14ttitous oxide has been 4hown to di6 6 us e into
the middte eat duning anaesthesia ( His b eAg
et at, 1982 and Ortahe Lee 6 Cony, 19 8 3) causing
pneAzune changes which have been measuited by
tympanometAy (Kenndy and Gone, 19 8 2 ) . It has been
suggested that, this naised pnessuite can cause
banotitawna peniopenniiv (Bwittle and Re4ta.-4,
19 88 ) . It wa,s neponted that in chitdAen, N20
anaesthesia caws es a .tAan.sian,t wovts ening o6
middle aft 6unc-tion ( Penc_ock, 1977 ) .
A compcuziason o6 the e6 6 ects o6 di6 6 eA ent
method's 06 vent-it-Cation using wi,tAou,6 oxide on
the middee eam. pnesswte. A.ssi,sted positive /tapir
nation cauzed mane maitized e 0 A middte eat
pness axe than zpon,tanow6 bneathing oh. use o 6
Yu/Via-ton the /tate o6 Aim was 10.4 elm/minute
La cases o6 zpontanows bnea,thing and the nate
o6 elimination was 2.1 mmH20/minute. In cases
o6 assisted po.s,itive nezpiitation the nate o6
in cAeas e was 74. 8 mm/minwte duning anathezia
and the nate o6 6a1t. a6 teA extubation was 3. 2 mm
1120/minute. In those patients put on the y enti-
&tan. the nate o6 incnease was 72.2 mmt120/minute
and a6 ten. extubation the /tate o6 6ati was 2.6 mm
20/minute. Thus nit/Lows oxide .6 hould not be
used with ototogira opeization6 4peci7ily zo
L6 assisted positive nes piAation used as
this may cause compttration6. |