Publications of Faculty of Medicine:Results of Myringoplasty with or without Mastoidectomy: Abstract

Results of Myringoplasty with or without Mastoidectomy
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The present study was conducted on 100 patients having dry central drum perforations to find out whether a higher graft take rate can be obtained when myringoplasty is associated with cortical mastoidectomy. Myringoplasty alone was performed in 27 patients with well pneunatized mastoids (group I) resulted in take rate of 85%. In 48 patients with sclerosed mastoids ( group II), the take rate was 35.4% after myringoplasty alone. Myringoplasty and cortical mostoidectomy in patients with sclerosed mastoids (group III) resulted in take rate of 88%. The difference between the results of group I and UI was statistically insignificant. There was a significant difference between the results of group It and the results of both group I and III . In conclusion, simple mastoidectomy is found to be an effective means of repneumatizing the sclerosed mastoid and is considered to be safe and useful adjunct to myringoplasty in cases with dry central perforation.