Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Total number of Publications in the Department of Mechanical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra is 1692
Ali Ali Abdul Aziz Ali | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics around vehicles with different front shapes in driving tunnels | A. A. Abdel Aziz, A. F. Abdel Gawad | 2006 | International |
2 | An Experimental Study of the Near Wake of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines | Mina G. Mourad, Samir S. Ayad, Osama E. Abdellatif and Ali A. Abdelaziz | 2015 | International |
3 | Augmentation of convective heat transfer in the cooling zone of brick tunnel kiln using guide vanes: An experimental study | H.A. Refaey; Ali A. Abdel-Aziz; R.K. Ali; H.E. Abdelrahman; M.R. Salem | 2017 | International |
4 | Augmentation of convective heat transfer in the cooling zone of brick tunnel kiln using guide vanes: An experimental study | H.A. Refaey; Ali A. Abdel-Aziz; R.K. Ali; H.E. Abdelrahman; M.R. Salem | 2017 | International |
5 | Building Energy Code For New Residential Buildings in Egypt | George B. Hanna; Nabil M. Guirguis; A. A. Abdel-Aziz | 2004 | International |
6 | Building orientation effect on cooling ceiling of one flat building by natural ventilation | M. A. Hassan, N. M. Guirguis, A. A. Abdel-Aziz | 2008 | International |
7 | Comparison of Augmented Heat Transfer in Channel Flows with Solid and Perforated Vortex Generators | A. A. Abdel-Aziz | 2005 | International |
8 | Comparison of Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Sudden Pipe Expansion with Upstream and DownstreamPulsating Systsem | A. A. Abdel-Aziz; Zohir A. E. | 2006 | International |
9 | Developing Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Ribbed Rectangular Duct with Different Intake Shapes | A. A. Abdel-Aziz; K. A. Mahmoud; K. M. El-Shzly; and M. F. Abd Rabbo | 2006 | International |
10 | Effect of Different Intake Shapes on The Fluid Flow Characteristics of a Ribbed Rectangular Duct | A. A. Abdel-Aziz; K. A. Mahmoud; K. M. El-Shzly; M. F. Abd Rabbo | 2006 | International |
11 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Horizontal Elliptic Annual | A. A. Abdel Aziz; N. S. Berbish; Abdalla S. H | 2007 | International |
12 | Experimental study on the effect of adsorber with three shapes of conductive material on performance of adsorption refrigeration tube using activated carbon/ethanol pair | Ali. A. Abdel Aziz a; S.I. Hatab; M. Moawed; A.E. Zohir; Nabil M. Berbish a | 2018 | International |
13 | Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics around a combination of elliptic cylinders | A. A. Abdel Aziz; N. S. Berbish; Abdalla S. H | 2006 | International |
14 | Forced Convection heat Transfer and Flow around three staggered elliptic cylinders in Cross Flow | A. A. Abdel Aziz; N. S. Berbish; and Abdalla S. H. | 2007 | International |
15 | Heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop of the concentric tube equipped with coiled wires for pulsating turbulent flow | Ali A. Abdel Aziz, A.E. Zohi, M.A. Habib | 2015 | International |
16 | Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Sudden Expansion Pipe Equipped With Swirl Generators | Abdel-Aziz A. A., Zohir A. E, and M. A. Habib | 2010 | International |
17 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of Pulsated Flow Downstream of Abrupt Expansion Through Pipes | El-Shazly K. M.; Zohir A. E.; Abdel-Aziz A. A.; and Abdel-Mohimen M. | 2005 | International |
18 | Study of Wind Effect on Different Pitched Roofs | N. M. Guirguis; A. A. Abdel-Aziz; M. M. Nassief | 2004 | International |
Sameh Shawky Habib Abadeer | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Parameter optimization of electrical discharge machining process by using Taguchi approach | Sameh Habib | 2014 | International |
2 | Artificial neural network system as an alternative for the prediction of process parameters in electrical discharge machining. | Habib S. Sameh | 2004 | International |
3 | Baysian neural network model for prediction of WEDM parameters for MMCs. | A. M. Gafeer, S. S. Habib, M. S. Abdel Aziz and T. S. Mahmoud | 2005 | Local |
4 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Working Fluid Flow and Debris Movement in Wire EDMed Kerf. | A. Okada, Y. Uno, S. Onoda and S. S. Habib | 2009 | International |
5 | Correlation between ultrasonic parameters and mechanical properties of Aluminum alloy 6063. | O. M. Dawood, H. Abd-El-Kader and S. S. Habib | 1998 | Local |
6 | EDM CHARACTERISTICS OF CARBON FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC | Wang, H., Sameh Habib, Akira Okada and Uno. Y. | 2010 | International |
9 | Experimental investigation on wire vibration during fine wire electrical discharge machining process | Sameh Habib; Akira Okada | 2015 | International |
12 | Influence of Microstructural Characteristics on Electrical Discharge Wire Cutting Conditions of A390 Al-Si Hypereutectic Alloy. | H. M. Zakaria, A. M. Gaafer, S. S. Habib and T. S. Mahmoud | 2006 | Local |
13 | Influence of Nozzle Jet Flushing on Wire Deflection and Breakage in Wire EDM | Takuro Konishi, Sameh Habib, Akira Okada, Yasuhiro Okamoto, and Haruya Kurihara | 2014 | International |
14 | Mathematical modeling for wire electrical discharge machining of aluminum-silicon carbide composites. | Ebied S. J., Fahmy R. T. and Habib S. S. | 2004 | International |
15 | Modeling of Electrical Discharge Machining of CFRP Material through Artificial Neural Network Technique | Sameh S. Habib | 2014 | International |
16 | Performance improvement of machining parameters in electrical discharge machining process of tool steel 2714 | Sameh Habib | 2018 | International |
17 | Study of the parameters in electrical discharge machining through response surface methodology approach. | Habib S. Sameh | 2009 | International |
18 | STUDY ON AMPLITUDE ENVELOPE OF WIRE ELECTRODE IN FINE WIRE EDM | 1- Naoki Watanabe, Akira Okada, Yasuhiro Okamoto, Sameh Habib | 2014 | International |
19 | Study on electrical discharge machining characteristics of electrically conductive ceramics | Hai Wang, Akira Okada, Takafumi Uwano, Yoshiyuki Uno and Habib Sameh | 2009 | International |
20 | Study on the movement of wire electrode during fine wire electrical discharge machining process | Sameh Habib; Akira Okada | 2016 | International |
21 | The state of the art of micro-wire electrical discharge machining. | Ebied S. J., Fahmy R. T. and Habib S. S. | 2004 | Local |
22 | Ultrasonic precision cutting. | J. A. McGeough, S. J. Ebeid, R. T. Fahmy and S. S. Habib | 2003 | International |
23 | Using ultrasonic wave analysis in detecting the characteristics of Al-Mg-Si alloy 6063. | H. Abdel-Kader, O. M. Dawood, Mervat T. M. and S. S. Habib | 1998 | Local |
24 | “An operating and diagnostic knowledge-based system for wire EDM” | Ebied S. J., Fahmy R. T. and Sameh Habib | 2003 | International |
AbdelKader AbdelKarim Ibrahim | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | " Fuzzy Knowledge Base Controller to Comensate The Roundness Error in The Cylindrical Plunge Grinding" Al-Mansoura engineering Journal, June , Egypt. | A. A. Ibrahim, Saber M. Abd Rabbo, and Yehia El- Mashad | 2003 | Local |
2 | " Some Surface Characteristics Due To Center Rest Ball Burnishing" Al-Mansoura engineering Journal, June, Egypt. | M. H. EL-AXIR and A. A. IBRAHIM | 2003 | Local |
3 | " Some Surface Characteristics Due To moving Rest Ball Burnishing"3rd Assiut International Conference on Mechanical engineering Advanced Technology for Industrial Production ( MEATIP3), PP(382-391), 24-26 Dec., Assiut, Egypt. | M. H. EL-AXIR and A. A. IBRAHIM | 2002 | Local |
4 | "AN INVESTIGATION FOR MACHINERY FAULT DIAGNOSIS USING ADAPTIVE WAVELET ANALYSIS", Sixth Jordanian International Conference, Paper No. 5, CD, October 22-24/2007, Paper No. 5, Amman, Jordan. | A.A. IBRAHIM , S. M. Abd-elrahman, M. Z. Zahran, and H. H. El-MONGY | 2007 | International |
5 | "An investigation into ball burnishing process of carbon steel on a lathe" AL-AZHAR ENGINEERING TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, December 24-26, Egypt. | A. A. Ibrahim | 2008 | Local |
6 | "Machined Surface Characteristics Produced By Electrochemical Grinding" Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ. Vol.37, No.4, December, Egypt. | M. Abdel Mohsen, A. A. Ibrahim, F. S. Ahmed, and M. M. Okasha | 2002 | Local |
7 | "The Effect of Specimen Preparation on The Machinability" , 22nd international conference on computers and industrial engineering , American university, PP(248-251), Dec , Cairo, Egypt | A. A. Ibrahim | 1997 | International |
8 | An expeirmental investigation for the effect of surface grinding parameters on the produced sureface roughness | M.M. Salem , A.A. Ibrahim and S.S. Mohamed | 2022 | Local |
9 | An Investigation for Surface Integrity of Al2O3/A356 Composites Using Roller Burnishing Process on a Milling Machine | A. A. IBRAHIM | 2013 | International |
11 | Fault Diagnosis of Rotary Machines based on Vibration Signature and Machine Learning Algorithm | Mahmoud Mohammed Elsamanty, Wael Saady Salman , AbdElkader AbdElkareem Ibrahim | 2021 | Local |
12 | Investigating the Impact of Tool Type on Optimizing Burnishing Parameters for AISI 1035 Steel: A Taguchi and RSM Approach | Mahmoud Elsamanty, Waleed F. Youssef, M. Abdelsalam d, A.A. Ibrahim | 2023 | International |
13 | Investigating the Influence of Tool Selection on Surface Quality in Burnished AISI 1035 Steel | Mahmoud Elsamanty , Waleed F. Youssef, M. Abdelsalam , A. A. Ibrahim | 2024 | Local |
14 | Optimization of Surface Grinding Parameters Used in Improved Surface Integrity | M. M. Salem, A. A. Ibrahim, S. S. Mohamed | 2022 | International |
15 | Rotary Machines Fault Diagnosis based on Principal Component Analysis | M. Elsamanty, W.S. Salman , A. A. Ibrahim | 2021 | Local |
16 | Study the influence of a new ball burnishing technique on the surface roughness of AISI 1018 low carbon steel | A.A. Ibrahim, Tamer Khalil, and Tarik Tawfeek | 2015 | International |
17 | Study the influence of a new ball burnishing technique on the surface roughness of AISI 1018 low carbon steel | A.A. Ibrahim, Tamer Khalil, and Tarik Tawfeek | 2015 | International |
18 | “ A Study For Roundness Error In The Cylindrical Plunge Grinding” 22nd international conference on computers and industrial engineering , American university, PP( 503-506), Dec , Cairo, Egypt. | A. A. Ibrahim | 1997 | Local |
19 | “ An Investigation into oblique Turning for Mild Steel with Two Different Workpiece Support using RSM” The second Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends In Engineering, PP(1134-1144), 7-9 April , Egypt. | A. A. Ibrahim, and M. H. EL-AXIR | 2001 | Local |
20 | “ Influence of Workpiece Support on the Generated Surfac in Turning “, Procd. Of Conference Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing III, Part of SPIE’S Intelligent Systems and Smart Manufacturing, Paper No. 4192-62,Boston, Nov., USA. | A. A. Ibrahim, A. M. A. Soliman, and H. A. Housin | 2000 | International |
21 | “ Theoritical and Experimental Investigation Into An Axial vibration During Turning” Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Vol 20 No. 2, PP(23-31), Jan , Egypt. | Saber M. Abd-Rabbo, and A. A. Ibrahim | 2002 | Local |
22 | “An experimental investigation for gear fault diagnosis using adaptive wavelet analysis of vibration signals”, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Menia University, Vol. 26, No. 2, July , Egypt. | A.A. IBRAHIM, S. M. Abd-elrahman, M. Z. Zahran, and H. H. El-MONGY | 2007 | Local |
23 | “Center rest balls burnishing parameters adaptation of steel components using fuzzy logic”, journal of materials processing technology ,, | A.A. Ibrahim, S.M. Abd Rabbo,M.H. El-Axir, A.A. Ebied | 2008 | International |
24 | “Center rest balls burnishing parameters adaptation of steel components using fuzzy logic”, Production Engineering & Design for Development, PEDD7, February 7-9, Cairo, Egypt | A.A. Ibrahim, S.M. Abd Rabbo,M.H. El-Axir, A.A. Ebied | 2006 | Local |
25 | “Correlation Between vibration Measurement and Surface Quality In Grinding Operation", Eng. Res. Journal of EL-Mataria faculty of Eng., Helwan university, vol.11, PP (144-158), Mar., Cairo, Egypt | M. S. Hamed, Y. A. Mashad, A. A. Ibrahim | 1989 | Local |
26 | “EFFECT OF CUTTING CONDITION IN TURNING ON FATIGUE BEHAVIOR OF 0.12% CARBON STEEL”, Fourth Assiut University Int. Conf. on Mech. Eng. Advanced Tech. For Indus. Prod., (MEATIP4), pp(578-589), December 12-14 . | A. A . Ibrahim, F. S. Ahmed, K. ELshazly, S. Samir | 2006 | Local |
27 | “Effect of Niobium Addition on Stamping Tool Steel Properties”, Engieering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering Shebin El-kom, Menoufia University, Vol. 32, No. 1 January , Egypt. | Z. M. Yehia, A. A. Ibrahim, I. M. Ibrahim, R. A. Mahmoud | 2009 | Local |
28 | “Fatigue Life Enhancement of Carbon Steel By Ball Burnishing Process”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol..33 ,No. 2, pp(M.1-M.9), June , Egypt | A.A. Ibrahim | 2008 | Local |
29 | “IMPROVING ROUNDNESS ERROR IN THE CYLINDRICAL PLUNGE GRINDING USING AI TECHNIQUE” Engineering Research Journal of EL-Mataria faculty of Eng., Helwan university, VOL. 117, PP (M 124-M142), June, Cairo, Egypt. | A.A. Ibrahim | 2008 | Local |
30 | “Online Tool Wear Monitoring In Turning Using Vibration Analysis And Artificial Neural Network”, Ain Shams Journal of Mechanical Engineering (ASJME) ,Vol. 2, pp.201-212, October. | A. A. Ibraheem, S. M. Abdrabbo, H. Gheith , M. Abd El-Salam, and M. El-Samanty | 2009 | Local |
31 | “ROUNDNESS ERROR COMPENSATION IN TURNING USING FUZZY LOGIC”, Engineering Research Journal of EL-Mataria faculty of Eng., Helwan university, VOL. 102, PP (M 22-M35), December , Cairo, Egypt. | A.A. Ibrahim, S.M. Abd Rabbo | 2005 | Local |
32 | “Some surface characteristics due to center rest ball burnishing”, J. Materials Processing Technology. 167(1), pp(47-53.). | El-Axir, M. H., and Ibrahim, A. A. | 2005 | Local |
33 | “Studying The Effect of underlying Processes The Finishing Process", Eng. Res. Journal of EL-Mataria faculty of Eng., Helwan university, vol.3, PP (70 - 77), Mar., Cairo, Egypt | A. A. Ibrahim | 1995 | Local |
34 | “SURFACE TEXTURE OPTIMIZATION IN TURNING PROCESS BASED ON RSM AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS “, Minia Journal of Engineering and Technology, (MJET), Vol. 29, No. 1, Pages 86- 100, January 2010. | S. M. ABDRABBO, A. A. IBRAHIM | 2010 | International |
35 | “The Roundness Error In Cylindrical Plunge Grinding (Causes And Cures)” 8th INT. AMME conference , PP(329-337) 12-14 May. , Cairo, Egypt. | A. A. Ibrahim | 1998 | Local |
36 | “The Wheel-Work Interference in the cylindrical plunge grinding” 8th INT. AMME conference , PP(321-328) 12-14 May. ,Cairo, Egypt. | A. A. Ibrahim | 1998 | Local |
37 | “Theory of Surface Production in Electrochemical Grinding", Eng. Res. Journal of EL-Mataria faculty of Eng., Helwan university, vol.3, PP (78-85), Mar., Cairo, Egypt | A. A. Ibrahim, S. A. Elkady, T. M. Tawfik | 1995 | Local |
38 | ” EFFECTS OF MACHINING PARAMETERS IN TURNING ON ROUNDNESS ERROR OF MACHINED COMPONENTS”, International Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 55-68. | YASIR A. HADI, SAJI VARGHESE and A. A. IBRAHIM | 2009 | International |
Ahmed Maged Ahmed Mohamed Osman | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Theoretical and Experimental sensitivity Analysis and Control of Hydrostatic Transmission System", Proceedings of 10th ASAT Conference, GN-7, pp. 1001-1015. | Saber, M., El-Mashed, Y. A., Abd Rabo, S., and Osman, A. M. | 2003 | Local |
2 | Augmentaion of gravity assisted Heat Pipe Performance With Inserted Wire Mesh Layers”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 103, pp.M67-M84. | Osman, A. M. | 2006 | Local |
3 | Augmentation of the Heat Transfer in Evaporator Tubes Under Swirl Flow”, Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, September 1-4, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 135-152. | Sherif H. Taher, and Osman, A. M. | 2000 | Local |
4 | Effect of Flow Entrance on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Pipes”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 66, pp. 1-15. | Osman, A. M., ShafiK, N. M., Abdel Moneim, S. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 1999 | Local |
5 | Effect of Pottery Lined Inside Evaporator Tubes on The Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop”, Sci. Bult. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ., Vol.37, pp. 611-637. | Sherif H. Taher, Eed Abdel-Hadi, and Osman, A. M. | 2002 | Local |
6 | Effect of Tip Clearance on the Secondary Flow Losses Downstream of a Linear Cascade of Turbine Blades”, Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference of Mechanical Power Engineering, December 17-20, Cairo University, Egypt, pp. V/4-1-V/4-12. | Mobarak, A., Khalafallah, M. G., Osman, A. M. and Shafik, N. M. | 1990 | Local |
7 | Experimental and Theoretical Methods for Determining The Oil Effective Bulk Modulus at Different Pressures and Temperatures”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 75, pp. 69-85. | Osman, A. M., and Abdel Hafiz, A. | 2001 | Local |
8 | Experimental Investigation For Counter Flow Cooling Tower”, 11th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, February 5-7, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, pp. H1-H12. | Osman, A. M., and Sherif H. Taher | 2000 | Local |
9 | Experimental Investigation of Condensation Heat Transfer In Externally Augmented Horizontal Tubes”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 103, pp.M51-M66. | Osman, A. M. | 2006 | Local |
10 | Experimental Investigation of Secondary-Flow and Mixing Downstream of Straight Turbine Cascades”, ASME, Paper No. 88-GT-8. | Mobarak, A., Khalafallah, M. G., Osman, A. M., and Heikal, H. A. | 1988 | Local |
11 | Experimental Study of the Plane Turbulent Wake Behind an Aerofoil With Pressure Gradient | Heikel, H. A., Ayad, S. S., Helmy, H. M., and Osman, A. M. | 1984 | Local |
12 | Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Through Annular And Accelerating Flow In Horizontal Evaporator Tubes For R-22”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.101, pp. M35-M58. | Osman, A. M. | 2005 | Local |
13 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Packed Heat Pipe ”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.80, pp. 184-204. | Sherif H. Taher, Berbish, N. S., and Osman, A. M. | 2002 | Local |
14 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes With Inserting Concentric Finned Tubes”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.80, pp. 163-183. | Osman, A. M., Berbish, N. S., and Sherif H. Taher | 2002 | Local |
15 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes With Inserting Concentric Finned Tubes”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.89, pp. M14-M41. | Sherif H. Taher, Berbish, N. S., and Osman, A. M. | 2003 | Local |
16 | Investigation of Film Condensation of R-11 in Internally Grooved Horizontal Tubes on The Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.81, pp. 131-151. | Osman, A. M., Eed Abdel-Hadi, and Sherif H. Taher | 2002 | Local |
17 | Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Using Spiral Heat Exchanger”, Engineering Journal, Al-Azhar University, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 238-260. | Eed Abdel-Hadi, Sherif H. Taher, and Osman, A. M. | 2002 | Local |
18 | Prediction of Hydrostatic Pumps Losses,” Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 66, pp. 16-31. | Osman, A. M. | 1999 | Local |
19 | Prediction of the Torque Variation on the Swash-Plate of an Axial Piston variable Displacement pump”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 67, pp. 1-14. | Osman, A. M. | 2000 | Local |
20 | Study of the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics in Turbulent Air-Solids Flow in a Horizontal Pipe”, Cairo 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment, March 11-13, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 387-406. | ShafiK, N. M., Osman, A. M., Abdel Moneim, S. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 2000 | Local |
21 | Study of Various Factors Affecting Secondary Loss Vortices Downstream a Straight Turbine Cascade”, ASME, Paper No. 89-GT-12. | Mobarak, A., Khalafallah, M. G., Heikal, H. A., and Osman, A. M. | 1989 | Local |
22 | The Effect of Inlet Configurations on Centrifugal Fan Performance”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.80, pp. 146-163. | Abdel Hafiz, A., Bayomi, N. N., and Osman, A. M. | 2002 | Local |
23 | The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Heat Transfer Through the Evaporator Tubes”, Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International ffe | Osman, A. M., and Sherif H. Taher | 2000 | Local |
Ahmed Mohamed Gaafer Marzouk | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of Pouring Temperature and Water Cooling on the Thixotropic Semi-solid Microstructure of A319 Aluminium Cast Alloy | 2020 | International | |
2 | Effect of process parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy AA2024-T6 friction stir spot welded joints | 2020 | Local | |
3 | Effect of tool rotational and welding speeds on the microstructural and mechanical characteristics of friction stir welded A319 cast al alloy | Gaafer A. M., Habib S.S., Abdel Aziz M. S., Mahmoud T. S., | 2008 | International |
4 | Effect of tool rotational and welding speeds on the microstructural and mechanical characteristics of friction stir welded A319 cast al alloy | Mahmoud T. S., Gaafer A. M., Khalifa T. A., | 2007 | International |
5 | Fabrication and fatigue behaviour study of metal matrix composite AA6063/MgO | M. Abdel-Aziz, T. S. Mahmoud, A. M. Gaafer | 2015 | International |
6 | Friction Stir Welding (FSW) of AA7020-O Aluminum Alloys | A.M. Gaafer T.S. Mahmoud E.H. Mansour | 2010 | International |
7 | Heat treatment and wear characteristics of Al2O3 and TiC particulate reinforced Al alloy hybrid composites | Adel Aziz M., Zaki Z. I., Gaafer M. A., Mahmoud T. S., | 2006 | International |
8 | Influence of Microstructural Characteristics on Electrical Discharge Wire Cutting Conditions of A390 Al-Si Hypereutectic Alloy | Zakaria H. M., Gaafer A. M., Habib S. S., Mahmoud T. S., | 2006 | International |
10 | Mechanical and Microstructural Characteristics of AA6063/Al2O3 Surface Composites Fabricated Using Friction Stir Processing | T.S. Mahmoud A.M. Gaafer | 2010 | International |
12 | Mechanical, Microstructure & Tribological Properties of PM Al-25%Si/Al2O3 Composites | S. F. Moustafa, A. M. Gaafer. , A. Alakabawy , M. I. Algzzar , | 2006 | International |
13 | Microstructural and Mechanical Charactersitics of RheoCast ZA-12 ZINC Alloy | T. S. Mahmoud, A. M. Gaafer and M. Abdel-Aziz | 2005 | International |
14 | Microstructural and Mechanical Charactersitics of RheoCast ZA-12 ZINC Alloy | A. M. Gaafer | 2007 | International |
15 | Multi Response Optimization of Face Milling Parameters Using Gray Relation Analysis | 2020 | Local | |
17 | Process Parameters Optimization of Friction Stir Spot Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys | 2020 | Local |
Ahmed Said Abdel Hafez Zedan | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Effect of Shorted Blade Circumferential Positions on Centrifugal Pump Characteristics" , 30 July- 1Agust 2012, Atlanta, Georgia. | Shehata, M, Abdelghanny, M., Abd Elhafez, A., Abdraboo, M., Ayad, S. | 2012 | International |
2 | An Experimental investigation for the Effect of Rotor on the Flow within Stator Passage | Mobarak A. M., Khalafallah M. G., Ayad S. S. and Zedan A. S. A | 1995 | International |
3 | An Experimental Investigation of the Factors Which Affect on the Performance of a Single Basin Typical Double Slope Solar Still for Water Desalination | A. S. Zedan, S. A. M. Nasr Eldin | 2015 | International |
4 | Blade Curvature effect on the Stator Wake Characteristics of Axial Fow Fan | Zedan A. S. A., Abd-El Ghany M. and Kandil A | 2001 | Local |
5 | Charactersitics of Centrifugal Pump Impeller with Shorted Blades | 4. Abd Rabbo M. Zahran M. S. Abd-El Ghany M ., Zedan A. S. A. and Shehata M.H | 2002 | Local |
6 | Effect of Curvature on Turbulent Flow Behind Airfoil Sections | 9. Mobarak A. M., Khalafallah M. G., Ayad S. S. and Zedan A. S. A | 1992 | International |
7 | Energy Saving In Pump Station Using Variable Speed Drive | Kandil A., Zedan A. S. A. and Abd-El Ghany M | 1997 | International |
8 | Experimental investigation of Turbulent Flow around Airfoil Sections | Mobarak A. M., Khalafallah M. G., Ayad S. S. and Zedan A. S. A | 1993 | International |
9 | Large Eddy Simulation For Flow Around Buildings | 2. Zedan A. S.A, Ayad S., Abdel Hadi E. A. and Gaheen O. A . M | 2006 | International |
10 | Large Eddy Simulation For Room – like Cavity Flow | 3. Samir S. Ayad, Said W. Beshy, Ahmed S. A. Zedan, and Osama F. Habib | 2004 | Local |
Attia Hussein Gomaa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Comprehensive CAPP System and Optimization Model for Deep Drawing Process | 3. Wifi, A.S., Gomaa, A.H. and Abdel-Magied, R.K | 2008 | Local |
2 | A Computer Based System for Maintenance in Misr Aluminum Co.”, The 7th Cairo University International MDP Conference, Cairo, Feb. | Hassan, M. F., Gomaa, A. H. et al. | 2000 | Local |
3 | A Computer Based System for Production Planning & MRP in Misr Aluminum Co.”, The 7th Cairo University International MDP Conference, Cairo, Feb. | Hassan, M. F., Gomaa, A. H. et al. | 2000 | Local |
4 | A Computer Based System for Production Planning and Control & Material Requirement Planning in Misr Aluminum Co | Hassan, M. F., Gomaa, A. H. et al | 1997 | Local |
5 | A Computer Package for Determining Optimum Charges for Ferrous Castings”, The 7th Cairo University International MDP Conference, Cairo, Feb. | Hassan, M. F., Gomaa, A. H. et al. | 2000 | Local |
6 | A general Age Replacement/ Overhaul Policy for a Repairable System | Gomaa, A. H | 1997 | Local |
7 | A Genetic Algorithm for Design of Machine Cell Formation” Scientific Bulletin Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Engineering | Kassem, S.S., Gomaa , A.H., NASSEF, A.O. & Hassan, M.F. | 2005 | Local |
8 | A Genetic Algorithm for Design of Machine Cell Formation” Scientific Bulletin Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Engineering | Kassem, S.S., Gomaa , A.H., NASSEF, A.O. & Hassan, M.F. | 2004 | Local |
9 | A Genetic Algorithm for Preventive Maintenance Scheduling in a Multi-unit Multi-state System” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University | Shalaby, M. A., Gomaa, A.H. and Mohib, A.M. | 2004 | Local |
10 | A Genetic Algorithm for Preventive Maintenance Scheduling in a Multi-unit Multi-state System” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University | Shalaby, M. A., Gomaa, A.H. and Mohib, A.M. | 2005 | Local |
11 | A Rule-Based Process Design And Finite Element Analysis Of Multistage Deep Drawing Of Box Shapes | Wifi, A.S., Abdel-Magied, R.K , Gomaa, A.H. and Shazly, M. | 2010 | Local |
12 | A Rule-Based Process Planning System for Axi-Symmetrical Deep Drawing Process”, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2003), Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, July | Adel-Magied, R.K., Gomaa, A.H. and Wifi, A.S. | 2003 | Local |
13 | A Simulation Study for Evaluating the Performance Measures and Dispatching Rules of Production Scheduling”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 49, Num. 5, October | Gomaa, A.H. | 2002 | Local |
14 | A Simulation Study for MRP system Under Uncertain Operating Environment | Gomaa, A. H., Hussien, S. M. and Zahran, M.Z | 1999 | Local |
15 | A System Reliability Approach for Prevetive Maintenance Simulation of A Power Station” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams (in print). | Shalaby, M. A., Gomaa, A.H. and Mohib, A.M. | 2004 | Local |
16 | A Systematic Approach for Computer Aided Foundry Charges Optimization and Planning System”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 48, Num. 4, August | Gomaa, A.H. | 2001 | Local |
17 | An Optimization Model for the feeding System of Ferrous Castings | Gomaa, A. H., Wifi, A. S., and Hassan, M. F., | 1996 | Local |
18 | Computer Aided Optimal Charge and Energy for Cupola Furnace | Wifi, A. S., Hassan, M. F., and Gomaa, A. H | 1996 | Local |
19 | Computer Aided Process Planning Optimization (CAPPO) System for Machined Parts” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams, March | Gomaa, A.H. | 2004 | Local |
20 | Computer Aided Process Planning Optimization System for Ferrous Castings | Hassan, M. F., Wifi, A. S., and Gomaa, A. H | 1996 | Local |
21 | Deep Drawing Process Design and CAPP System for Axi-symmetric Complex Shells”, MDP-8 Cairo University Conference Proceeding of MDP-8, Cairo University Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1089- 1099, January 4-6 | Adel-Magied, R.K., Gomaa, A.H. and Wifi, A.S. | 2004 | Local |
22 | Deep Drawing Process Design and CAPP System for Axisyemmetric Complex Shells | Wifi, A.S., Gomaa, A.H. and Abdel-Magied, R.K | 2004 | Local |
23 | Deep Drawing Process Design and CAPP System for Box-shaped Parts | 4. Wifi, A.S., Gomaa, A.H. and Abdel-Magied, R.K | 2005 | International |
24 | Evaluation of Some Maintenance Policies | Gomaa, A. H | 1999 | Local |
25 | Machine Cell Formation Considering Capacity and cell Utilization constraints” Scientific Bulletin Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Engineering | Hassan, M.F., Gomaa, A.H., NASSEF, A.O. & Kassem, S.S. | 2004 | Local |
26 | Maintenance Scheduling for a Multi-Group System | Gomaa, A. H | 1999 | Local |
27 | Numerical and Experimental Determination of the Feeding Distance of Aluminum Alloys in Gravity Die Casting Using an Optimized Riser Shape | Wifi, A. S., Gomaa, A. H., Essa, Y.E., and Abd-Elsalam, A.F | 1999 | Local |
28 | Optimal Maintenance Policies for Critical Equipment” MDP-8, Cairo University Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1255-1265, January 4-6 | Gomaa, A.H. | 2004 | Local |
29 | Optimal Maintenance Policies for Critical Equipment” MDP-8, Cairo University Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1255-1265, January 4-6 | Gomaa, A.H. | 2005 | Local |
30 | Optimal Riser Shape: A Comparative Analysis | Gomaa, A. H., Wifi, A. S., Essa, Y.E., and Abd-Elsalam, A.F | 1997 | Local |
31 | Optimization of Friction Stir Spot Welding Process Parameters for AA6061-T4 Aluminium Alloy Plates | Saleh Alhetaa*, Sayed Zayanb, Tamer Mahmoudc, Attia Gomaad | 2016 | International |
32 | Optimization of Friction Stir Spot Welding Process Parameters for AA6061-T4 Aluminium Alloy Plates | Saleh Alhetaa*, Sayed Zayanb, Tamer Mahmoudc, Attia Gomaad | 2016 | International |
33 | The impact of total productive maintenance on manufacturing productivity | 1. Gomaa, A.H | 2005 | Local |
35 | Thermoeconomic Optimization for A Co-Generation Plant Based on Productive Structure Technique | Gomaa , A. H., El-Dib ,A. F. & Afefy, I. H | 2010 | Local |
36 | Time and Cost Estimation for Some Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Sand Castings | Gomaa, A. H | 1999 | Local |
37 | Time-Cost Estimation System for Machined Parts Using Conventional Machines”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 50, Num. 6, pp. 1125-1143, Dec. | Gomaa, A.H. | 2003 | Local |
38 | “Machine Cell Formation Considering Capacity and cell Utilization constraints” Scientific Bulletin Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, | Hassan, M.F., Gomaa, A.H., NASSEF, A.O. & Kassem, S.S. | 2005 | Local |
Eed A. A. Abdel-Hadi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Co-generation Seawater Ro, Part I: Elements Characteristics", International Journal of Nuclear Desalination, ENGLAND, Vol. 3. | Karameldin, A, S. H. Taher, E, A, Abdel-Hadi and R., M. Afify | 2007 | International |
2 | “A Finite Element Model for Buoyancy-Driven Cavity Flow”, Jr. of Eng. and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng. Cairo Univ., EGYPT, Vol. 39, No. 5, (Oct.). | Ayad, S. S., E. A. Abdel-Hadi, G. R. Assassa and R. I. El-Ghanam | 1992 | Local |
3 | “Analysis of the Intermittent Solar Powered Absorption Cooling System”, Eng. Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 78, (Dec.). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. and S. H. Taher | 2001 | Local |
4 | “Combustion Modeling of Cylindrical Channel Made of Carbon”, Eng. Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 4, (April). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. | 1995 | Local |
5 | “Computer Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification Using the Permeation Method”, Transactions of ASME, Jr. of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 109, (March). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A and T. R. Hsu | 1987 | Local |
6 | “Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Flow over Baffles of Different Heights”, ASME Jr. of Heat Transfer, Vol. 116, No. 2, (May). | Habib, M. A., A. M. Mobark, M., A, Sallak, E. A., Abdel-Hadi and R. I. Afifi | 1994 | Local |
7 | “Finite Element Solution of Unsteady Flow of Gas Through Porous Media” , Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Shobra Faculty of Eng., Zagazig University, Cairo, EGYPT, (March). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. | 1989 | Local |
8 | “Heat Conduction in Composite Media With Variable Thermal Conductivity”, Eng. Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, Egypt, Vol. 4, (April ). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A | 1995 | Local |
9 | “Heat Transfer and Exergy Analysis of Latent Heat Storage Systems”, Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal, (AUEJ), EGYPT, Vol. 5, No. 4, (Oct. ). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. | 2002 | Local |
10 | “Heat Transfer in Hollow Blocks Using Finite Element Approach”, Proceedings of New Energies and Energy Conversion, Mansoura University, EGYPT. | Assassa, G. M. R. and E. A. Abdel-Hadi | 1987 | Local |
11 | “Heat Transfer with Moving Boundary in Melting/Solidification Processes”, Proceedings of the 7th international Conference of Mech. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo University, EGYPT, (Dec.). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A, M. M. Hilal, E. E. Khalil and R.Y. Sakr | 1990 | Local |
12 | “Improvement of Diffusion Solar Still Performance by Evaporative Wick”, 11th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, (Mataria), Cairo, EGYPT (Feb. 5-7 ). | Taher, S. H. and E. A. Abdel-Hadi | 2000 | Local |
13 | “Improving Performance of the Diffusion Solar Still”, 12th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, (Mansoura), EGYPT, (October 30th). | Taher, S. H. and E. A. Abdel-Hadi | 2001 | Local |
14 | “Investigation of Film Condensation of R-11 in Internally Grooved Horizontal Tubes”, Eng. Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 81, (June). | Osman A. M., Abdel-Hadi A. E. and Taher, S. H | 2002 | Local |
15 | “Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Using Spiral Heat Exchanger”, Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal (AUEJ), EGYPT, Vol. 5, No. 4, (April ). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A., S. H. Taher and A. M. Osman | 2002 | Local |
16 | “Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Inclined Enclosures of Finite Conductance Walls”, Eng. Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, (October). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A and Sherif H. Taher | 1999 | Local |
17 | “Natural Convection in a Horizontal Cylindrical Porous Annulus”, Eng. Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 82 (Aug. ). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. | 2002 | Local |
18 | “Numerical Analysis for Heat Conduction in Solids with Temperature-Dependent Properties”, 3rd Conference on Applied Mech. Eng., Military Technical College, Cairo, EGYPT, Me-7, (April). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A and R., Y. Sakr | 1988 | Local |
19 | “Performance and Dying Characteristics of Solar Dryers”, Jr. of Eng. and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng. Cairo Univ., EGYPT, Vol. 49, No. 1, (Feb). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. and S. H. Taher | 2002 | Local |
20 | “Stable Finite Element Scheme for Modeling Convection Dominated Flows”, Eng. Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 2, (April). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. | 1992 | Local |
