Antrochoanal polyp is a benign non-atopic lesion of the maxillary si
nus that represent approximately 4 to 6 percent of nasal polyps In gen
eral population. The common symptom is nasal obstruction due to its
growth through the sinus ostlum into the nasal cavity towards the
Surgery is the only feasible treatment, and many surgical approach
es are known as modalities of treatment one of which is endoscopic na
sal approach which associated with lower morbidity. Aim: To assess the
effectiveness of endoscopic sinus surgery in the treatment of antro
choanal polyp.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study, 16 patients, who were
diagnosed based on history, physical examination and computed tomog
raphy, treated between January 2008 and March 2009 in Benha uni
versity hospital, The surgical approach was endoscopic polypectomy
with middle meatal antrostomy.
Results: Sixteen patient with antrochoanal polyp ACP, 9 (56%) were
females and 7 (44%) males, were Included In this study. The main
Symptoms were nasal abstraction 14 (88%), oral breathing 10 (63%),
snaring 8(50%), rhinorrhea 5(31%) and heahache 3 (19%), with fol
low up period 15 months tor each patient. |