However, the clinical assessment of their results was beyond the scope of their research. In our study we correlate between the post operative ultrastructure of the inferior turbinate mucosa and the clinical findings. Conclusion Submucous diathermy and coblation technology are effective methods for volume reduction of the inferior turbinate. Coblation technology proved by the ultrastructure study to produce less cellular damage, minimal crust and faster recovery of normal • nasal physiology with faster improvement in nasal obstruction with better tolerability by patients in the postoperative period. Up to our knowledge it is the first time to study the correlation between the postoperative ultrastructure of the inferior turbinate mucosa and the clinical findings after these techniques. References: I. Bahtt NJ: Surgical techniques for turbinates. Endoscopic sinus surgery (New horizon) Bhatt NJ (Ed); Singular Publishing Group Inc. PP: 70-83, 1997. 2. Beckingham E, Jones As and Weight RE: Radical trimming of the inferior turbinates and its effect on nasal resistance to airflow. J Laryngol Otol 102: 694- 696, 1998. 3. 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