21 | “The Effect of Poetry Material Lined Inside Evaporator Tubes on the Heat transfer and Pressure Drop”, Scientific Bulletin of Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams Univ., EGYPT, Vol. 37, No. 2, (June ). | Taher, S. H., E. A. Abdel-Hadi and A. M. Osman | 2002 | Local |
22 | “Thermal Performance of a Sensible Heat Energy Storage Unit”, Scientific Bulletin of Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams Univ., EGYPT, Vol. 24, No. 2, (August). | Shaban El-Adawi , M. M. Shamloul, E. M. Abdin, Azza M. Saleh and E. A. Abdel-Hadi | 1989 | Local |
23 | “Transient Heat Transfer from Fluid Flowing in Buried Pipe”, Eng. Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 4, (April ). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A., A. Aly and R. Y Sakr | 1995 | Local |
24 | “Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Rectangular Duct with Segmental Baffles of Different Heights”, Eng. Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 1. | Mobark, M., A., M. A. Habib, E. A. Abdel-Hadi, M. A. Sallak and R. I. Afify | 1991 | Local |
25 | “Two-Dimensional Modeling of Solid Fuel Combustion”, Eng. Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, (Feb.). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A | 2001 | Local |
26 | “Upwind Finite Element Analysis of Advection–Diffusion Equation”, 4th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Ed. Zienkewcz O. C. et al., Swansea, UINTED KINGDOM, (July 15-18). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A., T. R. Hsu and K. S. Bhatia | 1985 | International |
El Sayed Youssef Suleiman El Kady | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Dynamic Behavior of Cast A356/Al2O3 Aluminum Metal Matrix Nano-composites" | E. Y. El-Kady · T. S. Mahmoud · A. A. El-Betar · M. Abdel-Aziz | 2012 | International |
2 | "Machinability of A356/Al2O3 metal matrix nano-composites (MMNCs)" | E.Y. El-Kady · T. S. Mahmoud · M.H.G. Ghaith | 2013 | International |
3 | "Wear of metal matrix composites" Alexandria Eng. Journal. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1999 | Local |
4 | Corrosion Behaviour of Al/SiC and Al/Al2O3 Nanocomposites | Tamer Samir Mahmoud · El-Sayed Yousef El-Kady · Ayed Saad Merzen Al-Shihiri | 2012 | International |
5 | Influence of nano dispersions on corrosion behavior of aluminum metal matrix nano-composites fabricated using powder metallurgy route | E. Y. El-Kady · T.S. Mahmoud · M. Abdel-Aziz · T. A. Khalil | 2014 | International |
6 | Optimization of of FSW Welding Parameters in the Stirred Zone for A356 AL Cast Alloy | E. Y. EL-Kady · T. S. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
7 | Optimization of the low superheat casting process parameters for producing of thixotropic a356 alloy feedstock | EY El-Kady · TS Mahmoud · HM Zakaria · El-Awady Attia · MF El-Sherbiny | 2016 | International |
8 | The Effect of Machining Parameters on the Cutting Forces, Tool Wear, and Machined Surface Roughness of Metal Matrix Nano Composite Material | The Effect of Machining Parameters on the Cutting Forces, Tool Wear, and Machined Surface Roughness of Metal Matrix Nano Composite Material | 2015 | International |
9 | Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Reinforcement Particulates Distribution in the Composite Materials | M.Z Zahran · E. Y. El-kady · M. Y. Akl · M. Abdel-Fattah | 2007 | International |
10 | " Impact of new composite materials on the design of machine elements", The permanent academic committee for the promotion of associate professor and full professor. | E. Y. EL-KADY | 2004 | Local |
11 | " Nickel as a reinforcing agent for producing aluminum-based composites" The Third Assuit University International Conference of Mechanical Eng. Vol. I, 24-26-2002. | E. Y. EL-Kady, H. EL-Labban and G. Nassef | 2002 | Local |
12 | "A Study of some tribological behaviors for a local polymer material in wear experiments" Port- Said Scientific Engineering Bulletin Vol. 6, no. 68. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1994 | Local |
13 | "Analysis of adaptive truck suspensions with chassis flexibility" Hellwan Scientific Eng. Bulletin Vol. 47. | A. A. EL-Betar, E. Y. EL-Kady, and M. S. Hamed | 1996 | Local |
14 | "Behavior of as cast and hot rolled composites at room and elevated temperature" Alexandria Eng. Journal. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 2003 | Local |
15 | "Diagnosis of gear box faults by mechanical vibrations analysis" Hellwan Scientific Eng. Bulletin Vol. 47. | E. Y. EL-Kady , M. S. Hamed and M. M. Lashin | 1996 | Local |
16 | "Dynamic behaviors of MMCs A-390 reinforced with Nickel particulates" 8 th Int. Conf. on Prod. Eng., Design and Control, Alexandria University. | E. Y. EL-Kady , H. EL-Labban and G. Nassef | 2005 | Local |
17 | "Investigation into ceramic tools Machinability in milling of hardened components" Port- Said Scientific Engineering Bulletin Vol. 8, no. 1. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1996 | Local |
18 | "Investigation into slide bearing performance through two dimensional simulation" Hellwan Scientific Eng. Bulletin Vol. 4. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1994 | Local |
19 | "Investigation of Friction Stir Welding Parameters in the Stirred Zone for A356 A Cast Alloy "Journal of Engineering Science , Assuit University, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 101-114, January. | E. Y. EL-Kady, T. S. Mahmoud, M Nemat-Alla and I. M. Hassab-Allah | 2009 | Local |
20 | "Machinability of nickel Particulates Reinforcing AA6063 Matrix Alloy", Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin. | M. Z. Zahran, E. Y. EL-Kady, M, H. Ghease, M. abdel-Fatah | 2007 | Local |
21 | "Machinability of polymer based composites." " 8 th Int. Conf. on Prod. Eng., Design and Control, Alexandria University. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 2005 | Local |
22 | "Machinability of squeeze casting MMCs A-390 reinforced with SiC and Al2O3 particulates" Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 2004 | Local |
23 | "Mechanical and thermomechanical treatments of stir cast aluminum based-composites" The Third Assuit University International Conference of Mechanical Eng. Vol. I, 24-26-2002. | E. Y. EL-Kady, H. EL-Labban and G. Nassef | 2002 | Local |
24 | "Microstructure and Mechanical Prorerties of AA6063 Matrix Alloy Reinforced With Nckel Particulates" Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin. | E. Y. EL-Kady., M. Z. Zahran, M. abdel-Fatah | 2007 | Local |
25 | "On the fabrication of A356/Al2O3 metal matrix composites using rheocasting and squeeze casting techniques", Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Open Access, October 2014, vol. 3, Issue 3 | 2014 | International | |
26 | "Performance of the flat nose cutting edge in single point tool" Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 2. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1996 | Local |
27 | "Preparation of piston alloy-based composites and application of pressure during solidification" Al-Azhar Eng. Int. Conf. Cairo 7-10 April . | E. Y. EL-Kady, H. EL-Labban and G. Nassef | 2003 | International |
28 | "Recent trends of using ceramic materials in machine elements design" The permanent academic committee for the promotion of associate professor and full professor. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1999 | Local |
29 | "Some effects of dressing and grinding conditions on the performance of high speed steel tool" Port- Said Scientific Engineering Bulletin Vol. 6, no. 45. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1994 | Local |
30 | "Sources of Transmission error in a gear mesh" The permanent academic committee for the promotion of associate professor and full professor. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1997 | Local |
31 | "Study into the optimum cutting conditions and tool geometry for turning processes" Port- Said Scientific Engineering Bulletin Vol. 5, no. 210. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1993 | Local |
32 | "The investigation of the correlation between surface roughness parameters and wear during sliding abrasion" Fourth Int. Conf. in Mechanical Eng. Shoubra Faculty of Engineering. | A.M. Gahfar, E. Y. EL-Kady and M. Z. Zahran | 1989 | Local |
33 | "The investigation of the ploughing effect on coefficient of friction during dynamic contact" Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 2. | E. Y. EL-Kady and R. T. Fahmey | 1997 | Local |
34 | "The Mechanical Properties of Si3N4 Ceramic Material Treated by Plused Laser Nd-YAG" King Khalid University Journal issue No.3-Vol.2. | A.Y. Majeed, E. Y. EL-Kady | 2006 | International |
35 | "Theoretical and experimental investigation of the cutting forces and roughness parameters in grinding operations" Port- Said Scientific Engineering Bulletin Vol. 6, no. 105. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1994 | Local |
36 | "Theoretical and experimental study of the contact behaviors of metallic surfaces" Hellwan Scientific Eng. Bulletin Vol. 4. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1994 | Local |
37 | "Theoretical and practical investigation of the cutting performances of the straight nose tool" Hellwan Scientific Eng. Bulletin Vol. 46. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1994 | Local |
38 | "Theoretical and Practical Investigation of the Reinforcement Particulates Distribution in the Composite Materials", Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin. | M. Z. Zahran, E. Y. EL-Kady, M. Akal, M. abdel-Fatah | 2007 | Local |
39 | "Thermo mechanical behaviors of polymer based composites" Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 2005 | Local |
40 | "Tool wear characteristics during hot machining" Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering Scientific Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 4. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 1998 | Local |
41 | "Tribological behaviors of ceramic and carbide inserts in interrupted and continuous turning of hardened high chromium cast iron" Alexandria Eng. Journal. | E. Y. EL-Kady | 2003 | Local |
42 | "Tribological characteristics of A390/SiC MMCs fabricated using a combination of stir and squeeze casting techniques", Journal of Mechanical Engineering (UK). | E. Y. EL-Kady | 2008 | International |
43 | "Wear behavior of local polymer-based composites" 7 th Int. Conf. on Prod. Eng., Design and Control, 13-15 Feb 2001, Alexandria University, Vol. III. | E. Y. EL-Kady, H. EL-Labban and G. Nassef | 2001 | International |
44 | "Wear behavior of squeeze cast Al-SiC composites at room and elevated temperature" Alexandria Eng. Journal. | E. Y. EL-Kady , F. Mahmoud and G. Nassef | 2004 | Local |
45 | Optimization of the cooling slope casting parameters for producing aa7075 wrought aluminu malloy thixotropic feedstock | Elsayed Youssef El Kady · A. Attia | 2016 | International |
46 | “Elevated Temperatures Tensile Characteristics of Cast A356/Al2O3 Nanocomposites Fabricated Using a Combination of Rheocasting and Squeeze Casting Techniques”, Materials Sciences and Applications, 2, pp. 390-398 | El-Sayed Youssef El-Kady, Tamer Samir Mahmoud, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Sayed | 2011 | International |
47 | “Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of Al/SiC and Al/Al2O3 metal matrix nanocomposites fabricated using powder metallurgy route”, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, In press. | T.S. Mahmoud, E.Y. El-Kady, A. Al-Shihri | 2012 | International |
48 | “Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of Al/SiC and Al/Al2O3 metal matrix nanocomposites fabricated using powder metallurgy route”, TechConnect World conference, USA. | E. Y. El-Kady, T. S. Mahmoud, A. Al-Shihri | 2012 | International |
49 | “On the Electrical and Thermal Conductivities of Cast A356/Al2O3 Metal Matrix Nanocomposites”, ”, Materials Sciences and Applications, In press. | El-Sayed Youssef El-Kady, Tamer Samir Mahmoud, Ali Abdel-Aziz Ali | 2011 | International |
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Fareda Sayed Ahmed | |
Fouad Helmy sayed Helmy Mahmoud | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Characteristics of A319/SICp MMCS fabricated by semi-solid and semi-liquid techniques. | 2007 | Local | |
2 | Corrosion Behaviour of Dissimilar A319 and A356 Cast Aluminum Alloys Joined By Friction Stir Welding (FSW),World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol II,WCE 2010, June 30 - July 2, London, U.K. | 2010 | International | |
3 | Development of carbon—Low alloy steel grades for low temperature applications,Materials Science and Engineering A 528 6039–6044 | 2011 | International | |
4 | Effect of Electrode Material on Electrical Discharge Machining of Tool Steel Surface | 1. Mona A. Younis, M. S. Abbas, Mostafa A. Gouda, Fouad H. Mahmoud, Sayed A. Abd Alla | 2015 | International |
6 | Effect of squeezing on porosity and wear behaviour of partially remelted A319/20 vol.-% SICp MMCS. Faculty of engineering, CAIRO University, Scientific Bulletin, vol.54.No1.feb. | T. S. Mahmoud; Fouad.H. Mahmoud* H. M. Zakaria;T. A. Khalifa | 2007 | Local |
8 | Fabrication and properties of al- MMC reinforced with metallic coated fine ceramic particles. | 2002 | Local | |
9 | Friction stir processing of AA7020-T6 aluminium alloys | M.K. Abel-Aziz; T. S. Mahmoud; Fouad.H. Mahmoud; H.M. Zakaria. | 2015 | International |
10 | Friction stir welding of dissimilar A319 and A356 aluminum cast alloys,Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2010,Volume 15, Number 5, July , pp. 414-422(9) | 2010 | International | |
11 | Mechanical and thermo mechanical treatments of stir cast aluminium based composites third Assiut university international conference on mechanical engineering advanced technology for industrial production, Assiut, Egypt, vol. 1,December. | 2002 | Local | |
12 | Optimization of threshold characteristics of ecological parameters controlling devices, Russia , ST-Petersburg, p. 26-32 | 1993 | International | |
13 | Prediction of the wear behaviour of AA6063/AL2O3/TIC hybrid MMCS. | Abdel-Aziz M; Mahmoud T. S; Fouad. H.Mahmoud | 2006 | Local |
14 | STATIC IMMERSION CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF SEVERAL ZINC BASED METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES | M.A. Afifi; H.M. Zakaria; F.H. Mahmoud; T.S. Mahmoud; F.S. Ahmed | 2015 | International |
15 | Study on the electroless plating. faculty of engineering Shoubra ,Banha university, Scientific Bulletin,.No.6,january. | 2006 | Local | |
16 | Wear behavior of squeeze cast AL-SICp composites at room and elevated temperature. | 2003 | Local |
Ghazy mohamed rateb Assassa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "A new approach to the boundary layer equations - Optimal control of the Van Mises equation by wall suction and numerical solution using finite difference and finite element techniques", Institution of Engineers, Australian Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Conference, 6th, Adelaide, Australia, Dec. 5-9, Paper. 5 p. NASA ADS Link: | Assassa, G. M.; Brauner, C. M.; Gay, B., | 1977 | International |
2 | " Evolutionary Eigenspace Learning using CCIPCA and IPCA for Face Recognition," ICCIT 2009 : WASET International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, May 27-29. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol:3 2009-05-25. | Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Mona F.M. Mursi, Hatim Aboalsamh | 2009 | International |
3 | " Mixing process and performance prediction of a steam ejector in jet". | Abdel-Aal HK, Al-Zakri AS, El-Sarha ME, El-Swify ME, Assassa G.M., | 1989 | Local |
4 | "A Secure Semi-Fragile Image Authentication DCT- Based Scheme," ," ICCIT 2009 : WASET International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, May 27-29. | Mona F.M. Mursi, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Hatim Aboalsamh, Khaled Al Ghathbar | 2009 | International |
5 | "Allowance for the separated zone in the calculation of an incompressible turbulent boundary layer", Association Aeronautique et Astronautique de France, Colloque d Aerodynamique Appliquee, 16th, Lille, France, Nov. 13-15, 92 p. In French. NASA ADS Link: | Gay, B.; Assassa, G. M. | 1979 | International |
6 | "An integral method for calculating turbulent boundary layer with separation", ASME, Transactions, Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 101, pp. 110-116. NASA ADS Link: | Assassa, G. M.; Papailiou, K. D., | 1979 | International |
7 | "An interaction model for predicting detached turbulent flows", Academie des Sciences (Paris), Comptes Rendus, Serie B - Sciences Physiques, vol. 281, no. 5-8, Aug. 4-25, pp. 97-100. In French. NASA ADS Link. | Assassa, G.; Gay, B. | 1975 | International |
8 | "Analysis of the singularity near the separation point by an integral method", Academie des Sciences (Paris), Comptes Rendus, Serie B - Sciences Physiques, vol. 284, no. 22, June 13, pp. 483-486. In French. NASA ADS Link: | Gay, B.; Assassa, G., | 1977 | International |
9 | "Automated software testing in educational environment: A design of testing framework for extreme programming", Proceedings of the 1st National Information Technology Symposium, NITS, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pp. 142-149. http://www.ksu.edu.sa/sites/Colleges/ComputerSciences/Documents/NITS/ID163.pdf | Ghazy Assassa, Hatim Aboalsamh,, AbdulRahman AlDekheel | 2006 | International |
10 | "Computer code for optimizing MSF desalination plant", Desalination, Florence, vol. 45, pp. 111-112. | El-Dessouky H.T.A., Assassa G.M.R. , | 1983 | International |
11 | "Computer simulation of the horizontal falling film desalination plant", Desalination, Bermuda, vol, 55, pp.119-138. | El-Dessouky H.T.A., Assassa G.M.R. , | 1985 | International |
12 | "Dynamic stability of MSF desalination plants", Desalination, Florence, vol. 45, p. 133. | Assassa G.M.R. , El-Dessouky H.T.A | 1983 | International |
13 | "Finite element solution of laminar boundary layers with suction or blowing and longitudinal pressure gradient", Journal de Mecanique Appliquee, vol. 1, no. 4, 1977, pp. 357-376. In French. NASA ADS Link: | Assassa, G. M.; Gay, B. | 1977 | International |
14 | "Finite element solution of the von Mises equation", Academie des Sciences (Paris), Comptes Rendus, Serie B - Sciences Physiques, vol. 284, no. 24, June 27, 1977, pp. 543-546. In French. NASA ADS Link: | Assassa, G.; Gay, B. | 1977 | International |
15 | "Investigation of the performance of diffuser augmented wind turbine", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 463- 472. | M.T. Badawy, M.F. Abd-Raboo, G.M. Assassa, S.A. Ibrahim, | 2000 | Local |
16 | "Numerical prediction of turbulent flows near the separation point", Entropie, vol. 14, May-June , pp. 29-38. In French. NASA ADS Link: | Assassa, G. M.; Gay, B. | 1978 | International |
17 | "Optimization of the external velocity of a turbulent boundary layer by an integral method", In: Numerical methods for engineering; Proceedings of the Second International Congress, Paris, France, December 1-5, 1980. Volume 2. (A82-18226 06-39) Paris, Dunod, pp. 845-854. In French. NASA ADS Link: | Anceaux, P.; Assassa, G.; Gay, B., | 1980 | International |
18 | "Other options of mass and energy input for steam jet refrigeration systems", J. Chem Engng, vol. 45, pp. 99–110. | Abdel-Aal HK, Al-Zakri AS, El-Sarha ME, El-Swify ME, Assassa G.M., | 1990 | International |
19 | "Thermal conductivity enhancement in a latent heat storage system", Journal of Solar Energy, vol. 81, no.7, July , pp. 839-845. | Eman-Bellah S. Mettaweea, Ghazy M.R. Assassa | 2007 | International |
20 | A Secured Cryptographic Messaging System, 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing IPCSIT vol.3 (2011) © (2011), IACSIT Press, Singapore. | Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, A. Al-Muharib, A. Juma’h | 2009 | International |
21 | Absorption of Solar radiation in parapolic collectors with glass tube and black fluid.symposium,New energy and engergy conservation. Mansoura university, March. | M.Moustafa,G.M.Assassa,M.A.Mohamed,I.A.Sakr | 1987 | Local |
22 | An Efficient Stream Mining Technique”, WSEAS Transactions On Information Science & Applications, ISSN: 1790-0832, Issue 7, Volume 5, pp. 1272- 1281. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Alaaeldin Hafez, Ghazy M.R.Assassa | 2008 | International |
23 | Anew approach for estimating optimal step used in optimization algorithms of quadratic forms .proc.11th International Congress for statistics, computer Science, Social and Demographic Research,vol.2,pp,289-301,Ain Shams university, March 29-April 3, 1986 | G.M.Assassa | 1986 | Local |
24 | calcul des zones faiblement decollees. proc International Symposium on innovative Numerical Analysis in Applied Engineering Science,pp.4-7-4.9,versailles, france 23-27Mai. | G.Assassa,B.Gay | 1977 | International |
25 | calculd une couche limite laminaire avec aspiration ou soufflage parietal en presence d un gradient de vitesse exterieure par une methode d elements finis.Jounral de Mecanique Appliquee,vol.1,no.4,pp.1-20. | G.AssassaB.Gay | 1977 | International |
26 | Control of the development of turbulent boundary layers using an integral technique.proc.international modelling and simulation conference, vol.3, pp.137-150, Nce, France,12-14-sept. | G.Assassa B.Gay | 1983 | International |
27 | Easy Library System, CSC541 Software Engineering Project, Department of Computer Science, College of Computers and Information Sciences, King Saud University | Ghazy Assassa, CSC541 Students | 2007 | International |
28 | Energy Saving Via optimization of aircraft path.proc.1st conference on aeronautical sciences and Aviation technology,pp.mf.1.233-mf.1.243,Military Technical college, cairo,14-16May. | Y.A.El-Mashed,G.Assassa | 1985 | Local |
29 | Etude des ecoulement au voisinage du point de decollement et dans la zone de recirculation.2e congress francais de Mecanique,p.1A1,Institut National polytechnique,,Toulose,France. | B.Gay,G.Assassa | 1975 | International |
30 | Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow through cascades. proc.2nd conferrnce on aeronautical sciences and aviation technology, ea-4,pp.119-132, Military Technical College, April, 1987. | G.m assassa,m.e. abdelghany | 1987 | Local |
31 | Experimental investigation of the wake behind acascade of airfoils and isolated airfoil. proc.2nd conference on aeronautical science and aviation technology pp.133-147, Military Technical College, April, 1987. | G.m assassa,m.e. abdelghany | 1987 | Local |
32 | Experimental investigation of thermal energy storage in wax.Symposium, New energy and energy conservation. Mansoura university,22-25 March. | G.M.Assassa,A.A.lashin, H.T.El-Dessouky | 1987 | Local |
33 | Falling Salt gradient solar pond performance and stability at steady state. Proc.3rd joint int.Conference on mech.Eng.Technology,pp.tf.14.1 – tf.1.4.18, Zagazig university, Cairo,1-3 April. | A.A.Aly,G.Assassa I.A.Sakr | 1985 | Local |
34 | Finite element prediction of unsteady heat transfer in hollow blocks. Proc.2nd A.M.E. Conference,pp. CA- CA.17.181, Military Technical College, Cairo, May 6-8, 1986 | G.M.Assassa ,E.A.Abdel-Hadi | 1986 | Local |
35 | FROM OBJECT-ORIENTED TO COMPONENTS: Generating Component-Based Software from UML Diagrams | Hind Al-Hakami, Ghazy Assassa, Amir Touir | 2007 | International |
36 | Heat transfer inhollow blocks using finite element approach. Symposium, New Energy and Energy Conservation. Mansoura University,22-25March. | G.M.Assassa,E.A.Abdel-Hadi | 1987 | Local |
37 | Losses in MSF Desalination plants.proc.3rd joint int.conference on mech.Eng.technology,pp.E.7.9,Zagazig university,Cairo,1-3 April. | H.El Dessouky.G.Assassa | 1985 | Local |
38 | Microcomputer Simulation of thermal performance of Solar Cooling System. Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, No.4,pp.67-86. | S.S Ayad, G.M.Assassa | 1986 | Local |
39 | Microcomputer simulation of thermal performance of solar cooling system.proc.computer society simulation multi conference,modeling and simulation on microcomputers,pp.186-190,san diego,California,U.S.A.,feb. | S.Ayad,G.Assassa | 1984 | International |
40 | On the Development of Electronic Voting: A Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 61 - Number 16 :1-11, January 2013. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. | Mona F M Mursi, Ghazy M R Assassa, Ahmed Abdelhafez and Kareem Abo M Samra | 2013 | International |
41 | Optimal control of solar systems via pumped flow rate.proc.Joint Egyptian-German Seminar on Energy Options for Egypt ,pp.276-284,Cairo University,3-5 Nov. | G.M.Assassa | 1985 | Local |
42 | Optimal control of the boundary layer equation by wall suction using finite element method. proceeding of the 2nd international conference on finite elements in Water resources, pentechpress,"Imperial college of sciences and technology- London", United Kingdom, pp .3.65-33.84,10-14 July. | G.Assassa,c.M.Brauner,B.Gay | 1978 | International |
43 | Prise en compte d une Zone decollee dans le calcul d Aerodynamique Appliquee, Association Aeronautique et Astronautiqe de france,13-15Nov. | B.Gay,G.Assassa | 1979 | International |
44 | Report on the Activities of the Project Management Unit in Benha University for the year 2011-2012 Benha University–PMU-Technical Report BU-PMU-TR-June-2012 | Ghazy M.R. Assassa | 2012 | Local |
45 | Report on the Information and Communication Technology Project “ICTP” in Benha University Benha University-CIO -Technical Report BU-CIO-TR-ICTP-Sep-2011 | Ghazy M.R. Assassa | 2011 | Local |
46 | Resolution par une methode d elements finis des equation de la couche limite en variable de Von Mises.3econgress francais de Meccanique,p.1c1.Institut National polytechniqe, Grenoble,france,6-9Sept. | G.Assassa,B.Gay | 1977 | International |
47 | Simulation of roof-type Solar distillation Systems.International Symposium on Application of Solar and Renewable Energy , Cairo, March 23-26. | G.M.Assassa ,M.A,Mohamed | 1986 | Local |
48 | Specfic mass flow distribution in alow pressure stage of an axial turbine. first International conference on engery technology. Elmenia University ,Jan.14-15. | G.M. | 1986 | Local |
49 | Thermal performance of aparabolic Solar Collector .International Symposium on Application of Solar and Renewable Energy,Cairo,March23-26. | G.M.Assassa | 1986 | Local |
50 | Wind effects on building and passive cooling by ventilation.proceedings of solar cooling Workshop, Dhahran Saudi Arabia,April. | G.Assassa | 1980 | International |
51 | “A Novel Approach for Hiding Messages in Images” International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing, (ICSAP 2009), International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology (IACSIT), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 89-93. | Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, Abdul Almuharib and Ibrahim Kiadi | 2009 | International |
52 | “A Novel Method for Increasing the Embedding Capacity of Arabic Text Steganography,” Egyptian Computer Science Journal (ECSJ), in press. | Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Mona F.M. Mursi | 2009 | Local |
53 | “A Secure Semi-Fragile JPEG Image Authentication Scheme Based On Discrete Cosine Transform,” International Computer Conference ICC 2009, University of California, Fullerton | Mona F.M. Mursi, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Hatim Aboalsamh , Khaled Alghathbar | 2009 | International |
54 | “A Web-Based Workflow Management System: Modern Business Manager (MBM)”, the 2nd National Information Technology Symposium, NITS‟09, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pp. 48-59. | Nourah A. AL-Rossais, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, | 2009 | International |
55 | “An Efficient Time Series Data Minning Technique”. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, Heraklion, Greece, July 23-25, pp. 950- 956. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Alaaeldin Hafez, Ghazy M.R.Assassa | 2008 | International |
56 | “An Experimental Study On The Use Of Extreme Programming In Student Software Projects”, Final Technical Report RC10/424-425, CCIS Research Center, KSU | Ghazy M.R. Assassa, and Hassan Mathkour, | 2006 | International |
57 | “An Improved Steganalysis Approach for Breaking the F5 Algorithm”. WSEAS Transactions On Computers, ISSN: 1109-2750, Issue 9, Volume 7, September , pp. 1447-1456. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Hassan Mathkour, Mona Mursi, Sami Dokheekh, Ghazy M.R.Assassa | 2008 | International |
58 | “Appearance-based Face Recognition using PCA and LDA Approaches,” WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, Transactions ID Number: 32-389. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Ghazy Assassa, Mona Mursi, Hassan Mathkour | 2009 | International |
59 | “Automated Testing for Students Programs”, the 2nd National Information Technology Symposium, NITS‟09, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March, pp. 60-71. | Alaaeldin Hafez, Alia Bahanshal, Ghazy M.R. Assassa | 2009 | International |
60 | “Automatic Human Face Counting in Digital Color Images”, ISPRA'09 Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS international conference on Signal processing, robotics and automation, Cambridge, UK, Pages 269-275. | Mona F.M. Mursi, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Abeer Al-Humaimeedy, Khaled Alghathbar | 2009 | International |
61 | “Breaking the F5 algorithm: An improved approach”, Egyptian Computer Science Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1-9. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Sami Dokheekh, Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, | 2007 | Local |
62 | “Component-based software engineering”, Proceedings of the 1st National Information Technology Symposium, NITS, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. | Hind AlHakami, Ghazy Assassa, Hatim Aboalsamh, | 2006 | International |
63 | “Computer applications in design of machines”, Egyptian Computer Science Journal, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-15. | F.H. Sanad, G.M. Assassa, | 2000 | Local |
64 | “Enhancing the thermal conductivity of latent heat storage system”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 331-340. | E.S. Mettawee, G.M. Assassa, | 2000 | Local |
65 | “Experimental study of a compact PCM solar collector”, Journal of Energy, vol. 31, no. 14, pp. 2958-2968.http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/energy/11/journal/energy/03605442/archive/7 | E.S. Mettawee, G.M. Assassa, | 2006 | International |
66 | “Extreme programming: A case study in software engineering courses”, Proceedings of the 1st National Information Technology Symposium, NITS, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pp. 233-240. | Ghazy Assassa, Hassan Mathkour, Hmood Al Dossari, | 2006 | International |
67 | “Face Detection and Count Estimates in Surveillance Color Images,” Egyptian Computer Society Journal (ECSJ) ISSN-1110-2586 , Volume 31, Number 2. | Mona F.M. Mursi, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Abeer Al-Humaimeedy, Khaled Alghathbar | 2009 | International |
68 | “Face Detection and Counting in Color Images,” WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, Transactions ID Number: 32-378, (submitted for publication). | Mona F.M. Mursi, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Abeer Al-Humaimeedy , Khaled Al Ghathbar | 2009 | International |
69 | “Face Recognition Using Incremental Principal Components Analysis,” International Computer Conference ICC 2009, Session A1-3: IMAGE PROCESSING I,California State University, Fullerton, California, USA, April 2-4, 2009. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, Mona Mursi | 2009 | International |
70 | “Face Recognition using Principle Components and Linear Discriminate Analysis”, The 8th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation, Cambridge, UK, February 21-23. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, Mona Mursi | 2009 | International |
71 | “Finite element model for buoyancy-driven cavity flow”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 993-1008 | S.S. Ayad, E.A. Abdel Hadi, G.M. Assassa, R.I. El-Ghanam, | 1992 | Local |
72 | “Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of forced convection through a packed pipe”, 11th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference (IMPEC-11), Cairo, pp. H186-H200, Feb. 5-7. | R.A. Khalil, K. M. El-Shazly, G.M. Assassa, | 2000 | Local |
73 | “Investigation of forced convection in a packed pipe with a porous medium”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 269-285. | R.A. Khalil, K. M. El-Shazly, G.M Assassa, | 2000 | Local |
74 | “Mining Economy Factors”, the 2nd National Information Technology Symposium, NITS‟09, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pp. 24-33. | Alaaeldin Hafez, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, | 2009 | International |
75 | “Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms in Face Recognition Systems”, the 2nd National Information Technology Symposium, NITS‟09, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pp. 72-79. | Lamees Alhazzaa, Hatim AboalSamh, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Mohamed Batouche, | 2009 | International |
76 | “On the Development of Steganographic Tools”, Proceedings of the 1st National Information Technology Symposium, NITS, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Batool Al-Sadoon, Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, | 2006 | International |
77 | “On the Transformation of Object Oriented-Based Systems to Component-Based Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, SITIS 08, pp. 11-15. | Mathkour, Hassan Touir, Ameur Hakami, Hind Assassa, Ghazy, | 2008 | International |
78 | “Software cost estimation: A tool for object oriented console applications”, Proceedings of the 1st National Information Technology Symposium, NITS, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006, pp. 276-284. | Ghazy Assassa, Hatim Aboalsamh, Amel Al Hussan, | 2006 | International |
79 | “Steganalysis of JPEG Images: An Improved Approach for Breaking the F5 Algorithm”. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, Heraklion, Greece, July 23-25, pp. 1011-1018. | Hatim Aboalsamh, Hassan Mathkour, Mona Mursi, Ghazy M.R.Assassa, | 2008 | International |
80 | “Stress Testing Simulator (STS) Tool”, the 2nd National Information Technology Symposium, NITS‟09, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 116-127. | Huda Bin Sadiq, Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, | 2009 | International |
81 | “Study of a compact solar collector”, Proceedings of Symposium on Energy Engineering for the 21st Century, Hong Kong, pp. 766-773. | E.S. Mettawee, G.M. Assassa, | 2000 | International |
82 | “Study of the effect of longitudinal oscillations on free convection from a heated vertical plate”, Proceedings of Al-Azhar Engineering 6th International Conference, AEIC, Vol. 7, Sep. 1-4, pp. 319-338. | O.E. Abdellatif, R.I. El-Ghanam, G.M. Assassa, M. Ali, | 2000 | Local |
83 | “The internet and electronic library systems”, Symposium on New Technologies in Libraries, Cairo University | G.M. Assassa, K. Ahmad, | 1996 | Local |
84 | “The internet: An introduction”, Symposium on the Internet in Education and Research, Proceedings of the 22nd Conference for Statistics, Computer Science, May 3-10, pp. 1-43. | G.M. Assassa, | 1997 | Local |
85 | “Use of Extreme Programming in Software Engineering Education: A Pilot Study”, Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Minoufiya University, vol 31, no. 1, pp. 39-47. | Hassan Mathkour, Hatim Aboalsamh, Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Hmood Al Dossari, | 2008 | Local |
86 | ” A Risk Management Tool for Extreme Programming”, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8, No.8, pp. 326- 333. | Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, and A. Baihan | 2008 | International |
87 | ” A Risk Management Tool for Extreme Programming”, the 2nd National Information Technology Symposium, NITS‟09, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 86-96 | Hatim A Aboalsamh, Hassan Mathkour, Ghazy Assassa, and Abdulah Al Baihan, | 2009 | International |
88 | ” Final Report RC1 427-428, CCIS Research Center, KSU | Ghazy M.R. Assassa, Hassan Mathkour, “Mobile Finder System | 2008 | International |
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Hamdy Mohamed Ali Kandiel | |
Hossam El-Din Mohamed Zakaria | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of squeezing on porosity and wear behaviour of partially remelted A319/20 vol% SiCp metal matrix composites | TS Mahmoud, FH Mahmoud, HM Zakaria, TA Khalifa | 2008 | International |
