The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy, clinical value
and limitation of virtual laryngoscopy in diagnosis of cancer larynx in
comparison to direct laryngoscopy with histopathological correlation. Thir
ty patients diagnosed clinically and proved pathologically as iaryngeal
carcinoma were subjected to fiberoptic endoscopy (FO), biopsy, spiral
computed tomography (CT), and virtual laryngoscopy (VL). The accuracy
of fiberoptic endoscopy, virtual laryngoscopy and CT was estimated with
pathological correlation. It was found that, the accuracy of fiberoptic en
doscopy, virtual laryngoscopy and CT for detection of the site of the le
sion was different Regarding to the epigioWs, the accuracy ofFO, VL and
CT, were Wfflb. As for the false vocal cord, the accuracy of FO was 81%
while CT and VL were 100%. For the ventricle, the accuracy ofFO was
71% while VL and CT were 100% .For the true vocal cord, the accuracy
ofFO was 70% while in CT and VL was 100%. For the anterior commis
sure, the accuracy ofFO was 72%, VL was 94% and CT was 100%. For
the posterior commissure, the accuracy ofFO was 50%, VL was 83% and
CT was 100%. For the subglottic region, the accuracy of FO was 62%
while 100% in virtual and CT. For the vallecullae. the FO, VL and CT
showed the same accuracy, 100%. in conclusion, virtual laryngoscopy is
sensitioe in assessment of the larynx beyond the large supraglottic and
glottic masses obscuring the view off iberoptic endoscopy. |