Nasal allergy is one of the commonly encountered
conditions in daily practice of otolaryngology
(about 10-15% of the population suffer from nasal
allergy) (Soathil, 1973). Allergy can be defined as
acquired altered reactivity of the tissues of the body
to a specific antigen or allergens. The immune
system is anatomically related to the lymophoreticular
1- Primary lymphoid organs: Thymus, skin,
peyer's patchs.
2- Secondary lymphoid organs. Bone marrow
lymph nodes, spleen and gut associated lymphoid
The cells of the immune system are:
1) Lymphocytes which are responsible for the initial
specific recognition of an antigen. They areprincipally
divided into B-lymphocytes and Tlymphocytes
according to their immunological
preparation life spane. |