2 | Effect of squeezing on porosity and wear behaviour of partially remelted A319/20 vol.-% SiCp MMCs | T. S. Mahmoud, F. H. Mahmoud, H. M. Zakaria, T. A. Khalifa | 2006 | International |
3 | Electrochemical and Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Alpha-Al Bronze Sulfide-Polluted Salt Water: Effect of Environmentally-Friendly Additives | Elsayed A. Ashour, Lobna A. Khorshed, Gehan L. Youssef, Hossam M. Zakaria, Tarek A. Khalifa | 2014 | International |
4 | Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Properties of Welded Joints in Ductile Cast Iron | 1. H. Mansour, H. M. Zakaria, T. A. Khalifa | 1998 | International |
5 | Friction Stir Processing of AA7020-T6 Aluminium Alloys | M. K. Abdel-Aziz, F. H. Mahmoud, H. M. Zakaria, T. S. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
6 | Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar A319 and A413 Cast Aluminum Alloys | A. Karam · T. S. Mahmoud · H. M. Zakaria · T. A. Khalifa | 2014 | International |
7 | Identification of load cells parameters under applying creep and dynamic force for dynamic force calibrations | M.M. Ammar a,c,*, Magdy I. Mohamed a, Gouda M. Mahmoud a, Rolf Kumme b, H.M. Zakaria c, A.M. Gaafer c | 2024 | International |
8 | Influence of Microstructural Characteristics on Electrical Discharge Wire Cutting Conditions of A390 AL-Si Hypereutectic Alloy | H. M. Zakaria, A. M. Gaafer, S. S. Habib and T. S. Mahmoud | 2006 | International |
9 | Mechanical Characteristics of Rheocast and Squeeze Cast A356-T6 Alloy | Zakaria H. M. | 2005 | International |
10 | Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviour of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites | TA Khalifa, HM Zakaria, EH Mansour | 2005 | International |
11 | Mechanical Properties of Hypereutectic Aluminium-Silicon Based MMCS | Hossam M. Zakaria | 2006 | International |
12 | Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites | H.M. Zakaria | 2014 | International |
13 | Microstructural, mechanical and wear behavior of A390/graphite and A390/Al 2O 3 surface composites fabricated using FSP | M. Raaft · T. S. Mahmoud · H. M. Zakaria · T. A. Khalifa | 2011 | International |
14 | Microstructure Examination and Microhardness of Fiction Stir Welded Joint of 7020-T6 AA | Ghada M. F. Essa, Hossam M. Zakaria, Tamer S. Mahmoud, Tarek A. Khalifa | 2014 | International |
15 | On effect of FSP on microstructural and mechanical characteristics of A390 hypereutectic Al–Si alloy | TS Mahmoud, OM Shaban, HM Zakaria, TA Khalifa | 2010 | International |
16 | Prediction of The Wear Behavior of UHMWPE Using Artificial Neural Networks | D. Adss, T.S. Mahmoud, H. M. Zakaria, T.A. Khalifa | 2011 | International |
17 | Preparation of Nickel-Phosphorous-Zinc-Tungsten Alloy Deposits by Electroless Plating | 2. Abbas M.S., Soliman S., Zakria H.E., Ibrahim K. M. Ayoub I.E. | 2003 | International |
Maher Gamil Ahmed Fathy Higazy | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | LES of Turbulent Mixing In Anti-Vortex Film Cooling Flows | Abdel-Mohimena, MG Higazy b | 2013 | International |
2 | Performance enhancement | Mohamed R. Salem⁎, Muataz R. Salem, M.G. Higazy, M.F. Abdrabbo | 2020 | International |
3 | A floating sponge solar still: design and performance, Int. J. of Solar Energy, vol. 17, pp. 61-71. | M. G. Higazy | 1995 | International |
4 | A performance investigation of troughs solar water heater, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt. | M. G. Higazy and M. M. Mustafa | 1989 | Local |
5 | Aerodynamics Performance of Multi Gurney Flaps Configurations on Airfoil | M.A. Abdelrahman,Waleed Mohamed, Ibrahim Shahin, M.W.Al-Dosoky, M.G. Higazy | 2021 | Local |
6 | Analysis and Accuracy of Experimental Methods | Maher Gamil Higazy | 2019 | International |
7 | Analytical and experimental investigation of a new type of wind wheel turbine, Conf. on the Transfer of Technology to Local Industries, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. | M. G. Higazy | 1992 | International |
8 | Assessment of two-dimensional associated with drag of grooves measurements in turbulent boundary layers, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 71, pp. 133-147, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo. | M. G. Higazy, and N.N Baymoi | 2000 | Local |
9 | Blade geometry analysis in axial flow compressor cascade, Engineering Res. Jour. ,Vol. 72,pp. 1-19, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering , Mataria, Cairo. | M. G. Higazy, and N.N. Baymoi | 2000 | Local |
10 | Construction and performance characteristics of wind tunnel design, 3rd Int. Conf. for Mech. Power Engineering, Monufia University, Cairo, Egypt. | A.M.Sibaie, H. A. Heikal, M.F. Abd Rabbo and M. G. Higazy | 1980 | Local |
11 | Counter flow wet cooling towers analysis, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 72, pp. 20-38 , Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. | M. G. Higazy and R.Y. Syker | 2000 | Local |
12 | Critical assessment and development of an innovated wind wheel turbine (WWT), The Seventh Int. Conf. for Mech. Power Engineering pp. v/5.1-v/5.13, Cairo University, Egypt. | Aida Abd El Hafiz, M. H. Said and M. G. Higazy | 1990 | Local |
13 | Derivation of the logarithmic law of the wall for transition boundary layers, Engineering Res. Jour. ,Vol. 58, 93-108, Engineering Res. Jour. Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo | M. G. Higazy | 1998 | Local |
14 | Different Numerical Solutions for Rotating Stall and Surge Types in Axial Flow Compressors | Shaaban I. Ahmed; M. G. Higazy;Ahmed Y. Sayed;Emad A. SAYED | 2016 | International |
15 | Digital measurements in intermittently transient flows, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, April, pp. 85-99, vol. 4. | M. G. Higazy and C. J. Fraser | 1995 | Local |
16 | Drag resulting from rearward-facing steps immersed in laminar boundary layer, Leicester University, Engineering dept., Internal Report. | D.J.Cockrell and M. G. Higazy | 1984 | Local |
17 | Effect of freestream pressure gradient on turbulent boundary layers reattachment behind a backward-facing step, 2nd Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-2) , Zagazig - Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt, April. | M. G. Higazy | 1985 | Local |
18 | Effect of Groove geometry on characteristics of strong adverse pressure gradient flow, Seventh Int. Congress on Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion,ICFDP7-2001016, Cairo, Egypt. | M. G. Higazy, and N.N. Baymoi | 2001 | Local |
19 | End-stage boundary layer transition models for engineering calculations, Part C: I. Mech. Engineering Science, U.K. vol. 208. | C.J.Fraser, M. G. Higazy, and J. S. Milne | 1994 | Local |
20 | Experimental investigation of flow field characteristics over two cavities in tandem, 11th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference (IMPEC 11), Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, 5-7 Feb., 2 | M. G. Higazy, and N.N Baymoi | 2000 | Local |
22 | Flow angle effect on the drag caused by small obstacles immersed in turbulent boundary layer, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, April, pp. 182-194, vol. 4. | M. G. Higazy | 1995 | Local |
23 | Growth of boundary layers integral calculations on turbine blades with and without isolated surface ridges, Int. Conf. Aeronautical Science and Air Transportation, ICASAT2007-G3-02Conference Proceedings , Al Fatah University | M.G.Higazy | 2007 | Local |
24 | Influence of porosity on the productivity of floating sponge solar still, World Renewable Energy Congress-2000, Metropole Hotel, Brighton, U.K. | M. G. Higazy | 2000 | International |
25 | Integral calculation of boundary layers growth on turbine blades with isolated surface roughness, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 59, 109-118, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo. | M.G.Higazy | 1998 | Local |
26 | Investigating the Effect of a Single Gurney Flap Heights on Airfoil | Waleed Mohamed, M.A. Abdelrahman, Ibrahim Shahin, M.W.Al-Dosoky, M.G. Higazy | 2020 | Local |
27 | Laminar boundary layer drag resulting from a backward-facing step, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt. | M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell | 1989 | Local |
28 | Modeling and simulation of loss of the ultimate heat sink in a typical material testing reactor | Hisham El-Khatib a, Salah El-Din El-Morshedy a,⇑, Maher.G. Higazy b, Karam El-Shazly b | 2013 | International |
29 | Numerical prediction of Laminar-transition-turbulent layers, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, April, pp. 100-117, vol. 4. | M.G.Higazy and C. J. Fraser | 1995 | Local |
30 | Numerical prediction of transition boundary layer flows using new intermittency transport equation, The Aeronautical Journal, Royal Aeronautical Society, UK, Vol. 106, No 1060. | M.G.Higazy | 2002 | International |
31 | On the estimation of two-dimensional drag of surface irregularities immersed in turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University | M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell | 1989 | Local |
32 | On the thermodynamic cycles of gas turbine plants, The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering education, vol. 2, (IJMEE) | H.A. Heikal and M. G. Higazy | 2000 | International |
33 | Optimization of counter flow wet cooling towers characteristics performance, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 65, 106-126, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo. | M.G.Higazy and R.Y. Syker | 1999 | Local |
34 | Outdoor experimental results of an aluminum, CPC, collector, Conf. on the Transfer of Technology to Local Industries, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. | M. G. Higazy | 1992 | International |
35 | Sea water desalination using a floating sponge solar still, Conf. on the Transfer of Technology to Local Industries, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. | M. G. Higazy | 1992 | International |
36 | Separated flow associated with two-dimensional extended obstacles mounted on a flat plate, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Dec. pp. 91-106, vol. 12. | M.G.Higazy | 1989 | Local |
37 | Study of Flow Instability in MTR-Reactors During Natural Circulation | N.M. El-Sahlamy, K.A. Talha, M. F. Abd Rabbo and M.G. Higazy, | 2021 | Local |
39 | The measurements of drag resulting from small surface irregularities immersed in turbulent boundary layers, J. Experiments in Fluid, 2, pp. 197-202. | M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell | 1984 | Local |
40 | The turbulent boundary layer drag of large backward-facing steps, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt. | M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell | 1989 | Local |
41 | The yaw angle effect on the reattachment length behind isolated roughness elements, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Dec. pp. 35-54, vol. 12. | M. G. Higazy and Aida Abd El Hafiz | 1989 | Local |
42 | Theoretical performance of wind wheel turbines, Int. J. of Solar Energy, vol. 17, pp. 145-166. | M. G. Higazy | 1995 | International |
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Mahmoud Ibrahim Hussien Mansour | |
Mohamed Safwat ZAHRAN | |
Mohamed Fayek A.M. Abd-Rabbo | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | " Simulation of a Dual Purpose Solar-Powered Flashing Chamber ", Journal of Institution of Engineers, Vol.72, PP58-62, India, Feb. | M.A. Elswify, M. A. Mohamad , M.F. Abd-Rabbo, and M.A. El-Sarha | 1992 | International |
2 | "Comparison of High Efficiency Particulates Filter Testing Methods"7Th International Conference on Indoor Air and Climate 96, Nagoya, Japan. | M.M. El Fawal, and M.F.Abd-Rabbo | 1996 | International |
3 | "Effect Of Darcian And Non-Darcian Natural Convection On The Effective Thermal Conductivity Of A Porous Medium", Int. Renwable Energy Conf., June 22-26, Amman, pp. 663-677, Vol II | El-Shazly, K.M., Abd-Rabbo, M.F., Hanna, G.B. & Abdel Salam, M.S. | 1992 | Local |
4 | "Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Mechanical Strength of HEPA Filters" Journal of Nuclear Science and Application, Sept. | M.M. El Fawal, K.A. El Adham, F.H.Hammad and M.F.Abd-Rabbo | 1992 | Local |
5 | "Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Mechanical Strength of HEPA Filters" Journal of Nuclear Science and Application, Sept. | M.M. El Fawal, K.A. El Adham, F.H.Hammad and M.F.Abd-Rabbo | 1992 | Local |
6 | "Effect of High Temperature on the Removal Efficiency of HEPA Filters", Journal of Nuclear Science and Application, Sept. | M.M. El Fawal, K.A. El Adham, F.H.Hammad and M.F.Abd-Rabbo | 1992 | Local |
7 | "Experimental And Theoretical Determination Of Thermal Conductivity Of Building And Insulating Materials," Al-Azhar Engineering Third Int. Conf., Cairo, Dec. 18-21. | El-Shazly, K.M., Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 1993 | Local |
8 | "Experimental Investigation of a Dual Purpose Solar Powered Flashing Chamber", Al-Azhar Engineering Second International Conference, Cairo. | M.A. Elswify, M.A. Mohamad , M.F. Abd-Rabbo, and M.A. El-Sarha | 1991 | Local |
9 | "Experimental Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Air Between Corrugated and Flat Plates "5Th International Conference on Energy & Environment, Cairo, June . | M.M. El Fawal, R.Y. Sakr, A.M.Osman and M.F.Abd-Rabbo | 1996 | Local |
10 | "Experimental Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Air Between Corrugated and Flat Plates "5Th International Conference on Energy & Envirorment,Cairo, June. | M.M. El Fawal, R.Y. Sakr, A.M.Osman and M.F.Abd-Rabbo | 1996 | Local |
11 | "Impact of Water Desalination Technologies on Environmental Development" , Seventh International Water Technology Conference, CAIRO, JUNE 3-5. | M. A. El-Samanoudi, M. F. Abd-Rabbo, A. A. Sarhan and M. Attia | 2003 | Local |
12 | "Nucleate Pool Boiling Characteristics From Internally Coated Horizontal Tubes Using Saturated R-134a and Distilled Water", Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 1, March. | R. M. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Sakr, M. F. Abd Rabbo, M. S. Zahran, and M. W. Shawki | 2008 | Local |
13 | "Prediction Of Rough Surface Thermal Turbulent Boundary Layer"., Fifth Int. Conf. of Fluid Mechanics, January 2-5. | Abdalla, G.H., El-Shazly, K.M., Abd- Ellatif, O.E. & Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 1995 | Local |
14 | "Trombe Wall Heat Transfer Analysis", Solar Energy. Research, Vol. 6 | Abd-Rabbo, M. F. & Adam, S. K. | 1988 | Local |
15 | A Comprehensive Chemical Kinetic Investigation of the Combustion Processes of Lean Mixtures of Methane and Air | G. H. Abd-Alla - Abu Dhabi Water & Elec. Authority H. A. Soliman - Zagazig Univ. O. A. Badr - Zagazig Univ. M. F. Abd-Rabbo - Zagazig Univ. | 1999 | Local |
16 | A Computational Investigation of the Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on the Performance of a Dual-Fuel Engine | Gamal Hassan Abd-Alla - Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority H. A. Sollman - Zagazig Univ. Osama A. Badr - Zagazig Univ. M F Abd Rabbo - Zagazig Univ. | 2000 | Local |
17 | A skin friction correlation for rough turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients | Abd Rabbo, M. F.; Zahran, M. S.; Mawlood, M. K. | 2013 | Local |
18 | Combustion quasi-two zone predictive model for dual fuel engines | G. H. Abd Alla , , H. A. Soliman, O. A. Badr and M. F. Abd Rabbo Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, 108, Shoubra Street, Cairo, Egypt | 2001 | Local |
19 | Controlling the heat transfer and pressure drop within economical working conditions for a movable flat tube bundle | Khaled M.K. Pasha Mohamed F. AbdRabo | 2016 | International |
20 | Effect of Operating Conditions on the NoDx Emissions From An Indirect- Injection Diesel Engine Fueled With Gaseous Fuel | G. H. Abd Alla - Al-Ain Technical School H. A. Soliman - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering O. A, Badr - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering M. F. Abd Rabbo - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering | 2000 | Local |
21 | Effect of pilot fuel quantity on the performance of a dual fuel engine | G. H. Abd Alla , H. A. Soliman, O. A. Badr and M. F. Abd Rabbo Zagazig University, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, 108 Shoubra Street, Cairo, Egypt | 1999 | Local |
22 | Effect of Pilot Fuel Quantity on the Performance of a Dual- Fuel Engine | G. H. Abd Alla - Abu Dhabi Water & Elec. Authority H. A. Soliman - Zagazig Univ. O. A. Badr - Zagazig Univ. M. F. Abd-Rabbo - Zagazig Univ. | 1999 | Local |
23 | Effects of diluent admissions and intake air temperature in exhaust gas recirculation on the emissions of an indirect injection dual fuel engine | G. H. Abd-Alla , , H. A. Soliman, O. A. Badr and M. F. Abd-Rabbo Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, 108 Shoubra Street, Cairo, Egypt | 2001 | Local |
24 | Experimental and numerical investigation of evaporative heat transfer in the vicinity of the 3-phase contact line | Ibrahem, K. Rabbo, M.F.A. Gambaryan-Roisman, T. Stephan, P. Inst. for Tech. Thermodynamics, Tech. Univ. Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany | 2011 | Local |
25 | Nucleate pool boiling of demineralized water and acetone on smooth and roughened surfaces of aluminum alloy | R. M. Abd El–Aziz, M. H. Sakr, M. F. Abd Rabbo and A. H. Khalifa | 2013 | Local |
26 | The Effects of Diluent Admissions and Intake Temperature in Exhaust Gas Recirculation on the Emissions of An Indirect-Injection, Dual-Fuel Engine | G. H. Abd Alla - Al-Ain Technical School H. A. Soliman - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering O. A. Badr - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering M. F. Abd Rabbo - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering | 2000 | Local |
27 | Using Quasi-Two Zone Combustion Model to Predict the Performance of a Dual Fuel Engine | G. H. Abd Alla - Al-Ain Technical School H. A. Soliman - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering O. A. Badr - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering M. F. Abd Rabbo - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering | 2000 | Local |
28 | ‘‘ Some Investigations on the Performance of Wind Turbine Blades at Different Airofoil Sections ’’ . Journal of Eng. Researches, El- mataria Faculty of Eng. Vol. 46, No. 46, Cairo, Egypt. | Badawy, M.T.S. and Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 1995 | Local |
29 | ‘‘ Some Investigations on the Performance of Wind Turbine Blades at Different Airofoil Sections ’’ . Journal of Eng. Researches, El- mataria Faculty of Eng. Vol. 46, No. 46, Cairo, Egypt. | Badawy, M.T.S. and Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 1995 | Local |
30 | “ EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF FORCED CONVECTION OVER AN INCLINED HEATED FLAT PLATE”, Engineering Research Journal Vol. 114, Dec., 47-65. | Abd Rabbo Fayek M. , Gomaa A., Moawed M, El-Hendal .Y | 2007 | Local |
31 | “ Natural convection heat transfer in enclosures with a bottom heated corrugated surface” , 1st Int. Conference for Advanced trends in engineering, Minia | R.Y. Sakr, M.F. Abd Rabbo | 1999 | Local |
32 | “ The Optimal Characteristics of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Electric Generator System’’. Florence World Energy Symposium, Italy, 1997 (Accepted in Journal of Eng. Researches). | Mohamed, Fayek.A. and Badawy, M.T.S. | 1996 | Local |
33 | “ The performance of water current turbine ’’ , CHESA 2000, Proceedingsof Mech. And Heat Transfer, F11, Prague, Czech Republic. | Badawy, M.T.S., and Abd-Raboo, M. F. | 2000 | Local |
34 | “ Thermal analysis of vapour compression desalination plant”, IWTC, Feb. 26-29. | S.A. Abdelmoneim, R.Y. Sakr, E.F, Atwan, M.F. Abd Rabbo | 1996 | Local |
35 | “A Computational Investigation of the Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on the Performance of a Dual Fuel Engine”, SAE Paper, No. 2000-01-2040 | Abd Alla, G. H., Soliman, H. A., Badr, O. A. and Abd Rabbo, M. F. | 2000 | Local |
36 | “An Investigation of the Effect of Fin Spacing and Working Fluids Properties on the Performance of a Heat Pipe-Heat Exchanger (HPHE)”. Proceedings of the Int. Congress on Fluid Dynamic & Propulsion, ASME-Int. and Cairo University, Vol. 2, pp. 654-669, Dec., 29-31, Cairo. | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, Mohamed H. Sakr, Mohamed F. Abd Rabbo and Osama M. Ahmed | 1996 | Local |
37 | “Area ratio effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation” 6th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), 28 - 30 Jul , Ohio, USA. | Abdellatif, O., Abd Rabbo, M. , Abd Elganny, M. and Shahin, I. | 2008 | Local |
38 | “Combustion Quasi-Two Zone Predictive Model for Dual Fuel Engines”, Int. J. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 42, 1477-1498 | Abd Alla, G. H., Soliman, H. A., Badr, O. A. and Abd Rabbo, M. F. | 2001 | Local |
39 | “Construction and performance characteristics of wind tunnel design”, 3rd Int. Conf. for Mech. Power engineering, Monufia University, Cairo, Egypt | A.M.Sibaie, H. A. Heikal, M.F. Abd Rabbo and M. G. Higazy | 1980 | Local |
40 | “EFFECT OF DIFFERENT INTAKE SHAPES ON THE FLUID FLOW CHARACTERISTICS OF A RIBBED RECTANGULAR DUCT” , Engineering and Scientific Research Journal Vol.5 ,October , Cairo | Abdel Aziz, K. A. Mahmoud, K. M. El-Shazly and M. F. Abd Rabbo | 2005 | Local |
41 | “Effect of Flow Entrance on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Pipes,” Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, December , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 66, pp. 16-31. | Osman, A. M., Berbish, N. S., Abdel-Moneim, S. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 1999 | Local |
42 | “Effect of injection timing on the performance of dual fuel engine”, Int. Journal of Energy Conversion & Management, Pergamon ,vol.43, pp. 269-277. | Abd Alla,G.H. , Soliman,H.A. , Badr,O.A. ,Abd Rabbo,M. | 2002 | Local |
43 | “Effect of pilot fuel quantity on the performance of dual fuel engine” ,Int. Journal of Energy Conversion & Management, Pergamon ,vol.41, no.6,April. | Abd Alla,G.H. , Soliman,H.A. , Badr,O.A. ,Abd Rabbo,M. | 2001 | Local |
44 | “Effects of diluents admissions and intake air temperature in exhaust gas recirculation on the emissions of an indirect injection dual fuel engine” , Energy conversion and management , vol. 42, no8, pp. 1033-1045 | ABD-ALLA G. H.; SOLIMAN H. A.; BADR O. A. ; ABD-RABBO M. F | 2001 | Local |
45 | “Excrescence’s drag caused by small two-dimensional bump ridges in zero pressure gradient flow”, 3rd Int. Conf. for Mech. Power Engineering, Monufia University, Cairo, Egypt. | A.M.Sibaie, H. A. Heikal, M.F. Abd Rabbo and M. G. Higazy | 1980 | Local |
46 | “Experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of free stream turbulence on turbulent boundary layer drag reduction over plates with stream-wise micro-grooves” 10 th international conference on aerospace sciences & Aviation technology ( ASAT), 13-15 May , Cairo. | Reda , I. , Abd Rabbo, M. ,Fouad, M. ,Omar, K. | 2003 | Local |
47 | “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Free-Stream Turbulence on Turbulent Boundary Layer Drag Reduction over Plates with Stream-Wise Micro-Grooves,” Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology, ASAT-10, 13-15 May,Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt, Paper HF-5, pp. 125-151 | Afify, R. I., Fouad, M. A., Abd-Rabbo, M. F., and Omer, K. K. | 2003 | Local |
48 | “EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF EVAPORATIVE HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTI CS AT THE 3-PHASE CONTACT LINE “,Thermopedia Meeting, 28 June 2009 , Poland.(accepted for publication , Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, International Journal of Experimental Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, and Fluid Mechanics, EES Elsevier , Dec. ) | Gambaryan-Roisman, P. Stephan,K. Ibrahem, M. F. Abd Rabbo | 2009 | Local |
49 | “Flow and Heat Transfer Around a Cylinder Located Near a Plane Wall With Different Clearance in Cross Flow,” Proceedings of the Arab-African Conference for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 29th April- 1st May, Cairo, pp. 223-240. | Afify, R. I., Fouad, M. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 2001 | Local |
50 | “Gas Dynamic Analysis for Solar Ejector Refrigeration System’’. 5th Cairo International Conference on Energy and Environment, Vol., I, Cairo. | Badawy, M.T.S. and Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 1996 | Local |
51 | “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Tangentially Injected Swirl Flow Through a Horizontal Tube,” Engineering Research Journal, February 1995, Cairo, Vol. 2, pp. 220-231. | Abdel-Moneim, S. A., Zahran, M. S., Berbish, N. S. and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 1995 | Local |
52 | “Study of the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics in Turbulent Air-Solids Flow in a Horizontal Pipe,” Cairo 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment, March (11-13), Cairo, Vol. 1, pp. 387-406 | Berbish, N. S., Osman, A. M., Abdel-Moneim, S. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 2000 | Local |
53 | “The Enhancement of Forced Convection Desalination ’’. 2nd International Conference for Water Treatment Technology, Alex. | Abd-Rabbo, M.F.; El-Fawal, M.M.; Badawy, M.T.S. and Lasheen, A. | 1997 | Local |
54 | “The Enhancement of Forced Convection Desalination ’’. 2nd International Conference for Water Treatment Technology, Alex., Egypt. | Abd-Rabbo, M.F.; El-Fawal, M.M.; Badawy, M.T.S. and Lasheen, A. | 1997 | Local |
55 | “Turbulent Boundary Layer and Heat Transfer Characteristics Over Surfaces with Stream-Wise Riblets in Adverse Pressure Gradient,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment, May 11-14,Cairo , pp. 285-311. | Afify, R. I., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 1998 | Local |
56 | ” Exhaust emissions from an indirect injection dual-fuel engine” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D , vol.214, no.D3. | G. H. Abd Alla,O. A. Badr,H. A. Soliman,M. F. Abd Rabbo | 2000 | Local |
57 | ” Nucleate pool boiling of demineralized water and acetone on smooth and roughened surfaces of aluminum alloy”, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 42 , No. 2, 179-194. | R. M. Abd El–Aziz, M. H. Sakr, M. F. Abd Rabbo and A. H. Khalifa | 2003 | Local |
58 | ”A skin friction correlation for rough turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients”, International Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 3rd, Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 2-4, Proceedings. Volume 4. | Abd Rabbo, M. F.; Zahran, M. S.; Mawlood, M. K. | 1990 | Local |
59 | ”Computational St udy of Centerline Turning Angle Effect on the Turbulent Flow through a Diffusing S -Duct Using Large -Eddy Simulation”, Ninth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion (ICFDP 9), Alexandria. | Osama E. Abdellatif , Ibrahim M. M. Shahin ,M. F. Abd Rabbo | 2007 | Local |
Mohamed Salah Abas | |
Mohammad Hassan Hassan Sakr | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | an experimental study of freezing and melting of water inside spherical capsules used in thermal energy cool storage | Reda.I . ElGhanam. Ramadan A. Abdelaziz . Mohamed H.Sakr. Han E. Abdelrahaman | 2012 | International |
2 | An Experimental study of freezing and melting of water inside spherical capsules used in thermal energy storage system | Reda I. Elghanam, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed H. Sakr, Hany E. Abdelrhman | 2012 | International |
3 | An investigation into the Effect of the working fluid Properties on the Performance of Gravity-Assisted heat pipe | Ramadan M. Abd El-Aziz and M. H. Sakr | 1995 | International |
4 | An Investigation of the Effect of Fin Spacing and Working Fluids Properties on the Performance of a Heat Pipe-Heat Exchanger (HPHE) | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, Mohamed H. Sakr, Mohamed F. Abd Rabbo and Osama M. Ahmed, | 1986 | International |
5 | Effect of the neck Entrance Geometry on the outlet air flow Characteristics | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, and Mohamed H. Sakr | 1999 | International |
6 | Experimental and Theoretical Study on Freezing and Melting in Capsules for Thermal Storage | R. M. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Sakr, and A. A. E. Ghorap | 2008 | International |
7 | Experimental investigation of the Performance of a Heat-Pipe Exchanger Aided with Evaporative cooler | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, M. M. Abo El-Nasr, M.H. Sakr an A. A. E. Ghorap | 1997 | International |
8 | Experimental Investigation on The Characteristics of Micro Heat Pipes Operated With Different Working Fluids | M. S. Zahran, Mohamed H. Sakr, Ramadan M. Abd El-Aziz, and A. Attia | 2004 | International |
9 | Experimental study of the cloud Effect on the thermal performance of a gravity assisted heat pipe flat plate solar collector GAHPFPSC | R.I.ElGhanam , M.H.Sakr , R.M..Abd El-Aziz | 2001 | International |
10 | Experimental Study on the Effect of Orientation of Heating Circular Plate on Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer for Demeniralized Water | M.H.Sakr , R.M..Abd El-Aziz , S. Soliman , A , Alyan | 2004 | International |
11 | Heat Pipe for Solar Energy applications | R. M. Abd El-Aziz, R.Y. Sakr and H.A. Soliman | 1996 | International |
12 | Nucleate Pool Boiling Characteristics From Internally Coated Horizontal Tubes Using Saturated R-134a and Distilled Water | R. M. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Sakr, M. F. Abd Rabbo, M. S. Zahran, and M. W. Shawki | 2009 | International |
13 | Nucleate Pool Boiling of demeniralized water and acetone on Smooth and roughened Surfaces of Aluminum Alloy | R.M..Abd El-Aziz , M.H.Sakr , M.F. Abdrabbo , A.H.Khalifa | 2003 | International |
14 | Thermal Performance of a Wickless Heat Pipe Flat-Plate Solar Collector (WHPFPSC) | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, M. S. Zahran, M H. Sakr and A. Attia | 1999 | International |
Mustafa Zaki Zahran | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Simulation Study for MRP system Under Uncertain Operating Environment | Gomaa, A. H., Hussien, S. M. and Zahran, M.Z | 1999 | International |
2 | "The investigation of the correlation between surface roughness parameters and wear during sliding abrasion" Fourth Int. Conf. in Mechanical Eng. Shoubra Faculty of Engineering. | A.M. Gahfar, E. Y. EL-Kady and M. Z. Zahran | 1989 | International |
3 | A New Experimental Computer Controlled Legged Vehicle | S.M. Abd Rabbo , M.Baker .M.A. elsalam .M.Z.Zahran | 1994 | International |
4 | An experimental investigation for gear fault diagnosis using adaptive wavelet analysis of vibration signals | H. H. El-MONGY A.A. IBRAHIM, S. M. Abd-elrahman, M. Z. Zahran | 2007 | International |
6 | MACHINABILITY OF NICKEL PARTICULATES REINFORCED (AA6063) ALUMINUM BASED ALLOY. | M. Z. Zahran, E. Y. El-kady, M. H. Gheith, M. Abdel-Fattah | 2007 | Local |
7 | Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA6063 Based Matrix Reinforced With Nickel Particulates | M. Z. Zahran, E. Y. El-kady, M. Abdel-Salam, M. Abdel-Fattah | 2007 | International |
8 | Simulation And Optimal Control Of Redundant Manipulators ‘’ . | S.M. Abd Rabbo , Y.A.Elmashad , and M.Z.Zahran | 1988 | International |
9 | Solving assembly line balancing problem using genetic algorithms | El-Awady ATTIA, Mamdoh Soliman, Attia Gomaa, Mostafa Zahran, | 2008 | International |
10 | Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Reinforcement Particulates Distribution in the Composite Materials | M. Z. Zahran, E. Y. El-kady, M. Y. Akl, M. Abdel-Fattah | 2007 | International |
Osama Ezzat Abdellatif | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Analysis of the anomalous thermal properties of phase change materials based on paraffin wax and multi walls carbon nanotubes | W. G. Alshaer, E. Palomo del Barrio, M. A. Rady, O. E. Abdellatif, and S. A. Nada | 2013 | Local |
2 | Area ratio effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation | Abdellatif, O., Abd Rabbo, M. , Abd Elganny, M. and Shahin, I. | 2008 | Local |
3 | Computational Study of center line turning angle effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation | Abdellatif, O. E., Abd Rabbo, M. A. and Shahin, I. M. M | 1950 | Local |
4 | Experimental Characterization for a PV Module Using Low Cost Method | I.M. Mahmoud, S. Abdellatif, A.sahbal, A. Bayoumi, T. S. Abdel-Salam, O. E. Abdellatif | 2014 | Local |
5 | Experimental investigation for horizontal wind turbine of direct-drive. | O.E. Abdul-Azim, O.A., Eldmerdash, S.M., Elshazly, K.M., Abdellatif | 2017 | International |
6 | Experimental investigation on the effect of using nano fluid (Al2O3-Water) on the performance of PV/T system | Osama Abdellatif Saber Abdalla,Ismail Elsemary, Ahmed Altohamy, M. Abdelrahmana, Ahmed Attiaa | 2018 | International |
7 | Experimental investigation on the performance of a small reverse osmosis unit | R. I. Afify M. Elsayed, H. A. Refaey, O. E. Abdellatif, R. Y. Sakr | 2018 | International |
8 | Numerical Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics on Slender Bodies at Incidence | Abdellatif, O. E | 2006 | Local |
9 | Numerical Study on Turbine Wakes in Wind Farms | Mahmoud F Nofal, Samir S Ayad, Wagih Elaskary, Ali Abelsalam, Osama Abdelatif | 2018 | International |
10 | OPERATING ROOMS INFECTION CONTROL ANALYS" ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition November 14-20-2014, Montreal, Canada, 2014. | HEND E .MOHAMED, TAREK M.BELAL , O. E. Abdellatif, and REDA I. Afify | 2014 | Local |
11 | Optimization and energy management of hybrid standalone energy system: a case study | O.E. Abdellatif T.M. Tawfik , , M.A. Badr, E.Y. El-Kady | 2018 | International |
12 | Performance analysis for hybrid PV/T system using low concentration MWCNT (water-based) nanofluid | Osama Ezzat Abdellatif Saber Ragab Abdallah , Hind Saidani-Scott | 2019 | International |
13 | Study the effect of Velocity Inlets Location on Thermal and Flow Pattern inside an Empty Greenhouse | Ibrahim M, Abdellatif, O. And Khalil, E. | 2008 | Local |
14 | Study the effect of Velocity Inlets Location on Thermal and Flow Pattern inside an Empty Greenhouse | Ibrahim M, Abdellatif, O. And Khalil, E. | 2008 | Local |
15 | “ Modeling the sediment transport in non-circular ducts with a two-equation model of turbulence,” Int. Symposium on sediment transport modeling, New Orleans- Louisiana. | Younis, B. A. and Abdellatif, O. E. | 1989 | Local |
16 | “ Prediction of turbulent flows through rough square ducts” Engineering Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng. & Tech. Mattaria, Helwan University, Vol. 4 | Zahran, M. S., Abdellatif, O. E. and Shabaka M. I. | 1990 | Local |
17 | “A fine tuning of a two equation turbulence model to account for secondary flows,” Proceeding15th Conference for statistics and computer science, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, pp. 419-427 | Shabaka, M. I. and Abdellatif O.E. | 1990 | Local |
18 | “A two equation model for predicting two-dimensional rotating flow,” AME 4th Conference, Military Tech. College, Cairo, pp. 69-85 | Shabaka, M. I. and Abdellatif O.E. | 1990 | Local |
19 | “Aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of two interfering low-rise building”, International Simulation Conference (ISC0 Aero-03, University of Palermo, Italy. | Abdellatif, O. E. | 2006 | Local |
20 | “An experimental investigation of closely interfering airfoils at a low Reynolds number”, Proceedings of ESDA, Montreux, Switzerland. | Abdellatif, O. E. and Abdel-Gwad, A. F. | 2000 | Local |
21 | “Area ratio effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation” 6th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), Marriott Cleveland Downtown at Key Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. | Abdellatif, O., Abd Rabbo, M. , Abd Elganny, M. and Shahin, I. | 2008 | Local |
22 | “Comparison between the results of Large Eddy Simulation and k- Model for Straight Non-circular Ducts.” Proceedings of The 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA | Abdel-Gawad, A. F., Abdellatif, O. E., Shabaka, M. I., Shallan, M. R. and Ragab, S. | 1999 | Local |
23 | “Computational Study of center line turning angle effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation”, | Abdellatif, O., E. and Shahin, I., M | 1950 | Local |
24 | “Effects of free-stream turbulence on turbulent boundary layers with convective heat transfer,” 7th Symposium on turbulent shear flows, Stanford University. | Baskaran, V., Abdellatif, O.E., and Bradshow, P., | 1989 | Local |
25 | “Experimental and numerical investigation of internal and external flow fields for building with porous canopy roofs”, Al-Azhar Engineering, 8th International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdellatif, O. E. and Abdel-Gwad, A. F. | 2004 | Local |
26 | “Experimental study of the effect of longitudinal oscillations on free convection from a heated vertical plate.” Al-Azhar Engineering, 6h International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdellatif, O. E., El-Ghnam, R. I., Assasa, G.M. and Aly, M. | 1999 | Local |
27 | “Experimental study of turbulent flow characteristics inside a rectangular S-shaped diffusing duct”, 44th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA – 2006- 1501, Reno, Nevada, USA. | Abdellatif, O. E. | 2006 | Local |
28 | “Experimental, numerical and neural investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics for two-dimensional wings in ground effect”, Al-Azhar Engineering, 7th International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdellatif, O. E. and Abdel-Gwad, A. F. | 2003 | Local |
29 | “Heat transfer and flow friction in a rectangular duct with perforated angled ribs mounted on the bottom wall”, Engineering Research Journal, Volume 96, Helwan university, Faculty of engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. | El-Shamy A. R. and Abdellatif, O. E. | 2004 | Local |
30 | “Influence of free-stream turbulence on turbulent drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement over plates with stream wise V-micro-grooves “, Engineering Research Journal, Volume 96. Helwan university, Faculty of engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. | Afify, R. I., Abdellatif, O.E. and Berbish, N. S. | 2004 | Local |
31 | “Influence of various factors on the flow characteristics through a gas turbine cascade”, 7th International Congress on Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdel-Gwad, A.F. and Abdellatif, O. E. | 2001 | Local |
32 | “Instability of Darcian flow in an alternating Magnetic field”, Journal of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 23-60. | El-Dib, Y. O. and Abdellatif, O. E. | 2004 | Local |
33 | “Modelling of Heat Distribution and Air Turbulent Flow inside a Greenhouse at Different Air Flow Rates” AIAA 2008-1176, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. | Ibrahim M, Abdellatif, O. And Khalil, E. | 2008 | Local |
34 | “Nonlinear surface wave instability for electrified Kelvin fluids”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 285, pp. 744-759. | El-Dib, Y. O. and Abdellatif, O. E. | 2005 | Local |
35 | “Reynolds number effects on the structure of two=dimensional turbulent channel flow”, Engineering Research Journal, Helwan university, Faculty of engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdellatif, O. E. | 2000 | Local |
36 | “Study of aerodynamic characteristic on slender bodies at high angles of attack”, Engineering Research Journal, Volume 105, Helwan university, Faculty of engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdellatif, O. E. | 2006 | Local |
37 | “The effect of aspect ratio of rectangular ducts on turbulence-driven secondary motion,” Journal of the faculty of Eng., Cairo University, Cairo, Vol. 37, part 4, pp. 1087-1100. | Shabaka, M. I. and Abdellatif O.E. | 1990 | Local |
38 | “The effect of free-stream turbulence on turbulent boundary layer and heat transfer” Engineering Research Journal, Helwan university, Faculty of engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdellatif, O. E. | 2000 | Local |
39 | “Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Rotating Non-circular Ducts with Non-linear k- Model.” AIAA 36th Aerospace Science Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, NV, USA | Abdel-Gawad, A. F., Abdellatif, O. E., Shabaka, M.I., and Ragab, S. | 1998 | Local |
40 | “Utilization of Turbulence Modeling for Predicting Convective Heat Transfer of Turbulent Boundary layer” Engineering Research Bulletin, Faculty of Eng., Mansoura University. | Abdellatif, O. E. | 1999 | Local |
41 | ” Large Eddy Simulation for Fully Developed Flow in a square Duct.” ASME 1997 Fluid Engineering Division, Summer Meeting, (FEDSM97), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Abdel-Gawad, A. F., Abdellatif, O. E., Luton, A., and Ragab, S. | 1997 | Local |
42 | ”Effect of cooling system on heat transfer coefficient during condensation of saturated steam inside horizontal tube” Al-Azhar Engineering, 6h International Conference, Cairo, Egypt | El-Ghnam, R. I., Abdellatif, O. E., Abd-Rabo M. F. and El-Dosoky M. W. | 1999 | Local |
43 | ”Numerical Prediction of Convective Heat Transfer for Turbulent Flow in a Square Duct with Non-linear k- Model” ASME 1997 Fluid Engineering Division, Summer Meeting, (FEDSM97), British Columbia, Canada | Abdel-Gawad, A. F., Abdellatif, O. E., Shabaka, M. I., and Shallan, M. R. | 1997 | Local |
44 | ”Numerical Prediction of Turbulent Heat transfer in a Rotating Square Duct with Non-linear k- model” Eleventh Symposium of Turbulent Shear Flows, September 8-11, 1997. Institut National Polytechnique, Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France | Abdel-Gawad, A. F., Abdellatif, O. E., Shallan, M. R. and Ragab, S. | 1997 | Local |
Ramadan Mohamed Abdel-Aziz | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Compound Evaporative Cooling System” | H. A-L. Olama and R. M. Abdel Aziz | 1984 | International |
2 | An experimental Investigation of the Effect of Magnetic Field on Engine Cooling Water Properties | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Kairy H. El-Nagar, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz, Hamdy H. Maarouf | 2011 | International |
3 | An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Magnetic Fuel Treatment on SI Engine performance | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz, Kairy H. El-Nagar, Hamdy H. Maarouf | 2009 | International |
4 | An Experimental study of freezing and melting of water inside spherical capsules used in thermal energy storage system | Reda I. Elghanam, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed H. Sakr, Hany E. Abdelrhman | 2012 | International |
5 | An investigation into the Effect of the working fluid Properties on the Performance of Gravity-Assisted heat pipe | Ramadan M. Abd El-Aziz and M. H. Sakr | 1995 | International |
6 | An Investigation of the Effect of Fin Spacing and Working Fluids Properties on the Performance of a Heat Pipe-Heat Exchanger (HPHE) | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, Mohamed H. Sakr, Mohamed F. Abd Rabbo and Osama M. Ahmed, | 1986 | International |
7 | An Investigation of the Performance of a Tube-in-Tube Suction Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz | 1998 | International |
8 | Effect of the neck Entrance Geometry on the outlet air flow Characteristics | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, and Mohamed H. Sakr | 1999 | International |
9 | Engineering Charts for Cooling and Freezing Stores Thermal Loads | R. M. Abd El-Aziz | 1998 | International |
10 | Experimental and Theoretical Study on Freezing and Melting in Capsules for Thermal Storage | R. M. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Sakr, and A. A. E. Ghorap | 2008 | Local |
11 | Experimental Determination and CFD Prediction of Air Infiltration through Cold Store Entrances | R. M. Abdel Aziz, and R. I. El-Ghanam, | 2008 | Local |
12 | Experimental investigation of the Performance of a Heat-Pipe Exchanger Aided with Evaporative cooler | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, M. M. Abo El-Nasr, M.H. Sakr an A. A. E. Ghorap | 1997 | International |
13 | Experimental Investigation on The Characteristics of Micro Heat Pipes Operated With Different Working Fluids | M. S. Zahran, Mohamed H. Sakr, Ramadan M. Abd El-Aziz, and A. Attia | 2004 | International |
14 | Experimental study of nucleate boiling heat transfer enhancement by using surfactant | . I. Elghanam, M. M. El-Fawal, R. Abdel-Aziz, M. H. Skr, A. Hamza Khalifa | 2015 | International |
15 | Experimental study of the cloud Effect on the thermal performance of a gravity assisted heat pipe flat plate solar collector GAHPFPSC | R.I.ElGhanam , M.H.Sakr , R.M..Abd El-Aziz | 2001 | International |
16 | Experimental Study on the Effect of Orientation of Heating Circular Plate on Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer for Demeniralized Water | M.H.Sakr , R.M..Abd El-Aziz , S. Soliman , A , Alyan | 2004 | International |
17 | Heat Pipe for Solar Energy applications | R. M. Abd El-Aziz, R.Y. Sakr and H.A. Soliman | 1996 | International |
18 | Horizontal Convective Condensation Through Wire-on-Tube Heat Exchangers | Ramadan M. Abd El-Aziz | 2005 | International |
19 | Nucleate Pool Boiling Characteristics From Internally Coated Horizontal Tubes Using Saturated R-134a and Distilled Water | R. M. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Sakr, M. F. Abd Rabbo, M. S. Zahran, and M. W. Shawki | 2008 | International |
20 | Nucleate Pool Boiling of demeniralized water and acetone on Smooth and roughened Surfaces of Aluminum Alloy | R.M..Abd El-Aziz , M.H.Sakr , M.F. Abdrabbo , A.H.Khalifa | 2003 | International |
21 | Numerical and Experimental Study of Flow over Cylinder and Tube Bank Using PIV | R. M. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Sakr, E. F. Atwan, P. Rodgers, and O. A. Ali | 2008 | International |
22 | Performance Limits of a Porous Heat Pipe | C. T. Crowe, A. El’Ahwany, M. Abo El-Nasr and R. Abdel Aziz | 1993 | International |
23 | Performance of Counter Flow Wet Cooling Tower Using Different Splash Fill Geometries | Ramadan M. Abd El-Aziz, | 1994 | International |
24 | Performance of Counter Flow Wet Cooling Tower using Different Splash Fill Geometries | R.M..Abd El-Aziz | 2004 | International |
25 | Simulated Solar Dryer for Drying Agricultural Crops | Ramadan M. Abd El-Aziz | 2003 | International |
26 | The Influence of the Tilt Angle on the Performance of Heat Pipe with Porous wick | R. Abdel Aziz, M. Abo El-Nasr, A El’Ahwany, and C. T. Crowe | 1994 | International |
27 | Thermal Performance of a Wickless Heat Pipe Flat-Plate Solar Collector (WHPFPSC) | Ramadan M. Abd E-Aziz, M. S. Zahran, M H. Sakr and A. Attia | 1999 | International |
28 | Thermal Performance of Cold Energy Storage System using Ethylene Glycol Brine | R.M..Abd El-Aziz | 2002 | International |
Ramadan Youssef Sakr Moustafa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | “Experimental and Numerical Study for Outward Freezing of Liquid-Saturated Porous Media in a Vertical Annulus”, Al-Azhar Engineering Tenth International Conference (AEIC 2008), M44, Cairo, Egypt, December 24-26, 2008. | R.Y. Sakr | 2008 | Local |
2 | “Transient Heat Transfer from Fluid Flowing in Buried Pipe” Engineering Research Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 212-230, April 1995, Uni. of Helwan. | E.A. Abdel-Hadi, A.A. Ali, and R.Y.Sakr | 1995 | International |
3 | "Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer for In-Phase Sinusoidal Air Channel", Engineering and Scientific Research Journal, Volume No. 12. | M.F. Abd Rabo, M.T.S. Basdawy, R.Y. Sakr, A.G. Gomaa, H.R., Rashed, H.E. Fawaz | 2010 | Local |
4 | "Natural Convection Heat Transfer in a Horizontal concentric Elliptic Annulus Containing Saturated Porous Media", Journal of Porous Media, 15 (6): 567-584 (2012). | Ramadan Y. Sakr and Nabil S. Berbish | 2012 | International |
5 | "Thermal Analysis of Vapor Compression Desalination Plants", International Water Technology Conf. IWTC 95, Alexandria, Egypt, Feb. 26-29. | S.A. Abdel-Moneim, R.Y. Sakr, E. F. Atwan, M. A. El-Desouky and M. F. Abd-Rabbo | 1996 | Local |
6 | "Transient Response of A Packed Bed as A Thermal Energy Storage System: Experimental and Numerical Study", Engng. Res. Jour. Vol. 50, pp. 163-179, NOVEMBER 1996. Helwan University. | S. A. Abdel-Moneim, E. F. Atwan, and R. Y. Sakr | 1996 | Local |
7 | Comparative study on AL2O3 nanoparticle addition on cool storage system performance, Applied Thermal Engineering 94 (2016) 449–457 | Ahmed A.A. Attia *, Ahmed A. Altohamy, M.F. Abd Rabbo, R.Y. Sakr | 2016 | International |
8 | Effect of Partial Heating, Cooling, Heater Location and Aspect Ratio on Natural Convection in A Rectangular Enclosure” Engineering Research Journal, Vol. 59, pp. 85-100, Oct. Helwan University. | R. Y. Sakr | 1998 | Local |
9 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer In Horizontal Elliptic Annuli | R.Y. Sakr, N.S. Berbish, A.A. Abdel-Aziz, and A.S. Hanafi | 2008 | Local |
10 | Experimental Investigation of The Performance of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes Having Wicks Filled With Porous Medium | N.S. Berbish, A.F. Alfahaid and R.Y. Sakr | 2009 | Local |
11 | Experimental Study for Compact Liquid Desiccant Dehumidifier/ Regenerator System | M.M. Hammad, R. I. Al-Ghanam, R.Y. Sakr and S.S. Ayad | 2008 | Local |
12 | Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Augmentation in Heat Exchanger Using Helical Wires", Engineering and Scientific Research Journal, Volume No. 12. | K.A. El-Adouly, R.Y. Sakr, A.R. El-Shamy and K.M. El-Shazly | 2010 | Local |
14 | Heat Transfer Enhancement in Heat Exchangers , JAUES, Vol. 9, pp. 213-225, Al-Azhar University | Sherif H. Taher, Eed A. Abdel Hadi, Ramadan Y. Sakr, Mostafa S. Hemeda | 2014 | Local |
15 | Influence of Free Stream Turbulence Intensity on Heat Transfer and Flow Around Four In-Line Elliptic Cylinders in Cross Flow", International Journal Of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Volume 8, A124. | Ramadan Y. Sakr, Nabil M. Berbish, and Ali A. Abd-Aziz | 2010 | International |
16 | Interaction of Surface Radiation with Natural Convection Air Cooling of Discrete Heaters in a Vertical Rectangular Enclosure | R.Y. Sakr and T.A. Ahmed | 2007 | Local |
17 | Melting Heat Transfer in a Vertical Rectangular Enclosure with a Conducting Wall | R.Y. Sakr | 2003 | International |
18 | Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Buried Pipe | R. Y. Sakr | 1999 | Local |
19 | Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Heated Pipe Embedded in a Liquid-Saturated Porous Media”, Engng. Research Jour., Helwan University, Faculty of Engng. Matria, Cairo, Vol. 98, pp. M52-M69, April. | E.F. Atwan and Sakr, R.Y. | 2005 | Local |
20 | Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Concentric Horizontal Annuli Containing a Saturated Porous Media | A.F. Alfahaid, R.Y. Sakr and M.I. Ahmed | 2005 | Local |
21 | Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Enclosures with a Bottom Heated Corrugated Surface | M.F. Abd-Raboo and R. Y. Sakr | 1999 | Local |
22 | Natural Convection Inside Eccentric Horizontal Annulus Filled with Saturated Porous Medium”, Engng. Research Jour., Helwan University, Faculty of Engng., Matria, Cairo, Vol. 99, pp. M48-M67, June | R.Y. Sakr | 2005 | Local |
23 | Numerical Study for Heat Transfer from a Buried Pipe | R.Y. Sakr | 2004 | Local |
24 | Numerical Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Enclosures with Conducting Fins Attached to a Vertical Side” ASME 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2005) Paper No. AA10, Cairo, Egypt, September | A.f. Alfahaid and R.Y. Sakr | 2005 | Local |
25 | Numerical Study of Packed Bed Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Encapsulated Phase Change Material", Engineering Research Journal, Vol. 58, pp. 77-92, AUGUST 1998, Helwan University, Faculty of Engng. Mataria, Cairo. | S. A. Abdel-Moneim, E. F. Atwan, and R. Y. Sakr | 1998 | Local |
26 | On Experimental and numerical study of Forced Convection Heat Transfer from an inclined heated Plate placed beneath a Porous medium” Al-Azhar Engineering Ninth International Conference (AEIC 2007), M44, Cairo, Egypt, April 14-14 | A.R. El-Shamy, R.Y. Sakr, N.S. Berbish, and m.H. Messra | 2007 | Local |
27 | On the Characteristics of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in Open Ended Channel with Multiple Protruding Heat Sources | A.F. Alfahaid and R.Y. Sakr | 2003 | Local |
28 | Optimization of Counter Flow Wet Cooling Tower Performance Using Taguchi Method | M.G. Hegazy, A.Gaith, and R.Y. Sakr | 1999 | Local |
29 | Theoretical and Experimental Study of Counter Flow Wet Cooling Tower | M.G. Hegazy, A.Gaith, and R.Y. Sakr | 2000 | Local |
30 | Theoretical Study for Compact Liquid Desiccant Dehumidifier-Regenerator System | M.M. Hammad, R. I. Al-Ghanam, R.Y. Sakr and S.S. Ayad | 2008 | Local |
31 | Turbulent Heat Transfer Augmentation and Friction in a Circular Pipe Flows With Ribs Detached From The Wall", Engineering and Scientific Research Journal, Volume No. 13. | Youssef K. Al-Azmi, Ramadan Y. Sakr, Reda I. Afify, Mahmoud A. Fouad | 2010 | Local |
32 | “Effect of Coil Torsion on Heat transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger” | M. R. Salem, R. K. Ali, R. Y. Sakr and K. M. Elshazly | 2015 | International |
33 | “Effect of water based Al2O3 nanoparticle PCM on cool storage performance” Applied Thermal Engineering 84 (2015) 331-338. | Ahmed A. Altohamy, M.F. Abd Rabbo, R.Y. Sakr, Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2015 | International |
34 | “Effect of γ-Al2O3/Water Nanofluid on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger With Different Coil Curvatures” | M. R. Salem, R. K. Ali, R. Y. Sakr and K. M. Elshazly | 2015 | International |
35 | “Experimental Investigation of Coil Curvature Effect on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger” ASME, J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. 2014; 7(1):011005-011005-9. | M. R. Salem; K. M. Elshazly; R. Y. Sakr; R. K. Ali | 2015 | International |
36 | “Heat Pipe for Solar Energy Applications” Proceeding of Fifth int. Conf. on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, June 1996. | H.A. Soliman, R.M.A. Amer, and R.Y. Sakr | 1996 | International |
37 | “Heat Transfer with Moving Boundary in Melting/Solidification Processes” Proceedings of the seventh Int. Conf. on Mechanical Power Engineering, Cairo University, Vol2, I10. | R.Y.Sakr, E.A. Abdel-Hadi, E.E. Khalil, and M.M. Hilal | 1990 | Local |
Reda Ibrahim Ibrahim El-Ghnam | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An experimental study of freezing and melting of water inside spherical capsules used in thermal energy storage systems | Reda I. ElGhnam, Ramdan A. Abdelaziz, Mohamed H. Sakr, Hany E. Abdelrhman | 2012 | International |
2 | Analysis of Heat Transfer in an Annulus Between Two Horizontal Rotating Cylinders | Reda I El-Ghnam, M G Mousa, Eed A Abdel-Hadi, Sherief H Taher, Hamed R Elthan | 2010 | International |
3 | Experimental study of nucleate boiling heat transfer enhancement by using surfactant | R. I. Elghanam, M. M. E. L. Fawal, R. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Skr, A. Hamza Khalifa | 2011 | International |
4 | The Effects of Wall Thickness and Wall Thermal Conductivity on Natural Convection within Square Enclosures | Reda I. El-Ghanam | 2010 | International |
5 | An experimental investigation for the influence of flame holder geometry on flame stability of premixed mixture | Reda I. El-Ghnam, Khairy H. El-Nagar, E. E. D. Abdel-Hadi, Ismail M. M. El_semary | 2003 | Local |
6 | Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer from a heated horizontal cylinder rotating in still air around its axis | Reda I. Elghnam | 2013 | International |
7 | Experimental Determination and CFD Prediction of Air Infiltration through Cold Store Entrances | R. M. Abdel Aziz, Reda I. Elghnam | 2008 | Local |
9 | Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer between Two Vertical Plates with Symmetric Heating | Reda I El-Ghnam | 2015 | International |
Samir Sobhy Ayad | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | " A Numerical Model for the Flow Within the Tower of Tornado-Type Wind Energy System, " ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol.103, no. 4. , PP.299-305. | S .S. Ayad | 1981 | Local |
2 | " A Numerical Model for Wind Flows above Fire Areas, " Published in a bound volume HTD Vol. 73, ASME Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August. | S. S. Ayad | 1987 | Local |
3 | " A Study of Wake Generated Unsteadiness in a Channel Flow Part I : Mean Flow", International Journal of Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 4, No. 1, PP. 71-90. | S. S. Ayad and R. R. Mankbadi | 1991 | Local |
4 | " An Experimental Investigation for the Effect of Rotor Wake on Flow within Stator Passage, " Fifth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Cairo, Egypt. | Others and S. S. Ayad | 1995 | Local |
5 | " Chemiluminescence- A Diagnostic Technique for Internal Combustion Engines, " ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, Nov. 25-30, FED-Vol. 100. | Others and S. S. Ayad | 1990 | Local |
6 | " Computational Study of Natural Ventilation" , Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 82 , 1999, PP.49-68. | S. S. Ayad | 1999 | Local |
7 | " Effect of Curvature on Turbulence Levels in the Wake of Airfoil Sections, " Fourth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Alexandria Egypt, April. | Others and S. S. Ayad | 1992 | Local |
8 | " Effect of Gust on Wind Flow Around a Low Rise Building", Fifth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Cairo, Egypt. | S. S. Ayad | 1995 | Local |
9 | " Effects of Wick Configuration on the Performance of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipe" Tenth International Conference on Mechanical Power Engineering, Assiut, Egypt. | Others and S.S. Ayad | 1997 | Local |
10 | " Experimental Investigations of Turbulent Flow Around Airfoil Sections," The Eighth International Conference for Mechanical Power Engineering, Alexandria, April . | Others and S. S. Ayad | 1993 | Local |
11 | " Finite Element Model for Buoyancy Driven Cavity Flow," Journal of Applied and Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol.39. | Others and S. S. Ayad | 1992 | Local |
12 | " Numerical Study of the Performance of Tornado-Type Wind Energy Systems", AIAA Journal of Energy, Vol. 7, no. 2, 1983, PP. 134-140. | S .S. Ayad | 1983 | Local |
13 | " Wind Tunnel Investigations of Natural Ventilation, " ASCE, Journal of Transportation, Vol. 110, no. 1, PP. 67-79. | Others and S. S. Ayad | 1984 | Local |
14 | An Experimental Study of the Near Wake of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines 9th ISFFM Arlington, Virginia, April 14 to 17, 2015 | Mina G. Mourad, Samir S. Ayad, Osama E. Abdellatif and Ali A. Abdelaziz | 2015 | International |
15 | Computational Study of Natural Ventilation | Samir S. Ayad | 1999 | International |
16 | Numerical Study on Turbine Wakes in Wind Farms AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Cincinati, Ohio, 9-11 July 2018 Session on Wind and Solar Energy Generation EERE-02, | M.F. Nofal, A.M.Abdelsalam, W.A. Elaskary, O. E. Abdelatif and S.S.Ayad | 2018 | International |
17 | R. R. Mankbadi and S. S. Ayad | R. R. Mankbadi and S. S. Ayad | 1991 | Local |
18 | THE EFFECT OF TIP END-BLADE GEOMETRY ON THE AXIAL FANS PERFORMANCE Presented at the 11th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics ICFD11 -19-21 Dec 2013 | S. A. BESKALES, SAMIR S. AYAD, M. G. HIGA ZY and O. E. ABDELLATIF | 2013 | International |
19 | “Large Eddy Simulation For Flow Around Buildings,” Eights International Congress of Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion ICFDP8, Dec. , Sharm Elshiekh, Egypt. | Others and S. S. Ayad | 2006 | Local |
Sayed Abd elwanis Abd alla | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of suspension spring stiffness on the vehicle dynamics. | 1950 | Local | |
2 | A comparative study between friction stir welding and metal inert gas welding of Aluminum Alloys | A. F. Mousa , S. A. Abdallah | 2020 | Local |
3 | A study into investigation of the effect of the arc welding techniques on the mechanical properties of welded joints | S.A.Abdalla S. S. Mohamed | 2020 | Local |
4 | Active suspension control for vehicles | Sayed Abdel-Wanis Abdallah | 2006 | International |
5 | Cooling slope casting of cast iron | A. M. Negm, Sayed A. Abdallah, M. Ibrahim, T. S. Mahmoud | 2020 | International |
6 | Effect of electrode material on electrical discharge machining of tool steel surface | Mona A. Younis , Mohamed S. Abbas , Mostafa A. Gouda, Fouad H. Mahmoud , Sayed A. Abd Allah | 2020 | Local |
7 | Effect of Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters and Post-Weld Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Behaviour of Aa6061-O Aluminium Alloys | Mostafa S. S. El-Deeb, Lobna A. Khorshed*, Sayed A. Abdallah, A. M. Gaafer and T. S. Mahmoud | 2019 | Local |
8 | Effect of Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters on Surface Roughness of AA6063 Al Alloy Plates | S. A. Abdallah , F.A. Alotaibi | 2019 | Local |
9 | Improvement of vehicle ride performance using hydro-pneumatic active suspension system. | 1950 | Local | |
10 | Influence of Road Roughness on the ride and rolling Resistance for Passenger Car | Aref M. A. Soliman, Mina M.S Kaldas, Sayed A. Abdallah | 2013 | International |
11 | Influence of The Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters on Impact Energy and Microstructure of AA6063 Al Alloy | S. A. Abdallah and F.A. Alotaibi | 2020 | Local |
12 | Optimization Of Friction Stir Spot Welding Process Parameters To Minimize The Corrosion Rate In The Stirred Zones Of AA1050-O/AA6061-T4 Dissimilar Aluminum Lap-Joints | Bader D. Al-Mutairi and S. A. Abdallah | 2020 | Local |
Sayed Ahmed Abdel-Moneim | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Exergy Analysis of A Combined Gas/ Steam Turbine Cycle with A Supercharged Boiler | S,A.Abdel-Moneim et al | 2015 | International |
2 | A Modeling of Heat Transfer in Gas-Solids Turbulent Flow in Pipes | A.A. Abdel Moneim | 1995 | International |
3 | A Modeling of Heat Transfer in Gas-Solids Turbulent Flow in Pipes | S.A. Abdel-Moneim et al | 1995 | International |
4 | An Experimental Investigation of Heat and Momentum Transfer in A Turbulent Decelerated Flow over A Rough Flat Plate | 1996 | International | |
5 | An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in A Turbulent Dusty-Air Flow in Pipes | 1996 | International | |
6 | An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Air-Solids Turbulent Flow inside a Horizontal Tube with Different Entrance Angles | M.S. Zahran, S.A. Abdel-Moneim and N.S. Berbish | 1995 | International |
7 | An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer in A Turbulent Flow over An Inclined Flat-Plate | 1996 | International | |
8 | Analysis of Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow Past An Array of Two-Dimensional Ribs Mounted on A Flat Surface | 2003 | International | |
9 | Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow Past A Horizontal Surface with Two-Dimensional Ribs | C.K. Lee, S.A. Abdel-Moneim | 2001 | International |
10 | Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of MSF Desalination Plants | Awad S. Bodalal*, Sayed A. Abdul_Mounem, Hamid S. Salama | 2010 | International |
11 | Effect of The Environmental Conditions on The Thermal Rating of ACSR Conductors | S. A. Abdel-Moneim et al | 1997 | International |
12 | Effect of The Environmental Conditions on The Thermal Rating of ACSR Conductors | S. A. Abdel-Moneim et al | 1997 | International |
13 | Exergy Analysis of Combined Gas Turbine-Air Bottoming Cycle | S. A. Abdel Moneim et al | 2014 | International |
14 | Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Flow Friction in Artificially Roughened Annulus | 2000 | International | |
15 | Heat Transfer and Flow Friction in A Rectangular Duct with A Dimpled Bottom Wall | S.A. Abdel-MoneimΘ, A.R. El-Shamy, E.F. Atwan, M.F. Abd-Rabbo and E.A. Awad# | 2002 | International |
16 | Heat Transfer and Flow Friction in A Rectangular Duct with A Dimpled Bottom Wall | S.A. Abdel-MoneimΘ, A.R. El-Shamy, E.F. Atwan, M.F. Abd-Rabbo and E.A. Awad# | 2002 | International |
17 | Heat Transfer and Flow Friction in A Rectangular Duct with Repeated Multiple V-Ribs Mounted on The Bottom Wall | S.A. Abdel-MoneimΘ, E.F. Atwan and A.R. El-Shamy | 2001 | International |
18 | Heat transfer and Flow Friction of A Tangentially Injected Swirl Flow in Helically Rib-Roughened Annuli | S.A. ABDEL-MONEIM*, A.R. EL-SHAMY** AND N.S. BERBISH** | 2001 | International |
19 | Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Tangentially Injected Swirl Flow through a Horizontal Tube" | 1995 | International | |
20 | Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Pulsating Flow through Tubes | S.A. Abdel Moneim et al | 2005 | International |
21 | Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Pulsating Flow through Tubes | 2005 | International | |
22 | Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Latent Heat Thermal Storage System Using Externally Finned Channels: Numerical and Experimental Study | 2003 | International | |
23 | Heat transfer enhancement in a tangentially injected swirl flow through a roughened tube | A. Abdel-Moneim, A.R. El-Shamy and N.S. Berbish | 2000 | International |
24 | Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Repeated Zigzag Ribs Affixed on The Bottom Wall of A Rectangular Channel | 2000 | International | |
25 | Heat Transfer from An Electronic Module Placed Downstream of A Fence | 2003 | International | |
26 | Heat Transfer in Two-Phase Gas-Solids Dilute-Suspensions Flow in Pipes: A Parametric Study | S.A. ABDEL-MONEIM | 1996 | International |
27 | Heat Transfer to A Turbulent Flow over An Inclined Rough Flat Plate | 1996 | International | |
28 | Heat Transfer to Air in Turbulent Pipe Flow with Suspended Solid Powder | 1995 | International | |
29 | Hydrodynamic and Thermal Modeling of Gas-Particle Flow in Fluidized Beds", Int. Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering | S. Abd El Kawi, O. / F. Atwan, E. / A. Abdelmonem, S. / M. Abdalla, A. / M. Elshazly, K | 2007 | International |
30 | Hydrodynamic and Thermal Modeling of Gas-Particle Flow in Fluidized Beds", Int. Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering | S. Abd El Kawi, O. / F. Atwan, E. / A. Abdelmonem, S. / M. Abdalla, A. / M. Elshazly, K | 2007 | International |
31 | Impact of The Environmental Conditions on The Current Carrying Capacity of Overhead Transmission Lines | 2000 | International | |
32 | Investigation of Turbulent Heat Transfer from a Plate Placed Downstream of a Fence | A. K. Darmeesh, A. Ballil, A. A. Busedra, S. A. Abdel-Moneim | 2015 | International |
33 | Natural Convection Cooling for Spent Fuel of Nuclear Reactors | 2005 | International | |
34 | No-Load Unsteady-State Thermal Performance of Parabolic Trough Solar Collectors | 1996 | International | |
35 | No-Load Unsteady-State Thermal Performance of Parabolic Trough Solar Collectors | 1996 | International | |
36 | Numerical Investigation of The Transient Response of Packed Bed Thermal Storage Systems with Phase Change Packing Materials | 1997 | International | |
37 | Numerical Study of Packed Bed Thermal Storage Systems with Encapsulated Phase Change Materials” | S. A. Abdel-Moniem, E.F. Atwan and R. Y. Sakr | 1998 | International |
38 | PACKED BEDS AS A THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM | S.A. Abdel-Moneim | 1999 | International |
39 | PEC for Enhanced Heat Transfer Based on Exergy Analysis | 2005 | International | |
40 | Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Heat Transfer Surfaces Using The Exergy Analysis | 2002 | International | |
41 | Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Heat Transfer Surfaces Using The Exergy Analysis | 2002 | International | |
42 | Performance evaluation of heat transfer enhancement for internal flow based on exergy analysis | S.A. Abdel-Moneim and R.K. Ali | 2007 | International |
43 | Performance evaluation of heat transfer enhancement for internal flow based on exergy analysis | S.A. Abdel-Moneim and R.K. Ali | 2007 | International |
44 | Second law analysis of viscous flow through rough tubes subjected to constant heat flux | S.A. Abdel-Moneim and R.K. Ali | 2006 | International |
45 | Second law analysis of viscous flow through rough tubes subjected to constant heat flux | S.A. Abdel-Moneim and R.K. Ali | 2006 | International |
46 | Study of The Heat Exchanger Network Flexibility | 2003 | International | |
47 | Thermal Analysis for The Connections of Transmission Lines | 2000 | International | |
48 | Thermal Energy and Exergy Storage in Packed Beds: Part I System Charging | 1999 | International | |
49 | Thermal Energy and Exergy Storage in Packed Beds: Part II System Recovery | S.A. Abdel-Moneim | 1999 | International |
50 | Transient Response of A Packed Bed As A Thermal Energy Storage System: Experimental and Numerical Study | S.A. ABDEL-MONEIM, E.F. ATWAN AND R.Y. SAKR | 1996 | International |
51 | Transient Response of Packed Bed Thermal Energy Storage Systems: Experimental and Numerical Study | S. A. Abdel-Moneim et al | 1997 | International |
52 | Two-Dimensional Analysis of A Straight Fin in A Flow Field with A Location Dependent Heat Transfer Coefficient | S.A. Abdel-Moneim | 2001 | International |
Sherif Hady Taher Eisa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "A Study Of Absorption Refrigeration In Solar Applications", First International Conference Trade Fair on Environmental Management & Technologies, Vol. 2 | Sherif H. Taher | 1997 | Local |
2 | "Effect Of Heating Surface Inclination On Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering | Sherif H. Taher | 1994 | Local |
3 | "Effect Of Vibrations On Boiling Heat Transfer In Vehicle Air Conditioner", Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng. & Tech., Mataria, Helwan University, Vol. 97, pp. M30-M51, February . | Sherif H. Taher | 2005 | Local |
4 | "EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A THERMOELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR", Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal, AUEJ, Volume 4, Number 3, pp. 1- 16, July . | Sherif H. Taher | 2001 | Local |
5 | "Improvement Of Diffusion Solar Still Performance By Evaporating Wick ",11th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, Mataria, Vol. 1, pp. R70 – R82, February. | Sherif H. Taher and Eed Abdel-Hadi | 2000 | Local |
6 | "Influence Of Metallic And Non-Metallic Coatings On The Heat Transfer Coefficient During Pool Boiling Heat Transfer To Refrigerant-11", Engineering Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering & Technology | Sherif H. Taher and M .Sakr | 1992 | Local |
7 | "Influence Of The Thermal Properties Of Heating Metal On Heat Transfer Coefficients In Nucleate Pool Boiling", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 1159 –1174, December . | Sherif H. Taher | 1992 | Local |
8 | "METHODS OF IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ROOF TYPE SOLAR STILL", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering | Sherif H. Taher | 1999 | Local |
9 | "Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Of R-134a From Porous Surfaces", Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng. & Tech., Mataria, Helwan University, Vol. 96, pp. M62-M85, December . | Sherif H. Taher | 2004 | Local |
10 | "Passive Techniques To Enhance Nucleate Pool Boiling Of R-134a", Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng. & Tech., Mataria, Helwan University, Vol. 95, pp. M92-M114, October . | Sherif H. Taher | 2004 | Local |
11 | Analysis of the Intermittent Solar Powered Absorption Cooling System”, Eng. Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 78, (Dec.). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. and S. H. Taher | 2001 | Local |
12 | Augmentation of the Heat Transfer in Evaporator Tubes Under Swirl Flow”, Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, September 1-4, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 135-152. | Sherif H. Taher, and Osman, A. M. | 2000 | Local |
13 | Co-generation Seawater Ro, Part I: Elements Characteristics", International Journal of Nuclear Desalination, ENGLAND, Vol. 3. | Karameldin, A, S. H. Taher, E, A, Abdel-Hadi and R., M. Afify | 2007 | Local |
14 | Evaporation Heat Transfer Inside Internally Grooved Horizontal Tubes Using R134a”, Eng. Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, Vol. 112 (August). | K. H. Mahrous Abdel-Hadi, E. A., S. H., Taher H. and M. Mostafa | 2007 | Local |
15 | EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A BOX – TYPE SOLAR OVEN" Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 549 –565, August | Sherif H. Taher and T. El-Hanawi | 1998 | Local |
16 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Packed Heat Pipe ”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.80, pp. 184-204. | Sherif H. Taher, Berbish, N. S., and Osman, A. M. | 2002 | Local |
17 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes With Inserting Concentric Finned Tubes”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.80, pp. 163-183. | Osman, A. M., Berbish, N. S., and Sherif H. Taher | 2002 | Local |
18 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes With Inserting Concentric Finned Tubes”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.89, pp. M14-M41. | Sherif H. Taher, Berbish, N. S., and Osman, A. M. | 2003 | Local |
19 | Improving Performance of the Diffusion Solar Still”, 12th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, (Mansoura), EGYPT, (October 30th). | Taher, S. H. and E. A. Abdel-Hadi | 2001 | Local |
20 | Investigation of Film Condensation of R-11 in Internally Grooved Horizontal Tubes on The Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop”, Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng., Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.81, pp. 131-151. | Osman, A. M., Eed Abdel-Hadi, and Sherif H. Taher | 2002 | Local |
21 | Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Using Spiral Heat Exchanger”, Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal (AUEJ), EGYPT, Vol. 5, No. 4, (April). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A., S. H. Taher and A. M. Osman | 2002 | Local |
22 | Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Inclined Enclosures of Finite Conductance Walls”, Eng. Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. and Technology, Mataria, University of Helwan, EGYPT, (October). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A and Sherif H. Taher | 1999 | Local |
23 | Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients Of R-134ِِِ Over Enhanced Tubes", Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Eng. & Tech., Mataria, Helwan University, Vol. 98, April. | Sherif H. Taher | 2005 | Local |
24 | Performance and Dying Characteristics of Solar Dryers”, Jr. of Eng. and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng. Cairo Univ., EGYPT, Vol. 49, No. 1, (Feb). | Abdel-Hadi, E. A. and S. H. Taher | 2002 | Local |
25 | The Effect of Poetry Material Lined Inside Evaporator Tubes on the Heat transfer and Pressure Drop”, Scientific Bulletin of Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams Univ., EGYPT, Vol. 37, No. 2, (June). | Taher, S. H., E. A. Abdel-Hadi and A. M. Osman | 2002 | Local |
26 | The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Heat Transfer Through the Evaporator Tubes”, Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, September 1-4, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 153-17. | Osman, A. M., and Sherif H. Taher | 2000 | Local |
Tarek Ahmed Fouad Khalifa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | " Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Properties of Welded Joints in Ductile Cast Iron" | M. Mansour, H.M. Zakaria and T.A. Khalifa | 1998 | Local |
2 | "Effect of Ferrite Grain Size and Hot Working Condition on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Steel " | T.A. Khalifa | 1984 | Local |
3 | A Field Study of Material Performance at the Desalination Plant in Matrouh" | T.A.Khalifa, H.T. EL- Dessouky and S.E. Khalil | 1984 | Local |
4 | A Study of factors Governing the Mechanical properties of low carbon steel " | T.A. Khalifa | 1985 | Local |
5 | Aging and Wear Behaviour of A356/Particle Metal Matrix Composites " | T.A. Khalifa, A.N. Abd EL – Azim and A.A EL- Akabawy | 1997 | Local |
6 | An Assessment of Non- Metallic Inclusions in a low Carbon Steel and a Carbon Rail Steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1987 | Local |
7 | Assessment of Dissimilar Weld Joint of Boiler Ferritic Steel Using Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrodes | M. A. Shafy, I. S. Soliman and T. A. Khalifa | 2005 | International |
8 | Corrosion Behaviour of Dissimilar A319 and A356 Cast Aluminum Alloys Joined by Friction Stir Welding ( FSW ) | A. H. Hassan, T. S. Mahmoud, F. H. Mahmoud and T. A. Khalifa | 2010 | International |
9 | Determination of Stress Distribution in Crane Hook by Caustic | M. Shaban, M.I. Mohamed, A.Z. Abuulezz, T. Khalifa | 2015 | International |
10 | Dynamic Optimization of Thin-walled Composite Blades of Wind Turbines | G. E. Beshay, K. Y. Maalawi, S. M. Abdrabbo and T. A. Khalifa | 2015 | International |
11 | Effect of a Thin Copper Plus Nickel Coating on the Development of Fatigue Cracks in a Carbon Steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1989 | Local |
12 | Effect of Ageing on the Toughness of Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steel Weldments | O. H. Ibrahim, I.S. Ibrahim and T. A. F. Khalifa | 2015 | International |
13 | Effect of Controlled Rolling on Ferrite Grain Size and Mechanical Properties of low carbon and Niobium Bearing Steels " | T.A. Khalifa | 1983 | Local |
14 | Effect of ferrite Grain size on the Fatigue behaviour of welded Joints in Steel" | T.A. Khalifa, M .A. Farid and A. Hamid | 1985 | Local |
15 | Effect of High Temperature Exposure on the fatigue limit of 316 Stainless Steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1984 | Local |
16 | Effect of Inclusions on the Fatigue Limit of a Heat- Treated carbon steel " | T.A. Khalifa | 1989 | Local |
17 | Effect of Incomplete Penetration on the Fatigue Life of Welded Joints in Mild Steel | T.A.Khalifa and A. Hemaid | 1984 | Local |
18 | Effect of Liquid Sodium on Fatigue Crack Growth in CFR Materials" | E.Smith, D.A. Rryder, J.Dickson and T.A.Khalifa | 1980 | Local |
19 | Effect of Low Temperature Aging on The Impact Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Weld Deposit | M. A. Shafy, T. Khalifa and A. N. Kamel | 2005 | International |
20 | Effect of Microstructure on Fatigue Crack Growth in Controlled Rolled Steels " | T.A. Khalifa | 1982 | Local |
21 | Effect of Squeezing on Porosity and Wear Behaviour of Partially Remelted A319/20 Vol.-%SiC MMCs | T. S. Mahmoud, F. H. Mahmoud, H. Zakaria and T. A. Khalifa | 2008 | Local |
22 | Effect of Tool Rotational and Welding Speeds on The Microstructural and Mechanical Characteristics of Friction Stir Welded A319 Cast Al Alloy | T. S. Mahmoud, A. M. Gaafer and T. A. Khalifa | 2008 | Local |
23 | Effect of Welding Techniques on Corrosion Characteristics of Welded Joints of Types 304L, 316L and Duplex Stainless Steels | A. S. Waheed, T.A. Khalifa, A.A. Sadek and I. S. Ibrahim | 1950 | Local |
24 | Electrochemical and Stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of Alpha-Al Bronze in Sulphide-Polluted Salt Water: Effect of Envronmentally-Friendly Additives | Elsayed A. Ashour, Lobna A. Khorshed, Gehan L. Youssef, Hossam M. Zakaria, Tarek A. Khalifa | 2014 | International |
25 | Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of Al Alloy AA6063/SiCp MMCs | T. A. Khalifa and T. S. Mahmoud | 2009 | Local |
26 | Evaluation of Grain Size and Hardness using Ultrasonic Attenuation Measurements in a Carbon steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1989 | Local |
27 | Fatigue Behaviour of Locally produced coarse Grained low carbon Steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1984 | Local |
28 | Fatigue Crack Initiation Associated with Inclusions in a low Carbon Steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1989 | Local |
29 | Fracture Toughness and Impact Properties of A 356/Particle Metal Matrix Composites " | T.A. Khalifa, A.N. Abd EL – Azim and A.A EL- Akabawy | 1998 | Local |
30 | Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar A319 and A356 aluminium Cast Alloys | A. S. Hassan, T. S. Mahmoud, F. H. Mahmoud and T. A. Khalifa | 2010 | International |
31 | Impact Behavior of Different Stainless Steel Weldments at Low Temperatures | O. H. Ibrahim , I. S. Ibrahim, T. A. F. Khalifa | 2010 | International |
32 | Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Epoxy-Based PMCs Reinforced With Different Ceramic Particulates | S. S Mohamed, T. S. Mahmoud, I. M. ElMahallawi and T. A. Khalifa | 2009 | Local |
33 | Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviour of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites | T.A. Khalifa, H.M. Zakaria and E.H.Mansour | 2005 | Local |
34 | Mechanical properties of A356/Particle Metal Matrix Composites " | A.N. Abd EL – Azim, T.A. Khalifa and A.A EL- Akabawy | 1998 | Local |
35 | Microstructural Evaluation of Stainless- Cladded Carbon Steel by Welding and the Effect of Thermal Aging | T. A. Khalifa, M.A.Shafy, A .A. Sadek and A.N.Kamel | 2010 | International |
36 | Microstructural, Mechanical and Wear Behavior of A390/Graphite and A390/Al2O3 Surface Composites Fabricated Using FSP | M. Raaft , T.S. Mahmoud, H. M. Zakaria, T. A. Khalifa | 2011 | International |
37 | Microstructure and Static Immersion Corrosion Behavior of AA7020-O Al Plates Joined by Friction Stir Welding | A. O. Mosleh, F.H. Mahmoud, T.S. Mahmoud and T.A. Khalifa | 2015 | International |
38 | Microstructure Examination and Microhardness of Friction Stir Welded Joint Of (AA7020-O) After PWHT | Ghada M. F. Essa, Hossam M. Zakaria, Tamer S. Mahmoud, Tarek A. Khalifa. | 2015 | International |
39 | On The Effect of FSP on The Microstructural and Mechanical Characteristics of A390 Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy | T. S. Mahmoud, O. M. Shaban, H. Zakaria and T. A. Khalifa | 1950 | Local |
40 | On The Microstructural and Mechanical Characteristics of Friction Stir Spot Welded AA 1050-O Aluminum Alloys | R.M. Afify, T.S. Mahmoud, S.M. Abd-Rabbo, T.A. Khalifa | 2015 | International |
41 | Prediction of The Wear Behaviour of UHMWPE Using Artificial Neural Networks | D.Adss, T.S. Mahmoud, H.M. Zakaria, T.A. Khalifa | 2011 | International |
42 | Scale Formation and its Effect on the Performance of Once through MSF plant " | H. T. EL – Dessouky and T.A. Khalifa | 1985 | Local |
43 | Tensile and Creep Behavior of Extruded AA6063/SiCp Al MMCs | T. A. Khalifa and T. S. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
44 | The Effect of Aging on the Corrosion Fatigue of 316 Stainless Steel" | T.A. Khalifa, S.E. Morsi and H.Zakaria | 1985 | Local |
45 | The Effect of Controlled Rolling on the Fatigue Limit of Steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1983 | Local |
46 | The Effect of Introducing a Back – Side Groove on the Fatigue Behaviour of Butt Welds in Steel " | : T.A. Khalifa and A. Hemaid | 1984 | Local |
47 | The effect of liquid of Sodium Environment Contaminated with carbon on 316 Stainless Steel" | T.A. Khalifa | 1982 | Local |
48 | The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Pitting Corrosion of 316 Stainless Steel in 3% Na CI Aqueous Solutions" | S.M. Morsy, T.A. Khalifa, M.A. Farid and H.M. Zakaria | 1985 | Local |
49 | The Fatigue Behaviour of Medium Carbon Steel After Different Heat treatment " | T.A. Khalifa | 1985 | Local |
50 | Tribological Characteristics of Epoxy Based Nano-Composites under Dry Sliding and Water Lubricating Conditions | S. Mohamed, T. Mahmoud, I. EL Mahallawi and T. Khalifa | 2010 | International |
Yehia Abdel-Azim Al-Mashad | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A modified Deterministic heuristic Algorithm for solving assembly line balancing problem.; The annual Conference ISSR, Cairo University, 4-6 December , vol 34, Part V. | 1999 | Local | |
2 | A Modified Stochastic Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Assembly Line Balancing Problem; The 27th Annual Conference , ISSR, Cairo University, Egypt, Vol. 27. | 1992 | Local | |
3 | Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery using wavelet and Neural Networks approaches, Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Meoufia University vol 27 No. 1, January , pp 15-24 | 2004 | Local | |
4 | Correlation Between Vibration Measurement and Surface Quality in Grinding Operations; Faculty of Engineering Mataria Bulletin, Helwan University, Vol 11. | 1989 | Local | |
5 | Dead Time Compensation and Control of a Non-Linear Chemical Process; Journal of engineering and applied science, vol 43, Feb., pp 187-21, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. | 1996 | Local | |
6 | Decision Support Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks in Predicting Single Time Point Survival; Mansoura Engineering Journal of Faculty of engineering, Mansoura University, Vol. 28, N0. 2, June PP 412-424. | 2003 | Local | |
7 | Dynamics and Optimal control of a Liquid Phase Reactor, 4t international Conference sponsored by Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra and Leister University, March. | 1989 | Local | |
8 | Estimation of Asymptotic stability Region of Non-Linear Rotor Bearing System, Ain Shams Bulletin Vol. 24, August . | 1989 | Local | |
9 | Fault Detection for Hydraulic Pump Using Wavelet Analysis Technique; Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of engineering, Ain shams University, Vol . 38, No 3, September 30. | 2003 | Local | |
10 | Fault Detection: Classification through Vibration Monitoring using Artificial Neural Networks; Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Meoufia University vol 27 No. 1, January, pp 1 -8. | 2004 | Local | |
11 | Fuzzy Control of Highly Sensitive Dynamic Behaviour of Variable Displacement Axial Piston Pump; 10th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 14-16 May , Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt. | 2002 | Local | |
12 | Fuzzy Logic control for Energy management of Air Conditionning System Based on Outdoor Conditions; International Conference for Information and Communication, ICI-2, Sopron-Hungary, 10-12 October . | 2002 | Local | |
13 | Fuzzy Trajectory Control of a Pneumatic Servo-Mechanism; Engineering Research Journal , Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, vol 81, June , PP 164-173 | 2002 | Local | |
14 | Knowledg Base controller to Condensate the Roundness in the Cylinderical Plunge Grinding , Mansoura Engineering Journal of Faculty of engineering, Mansoura University, Vol. 28, N0. 2, June PP M23-M36. | 2003 | Local | |
15 | Optimal Guidance and Control of Lunch Vehicles and Ballistic Missiles, rt International Conference MTC, May . | 1990 | Local | |
16 | Robust Control of axial Piston Pump by Eigen Vector Assignment and Sensitivity Minimization; Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of engineering, Ain shams University, Vol . 38, No 2, June 30, pp 599-612. | 2003 | Local | |
17 | Self Learning Control of the DC motor by neural Network, Electronic engineering Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering at Menouf, Meoufia University, No 7, January , PP 325-334. | 1994 | Local | |
18 | The effect of Pipe Installation on the dynamic characteristics of variable displacement axial piston pump; Mansoura Engineering Journal of Faculty of engineering, Mansoura University, Vol. 28, N0. 2, June | 2003 | Local | |
19 | Theoretical and Experimental Sensitivity Analysis and Control of Hydrostatic Transmission System; 10th International conference on Aerospace Science and aviation Technology, ASAT 10-13-15 May , Military Technical College, cairo, Egypt. | 2003 | Local |
Ahmed Attia Abd El_Latief Attia | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Comparative study on AL2O3 nanoparticle addition on cool storage system performance | Ahmed A.A. Attia, Ahmed A. Altohamy, M.F. Abd Rabbo, R.Y. Sakr | 2016 | International |
2 | COMPUTATIONAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THERMAL SIMULATION OF SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER” , Mahmoud Galal Yehia, Ahmed A. A. Attia, Osama Ezzat Abdelatif, Essam E. Khalil, ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2014-20005 June 25-27, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark | Mahmoud Galal Yehia, Ahmed A. A. Attia, Osama Ezzat Abdelatif, Essam E. Khalil | 2014 | International |
3 | Effect of water based Al2O3 nanoparticle PCM on cool storage performance | Ahmed A. Altohamy, M.F. Abd Rabbo, R.Y. Sakr, Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2016 | International |
4 | Heat pump seawater distillation system using passive vacuum generation system | Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2016 | International |
5 | Heat pump seawater distillation system using passive vacuum generation system | Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2016 | International |
6 | Heat transfer and friction characteristics of shell and tube heat exchanger with multi inserted swirl vanes | Mahmoud Galal Yehia a,⇑, Ahmed A.A. Attia b, Osama Ezzat Abdelatif b, Essam E. Khalil c | 2016 | International |
7 | M.S. Zahran, M.H.Sakr, R.Abd El Aziz & Ahmed A.A. Attia “ Solar Water Heater Utilizing Wickless Heat Pipes” , Scientific Bulletin, AIN SHAMS UNIV., Vol. , No., September, 2000 | M.S. Zahran, M.H.Sakr, R.Abd El Aziz & Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2000 | Local |
8 | Optimization of stepped conical swirler with multiple jets for pre-mixed turbulent swirl flames | Ibrahim Shahin ⇑, Ismail M.M. Elsemary, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed A.A. Attia, Khairy H. Elnagar | 2016 | International |
9 | phd. Zahran, M.H.Sakr, R.Abd El Aziz & Ahmed A.A. Attia “ Experimental Study On the performance of Micro heat pipes Formed From Different Channel Geometers” , Scientific Bulletin, AIN SHAMS UNIV., Vol. 39, No.3, September, 2004 | M.S. Zahran, M.H.Sakr, R.Abd El Aziz & Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2004 | Local |
10 | “ Experimental Investigation of Vapor Chamber with Different Working Fluids at Different Charge Ratios “ Ahmed A.A. Attia , Baiumy T. El-Assal, Heat Pipe Science and Technology, An International Journal 3(1), 35–51 (2012) . | Ahmed A.A. Attia , Baiumy T. El-Assal | 2012 | International |
11 | “ Study on Solar System Inclination Angle Optimization” , Ahmed A.A. Attia, Engineering Research Journal(Faculty of Engineering Shoubra), July, 2012 | Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2012 | Local |
12 | “A New Automated Fuel Tank Washing System”, SAE International, 2010-01-0693, 04/12/2010. Ahmed A.Abdel-Rehim and Ahmed A.A. Attia | Ahmed A.Abdel-Rehim and Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2010 | Local |
13 | “An Experimental Study on The Effect of Internal Helical Groove With Different Pitches On Heat Pipe Performance”, ASJME, Vol. 2,w October, 2009, pp129-138 Ahmed A.A. Attia , Khairy H. El Nagar and Reda I. El-Ghnam. 24-26 | Ahmed A.A.Attia, Khairy H.El-Nagar & Reda I. El-Ghnam | 2009 | Local |
14 | “Does Magnetic Fuel Treatment Affect Engine's Performance?”, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim and Ahmed A.A. Attia, SAE International, 2014-01-1398 | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim and Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2014 | International |
15 | “New proposed system for freeze water desalination using auto reversed R-22 vapor compression heat pump” Desalination, 254(2010)179-194, Ahmed A. A. Attia. | Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2010 | International |
16 | “ON THE COMPUTATIONS OF THERMAL BEHAVIOUR OF SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER” , Mahmoud Galal Yehia, Ahmed A. A. Attia, Osama Ezzat Abdelatif, Essam E. Khalil, AIAA-2014-1928049 | Mahmoud Galal Yehia, Ahmed A. A. Attia, Osama Ezzat Abdelatif, Essam E. Khalil, | 2014 | International |
17 | “Thermal analysis for system uses pressurized hot water for seawater desalination (pressurized multistage), Ahmed A.A. Attia 1, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim , Desalination 346 (2014) 91–99 | Ahmed A.A. Attia , Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim | 2014 | International |
18 | “Thermal Analysis for System Uses Solar Energy as a Pressure Source for Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Desalination “ , Ahmed A.A. Attia, Solar Energy 86 (2012) 2486–2493 | Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2012 | International |
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Ahmed Abdel Azim Ahmed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Does Magnetic Fuel Treatment Affect Engine's Performance? | AA Abdel-Rehim, AAA Attia | 2015 | International |
2 | A New Automated Fuel Tank Washing System | Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed AA Attia | 2010 | International |
3 | An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Nanoparticles as fuel additive on the Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim and Sayed Y. Akl | 2016 | International |
4 | An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Magnetic Field on Engine Cooling Water Properties | Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim, Khairy El-Nagar, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz, Hamdy Maarouf | 2011 | International |
5 | An experimental investigation on performance and emissions of a single cylinder dual fuel Diesel-CNG engine combined with EGR | Mohamed Suliman Attia, Ahmed Abdel-Azeem Abdel-Rehim, Osama Ahmed Badr, Salah Hassan El-emam | 2014 | International |
6 | Characteristics of ion current signals in compression ignition and spark ignition engines | Naeim A Henein, Walter Bryzik, Ahmed Abdel-Rehim, Ashish Gupta | 2015 | International |
7 | Comparative Analysis of Fuel Cell and Photovoltaic Panels as Electrical Sources for RO Desalination Domestic Scale Systems | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Bahy S. A. Abdel-Mesih and Jamal E. Alostaz | 2012 | International |
8 | Condition Monitoring of a Gear-Box Using Wear Particle Analysis Technique | SY Akl, AA Abdel-Rehim | 2015 | International |
9 | Condition Monitoring of a Single Cylinder Engine Running on Gasoline and Gasoline-Ethanol Blend Using Wear Particle Analysis Technique | Sayed Y Akl, Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim | 2013 | International |
10 | Effect of Nano-Graphite Dispersion on the Thermal Solar Selective Absorbance of Polymeric-Based Coating Material | I. S El-Mahallawi, AA Abdel-Rehim, N Khattab, NH Rafat, H Badr | 2018 | International |
11 | Impact of A/F ratio on ion current features using spark plug with negative polarity | Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim, Naeim A Henein, Ed VanDyne | 2008 | International |
12 | Impact of spark plug number of ground electrodes on engine stability | Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim | 2013 | International |
13 | Investigating the Effect of Al2O3/Water Nanofluid on the Efficiency of a Thermosyphon Flat-Plate Solar Collector | M. N. Negm, AA Abdel-Rehim, AAA Attia | 2016 | International |
14 | Ion Current in a Spark Ignition Engine using Negative Polarity on Center Electrode | AA Abdel-Rehim, NA Henein, E VanDyne | 2007 | International |
15 | Optimization of stepped conical swirler with multiple jets for pre-mixed turbulent swirl flames | Ibrahim Shahin, Ismail M.M. Elsemary, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed A.A. Attia, Khairy H. Elnagar | 2016 | International |
16 | The Impact of Exit Port Design of a Water Piston IC Engine on Engine Performance | Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim, Rady Sylym | 2010 | International |
17 | Thermal analysis for system uses pressurized hot water for seawater desalination (pressurized multistage) | Ahmed A.A. Attia, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim | 2015 | International |
18 | Thermoelectric Behaviour of Polyvinyl Acetate /CNT Composites | Thermoelectric materials, Polyvinyl Acetate, CNT | 2017 | International |
19 | Tribological Properties of Engine Lubricant with Nano-Copper Oxide as an Additive | Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, and Esraa A. Khafagy | 2016 | International |
20 | Utilizing the Active Spark Plug as an Ionization Probe to Estimate the Engine Cylinder Pressure | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Naeim A. Henein | 2018 | International |
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Ahmed Reda Mohamed Ali El Shami | |
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Al_sayed Fahmi Atwan | |
Hassanein Abdelmohsen Hassanein Refaey | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An Experimental Study on Solidification and Melting Processes of Ice-On-Bare U-Tube Copper Coil | mohamed salah zeid; Ali A Abdelaziz; Hany Elsawy Abdelrahman; Hassanein Abdelmohsen Refaey | 2023 | Local |
2 | Augmentation of convective heat transfer in the cooling zone of brick tunnel kiln using guide vanes: An experimental study | H.A.Refaey; Ali A.Abdel-Aziz; R.K.Ali; H.E.Abdelrahman; M.R.Salem | 2017 | International |
3 | CFD Simulation and Experimental Validation of Cross Flow Mixing in Body Center Cubic Packed Bed and Comparison with PMM | Ali Alkhalaf; H. A. Refaey; Nabeh Natik Aldderoubi; E. Specht | 2016 | International |
4 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Flow Mixing in Tunnel Kilns by Air Side Injection | A. G T. Al-Hasnawi, H. A. Refaey, Tino Redemann, M. Attalla, E. Specht | 2017 | International |
5 | Development and analysis of a novel CSP source driven cogeneration cycle for the production of electric power and low temperature refrigeration | Abdul Khaliq; H.A. Refaey; Mathkar A. Alharthi | 2021 | International |
6 | Effect of package spacing on convective heat transfer from thermal sources mounted on a horizontal surface | R.K. Ali, H.A. Refaey, M.R. Salem | 2018 | International |
7 | Effect of R-600a and distilled water on nucleate pool boiling characteristics from horizontal tubes at low and moderate heat flux | Hassanein A. Refaey, Ali A. Abdel-Aziz, Eslam Hussein & Mamdouh W. Al-Dosoky | 2022 | International |
8 | Effect of surfaces roughness of a staggered tube bank in cross flow with air on heat transfer and pressure drop | Mohamed A Karali; Bandar Awadh Almohammadi; Abdullah S Bin Mahfouz; Mostafa AH Abdelmohimen; El-Awady Attia; HA Refaey | 2023 | International |
9 | Enhancement of Heat Transfer Characteristics through Pipes by Pulsating the Flow Downstream. | Hassanein Refaey; Adel-Monem S.A ; Afify R.I.;El-shamy A.R. | 2006 | International |
10 | Experimental and Numerical Comparison between Fixed and Double Axial Photovoltaic Tracking System | 2016 | International | |
11 | Experimental investigation on the performance of a small reverse osmosis unit | 17- M. Elsayed, H. A. Refaey, O. E. Abdellatif, R. Y. Sakr, R. I. Afify | 2018 | International |
12 | Experimental investigations on the thermal performance of an ice storage system using twin concentric helical coil | HE Abdelrahman; HA Refaey; A Alotaibi; Ali A Abdel-Aziz; MF Abd Rabbo | 2020 | International |
13 | Flow Field Visualization to Simulate the Burning of Sanitaryware in Tunnel Kilns | Hassanein Refaey;E. Specht | 2016 | International |
14 | Influence of contact point treatment on the cross flowmixing in a simple cubic packed bed: CFD simulation and experimental validation | Ali Alkhalaf · H. A. Refaey · Nabeh Al-durobi · E. Specht | 2018 | International |
15 | Influence of Fuel Distribution and Heat Transfer on Energy Consumption in Tunnel Kilns | Hassanein Refaey;E Specht;Mohamed Reda Salem | 2015 | International |
16 | Influence of using different tapered longitudinal section manifolds in a Z shaped flat plate solar collector on flow distribution uniformity | Mohamed A. Karali; Mathkar A. Alharthi; H.A. Refaey | 2022 | International |
17 | Investigating the performance of a water-based PVT system using encapsulated PCM balls: An experimental study | Alaa Hamada; Mohamed Emam; H.A. Refaey; M. Moawed ; M.A. Abdelrahman | 2023 | International |
18 | Investigation of new waves in chemical engineering | Mahmoud Abdelrahman; H.A. Refaey and Mathkar A. Alharthi | 2021 | International |
19 | Numerical and experimental study for heat transfer enhancement of cubical heat source and dummy elements inside rectangular duct | H. A. Refaey; Esraa Eslam; R. Y. Sakr; H. E. Abdelrahman | 2021 | International |
20 | Numerical investigation of heat transfer in annulus laminar flow of multi tubes-in-tube helical coil | S. A. Nada, Hassan Elattar, A. S. Fouda, H. A. Refaey | 2017 | International |
21 | Numerical investigations of convective heat transfer for lattice settings in brick tunnel Kiln: CFD simulation with experimental validation | HA Refaey; Mathkar A Alharthi; MR Salem; Ali A Abdel-Aziz; HE Abdelrahman; MA Karali | 2021 | International |
22 | Numerical investigations of the performance of water-based nanofluid flow in conically coiled tube in tube heat exchangers: CFD simulation with experimental validation | H. A. Refaey, M.R. Salem, M. Ahmed, M.F. Abdrabbo | 2021 | International |
23 | Passive cooling of highly-concentrator triple-junction solar cell using a straight-finned heat sink: An experimental investigation | H.A. Refaey; M.A. Abdelrahman; Mathkar A. Alharthi; Samir Bendoukha; Said Ghani Khan; Mohamed Emam | 2023 | International |
24 | Techno - Economic Study of Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Remote Area in Sinai | K. A. Abed, M. Moawad, H. A. Refaey, SH. A. Salem | 2017 | International |
25 | The Effect of Varying the Height of the Inlet and Outlet Vent on Fire Protection in NPPs | AM Refaey, HA Refaey, MM Kandil, MA Moawed | 2018 | International |
26 | Thermal and hydraulic numerical study for a novel multi tubes in tube helically coiled heat exchangers: Effects of operating/geometric parameters | H.F. Elattar, A. Fouda, S.A. Nada, H. A. Refaey, A. Al-Zahrani | 2018 | International |
27 | Thermal performance augmentation in the cooling zone of brick tunnel kiln with two types of guide vanes | H.A. Refaey, Ali A. Abdel-Aziz, M.R. Salem, H.E. Abdelrahman, M.W. Al-Dosoky | 2018 | International |
28 | Thermal performance modeling of turbulent flow in multi tube in tube helically coiled heat exchangers | A. Fouda, S.A. Nada, H.F. Elattar, H.A. Refaey, Abdullah S. Bin-Mahfouz | 2018 | International |
29 | Thermo-fluid performance for helical coils inserted in a tube using hybrid CFD-ANN approach | Bandar Awadh Almahmmadi; H.A. Refaey; Mohamed T. Abdelghany; Samir Bendoukha; Mohamed Mansour; M.A. Sharafeldin | 2024 | International |
30 | Transient study during clay bricks cooking in the traditional kiln; CFD numerical study | M. Ngom; A. Thiam; A. Balhamri; V. Sambou; T. Raffak; H.A. Refaey | 2022 | Local |
31 | Transient thermal behavior in brick tunnel kiln with guide vanes: Experimental study | H.A. Refaey; Bandar Awadh Almohammadi; Ali A. Abdel-Aziz; H.E. Abdelrahman; H.A. Abd El-Ghany; Mohamed A. Karali; M.W. Al-Dosoky | 2022 | International |
32 | Unloading characteristics of flights in a flighted rotary drum operated at optimum loading | Mohamed A. Karali, Eckehard Specht, Fabian Herz , Jochen Mellmann , Hassanein A. Refaey | 2018 | International |
Karam Mahmoud Hassan El-Shazly | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | “Enhancement of Heat Transfer Through Fin- and- Tube Heat Exchanger Using Corrugated Fins”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol.44, No.2, pp.309-324, Apr.1997. | Ghanem, A.G., El-Shazly, K.M.&El-Asfouri,A.S., | 1997 | International |
2 | " Experimental Investigation of Coil Curvature Effect on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger" Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol 7, March. 2015 | M. R. Salem, K. M. Elshazly, R. Y. Sakr, R. K. Ali | 2015 | International |
3 | "Effect of Coil Torsion on Heat transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger" Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, , Copyright 2015 ASME | Mohamed Reda Salem, K.M. Elshazly, R.Y. Sakr, R.K. Ali | 2015 | International |
4 | "Effect Of Darcian And Non-Darcian Natural Convection On The Effective Thermal Conductivity Of A Porous Medium", Int. Renwable Energy Conf., June 22-26, Amman, Jordan, pp. 663-677, Vol II. [Ph.D.] | El-Shazly, K.M., Abd-Rabbo, M.F., Hanna, G.B. & Abdel Salam, M.S. | 1992 | International |
5 | "Effect of γ -Al 2 O 3 /Water Nanofluid on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger With Different Coil Curvatures"Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol 7, Dec. 2015 | Mohamed Reda Salem, R. K. Ali, Ramadan Sakr, K. M. Elshazly | 2015 | International |
6 | "EFFECTS OF WINDOW SIZE AND LOCATION AND WIND DIRECTION ON THERMAL COMFORT WITH SINGLE-SIDED NATURAL VENTILATION " PMVWorld Renewable Energy Congress VIII (WREC 2004). Copyright 2004. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Editor AAM Sayigh | M. A. Hassan, M. R. Shaalan, K. M. El-Shazly | 2004 | International |
7 | "Energy Efficient Buildings :Investigation of Thermal Comfort" World Renewable Energy Congress(WREC) vii , 2002, Copywrite 2002 Elsevier Science | M. A. Hassan, M. R. Shaalan, K. M. El-Shazly | 2002 | International |
8 | "Enhancement Of Heat Transfer Through Air Heater Using Fluidized Bed", Engineering Research Bulletin, University of Helwan, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. Materia, vol l, January. | El-Shazly, K.M., Younan, G.W., Dawood, M.H. & Ghoneim, Z. | 1995 | Local |
9 | "Experimental And Theoretical Determination Of Thermal Conductivity Of Building And Insulating Materials," Al-Azhar Engineering Third Int. Conf., Cairo, Egypt. Dec. 18-21. | El-Shazly, K.M., Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 1993 | International |
10 | "Experimental Investigation Of Natural Convection In Vertical Annular Porous Layer", 1st Jordanian Mechanical Engineering Conf., Jordan Engineers Association, Amman, 25-28 June, Vol. 2, pp. 509-524. | Atwan, E.F., El-Shazly, K.M., Khalil, E.E & Abdel - Salam, M.S. | 1995 | International |
11 | "Heat Transfer between Fluidized Bed and Horizontal Bundle of Tubes in a Vertical Channel" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING 8(1) Volume 8 JANUARY 2010 | Mohamed A Moawed. Nabil Berbish, Ahmed A. Allam, Ahmed R. El-Shamy, Karam El-Shazly | 2010 | International |
12 | "Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Latent Heat Thermal Storage System Using Externally Finned Channels: Numerical and Experimental Study" Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Regional Conf. (ASHRAE), REGION AT LARGE ARC_CAIRO EGYPT ,6-8 september 2003,cairo ,Paper no., RAL-3-5 | Karam El-Shazly, S. A. Abdel-Moniem, E.F. Atwan, A. A. Abdel-Aziz, Ragab Khalil Ali | 2003 | International |
13 | "Hydrodynamic and Thermal Modelling of Gas–Particle Flow in Fluidized Beds."INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING, Volume5, 2007, | O. S. Abd El Kawi, E. F. Atwan, S. A. AbdelmonemA. M. Abdalla, K. M. Elshazly | 2007 | International |
14 | "Mass And Heat Transfer By Natural Convection In A Porous Medium With Different Boundary Conditions", Engineering Research Bulletin, University of Helwan, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. Mataria, vol 4, August, Cairo. | El-Shazly, K.M. | 1993 | Local |
16 | "Numerical Computation Time-Dependent Natural Convection In Tall, Square And Shollow Cavities," ICMPE-8, Alexandria, Egypt, April 27-29, vol. 3, pp. 133-142.1993. | El-Shazly, K.M. | 1993 | International |
17 | "Numerical Investigation Of Natural Convection In Porous Media Enclosed Btween Two Concentric Vertical Cylinders" 1st Jordanian Mechanical Engineering Conf., Jordan Engineers Association, Amman, 25-28 June, Vol. 2, pp. 491-508. | Atwan, E.F., El-Shazly, K.M., Khalil, E.E. & Abdel-Salam, M.S. | 1995 | International |
19 | "Prediction Of Rough Surface Thermal Turbulent Boundary Leyer"., Fifth Int. Conf. of Fluid Mechanics, January 2-5, Cairo, Egypt. | Abdalla, G.H., El-Shazly, K.M., Abd- Ellatif, O.E. & Abd-Rabbo, M.F. | 1995 | International |
20 | "Transient Conduction And Convection Through Horizontal Enclosures With Different Boundary Conditions", the 4th Int. Conf., 21-23 March, Cairo, Egypt. [M.Sc.] | El-Shazly, K.M., Assassa, G, R. & Abdel-Salam | 1989 | International |
21 | ," Modeling and simulation of loss of the ultimate heat sink in a typical material testing reactor"Elsevier,Annals of Nuclear Energy 51, (2013) 156–166 | Hisham El-Khatiba, Salah El-Din El-Morshedya, Maher.G. Higazy,, Karam El-Shazly | 2013 | International |
23 | Effect of Pressure Gradient on Film Cooling From Holes Supplemented by Anti-Vortex Holes | M. A. H. Abdel-Mohimen, T. A. Meakhail, S. S. Ayad, K. El-Shazly, | 2013 | International |
24 | EFFECTS OF WINDOW SIZE AND LOCATION AND WIND DIRECTION ON THERMAL COMFORT WITH SINGLE-SIDED NATURAL VENTILATION" World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (WREC 2004). Copyright 2004. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Editor AAM Sayigh. | M. A. Hassan M. R. Shaalan K. M. El-Shazly | 2004 | International |
25 | EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF NATURAL CONVECTION IN TILTED RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE” AEIC2003 Conference, Cairo (7-10 April 2003) | K.M. El-Shazly, M.M. Abdel-Razek, E.F.Atwan, N.M. Giurguis, S.S.Shebl” | 2003 | International |
26 | Investigation of effects of window combinations on ventilation characteristics for thermal comfort in buildings" DESL0038.fm Page 256 Monday, April 17, 2006 6:39 PM | M.A. Hassana*, N.M. Guirguisa, M.R. Shaalanb, K.M. El-Shazly | 2006 | International |
27 | “DEVELOPING HEAT TRANSFER AUGMENTATION IN A RIBBED RECTANGULAR DUCT AITH DIFFERENT INTAKE SHAPES “AUEJVolume 9, Number 2, April 2006 | A.A. Abdel-Aziz, K.A. Mahomoud, K.M. El-Shazly and M.F. AbdRabbo | 2006 | International |
28 | “Drying of Food Products By Solar Energy” Cairo Fifth International Conference on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, June 3-6 1996. pp.101-112 | El-Shazly, K.M. | 1996 | International |
29 | “EFFECT OF CUTTING CONDITION IN TURNING ON FATIGUE BEHAVIOR OF 0.12% CARBON STEEL” | A. A . Ibrahim, F. S. Ahmed, K. ELshazly, S. Samir | 2006 | International |
30 | “Effect of Different Intake Shapes on the Fluid Flow Characteristics of a Ribbed Rectangular Duct” Engineering Research Journal Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, NO. 2 October 2004 | A.A. Abd El-Aziz; K.A. Mahmoud; K.M. El-Shazly; M.F. AbdRabbo | 2004 | International |
31 | “Heat Transfer by free convection from the inside surface of the vertical and inclined elliptic tube” ENERGYCONVERSION &MANAGEMENTWWW. Elsevier.com/locate/enconman, Vol 46, 2005 ,1443-1463 | K. Elshazly, M. Moawed,E. Ibrahim, M. Emara | 2005 | International |
32 | ” An Applied Nomograph for Thermal Load Readings” 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, March 11-13. | Fanny, M.F , El-Shazly,K.M, &Kotkata, M.F. | 2000 | International |
33 | ” An Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection in a Packed Pipe With a Porous Medium” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol.47, No.2, Apr.2000, pp.269-285 | Khalil, R.A., El-Shazly, K.M.& Assassa, G.R. | 2000 | Local |
34 | ” An Experimental Study of Forced Convection in Horizontal Porous Annuli”, Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference (AEIC-2000) , Vol.7, pp. 289-304, September (1-4), 2000 | Atwan, E. F., El-Shamy, A. R.& El-Shazly, K. M. | 2000 | International |
35 | ” Effect of Conduction on Free Convection Across a Vertical Shallow And Square Cellular Structure” 1st Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering (MICATE’99), Minia , March(14-16), pp. 163-174 | El-Shazly, K.M. | 1999 | International |
36 | ” Experimental And Numerical Investigation of Flow Characteristics in a Rectangular Channel With Two Ribbed-Walls “ICMPE-11, Helwan, Egypt, Feb.(5-7), vol.2, pp. (F69-F88).2000 | Abdel-Aziz, A.A, El-Shazly, K.M & Hanafi, A.S. | 2000 | International |
37 | ” Heat Transfer And Fluid Flow Characteristics of Forced Convection Through a Packed Pipe” ICMPE-11, Helwan, Egypt, Feb.(5-7), vol.1, pp. (H186-H200).2000 | Khalil, R.A., El-Shazly, K.M.& Assassa, G.R | 2000 | International |
38 | ” Heat Transfer Characteristics and Velocity Measurements of Main Flow in a Rectangular Channel With Two Ribbed-Walls “, Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference (AEIC-2000) , September (1-4),pp.269-288, 2000. | Abdel-Aziz, A.A, El-Shazly, K.M &Hanafi, A.S. | 2000 | International |
39 | ” Measurement of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Material Using a Transient Technique” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol.44, No.6, pp.1135-1153, Dec. | Abdel-Aziz, A.A, Abdel-Salam, M.M., El-Shazly, K.M, Abdel-Salam, M.S. & Hanafi, A.S. | 1997 | Local |
40 | ” Natural Convection in Annulus Filled With Either Saturated Porous Media or Horizontally Divided Into Fluid And Porous Regions”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol.47, No.3, Jan.2000, pp539-553 | El-Shazly, K.M. | 2000 | Local |
41 | ” Numerical Analysis of Time Dependent Free Convection in a Vertical Enclosure Containing Fluid And Porous Layers”, 3rd Jordanian Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Conf./(JMIEC), Amman/Jordan May(9-12), pp. 359-373. | El-Shazly, K.M. | 1999 | International |
42 | ” Thermal Characteristics of Room Towards an Energy Conservation”,7th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Cairo, Egypt, March 11-13. | El-Shazly,K.M., Fanny, M.F.&Kotkata, M.F. | 2000 | International |
43 | ”EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF NATURAL CONVECTION INSIDE HORIZONTAL ELLIPTIC TUBE WITH DIFFERENT ANGLES OF ATTACK” Energy Conversion and Management 47(2006) 35–45 | K. El-Shazly, M. Moewed, E. Ibrahim , AND M. Emara | 2006 | International |
44 | ”Heat Transfer Characteristics of Pulsated Flow Downstream of Abrupt Expansion Through Pipes”, 2nd International Conference of the Engineering Research Division, Advances in Engineering Science & Technologies, 12-14 November 2005 | El-Shazly K. M., Zohir A. E., Abdel-Aziz A. A., and Abdel-Mohimen M. | 2005 | International |
Maha Mahmoud Aly Lashin | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Metal Detector Mobil Robot as a New Application of Microcontroller | 1. Maha M. Lashin | 2014 | International |
2 | Computer-Aided Data for Machinery Foundation Analysis and Design | Galal A Hassaan, Maha M Lashin, Mohammed A Al-Gamil | 2012 | International |
3 | Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Beam Structure Using Finite Element Approach | Maha M. A. Lashin, A. Okasha El-Nady | 2015 | International |
4 | New Approach for the Synthesis of Planar 4-Bar Mechanisms for 2 Coupler-Positions Generation | Galal A Hassaan, Mohammed A Al-Gamil, Maha M Lashin | 2015 | International |
6 | Optimal Synthesis of a 4-Bar Simple Toggle | Galal A Hassaan, Mohammed A Al-Gamil, Maha M Lashin | 2011 | International |
7 | Pressure Control of Steel-Ball Boring Bar Using Optimized PID Controller through Genetic Algorithm | Maha M. A. Lashin, Mostafa R.A. Atia | 2015 | International |
8 | Tuning of a Lag-Lead Compensator used with a First Order Plus an Integrator Process. | Galal A. Hassaan, Mohammed A. Al-Gamil, Maha M. Lashin | 2013 | International |
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Kayedbay Mohamed Moawed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | " An experimental study of fluid flow characteristics around semi-circular tube" 10th International conference on applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, May 14-16, Milatary Technical College, Cairo, Egypt. | Rady, M.,A.; Moawed, M.; Ibrahim, E.Z.; and Elsayed, A.O. | 2002 | Local |
2 | " Experimental and numerical study of flow field and forced convection around semi-circular tube in cross flow at different angles of attack" Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ. Faculty of Eng., Vol.40, No. 2, pp.651-676, June 30. | S. Nada; H. Elbatch and M. Moawed | 2005 | Local |
3 | " Experimental and numerical study of flow field and forced convection around semi-circular tube in cross flow at different angles of attack" Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ. Faculty of Eng., Vol.40, No. 2, pp.651-676, June 30. | S. Nada; H. Elbatch and M. Moawed | 2005 | Local |
4 | " Experimental investigation of natural convection inside horizontal elliptic tube with different angles of attack" published in Cairo International Conference on Energy and Environment, 4-7. | K. El-Shazly; M. Moawed; E. Ibrahim and M. Emara | 2003 | Local |
5 | " Free convection heat transfer inside vertical and inclined elliptic tubes with different axis ratio and different inclination and orientation angles" Energy Conversion and Management 49 587–595. | M. Moawed, E. Ibrahim | 2008 | Local |
6 | " Free convection heat transfer inside vertical and inclined elliptic tubes with different axis ratio and different inclination and orientation angles" Energy Conversion and Management 49 587–595. | M. Moawed, E. Ibrahim | 2008 | Local |
7 | " Spray characteristics of an Airblast-simplex Nozzle Liquid-Fueled Gas Turbine Combustors", presented at the ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress & Exhibtion , Stckholm, Sweeden. | Ibrahim, M.B.; Moawed, M.; and Sanders, T. | 1998 | International |
8 | " Thermal performance of a cross flow heat exchanger with semi-circular tubes" Engineering Research Journal, Shoubra Faculty of Eng. No. 4, pp. 87- 109. | M. Moawed | 2005 | Local |
9 | " Thermal performance of a cross flow heat exchanger with semi-circular tubes" Engineering Research Journal, Shoubra Faculty of Eng. No. 4, pp. 87- 109. | M. Moawed | 2005 | Local |
10 | "An experimental study of fluid flow characteristics around semi-circular tube" 10th International conference on applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, May 14-16, Milatary Technical College, Cairo, Egypt. | Rady, M.,A.; Moawed, M.; Ibrahim, E.Z.; and Elsayed, A.O. | 2002 | Local |
11 | "Experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection between isothermal concentric and eccentric vertical cylinders" Engineering Research Journal; Helwan Univ., Faculty of Engineering, Mattaria, August. | M. Moawed and Abdel Aziz A. | 2005 | Local |
12 | "Experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection between isothermal concentric and eccentric vertical cylinders" Engineering Research Journal; Helwan Univ., Faculty of Engineering, Mattaria, August. | M. Moawed and Abdel Aziz A. | 2005 | Local |
13 | "Experimental investigation of free convection from a horizontal semicircular cylinder at different orientations" Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 731-744, July. | Nada, S.A.; Moawed, M.; And Rady, M., A. | 2002 | Local |
14 | "Experimental investigation of free convection from a horizontal semicircular cylinder at different orientations" Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 731-744, July. | Nada, S.A.; Moawed, M.; And Rady, M., A. | 2002 | Local |
15 | "Experimental investigation of natural convection inside horizontal elliptic tube with different angles of attack" published in Cairo International Conference on Energy and Environment, 4-7. | K. El-Shazly; M. Moawed; E. Ibrahim and M. Emara | 2003 | Local |
16 | "Free convection in tilted rectangular enclosures heated at the bottom wall and vented by different slot-vented arrangements" Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 981- 998, June 30. | S. A. Nada and M. Moawed | 2004 | Local |
17 | "Free convection in tilted rectangular enclosures heated at the bottom wall and vented by different slot-vented arrangements" Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 981- 998, June 30. | S. A. Nada and M. Moawed | 2004 | Local |
18 | "Heat transfer by free convection from isothermal vertical helical coiled tubes" 11th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (AMME), Nov. 23-25. | Moawed, M., A.; Gomaa, A., G.; Eid, A., E. | 2004 | Local |
19 | "Heat transfer by free convection from isothermal vertical helical coiled tubes" 11th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (AMME), Nov. 23-25. | Moawed, M., A.; Gomaa, A., G.; Eid, A., E. | 2004 | Local |
20 | "Heat transfer by free convection from the inside surface of the vertical and inclined elliptic tube" Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ., Sept. 30. | K. El-Shazly; M. Moawed; E. Ibrahim and M. Emara | 2004 | Local |
21 | "Heat transfer by free convection from the inside surface of the vertical and inclined elliptic tube" Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ., Sept. 30. | K. El-Shazly; M. Moawed; E. Ibrahim and M. Emara | 2004 | Local |
22 | "Heat transfer by natural convection in horizontal annuli" The eight international conference for Mechanical Power Engineering, Alexandria University, pp. 153-165, April 27-29. | Sarhan, A.; Khamis, M.; Moawed, M.A. | 1993 | Local |
23 | "Heat transfer by natural convection in horizontal annuli" The eight international conference for Mechanical Power Engineering, Alexandria University, pp. 153-165, April 27-29. | Sarhan, A.; Khamis, M.; Moawed, M.A. | 1993 | Local |
24 | "Heat transfer by natural convection in vertical and horizontal annuli" Al–Azhar University Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 4, Cairo, Egypt, (October ) . | Sarhan, A.; Khamis, M.; Moawed, M.A. | 2001 | Local |
25 | "Heat transfer by natural convection in vertical and horizontal annuli" Al–Azhar University Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 4, Cairo, Egypt, (October ) . | Sarhan, A.; Khamis, M.; Moawed, M.A. | 2001 | Local |
26 | "Spray characteristics of an Airblast-simplex Nozzle Liquid-Fueled Gas Turbine Combustors", presented at the ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress & Exhibtion , Stckholm, Sweeden. | Ibrahim, M.B.; Moawed, M.; and Sanders, T. | 1998 | Local |
27 | "Thermal performance of a pipe in pipe heat exchanger with sinusoidal inner pipe" Energy Conversion and Management 49 678–686. | M.A. Moawed, E. Ibrahim, A. Gomaa | 2008 | Local |
28 | "Thermal performance of a pipe in pipe heat exchanger with sinusoidal inner pipe" Energy Conversion and Management 49 678–686. | M.A. Moawed, E. Ibrahim, A. Gomaa | 2008 | Local |
29 | “Experimental investigation of natural convection from vertical and horizontal helicoidal pipes in HVAC application” ASHRAE Conference Cairo-Egypt, 6-8 Sept. | M. Moawed | 2003 | Local |
30 | “Experimental investigation of natural convection from vertical and horizontal helicoidal pipes in HVAC application” ASHRAE Conference Cairo-Egypt, 6-8 Sept. | M. Moawed | 2003 | Local |
31 | “Free convection from a vertical and inclined semicircular cylinder at different orientations” Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 273-282, May . | S. A. Nada and M. Moawed | 2003 | Local |
32 | “Free convection from a vertical and inclined semicircular cylinder at different orientations” Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 273-282, May. | S. A. Nada and M. Moawed | 2003 | Local |
Nabil Mohamed Shafik Abdel-Azim Berbish | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Horizontal Elliptic Annuli,” International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,Vol. 6, Article A45, pp. 1-26 | Sakr, R. Y., Berbish, N. S., Abdel-Aziz, A. A., and Hanafi, A. S. | 2008 | Local |
2 | "Experimental Investigation of The Performance of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes Having Wicks Filled with Porous Medium,” Ain Shams Journal of Mechanical Engineering (ASJME), Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, April , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1, pp. 89-107. | Berbish, N. S., Alfahaid, A. F., and Sakr, R. Y. | 2009 | Local |
3 | "Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics Around a Combination of Elliptic Cylinders in-Line,” Eighth International Congress of Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion, Shram El-Shiekh, Sinai, Egypt, December 14-17, ICFDP8EG166. | Abdel Aziz, A. A., Berbish, N. S., and Hanafi, A. S. | 2006 | Local |
4 | "Heat Transfer between Fluidized Bed and Horizontal Bundle of Tubes in a Vertical Channel," International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol., Article , pp. 1-27 | Moawed, M., Berbish, N. S., Allam, A. A., El-Shamy, A. R., and El-Shazly, K. M. | 2010 | Local |
5 | "Influence of Free Stream Turbulence Intensity on Heat Transfer and Flow Around Four In-Line Elliptic Cylinders in Cross Flow,” International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol. , Article A , pp. 1-17 | Sakr, R. Y., Berbish, N. S., and Abdel-Aziz, A. A. | 2010 | Local |
6 | Forced Convection Heat Transfer from Three Dimensional Bodies in Cross-Flow | M. A. Abd-Rabbo, N. S. Berbish, M. A. Mohammad, and M. M. Mandour | 2013 | International |
7 | Heat Transfer and Flow Behavior around Four Staggered Elliptic Cylinders in Cross Flow | N.S. Berbish | 2011 | International |
8 | Heat Transfer and Friction Factor of Turbulent Flow through A Horizontal Semi-Circular Duct | .S. Berbish, M.A. Moawed, M. Ammar, and R.I. Afify | 2011 | International |
9 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of Rotating Triangular Thermosyphon | E. Ibrahim, M. Moawed, and N.S. Berbish | 2012 | International |
10 | Natural Convection Heat Transfer in A Horizontal Concentric Elliptic Annulus Containing Saturated Porous Media | R.Y. Sakr, A.F. Alfahaid, and N.S. Berbish | 2012 | International |
11 | “ Experimental Study of Non-Darcian Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Packed Circular Tube,” Proceedings of 11 th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference (IMPEC 11), February (5-7), Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1, pp. H75-H91. | Afify, R. I., And Berbish, N. S. | 2000 | Local |
12 | “ Heat Transfer to a Tangentially Injected Swirl Flow Through an Artificially Roughened Annulus,” Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, May (8-10), Military Technical College, Kobry Elkobbah, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1, pp. 633-650. | Abdel-Moneim, S. A., El-Shamy, A. R., and Berbish, N. S. | 2001 | Local |
13 | “An Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Over a Horizontal Flat Plate in a Porous Medium,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, August , Egypt, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 693-710. | Afify, R. I., and Berbish, N. S. | 1999 | Local |
14 | “An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Air – Solids Turbulent Flow Inside a Horizontal Tube With Different Entrance Angles,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, August, Egypt, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 801-815. | Zahran, M. S., Abdel-Moneim, S. A., and Berbish, N. S. | 1995 | Local |
15 | “Effect of Flow Entrance on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Pipes,” Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, December, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 66, pp. 16-31. | Osman, A. M., Berbish, N. S., Abdel-Moneim, S. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 1999 | Local |
16 | “Effect of Tip Clearance on the Secondary Flow Losses Downstream of a Linear Cascade of Turbine Blades,” Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference of Mechanical Power Engineering, December (17-20), Cairo University, Egypt, pp. V/4-1-V/4-12 | Mobarak, A., Khalafallah, M. G., Osman, A. M. and Berbish, N. S. | 1990 | Local |
17 | “Experimental and Numerical Study of Forced Convection Heat Transfer From an Inclined Heated Plate Placed Beneath a Porous Medium,” Al-Azhar Engineering Ninth International Conference, April 12-14, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 187-210 | El-Shamy, A. R., Sakr, R. Y., Berbish, N. S., and Messra, M. H. | 2007 | Local |
18 | “Experimental Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Around a Cylinder in Three Staggered Cylinders in Cross Flow,” Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, March, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 489-502. | Afify, R. I., and Berbish, N. S. | 2002 | Local |
19 | “Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics Around a Cylinder in Three and Four Staggered Cylinders in Cross Flow,” Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, June , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 853-872. | Afify, R. I., and Berbish, N. S. | 2003 | Local |
20 | “Forced Convection Heat Transfer and Flow Around Three Staggered Elliptic Cylinders in Cross Flow,” Engineering Research Journal, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, February , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 109, pp. M118-M136 | Abdel Aziz, A. A., Berbish, N. S., and Hanafi, A. S. | 2007 | Local |
21 | “Forced Convection Heat Transfer of Turbulent Pulsating Flow Through an Axisymmetric Sudden Expansion Pipe with Different Diameter Ratios,” Al-Azhar Engineering Ninth International Conference, April 12-14, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 156-174. | Abdel Aziz, A. A., Zohir, A. E., Berbish, N. S. | 2007 | Local |
22 | “Heat Transfer and Flow Friction for Helically Rib-Roughened Tube Having Entrance Bends with Different Turning Angles and Diameters,” Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, October , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 101, pp. M16-M34. | Berbish, N. S. | 2005 | Local |
23 | “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Tangentially Injected Swirl Flow Through a Horizontal Tube,” Engineering Research Journal, February , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 2, pp. 220-231. | Abdel-Moneim, S. A., Zahran, M. S., Berbish, N. S. and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 1995 | Local |
24 | “Heat Transfer Characteristics and Flow Behavior Around Four Elliptic Cylinders in Staggered Arrangement,” Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, September , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 42, No. 2. pp. 1119-1141. | Berbish, N. S. | 2007 | Local |
25 | “Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes With Inserting Concentric Finned Tubes,” Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, October , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 89, pp. M14 –M41. | Taher, S. H., Berbish, N. S., and Osman, A. M. | 2003 | Local |
26 | “Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Tangentially Injected Swirl Flow Through a Roughened Tube” Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, September (1-4), Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 7, pp. 175-190. | Abdel-Moneim, S. A., El-Shamy, A. R., and Berbish, N. S. | 2000 | Local |
27 | “Heat Transfer of Turbulent Air-Solids Flow in a Straight Tube Situated Downstream of T-Junction With Different Diameters,” Journal of Engineering Research, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, August , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 76, pp. 145-162 | Berbish, N. S. | 2001 | Local |
28 | “Influence of Free-Stream Turbulence on Turbulent Drag Reduction and Heat Transfer Enhancement Over Plates With Stream-Wise V-Micro-Grooves,” Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, August , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 94, pp. M23-M44. | Afify, R. I., Abdellatif, O. E., and Berbish, N. S. | 2004 | Local |
29 | “Numerical and Experimental Study of Turbulent Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in a Circular Tube With Disc-Baffles,” Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, December, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 96,pp. M37-M61. | Afify, R. I., Berbish, N. S., Gomaa, A. G., and Eid, A. I. | 2004 | Local |
30 | “Study of the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics in Turbulent Air-Solids Flow in a Horizontal Pipe,” Cairo 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment, March (11-13), Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1, pp. 387-406. | Berbish, N. S., Osman, A. M., Abdel-Moneim, S. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 2000 | Local |
31 | “The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Performance of Gravity Assisted Heat Pipes with Wire Mesh Screen Wicks,” Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, June , Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 709-733. | Berbish, N. S. | 2006 | Local |
Ragab Khalil Ali Khalil | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An experimental investigation of convective heat transfer enhancement in electronic module using curved deflector | A. S. Rosas · R. K. Ali · A. A. Abdel‑Aziz · K. M. Elshazly | 2017 | International |
3 | Augmentation of heat transfer from heat source placed downstream a guide fence: An experimental study | R.K. Ali | 2009 | International |
4 | Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement Inside Tubes Using Inserted Helical Coils | R. K. Ali, M. A. Sharafeldeen, N. S. Berbish, and M. A. Moawed | 2016 | International |
5 | Effect of Coil Torsion on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger | M. R. Salem, K. M. Elshazly, R. Y. Sakr and R. K. Ali | 2014 | International |
6 | Effect of package spacing on convective heat transfer from thermal sources mounted on a horizontal surface | R.K. Ali , H.A. Refaey, M.R. Salem | 2018 | International |
7 | Effect of γ-Al2O3/Water Nanofluid on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger With Different Coil Curvatures | M. R. Salem, R. K. Ali, R. Y. Sakr and K. M. Elshazly | 2014 | International |
8 | Effect of γ‑Al2O3/water nanofluid on the thermal performance of shell and coil heat exchanger with different coil torsions | K. M. Elshazly · R. Y. Sakr · R. K. Ali · M. R. Salem | 2017 | International |
9 | Exergy analysis of turbulent flow for tubes of power plant feed water heaters and condensers | R.K. Ali | 2009 | International |
10 | Experimental Investigation of Coil Curvature Effect on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger | M. R. Salem, K. M. Elshazly, R. Y. Sakr and R. K. Ali | 2014 | International |
11 | Experimental investigation of the performance of a hybrid photovoltaic/ thermal solar system using aluminium cooling plate with straight and helical channels | M.R. Salem, R.K. Ali ⇑, K.M. Elshazly | 2017 | International |
12 | Experimental investigation on the hydrothermal performance of a doublepipe heat exchanger using helical tape insert | M.R. Salem, M.B. Eltoukhey, R.K. Ali, K.M. Elshazly | 2017 | International |
13 | Forced convection heat transfer inside tube for Non-Newtonian fluid flow utilizing nanofluid | Mohamed Moawed1, Wael El-Maghlany2, Ragab K. Ali1, Mohsen Hamed | 2014 | International |
15 | Heat transfer enhancement from protruding heat sources using perforated zone between the heat sources | R.K. Ali | 2009 | International |
16 | Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Latent Heat Thermal Storage System Using Externally Finned Channels: Numerical and Experimental Study | Ragab Khalil Ali Karam El-Shazly, S. A. Abdel-Moniem, E.F. Atwan, A. A. Abdel-Aziz | 2003 | International |
17 | Heat transfer enhancement of a heat source located in a wake zone using rectangular vortex generators | RK Ali | 2016 | International |
19 | Optimal Location of a Heat Source Mounted in a Substrate Cooled by Natural Convection | 7. R. K. Ali and K. M. El-Shazly | 2008 | International |
20 | Performance evaluation of heat transfer enhancement for internal flow based on exergy analysis | S.A. Abdel-Moneim and R.K. Ali | 2007 | International |
21 | Second law analysis of viscous flow through rough tubes subjected to constant heat flux | S.A. Abdel-Moneim and R.K. Ali | 2006 | International |
Reda Ibrahim Ahmed Mohamed Afify | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement with a Single Inclined Perforated Obstacle in a Rectangular Channel," Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology, ASAT-10, 13-15 May , Military Technical College, Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt, Paper TH-2, pp. 617-633. | Afify, R. I | 2003 | Local |
2 | "Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement with a Single Inclined Perforated Obstacle in a Rectangular Channel," Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology, ASAT-10, 13-15 May , Military Technical College, Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt, Paper TH-2, pp. 617-633. | Afify, R. I | 2003 | Local |
3 | Developed Heat Transfer Fluid Containing Nanoparticles | Reda I. Afify; S.F.Mansour; Khairy F. Megalaa; M. Saad Mostafa | 2019 | International |
4 | Experimental Investigation of Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Performance Part two: At Different Feed Temperatures | M. Elsayed; H. A. Refaey; O. E. Abdellatif; R. Y. Sakr; R. I. Afify | 2018 | International |
5 | Experimental investigation on the performance of a small reverse osmosis unit | M. Elsayed; H. A. Refaey; O. E. Abdellatif; R. Y. Sakr; R. I. Afify | 2018 | International |
7 | “An Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Over a Horizontal Flat Plate in a Porous Medium,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 693-710. | Afify, R. I., and Berbish, N. S. | 1999 | Local |
8 | “Comparison of the Thermal Performance of Perforated Baffles and Ribs in a Compact Heat Exchanger,” 10thInternational Exhibition & Seminars for Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 17-21 June, Cairo International Conference Center, Egypt. | Afify, R. I., Fouad, M. A., and Salah, E. M. | 2004 | Local |
9 | “Effect of Large-Eddy Breakup Devices (LEBUs) on the Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer,” Proceedings of 12th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, 30th October- 1st November , Mansoura, Egypt, pp. F67-F84. | Afify, R. I. | 2001 | Local |
10 | “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Free-Stream Turbulence on Turbulent Boundary Layer Drag Reduction over Plates with Stream-Wise Micro-Grooves,” Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology, ASAT-10, 13-15 May,, Military Technical College, Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt, Paper HF-5, pp. 125-151. | Afify, R. I., Fouad, M. A., Abd-Rabbo, M. F., and Omer, K. K. | 2003 | Local |
11 | “Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Flow Over Baffles of Different Heights,” | Afify, R. I. et al. | 1994 | International |
12 | “Experimental Study of Flow and Heat Transfer around a Cylinder in three Staggered Cylinders in Cross Flow,” Scientific Bulletin, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 37, No. 1, March 31, pp. 489-502. | Afify, R. I., and Berbish, N. S. | 2002 | Local |
13 | “Experimental Study of Non-Darcian Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Packed Circular Tube,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mechanical Power Engineering, February, 5-7, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, pp. H75-H91. | Afify, R. I., and Berbish, N. S. | 2000 | Local |
14 | “Flow and Heat Transfer Around a Cylinder Located Near a Plane Wall With Different Clearance in Cross Flow,” Proceedings of the Arab-African Conference for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 29th April- 1st May , Cairo, Egypt, pp. 223-240. | Afify, R. I., Fouad, M. A., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 2001 | Local |
15 | “Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics Around a Cylinder in Three and Four Staggered Cylinders in Cross Flow,” Scientific Bulletin, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 38, No. 2, June 30, pp. 853-872. | Afify, R. I., and Berbish, N. S | 2003 | Local |
16 | “Heat Transfer Around a Bluff Body in a Rectangular Channel Flow,” Engineering Research Journal, Zagazig University, Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra -Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 2. | Reda I. Afify, Ayoub M. Ayoub, and Abd-ulmoniem M. Zeidan | 2004 | Local |
17 | “Influence of Free-Stream Turbulence On Turbulent Drag Reduction and Heat Transfer Enhancement Over Plates With Stream-wise V-Micro-Grooves,” Engineering Research Journal, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria-Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 94, August , pp. M23-M44. | Afify, R. I., Abdellatif, O. E., and Berbish, N. S. | 2004 | Local |
18 | “Non-Darcian Forced Convection Heat Transfer from a Circular Cylinder Embedded in a Packed Bed of Spherical Particles,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 923-942. | 1998 | Local | |
19 | “Numerical and Experimental Study of Turbulent Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in a Circular Tube with Disc-Baffles,” Engineering Research Journal, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 96, December , pp. M37-M61. | Afify, R. I., Berbish, N. S., Abdalla, G. G., and Amr, I. E. | 2004 | Local |
20 | “Numerical Study of Laminar and Turbulent Flows Above Blade Riblets,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Energy and Environment, June 3-6, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 241-257. | Afify, R. I. | 1996 | Local |
21 | “On Flow and Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Perforated Baffled HVAC Heat Exchanger,” Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Regional Conference of ASHRAE (Region at Large), 6-9 September , Cairo, Egypt. | Afify, R. I., Salah, E. M. and Fouad, M. A. | 2003 | Local |
22 | “Skin Friction Drag and Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow Over Rectangular Plates with Streamwise V-Riblets Inclined at Different Angles of Attack,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mechanical Power Engineering, December, 16-18, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, pp. 293-313. | Afify, R. I. | 1997 | Local |
23 | “Study On Heat Transfer Enhancement and Friction Loss in a Duct with Perforated Baffles,” Proceedings of the 11 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, AMME-11, 23-25 Nov. , Military Technical College, Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 307-331. | Afify, R. I., Salah, E. M. and Fouad, M. A. | 2004 | Local |
24 | “Turbulence and Heat Transfer Measurements Over Doughnut-and-Disc Baffles in Circular Pipe,” Journal of Engineering Research, El Mataria Faculty of Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 52, pp. 1-20. | Afify, R. I., and Abd-Elghany, M. E. | 1997 | Local |
25 | “Turbulent Boundary Layer and Heat Transfer Characteristics Over Surfaces with Stream-Wise Riblets in Adverse Pressure Gradient,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment, May 11-14, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 285-311. | Afify, R. I., and Abd-Rabbo, M. F. | 1998 | Local |
26 | “Turbulent Drag Reduction and Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Longitudinal V-Grooves,” Proceedings of the ASME International Congress on Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion, December, 29-31, 1996, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 468-481. | Afify, R. I. | 1996 | Local |
27 | “Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer Past an Array of Ribs Aligned with Different Heights and Pitches Along Channel Axis,” Proceedings of the Cairo 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Jan. 4-7, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1-23. | Afify, R. I. | 2003 | Local |
Saber Mahmoud Abdrabbo | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | " CENTER REST BALLS BURNISHING PARAMETERS ADAPTATION OF STEEL COMPONENTS USING FUZZY LOGIC, “ 7th International conference on, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. | A. Ibrahim, S. M. Abd Rabbo, M. El-Axir, and A. A. Ebied | 2006 | Local |
2 | " EFFECT OF HEAT TRANSFER PROCESS IN BUTT WELDING g", Engineering Research Journal, Helwan University, Matraria,ISSN 1110-5615), volume 128,pp(43M-64M). | M. G. Hegazy, R. I. Afify, S. M. Abd Rabbo, and O. A. Gaheen | 2010 | Local |
3 | " FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL OF OVERHEAD CRANE LOAD SWAY", MESM2004, 6th Mid. East Simulation Multi-Conference, Jointed to IEEE, and DemontFort University, (CD), 14-16 Sept., Jordan. | A. Ebied, S. M. Abd Rabbo and T. Tuttunji | 2004 | Local |
4 | " INTELLIGENT CONTROL OF PROSTHETIC HAND VIA EMG SIGNALS USING WAVELETS TRANSFORM ", The 6th International Philadelphia Engineering Conference (IPEC2006),19-21- september, Amman Jordan. | KAHLED DAQROUQ & SABER ABD RABBO | 2006 | Local |
6 | "Center Rest Balls Burnishing Parameters Adaptation of Steel Components Using Fuzzy Logic”, International Journal of Material Processing Technology, 2 0 9 2428–2435 | A. Ibrahim, S. M. Abd Rabbo, M. El-Axir, and A. A. Ebied | 2009 | Local |
7 | "CONTROL OF OVERHEAD CRANE LOAD SWAY", Conf. on Production Engineering, Design, and Control, PEDAC2004,CNT-1,(CD), 27-29 Dec., Alexandria, Egypt. | S. M. Abd Rabbo, A. Ebied, and T. Tuttunji | 2004 | Local |
8 | "Identification and analysis of hydrostatic transmission system", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s00170-007-0966-3. | Saber abd rabbo and T. Tuttunji | 2007 | Local |
9 | "INVESTIGATION INTO AN AXIAL VIBRATION DURING TURNING", International Conference on Information ICI-1, PP 425-435, 10-12 Oct., Eger-Hunhary | Saber M. Abd-Rabbo A.A. Ibrahim | 2003 | Local |
10 | "MECHATRONICS AT PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY", workshop of engineering education in Arab country . Egypt, 30-31 Aug. | Y. Hendawy, T. tuttunji and S. Abd rabbo | 2005 | Local |
11 | "MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING: COMPARISON STUDY AND FIELD OF KNOWLEDGE", Work Shop of Engineering Education, 10-11,May, Amman, Jordan. | T. Tutunji, and S. M. Abdrabbo | 2005 | Local |
12 | "ROBOT MANIPULATOR SIMULATION USING COMPUER GRAPHICS", 2nd International Ain Shams University conf .Cairo pp 205 – 216. | S.M. Abd Rabbo , Y.A.Elmashad , and S.M.Megahed | 1987 | Local |
13 | "ROUNDNESS ERROR COMPENSATION IN TURNING USING FUZZY LOGIC", 8th Internatinnal Conf. on Production Engineering, Design, and Control, PEDAC2004,CNT-1,(CD), 27-29 Dec., Alexandria, Egypt. | A.A. Ibrahim and S. M. Abdrabbo | 2004 | Local |
14 | "ROUNDNESS ERROR COMPENSATION IN TURNING USING FUZZY LOGIC", Engineering Research Journal, Unversity of Helwan, Faculty of Eng, Mataria, Vol. 101, PP164-173, Cairo, Egypt. | A.A. Ibrahim and S. M. Abdrabbo | 2005 | Local |
15 | Mechatronics curriculum development at Philadelphia University in Jordan, Inernational Journal of Mechatronics , Volume 17, Issue 1, February , Pages 65-71. | Tuttunji, M. Gumah, Y. Hendawy, and S. M. Abdrasbbo | 2007 | Local |
16 | ‘’ A New Experimental Computer Controlled Legged Vehicle ‘’ eighth international conf. Alexandria, Egypt , vol IV pp105-111. | S.M. Abd Rabbo , M.Baker .M.A. elsalam .M.Z.Zahran | 1994 | Local |
17 | ‘’ Simulation And Optimal Control Of Redundant Manipulators ‘’ international operation research conf. Vol 11 .Cairo pp 214-222 | S.M. Abd Rabbo , Y.A.Elmashad , and M.Z.Zahran | 1988 | Local |
18 | ’’ A CONTROL SYSTEM FOR FUEL AIR MIXTURE QUALITY IN SPARK IGNITION ENGINES ‘’ fifth international conf. On energy and environment , Cairo , Egypt . volume I, pp451-462 | H.A.Soliman , S.M.Abd rabbo , Elied A., and Q.Odat | 1996 | Local |
19 | “ CONTROL FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT OF AIR CONDITION SYSTEMS BASED ON OUTDOOR CONDITION", Cairo 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment. | S. M. Abd rabbo, and Y. El-Mashad | 2003 | Local |
20 | “ MODELING AND PREDICTION OF VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT AXIAL PISTON PUMP PERFORMANCE USING NEURAL NETWORK ”The 6th Jordanian International Mechanical Engineering Conference (JIMEC’6),22 - 24 October , Amman – Jordan | Saber Abdrabbo | 2007 | Local |
21 | “An Undergraduate Mechatronics Project Class at Philadelphia University, Jordan: Methodology and Experience”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION,VOL. 52, NO. 3, AUGUST. | Tarek A. Tutunji, Ashraf Saleem, and Saber Abd Rabbo | 2009 | Local |
22 | “FUZZY KNOWLEDGE BASE CONTROLLER TO COMPENSATE THE ROUNDNESS ERROR IN THE CYLINDRICAL PLUNGE GRINDING” Al-Mansoura engineering Journal, Vol.28, NO.2, PP23-36, June , Egypt. | A. A. Ibrahim, S. M. Abd Rabbo, and Yehia El- Mashad | 2003 | Local |
23 | “FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT OF AIR CONDITION SYSTEMS BASED ON OUTDOOR CONDITION", 1st International Conference on Information ICI-1, PP 425-435, 10-12 Oct., Eger-Hunhary. | S. M. Abd rabbo, and Y. El-Mashad | 2003 | Local |
24 | “GAIT ANALYSIS AND SHAFT SYNCHRONIZATION OF HEXAPOD WALKING VEHICLE VIA FUZZY LOGIC”, seventh IEEE international Multiconference on system signals& devices (SSD10), ISBN: 978-1-4244, Amman Jordan 28-30 June . | SABER ABD RABBO | 2010 | Local |
25 | “HYBRID FUZZY LOGIC NAVIGATION OF MOBIL ROBOT” International Conference, CATAEE, IEE&philadelphia University , PP110-117, March , Jordan | S. M. Abd Rabbo | 2004 | Local |
26 | “On-line identification and control of pneumatic servo-drives via mixed reality environment”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer, Vol. 40, pp 518-530. | Ashraf Saleem , Saber Abdrabbo*, and Tarek Tutunji | 2009 | Local |
29 | “SELF ORGANIZING SPEED CONTROL OF HYDROSTRATIC TRANSMISSION”, 5th Jordanian international Mechanical Engineering Conference “, (CD), April , Jordan | S. M. Abd Rabbo | 2004 | Local |
30 | “SURFACE TEXTURE OPTIMIZATION IN TURNING PROCESS BASED ON RSM AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS “, Minia Journal of Engineering and Technology, (MJET), Vol. 29, No. 1, pp 86-100, January . | S. M. ABD RABBO, A. A. IBRAHIM | 2010 | Local |
31 | “THEORETICAL AND EXPERMINTAL SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION SYSTEM”, 10th International Conference on Aerospace Science& Aviation Technology, ASAT-10, Vol.II, PP1001-1015 , May , MTC, Cairo, Egypt. | S. M. Abd Rabbo, El-mashed Y.A, Saber M.S and Osman A.M | 2003 | Local |
32 | ” FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR FUEL MIXTURE QUALITY IN SPARK IGNITION ENGINES", Al Mansoura Engineering Journal, Vol.29, No.2, PPM37-M47, June. | S. M. Abd Rabbo & Hassan A. Soliman | 2004 | Local |
33 | ” INVESTIGATION OF DIFFERENT APPROACHES FOR THE DETERMINATION OF OPTIMUM MACHINING VARIABLES IN TURNING”, 7th Conference theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Science Research and Technology,(ASRT), PP 163-176, Cairo, March , Egypt | S. M. Abd Rabbo, and M. A. Ali | 2003 | Local |
34 | ”FUZZY TRAJECTORY CONTROL OF A PNEUMATIC SERVOMECHANISM " , Engineering Research Journal, Unversity of Helwan, Faculty of Eng, Mataria, Vol. 81, PP164-173, Cairo, Egypt. | S. M. Abd Rabbo, and Y. El-Mashad | 2002 | Local |
35 | ”THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION INTO AN AXIAL VIBRATION DURING TURNING” ,” journal of engineering, faculty of engineering Menia University., January. | S. M. abd Rabbo, and A. A. Ibrahim | 2001 | Local |
Samah Samir Mohamed Hasanin | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | On the Modelling of the Dimensional Characteristics for Holes after Thermal Friction Drilling” | Harbi A. E. SH. Alajmi, Samah S. Mohammed, Tamer S. Mahmoud, Mohammed Abdelhameed | 2023 | Local |
2 | Optimization of the cooling slope casting parameters for producing aa7075 wrought aluminu malloy thixotropic feedstock | E. Y. El-Kady · I. S. El-Mahallawi · T. S. Mahmoud · A. Attia · S. S. Mohammed · A. Monir | 2016 | International |
3 | “ Characteristics of the surface produced by electric discharge machine (EDM) PROCESS | M. M. Salem , A. A. Ibrahim , S.S. Mohamed, and Sayed A. Abdallah | 2016 | Local |
4 | ; “Artificial neural network modelling of the mechanical characteristics of friction stir welded aa7020-T6 aluminum alloy.” | I. Abdullah, S.S. Mohammed, and S. A. Abdallah | 2020 | Local |
5 | ; “Experimental Investigation in laser cutting of Hardox400 | Sarah A.Afifi, Omar M.Koura , Mervat Tawfik , and Samah S.Mohammed | 2021 | International |
6 | ;“Experimental Study of Cutting Steel Hardox400 Using Plasma Arc Cutting.” | Sarah A.Afifi , Mervat Tawfik , Omar M.Koura ,and Samah S.Mohammed; | 2021 | Local |
7 | ;” Influence of The Thermal Drilling Process Parameters on The Dimensional Characteristics of AA6082 Aluminum Alloys” | H. A. E. SH. Alajmi , S. S. Mohamed , T.S. Mahmoud ,and M . Abdelhameed | 2022 | International |
8 | A Comprehensive Investigation of BN and VC Reinforcements on the Properties of FSP AA6061 Composites.” | Essam B. Moustafa, Fathi Djouider , Abdulsalam Alhawsawi , Ezzat Elmoujarkach , Essam Banoqitah and Samah S. Mohamed | 2023 | International |
9 | A study into Investigation of the effect of the arc welding techniques on the mechanical properties of welded joints. | S.A.Abdalla S. S. Mohamed | 2014 | International |
10 | An experimental investigation for the effect of surface grinding parameters on the produced surface roughness.” | M.M. Salem, A.A. Ibrahim and S.S. Mohamed; | 2022 | Local |
11 | An Investigation on the mechanical and physical properties of AL6061/SiCp/Gr metal matrix composites. | S.S.Mohamed, Sayed.A.Abdallah, and Hamdan.K.H.Alazemi | 2018 | Local |
12 | Characterization of elastic modulus for AA2024/ Al2O3 Nanocomposite beam obtained from dynamic and static methods. | Essam Moustafa1 , Samah Mohammed2 , Sayed Abdel-Wanis3, Tamer Mahmoud4 , El-Sayed El-Kady5 | 2016 | International |
14 | EFFECT OF CUTTING CONDITION IN TURNING ON FATIGUE BEHAVIOR OF 0.12% CARBON STEEL | A. A . Ibrahim1 F. S. Ahmed2 K. ELshazly3 S. Samir4 | 2006 | International |
16 | Effect of Friction Stir Welding Processing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of AA1050 Aluminum Alloy” | 47- A.S. Hassan, S.A. Abdallah, A.M. Gaafer, T.S. Mahmoud, S.S. Mohamed, | 2024 | Local |
18 | Experimental study on the effect of tool rotational speed and welding speed on surface quality of FSW A6063-O aluminum.”, | 20- Fawzy. S. EL-Ghazawi, Amer. A. Abdelhakeem, S. S. Mohammed, Tamer. S. Mahmoud | 2021 | Local |
19 | Fatigue Properties and Simulation of Thin Wall ADI and IADI Castings | Mervat M. Ibrahim, A.M.Negm , S.S. Mohamed,and Khaled M. Ibrahim | 2022 | International |
20 | Impact of Welding Processing Parameters on The Microstructure Grain Refinement and Hardness Behavior of The Aluminum AA1050” | Ahmed Saad Hassan, Essam B. Moustafa, and S.S.Mohamed | 2023 | International |
21 | Improvement of microstructural, mechanical and tribological characteristics of A413 cast Al alloys using friction stir processing | T.S. Mahmoudn, S.S. Mohamed | 2012 | International |
24 | Investigation On the Effect of Variation of Drilling Parameters On the Delamination Factor in Waste Tire Rubber Polyester Composite Laminates. | 38- M. Mosaad, T.S.Mahmoud, Bassant Hany Mousa ,Ibrahim Mousa and S.S. Mohamed; | 2022 | Local |
25 | Manufacturing of Helical Trajectory Hole by Electrical Discharge Machining.” | M. Raafat, S. Habib, Sayed. A. Abdallah, and S.S. Mohamed;” | 2019 | International |
26 | Mechanical and Dynamic Behaviour of Epoxy/Mwcnts and Epoxy/Al2O3 Nanocomposites. | S.M.Mohammed, M.Gamil, S.S.Mohammed | 2017 | Local |
27 | MECHANICAL AND TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EPOXY-BASED PMCs REINFORCED WITH DIFFERENT CERAMIC PARTICULATES Engineering Research Journal 121 (March ) M29- M49 | S.S. Mohamed, T.S. Mahmoud, I.S. ElMahallawi ,and T.A. Khalifa | 2009 | Local |
28 | Mechanical Behavior of Epoxy Nano composites.” | 5- Tamer S.Mahmoud, Ahmed I.A.Ali, Samah S.Mohamed, and, Mohamed F.S.Faramawy | 2019 | Local |
29 | MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EPOXY/MWCNTs AND EPOXY/Al2O3 POLYMERIC MATRIX NANOCOMPOSITES | S. M. Mohammed T. A. Khalil S.S.Mohamed T.S. Mahmoud E.Y. El-Kady | 2016 | International |
30 | Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of the Dissimilar AA7075 and AA2024 Aluminum Alloys Reinforced with Different Carbide Particles Welded by Friction Stir Welding” | 45- Essam B. Moustafa, Mazen Sharaf, Ghazi Alsoruji , Ahmed O. Mosleh , S. S. Mohamed and Hossameldin Hussein | 2023 | International |
32 | Optical Characteristics of EPOXY/MWCNTS Nanocomposites | 2020 | Local | |
33 | Optimization of tensile-shear load of friction stir spot welded AA1050-O/AA6061-T4 aluminum sheets using design of experiment approach | Bader D Al-Mutairi, SS Mohamed, SA Abdallah | 2018 | International |
34 | Publication Preview Source A Curved Hole Creation with A Square Curved Copper Electrode by Electrical Discharge Machining and a New Mechanism Technique | Sameh HabibHossameldin HusseinSayed. A. AbdallahSamah Samir Mohamed | 2018 | International |
35 | Publication Preview Source A Stable Curved Hole Creation by Electrical Discharge Machining and a New Curved Mechanical Mechanism | Sameh HabibHossameldin HusseinSayed. A. AbdallahSamah Samir Mohamed | 2018 | International |
36 | Publication Preview Source Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA2024/Al 2 O 3 Surface Nanocomposites Fabricated Using Friction Stir Processing | E Bahgat, Samah Samir Mohamed | 2018 | International |
37 | Regression Modelling of the Tensile Characteristics of 304l and 316l Stainless Steel Welded Joints.” | 36- S.S. Mohamed and M.A. Husain | 2022 | Local |
38 | Review Multi Pass Friction Stir Processing | Essam Moustafaa, Samah Mohammed, Sayed Abdel-Wanis, Tamer Mahmoud, El-Sayed El-Kady | 2016 | International |
39 | Study of electric discharge machining parameters for Al 6063/Al2O3 metal matrix composites using Taguchi Approach.” | Mina A. Hanna , Sameh S. Habib, Samah S. Mohamed, and Sayed Abdel-Wanis; | 2019 | Local |
40 | Surface Composites Defects of Al/Al2O3Metal Matrix Fabricated by Friction Stir Processing | Essam B. Moustafa, Samah Mohamed, SayedAbdel-Wanis, Tamer Mahmoud, El-Sayed Elkady | 2017 | International |
41 | Taguchi optimization for AA2024 / Al2O3 surface composite hardness fabricating by Friction stir processing | Essam B. Moustafa1, Samah Mohammed2, Sayed Abdel-Wanis3, M.S. Abd-Elwahed4, Tamer Mahmoud5, El-Sayed El-Kady6 | 2016 | International |
42 | TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EPOXY BASED NANO-COMPOSITES UNDER DRY SLIDING AND WATER LUBRICATING CONDITIONS Material Science and Engineering (24/26 August )Darmstadt, Germany A4-42. | S.S. Mohamed, T.S. Mahmoud, I.S. ElMahallawi ,and T.A. Khalifa | 2010 | Local |
43 | “A comprehensive study of Al Cu Mg system reinforced with nano ZrO2 particles synthesized by powder metallurgy technique.” | 48- Essam B. Moustafa, Abdulrahman Aljabri, Waheed S. Abushanab, E. Ghandourah, Mohammed A. Taha, Ahmed B. Khoshaim, Rasha A. Youness & S. S. Mohamed. | 2024 | International |
45 | “Development and Manufacturing of helical trajectory hole by electrical discharge machining using tiped Electrode.” | 2- M. Raafat, S. Habib, Sayed. A. Abdallah, and S.S. Mohamed; | 2019 | International |
46 | “Effect of Conical angle and Spindle speed on the Characteristics of Holes Machined using Friction Drilling Process.” | Mubarak A.M.A.Alshatti , and S.S.Mohammed | 2021 | Local |
47 | “Effect of electrode type on the characteristics of AISI 316 Stainless Steel.” | M.Mosaad, and S.S. Mohamed; | 2020 | Local |
48 | “Effect of Strain Hardening and Aging Processes on Microstructure Evolution, Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Cast Ti-6Al-2Sn-2Zr--2Mo-1.5 Cr-2Nb-0.1 Si Alloy. | Ramadan N. Elshaer, Mostafa S.S. El-Deeb, S.S. Mohamed, and Khaled M. Ibrahim | 2022 | International |
49 | “Effect Of The Friction Stir Processing Parameters On The Peak Temperature Of Cast A319 Aluminum Alloys.” | Faisal F. S. Al-Enzi, and S.S. Mohammed; | 2020 | Local |
50 | “Effects of friction stir welding on mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminum alloy.” | Mohammed F.Alkandari, Sayed.A.Abdallah, S.S.Mohamed; | 2018 | Local |
51 | “Effects of Plasma Arc cutting Parameters on the Response of cutting hard material” | Omar Monir Koura , Sarah Atef Afifi , Mervat Tawfik ,and Samah Samir Mohammed; | 2021 | Local |
52 | “Impact Resistance of AISI 304L Stainless Steel Welded Joints at Low Temperatures. | Abdullah Bader Aljeaan , and Samah Samir Mohamed ; | 2022 | Local |
53 | “Influence of Plastic Deformation and Aging Process on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Cast Ti-6Al-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-1.5 Cr-2Nb-0.1 Si Alloy.” | Mostafa S. S. El-Deeb, Khaled M. Ibrahim, S. S. Mohamed, and Ramadan N. Elshaer | 2021 | Local |
54 | “Influence of Welding Process and Electrode Material on the Corrosion Characteristics of AISI 304 and AISI 316 Weldments. | Salman B.A., and S.S. Mohammed | 2021 | Local |
55 | “Investigation on the Surface Roughness When Cutting Hard Material with Plasma Arc Cutting. | 23- Omar Monir Koura, Sarah Atef Afifi, Mervat Tawfik ,and Samah Samir Mohammed | 2021 | International |
56 | “Mechanical Characteristics of Epoxy Nanocomposites Reinforced with ALUMINA Nanoparticles and Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes.” | T.A. Mohammed, S. S. Mohammed, and A. Abdel-Halim | 2021 | Local |
58 | “Optimization Approach of Turning Process of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes-Aluminium Oxide/Epoxy Hybrid Nanocomposites.” | M.M. Hassan, S.S. Mohammed, Ahmed Gaafer and Ahmed O. Mosleh | 2021 | International |
59 | “Optimization of Friction Stir Processing Parameters for Improvement of Mechanical Properties of AlSi7Mg0.2 Alloy” | 44- Mahmoud A. Alzahrani, Ghazi Alsoruji , Essam B. Moustafa, Ahmed O. Mosleh and Samah S. Mohamed | 2023 | Local |
60 | “Optimization of Process Parameters for Friction Stir Spot-Welded AA2024-Al/Polycarbonate and AA2024-Al/Polypropylene. | R.k. Mohamed, and S.S. Mohamed | 2020 | Local |
61 | “Optimization of Roundness Error in Hard Turning of AISI H13 Tool Steel” | Ahmed A. Elsadek, Ahmed M. Gaafer and S.S. Mohamed “ | 2020 | Local |
62 | “Optimization of surface grinding parameters used in improved surface Integrity.” | M. M. Salem, A. A. Ibrahim, and S. S. Mohamed | 2022 | International |
63 | “Prediction and optimization of cutting temperature on hard-turning of AISI H13 hot work steel”, | 8- Ahmed A. Elsadek , Ahmed M. Gaafer, S. S. Mohamed, A. A. Mohamed; | 2020 | International |
64 | “Prediction of Hardness and Wear Behaviour Of Friction Stir Processed Cast A319 Aluminum Alloys Using Machine Learning Technique.” | Faisal F. S. Al-Enzi, and S.S. Mohammed; | 2020 | Local |
65 | “Road Preview Control for Active Suspension System.” | Mina M. Kaldas, Aref MA. Soliman, Sayed A. Abdallah, Samah S. Mohammad, and F. Amien | 2022 | International |
66 | “Statistical Analysis of the Tribological Properties of Epoxy/ TiC Nanocomposites. | Abdallah K.Mohamed, and, Samah S. Mohammed; | 2021 | Local |
67 | “Study of peak temperatures in friction stir spot welding of AA2024-Al/polycarbonate and AA2024-Al/polypropylene systems.” | RK Mohammed, SS Mohammed, and TS Mahmoud; | 2020 | International |
68 | “Surface roughness prediction in hard-turning with ANN and RSM” | Ahmed A. Elsadek, Ahmed M. Gaafer and S.S. Mohamed; | 2020 | Local |
69 | “The Effect of Rotation and Welding Speeds on Surface Texture of FSW AL Plates.” | 6- BADER A. AL-ABLANI, NOURA A. AL-GHIMLAS, S. S. MOHAMMED, S. A. ABDALLAH, and A. M. GAAFER | 2019 | Local |
70 | “The Effect of Rotation and Welding Speeds on Toughness and Microstructure of FSW Al Plates.” | 7- BADER A. AL-ABLANI, NOURA A. AL-GHIMLAS, S. S. MOHAMMED, S. A. ABDALLAH, A. M. GAAFER | 2019 | Local |
71 | ” Artificial Neural Network Modelling of the Tensile Characteristics of AISI 304l and 316l Stainless Steel Welded Joints at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures.” | M. A. R. R.R. Husain, and S.S. Mohamed | 2022 | International |
72 | ” Effect of Cast Thickness and Austenitizing Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ADI and IADI Castings” | Ahmed Negm, Samah Mohamed, Mervat Ibrahim, Ibrahim Moussa, and Khaled Ibrahim” | 2021 | International |
Tamer Samir Mahmoud Abdel-Magid | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Artificial neural network prediction of the wear rate of powder metallurgy Al/Al2O3 metal matrix composites | T.S. Mahmoud | 2013 | Local |
2 | Dry sliding wear behavior of A356/Al2O3 metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNCs) | 1. E.Y.El-Kady, T.S.Mahmoud, M.Abdel-Aziz | 2013 | International |
3 | Dynamic Behaviour of Cast A356/Al2O3 Aluminum Metal Matrix Nanocomposites | E. Y. El-Kady, T. S. Mahmoud, A. A. El-Betar, M. Abdel-Aziz | 2013 | International |
4 | Improvement of microstructural, mechanical and tribological characteristics of A413 cast Al alloys using friction stir processing | T.S. Mahmoud, S. S. Mahmoud | 2013 | International |
5 | Machinability of A356/Al2O3 metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNCs) | E.Y. El-Kady, T. S. Mahmoud, M.H.G. Ghaith | 2013 | International |
6 | On the corrosion behaviour of Al/SiC and Al/Al2O3 metal matrix nanocomposites | T.S. Mahmoud, E.Y.El-kady, A. Al-Shihri. | 2013 | International |
Ahmed Omar Mosleh Omar | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Novel Comparative Study Based on the Economic Feasibility of the Ceramic Nanoparticles Role’s in Improving the Properties of the AA5250 Nanocomposites | Waheed Sami Abushanab, Essam B Moustafa, Ammar A Melaibari, Anton D Kotov, Ahmed O Mosleh | 2021 | International |
2 | Arrhenius-Type Constitutive Equation Model of Superplastic Deformation Behaviour of Different Titanium Based Alloys | A.O. Mosleh, A. V. Mikhaylovskaya, A. D. Kotov, V. K. Portnoy | 2018 | International |
3 | Characterization of Superplastic Deformation Behavior for a Novel Al-Mg-Fe-Ni-Zr-Sc Alloy: Arrhenius-Based Modeling and Artificial Neural Network Approach | Ahmed O Mosleh, Anton D Kotov, Anna A Kishchik, Oleg V Rofman, Anastasia V Mikhaylovskaya | 2021 | International |
4 | Controlling liquation behavior and solidification cracks by continuous laser melting process of AA-7075 aluminum alloy | AM Khalil, IS Loginova, AN Solonin, AO Mosleh | 2020 | International |
5 | Deep learning-based forecasting model for COVID-19 outbreak in Saudi Arabia | Ammar H Elsheikh, Amal I Saba, Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Songfeng Lu, S Shanmugan, T Muthuramalingam, Ravinder Kumar, Ahmed O Mosleh, FA Essa, Taher A Shehabeldeen | 2021 | International |
6 | Effect of (Ti–B) modifier elements and FSP on 5052 aluminum alloy | Essam B Moustafa, Ahmed O Mosleh | 2020 | International |
7 | Effect of FSP on mechanical properties, wear and corrosion behavior of A356 Al alloy | Khadija M Hasona, Rasha M Afify, El-Sayed H Mansour, Ahmed M Gaafer, Tamer S Mahmoud, Ahmed O Mosleh | 2021 | International |
8 | Effect of Multidirectional Forging on the Grain Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Al–Mg–Mn Alloy | Mikhail Kishchik, Anastasia Mikhaylovskaya, Anton Kotov, Ahmed Mosleh, Waheed AbuShanab, Vladimir Portnoy | 2018 | International |
9 | Experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of wrapped and wound fiber and metal/fiber reinforced composite pipes | Samer Gowid, Elsadig Mahdi, Sabry Youssef, Essam Moustafa, Ahmed Mosleh, Abdallah Shokry | 2021 | International |
10 | Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Temperature and Strain Rate on the Superplastic Deformation Behavior of Ti-Based Alloys in the (α+ β) Temperature Field | Ahmed Mosleh, Anastasia Mikhaylovskaya, Anton Kotov, Waheed AbuShanab, Essam Moustafa, Vladimir Portnoy | 2018 | International |
11 | Experimental, modelling and simulation of an approach for optimizing the superplastic forming of Ti-6% Al-4% V titanium alloy | AO Mosleh, AV Mikhaylovskaya, AD Kotov, JS Kwame | 2019 | International |
12 | High-strength titanium-based alloy for low-temperature superplastic forming | AV Mikhaylovskaya, AO Mosleh, P Mestre-Rinn, AD Kotov, MN Sitkina, AI Bazlov, DV Louzguine-Luzgin | 2021 | International |
13 | Initial microstructure influence on Ti–Al–Mo–V alloy's superplastic deformation behavior and deformation mechanisms | AO Mosleh, AD Kotov, Vanessa Vidal, AG Mochugovskiy, Vincent Velay, AV Mikhaylovskaya | 2021 | International |
14 | Microstructure and static immersion corrosion behavior of AA7020-O Al plates joined by friction stir welding | AO Mosleh, FH Mahmoud, TS Mahmoud and TA Khalifa | 2015 | International |
15 | Microstructure Evolution of Ti-Al-Mo-V Titanium Alloy during the Superplastic Forming with FES Estimated Strain Rates Across the Formed Parts at Constant Gas Pressure | Ahmed O Mosleh, Anton D Kotov, Svetlana V Medvedeva, Anastasia V Mikhaylovskaya | 2020 | International |
16 | Modelling of the Superplastic Deformation of the Near-α Titanium Alloy (Ti-2.5 Al-1.8 Mn) Using Arrhenius-Type Constitutive Model and Artificial Neural Network | Ahmed Mosleh, Anastasia Mikhaylovskaya, Anton Kotov, Theo Pourcelot, Sergey Aksenov, James Kwame, Vladimir Portnoy | 2017 | International |
17 | Optimization Approach of Turning Process of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes-Aluminium Oxide/Epoxy Hybrid Nanocomposites | Hassan M.M. Mohammed S.S. Gaafer A. Mosleh A.O | 2021 | International |
18 | Superplastic deformation behavior of ultra-fine-grained Ti-1V-4Al-3Mo alloy: constitutive modeling and processing map | AO Mosleh, AV Mikhaylovskaya, AD Kotov, M Sitkina, P Mestre-Rinn, JS Kwame | 2019 | International |
19 | Superplastic deformation behaviour and microstructure evolution of near-α Ti-Al-Mn alloy | AV Mikhaylovskaya, AO Mosleh, AD Kotov, JS Kwame, T Pourcelot, IS Golovin, VK Portnoy | 2017 | International |
Hany Al-Sawy Abdel-Rahman | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An experimental study of freezing and melting of water inside spherical capsules used in thermal energy storage systems | Reda I. ElGhnam; Ramdan A.Abdelaziz; Mohamed H.Sakr; Hany E. Abdelrhman | 2012 | International |
2 | Augmentation of Convective Heat Transfer in the Cooling Zone of Brick Tunnel Kiln using Guide Vanes: An Experimental Study | H.A.Refaey; Ali A.Abdel-Aziz; R.K.Ali; H.E.Abdelrahman; M.R.Salem | 2017 | International |
3 | Comparative study on photovoltaic cells performance using various types of PCMs | H. E. Abdelrahman, H.A. Refaey, M.H. Wahba, M. Moawad, N.S. Berbish | 2020 | Local |
4 | Experimental Investigation of Flow-Boiling Heat Transfer using Nano-Refrigerant | E. A. Abdel-Hadi; S. H. Taher; H. E. Abdelrahman; H. M. Ahmed; S. A. Mustafa | 2019 | Local |
5 | Experimental investigations on the thermal performance of an ice storage system using twin concentric helical coil | H.E. Abdelrahman, H.A. Refaey, A. Alotaibi, Ali A. Abdel-Aziz, M.F. Abd Rabbo | 2020 | International |
6 | Experimental Study on R404a Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle using Al2O3-POE and CuO-POE Nanolubricants | H. E. Abdelrahman, A. A. Altohamy, S. A. Elsayed, R.Y. Sakr | 2019 | Local |
7 | Heat Transfer Enhancement During Pool Boiling Using Micro-Structured Surfaces and Surfactants | R. M. Abdel Aziz, R. Y. Sakr, A. A. Abellattif, H. E. Abdelrahman | 2014 | Local |
8 | Performance Enhancement of Photovoltaic Cells by Changing Configuration and using PCM (RT35HC) with Nanoparticles Al2O3 | H.E. Abdelrahman, M.H. Wahba, H.A. Refaey, M. Moawad, N.S. Berbish | 2019 | International |
9 | Thermal Performance Augmentation in the Cooling Zone of Brick Tunnel Kiln with two Types of Guide Vanes | H.A. Refaey; Ali A. Abdel-Aziz; M.R. Salem; H.E. Abdelrahman; M.W. Al-Dosoky | 2018 | International |
Ismail Mahmoud Metwally Alsedik El semary | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
2 | Effect of Bluff Body Geometry on Flame Stabilization with the Assist of Langmuir probe | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Khairy H. El-Nagar, Ismail M.M. ElSemary | 2013 | Local |
3 | Experimental investigation on performance of single cylinder spark ignition engine fueled with hydrogen-gasoline mixture | Ismail M.M. Elsemary, Ahmed A.A. Attia, Kairy H. Elnagar, Ahmed A.M. Elaraqy | 2016 | International |
4 | Numerical Investigation of The Combustion Performance in Inert Porous Media | Ismail M.M. ElSemary, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Osama E. Abdellatif, M.F.AbdRabbo | 2014 | Local |
5 | Optimization of stepped conical swirler with multiple jets for pre-mixed turbulent swirl flames | Ibrahim Shahin, Ismail M.M. Elsemary, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed A.A. Attia, Khairy H. Elnagar | 2016 | International |
Mahmoud Mohamed Elsamanty | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Design and Implementation of Variable Inclined Air Pillow Soft Pneumatic Actuator Suitable for Bioimpedance Applications | Mahmood Abdallah Saleh, MennaAllah Soliman, Mostafa A Mousa, Mahmoud Elsamanty, Ahmed Gomaa Radwan | 2020 | International |
2 | Design Improvements and dynamic modeling of a Novel Hybrid Ground Aerial Robot | M. Elsamanty, M. Fanni A. Ramadan and A. Abo- Ismail, K. Kamiyama, T. Arai | 2014 | International |
3 | Methodology for identifying quadrotor parameters, attitude estimation and control | M. Elsamanty, A. Khalifa, M. Fanni and A. Ramadan | 2013 | International |
4 | Modeling and Control of a Novel Hybrid Ground Aerial Robot | M. Elsamanty, M. Fanni A. Ramadan and A. Abo- Ismail | 2014 | International |
5 | Novel Hybrid Ground/Aerial Autonomous Robot | M. Elsamanty, M. Fanni and A. Ramadan | 2013 | International |
6 | Online tool wear monitoring in turning using vibration analysis and artificial neural network | A. A. Ibraheem, S. M. Abdraboo, H. Gheith, M. Abdel Salam | 2009 | Local |
Mohamed Ahmed Abd Elrahman Ahmed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Cooling solar panels using saturated activated alumina with saline water: Experimental study | Saber Abdo, Hind Saidani-Scott, Bernardo Borges, and M. A. Abdelrahman | 2020 | International |
2 | Exergy and parametric analysis of freeze desalination with reversed vapor compression cycle | M. A. Abdelrahman, Saber Abdo, Eslam Hussein, Ahmed A. Altohamy, and Ahmed A. A. Attia | 2020 | International |
3 | Experimental Investigation of Different Cooling Methods for Photovoltaic Module | Abdelrahman, M.A , Eliwa, A , Abdellatif, O.E | 2013 | International |
4 | Numerical Study with Eco-exergy Analysis and Sustainability Assessment for a Stand-alone Nanofluid PV/T | Saber Abdo, Hind Saidani-Scott, and M. A. Abdelrahman | 2021 | International |
5 | The CFD Performance Analysis for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine with Different Blade Shapes and Tower Effect | Abdelrahman M.A , Abdellatif O.E , Moawed M , Eliwa A , Stanislav Mišák | 2015 | International |
Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Emam ALi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An Investigation of a Novel Structure Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cell for Concentrated Solar Power | Ali Radwan, Mohamed Emam, Radwan M Elzoheiry, Mahmoud Ahmed | 2017 | International |
2 | Analysis of a New Hybrid Water-Phase Change Material Heat Sink for Low Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems | Mohamed Emam, Ali Radwan, Mahmoud Ahmed | 2017 | International |
3 | Chapter 2.15 - Comparative Study of Active and Passive Cooling Techniques for Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems | Ali Radwan, Mohamed Emam, Mahmoud Ahmed | 2018 | International |
4 | Cooling concentrator photovoltaic systems using various configurations of phase-change material heat sinks | Mohamed Emam; Mahmoud Ahmed | 2018 | International |
5 | Cooling of Concentrated Photovoltaic System Using Various Configurations of Phase-Change Material Heat Sink | Mohamed Emam; Mahmoud Ahmed; Shinichi Ookawara | 2016 | International |
6 | Optimization and parametric analysis of a multi-junction high-concentrator PV cell combined with a straight fins heat sink | Hesham Zaghloul, Mohamed Emam, M. A. Abdelrahman, M. F. Abd Rabbo | 2021 | International |
7 | Passive cooling of highly-concentrator triple-junction solar cell using a straight-finned heat sink: An experimental investigation | H.A. Refaey, M.A. Abdelrahman, Mathkar A. Alharthi, Samir Bendoukha, Said Ghani Khan, Mohamed Emam | 2022 | International |
8 | Passive thermal control of a triple-junction solar cell at high concentrations using various finned heat sink configurations | Hesham Zaghloul, M.A. Abdelrahman, M.F. Abd Rabbo, Mohamed Emam | 2023 | International |
9 | Performance analysis of a new concentrator photovoltaic system integrated with phase change material and water jacket | Mohamed Emam; Mahmoud Ahmed | 2018 | International |
10 | Performance assessment of a novel integrated concentrator photovoltaic system with encapsulated phase change materials | Mohamed M. Elsabahy, Mahmoud Ahmed, Hidetoshi Sekiguchi, Mohamed Emam | 2022 | International |
11 | Performance Enhancement of Concentrated Photovoltaic System Using Phase-Change Material | Mohamed Emam; Mahmoud Ahmed; Shinichi Ookawara | 2016 | International |
12 | Performance evaluation of concentrator photovoltaic systems integrated with a new jet impingement-microchannel heat sink and heat spreader | Mohamed Awad, Ali Radwan, O Abdelrehim, Mohamed Emam, Ahmed N Shmroukh, Mahmoud Ahmed | 2020 | International |
13 | Performance improvement of single-junction photovoltaic systems using a new design of a heat pipe-based heat sink: Experimental study | Mohamed Emam, M.A. Soliman, A., Abdelrahman, M.A., Attiaa, A.A.A. | 2022 | International |
14 | Performance study and analysis of an inclined concentrated photovoltaic-phase change material system | Mohamed Emam, Shinichi Ookawara, Mahmoud Ahmed | 2017 | International |
15 | Studying the Coupling of a Concentrator Photovoltaic Cell with Thermoelectric Generator | Omar Emad Ahmed; Mohamed Emam; M. A. Abdelrahman ; Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2022 | Local |
16 | The Potential and Limitations of Using Geothermal-Sourced Chiller Plants to Eliminate Cooling Towers | Ahmed Farag, Mahmoud Ahmed, Shinichi Ookawara, Mohamed Emam | 2023 | International |
17 | Thermal control of temperature-sensitive electronic components using a vapor chamber integrated with a straight fins heat sink: An experimental investigation | Khaled Rezk, M.A. Abdelrahman, Ahmed A.A. Attia, Mohamed Emam | 2022 | International |
18 | Thermal management of concentrator photovoltaic systems using new configurations of phase change material heat sinks | Ramy Rabie; Mohamed Emam; Shinichi Ookawara; Mahmoud Ahmed | 2019 | International |
Mohamed Reda Aly Abd-Elhamid Salem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Numerical Study on PV Panels Integrated with Hybrid ZnO-MgO/WaterEthylene Glycol Nanofluid-Based Solar Spectrum Filters | Yasser M. Safan;Mohamed R. Salem;S.A. Abdel-Moneim;Ashraf E. Elmohlawy | 2025 | Local |
2 | Absorption Air Conditioning System Using Seawater for Air Precooling | Husain Ali Etaiwe; R.Y. Sakr; M. R. Salem; H.E. Abdelrahman | 2022 | Local |
3 | Augmentation of convective heat transfer in the cooling zone of brick tunnel kiln using guide vanes: An experimental study | H.A. Refaey; Ali A. Abdel-Aziz; R.K. Ali; H.E. Abdelrahman; M.R. Salem | 2017 | International |
4 | Augmentation of solar still distillation performance using waste heat energy and guiding vanes: A field study | Mohamed R. Salem;R.Y. Sakr;Ghazy M.R. Assassa;Omar A. Aly | 2024 | International |
5 | Augmentation of the Performance of a Photovoltaic Cell: A Field Study | M.E. Zoreia; M.R. Salem; R.K. Ali; K.M. Elshazly | 2019 | Local |
6 | Augmentation of thermal performance of air cooler having semi-circular tubes of an inline arrangement | T.M. Almulla; M.W. Shawki; M.F. Abdrabbo; Y.A. Al-Mashad; Mohamed R. Salem | 2021 | Local |
7 | Effect of baffle configuration on the thermal performance attributes of shell and semi-circular tube heat exchangers | N.M. Almulla;M.A. Moawed;M.A. Abd Elrahaman;Mohamed R. Salem | 2024 | Local |
8 | Effect of Coil Torsion on Heat transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger | M.R. Salem, R.K. Ali, R.Y. Sakr and K.M. Elshazly | 2015 | International |
9 | Effect of Package Spacing on Convective Heat Transfer from Thermal Sources Mounted on a Horizontal Surface | R K Ali; H A Refaey; M R Salem | 2018 | International |
10 | Effect of spaces between aligned tubes having a semicircular section on heat exchange attributes | T.M. Almulla; M.W. Shawki; M.F. Abdrabbo; Y.A. Al-Mashad; Mohamed R. Salem | 2021 | Local |
11 | Effect of γ-Al2O3/Water Nanofluid on Heat transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger with Different Coil Curvatures | M.R. Salem, R.K. Ali, R.Y. Sakr and K.M. Elshazly | 2015 | International |
12 | Effect of γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid on the thermal performance of shell and coil heat exchanger with different coil torsions | K.M. Elshazly; R.Y. Sakr; R.K. Ali; M.R. Salem | 2017 | International |
13 | Energy and Exergy Analysis of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger Using Water Based Al2O3 Nanofluid Including Diverse Coil Geometries: An Experimental Study | Samir M. Elshamy; Mohamed T. Abdelghany; M.R. Salem; O. E.Abdellatif | 2020 | International |
14 | Enhancement the Thermal Performance of a Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger with Different Coil Geometries: Comparative Experimental Investigation | M.T. Elwan; S.M. Elshamy; M.R. Salem; O.E. Abdellatif | 2020 | Local |
15 | Experimental Investigation of Coil Curvature Effect on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger | M.R. Salem, K.M. Elshazly, R.Y. Sakr and R.K. Ali | 2014 | International |
16 | Experimental Investigation of Membrane Distillation Using Waste Heat for Sea Water Desalination | M.H. Alnaggar; Aly A. El-Aziz; H.A. Refary; M.R. Salem | 2023 | Local |
17 | Experimental investigation of the performance attributes of a double pipe heat exchanger equipped with baffles of conventional or flower layouts | Mohamed R. Salem;Mohamed M. Ellaban;R.K. Ali;Ashraf E. Elmohlawy | 2024 | International |
18 | Experimental investigation of the performance attributes of a thermal energy storage unit using different system configurations | Mohamed R Salem; Mohamed N Owyed; Ragab K Ali | 2023 | International |
19 | Experimental investigation of the performance of a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar system using aluminium cooling plate with straight and helical channels | M.R. Salem; R.K. Ali; K.M. Elshazly | 2017 | International |
20 | Experimental investigation on the hydrothermal attributes of MWCNT/water nanofluid in the shell-side of shell and semi-circular tubes heat exchanger | Mohamed R. Salem | 2020 | International |
21 | Experimental investigation on the hydrothermal performance of a double-pipe heat exchanger using helical tape insert | M R Salem; M B Eltoukhy; R K Ali; K M Elshazly | 2018 | International |
22 | Experimental Investigation on the Performance of a Photovoltaic Module | M.M. Metwally; M.R. Salem; A.A. Abdul-Aziz; K.M. Elshazly | 2020 | Local |
23 | Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of a double pipe heat exchanger with segmental perforated baffles | M.R. Salem; M.K. Althafeeri; K.M. Elshazly; M.G. Higazy; M.F. Abdrabbo | 2017 | International |
24 | Experimental Investigations of Convective Heat Transfer in Cooling Zone of Perforated Bricks Tunnel Kiln | A.S. Morad; M.R. Salem; H.A. Refaey; K.M. Elshazly | 2017 | Local |
25 | Experimental study and thermal performance evaluation of staggered cross flow heat exchangers of semi-circular tubes: I- Effect of pitch ratio and space between bases | A.A. Alghrubah; M.A. Abdelrahman; M.W. Shawki; M.F. Abdrabbo; Y.A. Al-Mashad; Mohamed R. Salem | 2021 | Local |
26 | Experimental study and thermal performance evaluation of staggered cross flow heat exchangers of semi-circular tubes: II- Effect of attack angle | A.A. Alghrubah; M.A. Abdelrahman; M.W. Shawki; M.F. Abdrabbo; Y.A. Al-Mashad; Mohamed R. Salem | 2021 | Local |
27 | Experimental Study on Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Water Flow Inside Conically Coiled Tube-In-Tube Heat Exchanger | M.A. Radwan; M.R. Salem; H.A. Refaey; M.A. Moawed | 2018 | Local |
28 | Experimental Study on the Performance Enhancement of a Heat Pump | M.M. Alkhaja; M.R. Salem; K.M. Elshazly; M.F. Abdrabbo | 2018 | Local |
29 | Experimental Study on the Performance Enhancement of a Solar Seawater Desalination System | M.T. Elazab;M.R. Salem;H.A. Refaey;A.A. Abd-Elaziz | 2019 | Local |
30 | Experimental Study on the Performance Enhancement of a Water Chiller | M.M. Alkhaja; M.R. Salem; K.M. Elshazly; M.F. Abdrabbo | 2018 | Local |
31 | Flow boiling transfer enhancement using twisted tapes | M.S. Elsayed; M.R. Salem; A.A. Attia; R.Y. Sakr | 2018 | Local |
32 | Granular transport through flighted rotary drums operated at optimum-loading: Mathematical model | M.A. Karali; E. Specht; J. Mellmann; H.A. Refaey; M.R. Salem; A.Y. Elbanhawy | 2020 | International |
33 | Influence of Fuel Distribution and Heat Transfer on Energy Consumption in Tunnel Kilns | Hassanein A. Refaey; E. Specht; M. R. Salem | 2015 | International |
34 | Investigating the performance of photovoltaic panels using optical water spectral splitting filter: An experimental and computational analysis | Yasser M. Safan;A.S. Abdelrazik;Ashraf E. Elmohlawy;S.A. Abdel-Moneim;Mohamed R. Salem | 2024 | International |
35 | Maximizing the thermal performance index applying evolutionary multi-objective optimization approaches for double pipe heat exchanger | Andrey Colaço; Viviana Cocco Mariani; Mohamed Reda Salem; Leandro dos Santos Coelho | 2022 | International |
36 | Nanofluid flow boiling heat transfer enhancement in tube fitted with twisted tapes | M.S. Elsayed; M.R. Salem; A.A. Attia; R.Y. Sakr | 2018 | Local |
37 | Numerical Analysis of Enhancing Latent Heat Storage Using Fins and Conductive Barriers | Ahmed A. Al Shafai; E.A. Abdel Hadi; S.H. Taher; Mohamed R. Salem; Ashraf E. Elmohlawy | 2025 | Local |
38 | Optimization of double pipe-heat exchanger with single segmental perforated baffles | A.B. Colaço; F. Bernardo; M. Batistella; V.C. Mariani; L.S. Coelho; M.R. Salem | 2018 | International |
39 | Performance enhancement of a solar still distillation unit: A field investigation | Mohamed R. Salem; Muataz R. Salem; M.G. Higazy; M.F. Abdrabbo | 2020 | International |
40 | Performance enhancement of a vapor compression refrigeration system using R134a/MWCNT-oil mixture and liquid-suction heat exchanger equipped with twisted tape turbulator | Mohamed R. Salem | 2020 | International |
41 | Performance Enhancement of a Vapour Compression Refrigeration System using Liquid-Suction Heat Exchanger | E.A. Abdel-Hadi; S.H. Taher; M.R. Salem; S.A. Eldewiny | 2018 | Local |
42 | Performance Enhancement of the Photovoltaic Cells using Al2O3/PCM Mixture and/or Water Cooling-Techniques | M.R. Salem; M.M. Elsayed; A.A. Abd-Elaziz; K.M. Elshazly | 2019 | International |
43 | Productivity of Solar Still Unit Engaged with Waste Energy Source | Omar A. Elfieky Ramdan Y. Sakr Ghazy M. Assassa Mohamed R. Salem | 2021 | Local |
44 | Study of Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics inside Shell and Semi-Circular Tubes Heat Exchanger | M.M. Ellaban; M.A. Abdelrahman; M.R. Salem; M.A. Moawed; K.M. Elshazly | 2018 | Local |
45 | Study of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Inside Helical Cone Tube | A. Atta; M.R. Salem; H.A. Refaey; M.A. Moawed | 2019 | Local |
46 | Study of the Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger using Segmental Perforated Baffles | M.K. Althafeeri; M.R. Salem; K.M. Elshazly; M.G. Higazy; M.F. Abdrabbo | 2017 | Local |
47 | Study of the performance of a vapor compression refrigeration system using conically coiled tube-in-tube evaporator and condenser | M R Salem; H A El-Gammal; A A Abd-Elaziz; K M Elshazly | 2019 | International |
48 | Study of the thermal performance characteristics of shell and semi-circular tube heat exchanger using both baffles and nanofluid | N.M. Almulla;M.A. Moawed;M.A. Abd Elrahaman;Mohamed R. Salem | 2024 | Local |
49 | The Performance Enhancement of a Water Chiller of Conically Coiled Tube Evaporator | H.A. El-Gammal; M.R. Salem; A.A. Abdulaziz; K.M. Elshazly | 2019 | Local |
50 | The Thermal Performance Enhancement of a Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger using Helical Fins on the Internal Tube | M.B. Eltoukhey; M.R. Salem; R.K. Ali; K.M. Elshazly | 2017 | Local |
51 | Thermal Performance Augmentation in the Cooling Zone of Brick Tunnel Kiln with Two Types of Guide Vanes | H.A. Refaey; Ali. A. Abdel-Aziz; M.R. Salem; H.E. Abdelrahman; M.W. Al-Dosoky | 2018 | International |
Mohammed Gamil Mohammed Abdelghany | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Design and Manufacturing of a Non-Standard Chain Parts for a Scraper Chain Conveyor: A Case Study | M Gamil, T El-Bitar | 2018 | International |
2 | Development of carbon—Low alloy steel grades for low temperature applications | Taher El-Bitar, Mohammed Gamil, Ibrahim Mousa, Fouad Helmy | 2011 | International |
3 | Effect of Friction Stir Processing Parameters on the Mechanical and Dynamic Responses of AA 5052-H32 | Mohammed Gamil, W.M. Farouk and Mamdouh I. Elamy | 2022 | Local |
4 | Evaluation of Strain Gauge Factors of Graphene Ribbon Models Based on First-Principles Electronic-State Calculations | Mohammed Gamil, Koichi Nakamura, Ahmed MR Fath El-Bab, Osamu Tabata, Mohamed Serry, Ahmed Abd El-Moneim | 2012 | International |
5 | Fabricating a highly sensitive graphene nanoplatelets resistance-based temperature sensor | Mohammed Gamil, Nagih M Shaalan, Ahmed Abd El-Moneim | 2021 | International |
6 | First-principles simulation on orientation dependence of piezoresistivity in graphene nanoribbon | Mohammed Gamil, Koichi Nakamura, Fath El-Bab, MR Ahmed, Osamu Tabata, Ahmed Abd El-Moneim | 2014 | International |
7 | Graphene Film Development on Flexible Substrate Using a New Technique: Temperature Dependency of Gauge Factor for Graphene-based Strain Sensors | Sahour Sayed, Mohammed Gamil, Ahmed Fath El-Bab, Koichi Nakamura, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, Ahmed Abd El- Moneim | 2016 | International |
8 | Graphene-Based Strain Gauge on a Flexible Substrate | Mohammed Gamil, Hassan Nageh, Ingy Bkrey, Sahour Sayed, Ahmed MR Fath El-Bab, Koichi Nakamura, Osamu Tabata, Ahmed Abd El-Moneim | 2014 | International |
9 | Investigating the Thermo‑Mechanical Properties of Aluminum/ Graphene Nano‑Platelets Composites Developed by Friction Stir Processing | Mohammed Gamil; Mohamed M. Z. Ahmed | 2020 | International |
10 | Investigation of a new high sensitive micro-electromechanical strain gauge sensor based on graphene piezoresistivity | Mohammed Gamil, Osamu Tabata, Koichi Nakamura, Ahmed MR El-Bab, Ahmed Abd El-Moneim | 2014 | International |
11 | LASER Reduced Graphene on Flexible Substrate for Strain Sensing Applications: Temperature Effect on Gauge Factor | Sahour Sayed, Mohammed Gamil, Fath El-Bab, MR Ahmed, Abd Elmoneim, Ahmed Abd El Moneim | 2015 | International |
12 | Mechanical and Dynamic Behaviour of Epoxy/MWCNTS and Epoxy/Al2O3 Nanocomposites | SM Mohammed, M Gamil, SS Mohammed, TS Mahmoud, SY El-Kady | 2017 | International |
13 | METALLURGICAL AND MECHANICAL INVESTIGATION OF TIG ARC WELDMENTS FOR API X60 STEEL PIPES | Taher El-Bitar, Maha El-Meligy, Mohammed Gamil | 2022 | International |
14 | Simulation of Graphene Piezoresistivity Based on Density Functional Calculations | Mohammed Gamil, Koichi Nakamura, Ahmed MR Fath El-Bab, Osamu Tabata, Ahmed Abd El-Moneim | 2013 | International |
16 | Ultrahigh-sensitivity graphene-based strain gauge sensor: fabrication on Si/SiO2 and first-principles simulation | M Gamil, A El-Bab, AA El-Moneim, K Nakamura | 2018 | International |
Mostafa El Sayed Abd-Elmonem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Control on Variable displacement axial piston pump | M. Elsayed; Elmashad, Y.; abdrabbo, saber; Rashdan, Magdy | 2011 | International |
2 | Developing a Floating Robot for Mechanical Control of Water Hyacinth | 1. Mostafa E. A. Elsayed, A. K. A. Mohamed, M. Shaaban, M. A. Abdelrahman, M. E. A. E. Ahmed and M. R. Rashed | 2023 | International |
3 | Dimensioning of the hydraulic gravity energy storage system using Fuzzy logic based simulation | 8. Mostafa E.A. Elsayed, Ahmed A.A. Attia, M.A. Abdelrahman, El-Awady Attia | 2021 | International |
4 | Evaluation of small hydropower turbines installed downstream of Nile River branches (Egypt) | 4. Mohamed E.A.E. Ahmed, Abdellatif, M.A., Ahmed A. A. Attia, Ahmed Farouk Deifalla, Mostafa E. A. Elsayed, M. A. Abdelrahman | 2023 | International |
5 | Identification of a different design of a photovoltaic thermal collector based on Fuzzy Logic Control and the ARMAX model | Alaa Hamada; Mohamed Emam; H.A. Refaey; M. Moawed; M.A. Abdelrahman; Mostafa E.A. Elsayed | 2024 | International |
6 | Influence of magnetically-induced nonlinear added stiffness on the lift galloping of square cylinders at low Reynolds number | Mostafa R. Rashed; Mostafa E.A. Elsayed; Mahmoud Shaaban | 2024 | International |
7 | Parametric optimisation for the design of gravity energy storage system using Taguchi method. | 6. Mostafa E.A. Elsayed, Abdo, S., Ahmed A. A. Attia. El-Awady Attia, M.A. Abdelrahman | 2022 | International |
8 | Prediction Model And Experimental Study Of Wind Speed Effect On The Tall Buildings Using Machine Learning | 3. Hassan Ahmed, Eman Elnos Aly, Mostafa E.A. Elsayed, Mohamed A. Khalifa, M. A. Aziz , Osama A. Gaheen | 2024 | International |
9 | Speed and torque control of pneumatic motors using controlled pulsating flow | 5. Aziz, M.A., Benini, E., Mostafa E.A. Elsayed, Mohamed A. Khalifa, Osama A. Gaheen | 2023 | International |
10 | Voice robot control using advanced fuzzy control techniques | M. Elsayed, saber abdrabbo, M. Ib. Sokar, M. El-arabi | 2015 | International |
11 | Wheeled Mobile Robot Control Using Advanced Fuzzy Control | M. Elsayed, saber abdrabbo, M. Ib. Sokar, M. El-arabi | 2016 | International |
Tamer Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Raouf Khalil | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An Investigation Of New Trends In Sensing For Controlling Landmine Detection ROV | A.M.S. Abbas, T.A. Khalil | 2005 | International |
3 | Experimental Investigations towards Optimization of the Parameters for Wear Loss Quantities in A356/Al2O3 Nanocomposites | El-Sayed El-Kady, Tamer Khalil, Tarik Tawfeek | 2015 | International |
4 | Study the influence of a new ball burnishing technique on the surface roughness of AISI 1018 low carbon steel | A.A. Ibrahim, Tamer Khalil, Tarik Tawfeek | 2015 | International |
Abdel-Halim Abdel-Mohsen Mahmoud Al-Akbawi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Mechanical properties of A356/ particle metal matrix composite" | abdelhalim | 1997 | International |
Abdelkariem Karam Abdelkariem Mohamed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | AA2024/SiC metal matrix composites simultaneously improve ductility and cracking resistance during elevated temperature deformation | O.V. Rofman, A.V. Mikhaylovskaya, A.D.Kotov, A.G. Mochugovskiy, A.K. Mohamed, V.V. Cheverikin, M.P. Short | 2020 | International |
2 | Comparative study of structure and phase transitions in Fe-(25e27)% Ga alloys | I.S. Golovin, A.K. Mohamed, V.V. Palacheva, V.V. Cheverikin, A.V. Pozdnyakov, V.V. Korovushkin, A.M. Balagurov, I.A. Bobrikov, N. Fazel, M. Mouas, J.- G. Gasser, F. Gasser, P. Tabary, Q. Lan, A. Kovacs, S. Ostendorp, R. Hubek, S. Divinski, G. Wilde | 2019 | International |
3 | Cooling rate as a tool of tailoring structure of Fe-(9–33%)Ga alloys | I.S. Golovin, A.M. Balagurov, I.A. Bobrikov, S.V. Sumnikov, A.K. Mohamed | 2019 | International |
4 | Crystal structure and phase composition evolution during heat treatment of Fe-45Ga alloy | T.N. Vershinina;I.A. Bobrikov;S.V. Sumnikov;A.O. Boev;A.M. Balagurov;A.K. Mohamed;I.S. Golovin | 2021 | International |
5 | Damping capacity, magnetic and mechanical properties of Fe-18Cr alloy | A.K. Mohamed, M.Yu. Zadorozhnyy, D.V. Saveliev, I.B. Chudakov, I.S. Golovin | 2020 | International |
6 | Effect of high magnetic field on the phase transition in Fe-24%Ga and Fe-27%Ga during isothermal annealing | V.A. Milyutin, I.V. Gervasyeva, D.A. Shishkin, Yu.N. Gornostyrev, E. Beaugnon, I.A. Bobrikov, A.M. Balagurov, A.K. Mohamed, I.S. Golovin | 2020 | International |
7 | First- and second-order phase transitions in Fe-(17-19)at.%Ga alloys | A.K. Mohamed, V.V. Cheverikin, S.V. Medvedeva, I.A. Bobrikov, A.M. Balagurov, I.S. Golovin | 2020 | International |
8 | Magnetostriction and damping of forced vibrations in Fe-Cr-Mo-Al alloy | A.K. Mohamed;M.Yu. Zadorozhnyy;Y. Mansouri;I.S. Golovin | 2022 | International |
9 | Mechanical spectroscopy of atomic ordering in Fe-(16−21)Ga-RE alloys | I.S. Golovin;V.V. Palacheva;A.K. Mohamed;J. Cifre;L.Yu. Dubov;N.Yu. Samoylova;A.M. Balagurov | 2021 | International |
10 | Mechanical spectroscopy of phase transitions in Fe–(23–38)Ga-RE alloys | I.S. Golovin;A.K. Mohamed;V.V. Palacheva;E.N. Zanaeva;J. Cifre;N.Yu. Samoylova;A.M. Balagurov | 2021 | International |
11 | Phase transitions in Fe-(23−24)Ga alloys: Experimental results and modeling | Oksana O. Pavlukhina;Vladimir V. Sokolovskiy;Mariya V. Matyunina;Mikhail A. Zagrebin;Olga N. Miroshkina;Danil R. Baigutlin;Vasiliy D. Buchelnikov;Abdelkariem K. Mohamed;Valery A. Palacheva;Anatoly M. Balagurov;Igor S. Golovin | 2021 | International |
12 | Phase Transitions in Metastable Fe-Ga Alloys | Igor S. Golovin, Valeria Palacheva, AbdElKariem Mohamed, Anatoliy Balagurov, Ivan Bobrikov, Natalia Samoylova, Sergei Sumnikov | 2020 | International |
13 | Strengthening aluminum matrix composite with additively manufactured 316L stainless steel lattice reinforcement: Processing methodology, mechanical performance and deformation mechanism | Atef Hamada;E.H. Mansour;Matias Jaskari;Walaa Abd-Elaziem;A.K. Mohamed;Hassan Elshokrofy;Aappo Mustakangas;Antti Jarvenpaa;Mahmoud Khedr | 2024 | International |
14 | Structure and Properties of Fe–Ga Alloys as Promising Materials for Electronics | I.S. Golovin, V.V. Palacheva, A.K. Mohamed, A.M. Balagurov | 2020 | International |
15 | Structure evolution of as-cast metastable Fe-38Ga alloy towards equilibrium | T.N. Vershinina;I.A. Bobrikov;S.V. Sumnikov;A.M. Balagurov;A.K. Mohamed;I.S. Golovin | 2021 | International |
16 | The Fe–Ga phase diagram: Revisited | A.K. Mohamed, V.V. Palacheva, V.V. Cheverikin, E.N. Zanaeva, W.C. Cheng, V. Kulitckii, S. Divinski, G. Wilde, I.S. Golovin | 2020 | International |
17 | Time-Temperature-Transformation from metastable to equilibrium structure in Fe-Ga | I.S. Golovin, A.K. Mohamed, I.A. Bobrikov, A.M. Balagurov | 2019 | International |
18 | СТРУКТУРА И СВОЙСТВА Fe–Ga-СПЛАВОВ – ПЕРСПЕКТИВНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ДЛЯ ЭЛЕКТРОНИКИ | И.С. Головин;В.В. Палачева;А.К. Мохамед;А.М. Балагуров | 2021 | Local |
Ahmed A. Serageldin | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A novel oscillatory thermal response test method for efficient characterization of ground thermal properties: Methodology and data analysis | Ahmed A. Serageldin, Katsunori Nagano | 2024 | International |
2 | Analysis of Relaxation Time of Temperature in Thermal Response Test for Design of Borehole Size | Hobyung Chae, Katsunori Nagano, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Takeshi Kondo | 2020 | International |
3 | Comparing socioeconomic & environmental impacts of building 2GW PV power plant in both sides of the Medeterranian | Ahmed MAM Serag ElDin, Yehia El-Mahgary, Ahmed Hamza H Ali, Ahmed Khairy | 2013 | International |
4 | Earth Air Heat Exchanger, Trombe Wall and Green Wall for Passive Heating and Cooling in Premium Passive Refugee House in Sweden | Marwa Dabaieh, Ahmed A Serageldin | 2020 | International |
5 | Earth-Air Heat Exchanger thermal performance in Egyptian conditions: Experimental results, mathematical model, and Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation | Ahmed A. Serageldin, Ali K. Abdelrahman, S. Ookawara | 2016 | International |
6 | Effect of Dust and Ambient Temperature on PV Panels Performance in Egypt | Ahmed Hamza H. Alia , Ahmed. M. Serag ElDinb and S. M. Abdel-Gaiedc Ali, S Ookawara | 2015 | International |
7 | Effect of dust deposition on performance of thin film photovoltaic module in harsh humid climate | Ahmed MAM Serag ElDin, Ali K Abel-Rahman, Ahmed Hamza H Ali, S Ookawara | 2013 | International |
8 | Evaluating Thermal Performance of Oval U-Tube for Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems from in Situ Measurements and Numerical Simulations | Yoshitaka Sakata, Ahmed A Serageldin, Takao Katsura, Motoaki Ooe, Katsunori Nagano | 2019 | International |
9 | Experimental and Theoretical Performance Evaluation of Parabolic trough Mirror as Solar Thermal Concentrator to Thermoelectric Generators | Memon, S., Mihreteab, M., Katsura, T., Radwan, A., Zhang, S., Serageldin, A. A., & Abo-Zahhad, E. M | 2020 | International |
10 | Experimental, analytical, and numerical investigation into the feasibility of integrating a passive Trombe wall into a single room | Ahmed Abdeen, Ahmed A Serageldin, Mona GE Ibrahim, Abbas El-Zafarany, Shinichi Ookawara, Ryo Murata | 2019 | International |
11 | Field studies on the energy consumption and thermal comfort of a nZEB using radiant ceiling panel and open-loop groundwater heat pump system in a cold region | Minzhi Ye, Katsunori Nagano, Ahmed A. Serageldin | 2023 | International |
12 | Modern Eminence and Concise Critique of Solar Thermal Energy and Vacuum Insulation Technologies for Sustainable Low-Carbon Infrastructure | Memon, S., Katsura, T., Radwan, A., Zhang, S., Serageldin, A. A., Abo-Zahhad, E. M., Sergey, S., Memon, A. R., Khan, S. W., Yang, S., Haji Jama, H., Hoseinzadeh, S., Sara, I. D., Fang, Y., Danilevski, L., Isaev, R., & Kiani, | 2020 | International |
13 | New Configurations for Sea Water Desalination System Using Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tubes | Ahmed Nagah Shmroukh, Ali Radwan, Abdalla Abdal-hay, Ahmed A.Serageldin, MahmoudNasr | 2019 | International |
14 | Numerical Analysis of Passive Cooled Ultra-High Concentrator Photovoltaic Cell Using Optimal Heat Spreader Design | Oussama Rejeb, Ali Radwan, Essam M. Abo-Zahhad, Chaouki Ghenai, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Mostafa Ahmed, Ahmed A.H. El-Shazly, Maamar Bettayeb, O. Abdelrehim | 2020 | International |
15 | Parametric study and optimization of a solar chimney passive ventilation system coupled with an earth-to-air heat exchanger | Ahmed A. Serageldin, AK Abdelrahman, S Ookawara | 2018 | International |
16 | Performance enhancement of borehole ground source heat pump using single U-tube heat exchanger with a novel oval cross-section (SUO) and a novel spacer | Ahmed A. Serageldin, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Nagano Katsunori | 2020 | International |
17 | Solar chimney combined with earth to-air heat exchanger for passive cooling of residential buildings in hot areas | Ahmed A Serageldin, Ahmed Abdeen, Mostafa MS Ahmed, Ali Radwan, Ahmed N Shmroukh, Shinichi Ookawara | 2020 | International |
18 | Solar chimney optimization for enhancing thermal comfort in Egypt: An experimental and numerical study | Ahmed Abdeen, Ahmed A Serageldin, Mona GE Ibrahim, Abbas El-Zafarany, Shinichi Ookawara, Ryo Murata | 2019 | International |
19 | The Effect of Groundwater Flow on the Thermal Performance of a Novel Borehole Heat Exchanger for Ground Source Heat Pump Systems: Small Scale Experiments and Numerical Simulation | Ahmed A. Serageldin, Ali Radwan, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Nagano Katsunori | 2020 | International |
20 | Thermal Analysis of a New Sliding Smart Window Integrated with Vacuum Insulation, Photovoltaic, and Phase Change Material | M. Ahmed, A. Radwan, A. Serageldin, S. Memon, T. Katsura, K. Nagano | 2020 | International |
21 | Thermal and electrical performances of semi-transparent photovoltaic glazing integrated with translucent vacuum insulation panel and vacuum glazing | Ali Radwan, Takao Katsura, Saim Memon, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Makoto Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano | 2020 | International |
22 | Thermo-hydraulic performance of the U-tube borehole heat exchanger with a novel oval cross-section: Numerical approach | Ahmed A.Serageldin, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano | 2018 | International |
Ahmed Abdelfattah ElSadek | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | local publication 1 | Ahmed Elsadek, Ahmed M. Gaafer and S.S. Mohamed | 2020 | Local |
2 | local publication 2 | Ahmed A. Elsadek, Ahmed M. Gaafer and S.S. Mohamed | 2020 | Local |
3 | Prediction and optimization of cutting temperature on hard-turning of AISI H13 hot work steel | Ahmed Elsadek · Ahmed M. Gaafer· S.S. Mohamed | 2020 | International |
Ahmed Ali Altohamy | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An experimental study of a newly designed freezing desalination unit equipped with reversed vapor compression cycle | Ahmed A. Altohamy, M.A. Sharafeldin*, M.A. Abdelrahman, Ahmed A.A. Attia, Ismail M.M. Elsemary | 2023 | International |
2 | Comparative study on AL 2 O 3 nanoparticle addition on cool storage system performance | Ahmed AA Attia, Ahmed A Altohamy, MF Abd Rabbo, RY Sakr | 2015 | International |
3 | Effect of water based AL2O3 Nanoparticle PCM on cool storage performance | M.F. Abd Rabbo, R.Y. Sakr, Ahmed A.A. Attia, Ahmed A. Altohamy | 2015 | International |
4 | Encapsulation surface roughness effect on the performance of cool storage systems | Ahmed A. Altohamya,b, Ismail M.M. Elsemarya,b,⁎, Saber Abdoc, M.A. Abdelrahmana, Ahmed A.A. Attiaa, R.Y. Sakra | 2023 | International |
5 | Energy and exergy experimental analysis for innovative finned plate solar air heater | Abdullah Alrashidia, Ahmed A. Altohamya, b, M.A. Abdelrahmanb, Ismail M.M. Elsemaryb, a, * | 2024 | International |
6 | Exergy and parametric analysis of freeze desalination with reversed vapor compression cycle | MA Abd Elrahman, Saber Abdo, Eslam Hussein, Ahmed A Altohamy, Ahmed AA Attia | 2023 | International |
7 | Experimental analysis of a photovoltaic thermal collector using phase change materials and copper oxide nanofluid | Mohammed A. Almeshaal a, Ahmed A. Altohamy b,c,* | 2024 | International |
8 | Experimental Investigation for Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement on R134a Using Nanorefrigerants | S. A. Elsayed, H. E. Abdelrahman, A. A. Eltohamy, R.Y. Sakr | 2019 | Local |
9 | Experimental investigation on the effect of using nano fluid (Al2O3-Water) on the performance of PV/T system | Saber Ragab Abdallah, Ismail MM Elsemary, Ahmed A Altohamy, MA Abdelrahman, Ahmed AA Attia, Osama Ezzat Abdellatif | 2018 | International |
10 | Experimental Study on R404a Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle using Al2O3-POE and CuO-POE Nanolubricants | H. E. Abdelrahman1, A. A. Altohamya1,2, S. A. Elsayeda, R.Y. Sakr1 | 2018 | Local |
11 | Heat transfer enhancement during freezing process of Nano Phase Change Material (NPCM) in a spherical capsule | R.Y. Sakr, Ahmed A.A. Attia ⇑, Ahmed A. Altohamy, Ismail M.M. Elsemary, M.F. Abd Rabbo | 2017 | International |
12 | Thermal regulation for buildings using evaporative cooling technique: Experimental study. | Abdullah Alrashidi, Saber Abdo, MA Abdelrahman, Ahmed A Altohamy, Ismail MM Elsemary | 2024 | International |
Ahmed Karam AbdelFattah Mostafa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A dynamic and collaborative truck appointment management system in container terminals | Ahmed Azab, Ahmed Karam, Amr Eltawil | 2017 | International |
2 | A Lagrangian relaxation approach for the integrated quay crane and internal truck assignment in container terminals | A Karam; AB Eltawil | 2016 | International |
3 | A lean manufacturing road map using fuzzy-DEMATEL with case-based analysis | Sameh N Seleem, El-Awady Attia, Ahmed Karam, Ahmed El-Assal | 2021 | International |
4 | A MILP model for an integrated project scheduling and multi-skilled workforce allocation with flexible working hours | Ahmed Karam, El-Awady Attia, Philippe Duquenne | 2017 | International |
5 | A new method for allocating berths, quay cranes and internal trucks in container terminals | A Karam; AB Eltawil | 2015 | International |
6 | A simulation-based optimization approach for external trucks appointment scheduling in container terminals | Ahmed Azab, Ahmed Karam, Amr B. Eltawil | 2019 | International |
7 | An improved Approach for the Quay Crane Assignment Problem with Limited Availability of Internal Trucks in Container Terminal | A. Karam; A.b. Eltawil ;N. A. Harraz | 2014 | International |
8 | An Improved Two-Level Approach for the Collaborative Freight Delivery in Urban Areas | Ahmed Karam, Sergey Tsiulin, Kristian Hegner Reinau, Amr Eltawil | 2020 | International |
9 | An Integrated Operational Research and System Dynamics Approach for Planning Decisions in Container Terminals | A. Karam; A. B. Eltawil and N.A. Harraz | 2015 | International |
10 | Analysis of the barriers to implementing horizontal collaborative transport using a hybrid fuzzy Delphi-AHP approach | Ahmed Karam, Mohamed Hussein, Kristian Hegner Reinau | 2021 | International |
11 | Blockchain-based applications in shipping and port management: a literature review towards defining key conceptual frameworks | Sergey Tsiulin, Kristian Hegner Reinau, Olli-Pekka Hilmola, Nikolay Goryaev, Ahmed Karam | 2020 | International |
12 | Energy-Efficient and Integrated Allocation of Berths, Quay Cranes, and Internal Trucks in Container Terminals | Ahmed Karam, Amr Eltawil, Kristian Hegner Reinau | 2021 | International |
13 | Evaluating the Effects of the A-Double Vehicle Combinations If Introduced to a Line-Haul Freight Transport Network | Ahmed Karam, Kristian Hegner Reinau | 2021 | International |
14 | Friction stir welding of dissimilar A319 and A413 cast aluminum alloys | A. Karam; T. S. Mahmoud; H. M. Zakaria; T. A. Khalifa | 2014 | International |
15 | Functional integration approach for the berth allocation, quay crane assignment and specific quay crane assignment problems | A Karam; AB Eltawil | 2016 | International |
16 | Impact of Collaborative External Truck Scheduling on Yard Efficiency in Container Terminals | Ahmed Azab, Ahmed Karam, Amr Eltawil | 2017 | International |
17 | Integrating collaborative and outsourcing strategies for yard trucks assignment in ports with multiple container terminals | Ahmed Karam, Elawady attaia | 2019 | International |
18 | Modelling in Off-Site Construction Supply Chain Management: A Review and Future Directions for Sustainable Modular Integrated Construction | Mohamed Hussein, Abdelrahman EE Eltoukhy, Ahmed Karam, Ibrahim A Shaban, Tarek Zayed | 2021 | International |
19 | Simultaneous assignment of quay cranes and internal trucks in container terminals | A Karam; AB Eltawil; NA Harraz | 2016 | International |
20 | Towards sharing data of private freight companies with public policy makers: A proposed framework for identifying uses of the shared data | Thorbjoern M. Illemann, Ahmed Karam, Kristian Hegner Reinau | 2021 | International |
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Ahmed Mohamed Salah Kandil | |
Aly Mohamed Ahmed Soliman | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | 3D study on the performance of cooling technique composed of heat spreader and microchannels for cooling the solar cells | Aly M.A. Soliman, Hamdy Hassan | 2018 | International |
2 | A 3D MODEL OF THE EFFECT OF USING HEAT SPREADER ON THE PERFORMANCE OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL (PV) | Aly Soliman, hamdy HASSAN, Mahmoud Ahmed, Shinichi Ookawara | 2017 | International |
3 | A 3d model of the effect of using heat spreader on the performance of photovoltaic panel (PV) | Aly M.A. Soliman , Hamdy Hassan, Mahmoud Ahmeda,Shinichi Ookawara | 2018 | International |
4 | An experimental study of the performance of the solar cell with heat sink cooling system | Aly M. A. Soliman, Hamdy Hassan, Shinichi Ookawara | 2019 | International |
5 | An experimental work on the performance of solar cell cooled by flat heat pipe | Aly M. A. Soliman, Hamdy Hassan | 2020 | International |
6 | Analytical investigation of energy performance in secondary loops of refrigeration systems using different nano materials additives | Aly M A SOLIMAN, Ali K ABDELRAHMAN, S Ookawara | 2016 | International |
7 | Enhancement of vapor compression cycle performance using nanofluids: Experimental results | Aly M. A. Soliman ; Ali K. Abdel Rahman ; S. Ookawara | 2018 | International |
8 | Experimental study of using system of flat heat pipe-phase change material inclusion heat sink for thermal regulation of simulated PV. | Aly M. A. Soliman, MS. Yousef, Hamdy Hassan, Shinichi Ookawara | 2024 | Local |
9 | Performance Enhancement of Vapor Compression Cycle Using Nano Materials | Aly MA Soliman, Sherif H Taher, Ali K Abdel-Rahman, S Ookawara | 2015 | International |
10 | Performance Enhancement of Vapor Compression Cycle using Nanofluids | Aly Soliman, Ali Kamel Abdel-Rahman, Shinichi Ookawara, Khalid El Feky | 2017 | International |
11 | Performance improvement of single-junction photovoltaic systems using a new design of a heat pipe-based heat sink: Experimental study | Mohamed Emam, Aly M.A. Soliman, M.A. Abdelrahman, Ahmed A.A. Attia | 2024 | International |
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Amr Monier Abd Elaleem Ibraheem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effects of the grinding conditions on geometry of microstructured surfaces fabricated via designed precision grinding | Amr Monier, Bing Guo, Qingliang Zhao, Zhenfei Guo, Tamer S Mahmoud, Jun Zhang | 2022 | International |
2 | Modeling and simulation of the advanced structured surfaces machined by specially patterned grinding wheels via the structuring grinding process | Amr Monier; Bing Guo; Qingliang Zhao; T. S. Mahmoud | 2022 | International |
3 | Optimization of the cooling slope casting parameters for producing AA7075 wrought aluminumalloy thixotropic feedstock | E.Y.El-Kady1, I.S.El-Mahallawi2, T.S.Mahmoud1*,A.Attia1, S.S.Mohammed1,A.Monir1 | 2022 | Local |
4 | Optimization of the cooling slope casting parameters for producing aa7075 wrought aluminumalloy thixotropic feedstock | 2015 | International | |
5 | Strategy and error analysis for machining the designed microstructured surfaces by structured grinding wheels | Amr Monier, Bing Guo, Qingliang Zhao , Wenchao Liu | 2021 | International |
6 | The effects of structured grinding wheel designed parameters on the geometries of ground structured surfaces | Amr Monier, Bing Guo, Qingliang Zhao, Zhenfei Guo, Tamer S Mahmoud, Iman El-mahallawi | 2022 | International |
Ashraf El-sayed Abdel-Aleem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Experimental investigation of the performance attributes of a double pipe heat exchanger equipped with baffles of conventional or flower layouts | Mohamed R. Salem, Mohamed M. Ellaban, R.K. Ali, Ashraf E. Elmohlawy | 2024 | International |
2 | Investigating the performance of photovoltaic panels using optical water spectral splitting filter: An experimental and computational analysis | Yasser M. Safan, Ahmed S. Abdelrazik, Ashraf E. Elmohlawy, S.A. Abdel-Moneim, Mohamed R. Salem, | 2024 | International |
3 | Modeling and performance prediction of solar parabolic trough collector for hybrid thermal power generation plant under different weather conditions | Ashraf E. Elmohlawy, B. I. Kazanjan, and Valery F. Ochkov | 2018 | International |
4 | Study and Analysis the Performance of Two Integrated Solar Combined Cycle | Ashraf E. Elmohlawy, Valery F. Ochkov, Boris. I. Kazandzhan. | 2019 | International |
5 | Study and Prediction the Performance of an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Plant | Ashraf E. Elmohlawy, Valery F. Ochkov, Boris. I. Kazandzhan. | 2019 | International |
6 | Thermal performance analysis of a concentrated solar power system (CSP) integrated with natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant | Elmohlawy, A.E., Ochkov, V.F., Kazandzhan, B.I. | 2019 | International |
Asmaa Mostafa Rabie Khalil | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Controlling liquation behavior and solidification cracks by Continuous laser melting process of AA-7075 Aluminum Alloy | Asmaa M. Khalil, Irina Loginova,Alexey SoloninAhmed Omar Mosleh | 2020 | International |
2 | Effect of Laser Melting Process on a Modified AA7075 Alloy with Ti-B-Zr Modifiers | Asmaa M. Khalil, Irina Loginova, Alexey Solonin | 2021 | International |
3 | Effect of Laser Welding Process Parameters and Filler Metals on the Weldability and the Mechanical Properties of AA7020 Aluminium Alloy | Saheed B. Adisa , Irina Loginova , Asmaa Khalil , alexy solonin | 2018 | International |
4 | Effect of Pulse Laser Welding Parameters and Filler Metal on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-4.7Mg-0.32Mn-0.21Sc-0.1Zr Alloy | I. Loginova, A. Khalil, A. Pozdniakov, A. Solonin, V. Zolotorevskiy | 2017 | International |
5 | Influence of Adding Modifying Elements and Homogenization Annealing on Laser Melting Process of the Modified AlZnMgCu with 4%Si Alloys | Ahmed Omar Mosleh,Asmaa M. Khalil,Irina Loginova,Alexey Solonin | 2021 | International |
6 | INVESTIGATION OF INFLUENCE OF PARAMETERS OF LASER WELDING ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF Al–4.7 % Mg–0.32 % Mn–0.21 % Sc–0.09 % Zr ALLOY | A. M .Khalil, I. S. Loginova, V. S. Zolotorevsky | 2016 | International |
7 | Special Features of Structure and Phase Transitions of Al – Fe – Cr Alloy under Different Crystallization Conditions in Additive Technologies | 2022 | International | |
8 | The structure and mechanical properties of parts elaborated by direct laser deposition 316L stainless steel powder obtained in various ways | I S Loginova, A N Solonin, A S Prosviryakov, S B Adisa, A M Khalil,D P Bykovskiy, V N Petrovskiy | 2017 | International |
9 | Tribological and mechanical characteristics of AA5083 alloy reinforced by hybridising heavy ceramic particles Ta2C & VC with light GNP and Al2O3 nanoparticles | Essam B. Moustafa a, , A. Melaibari a,b , Ghazi Alsoruji a , Asmaa M. Khalil c , Ahmed O. Mosleh | 2021 | International |
10 | Understanding the effect of low melting-point phases and homogenization annealing on the liquation cracks formation in the Al-Cu binary system during laser melting process | Asmaa M. Khalil, Muhammad Ibrahim, A.N. Solonin | 2022 | International |
Aziza Amen Sherif | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Study of some mechanical properties for Nodular Cast Iron | A. Sherif | 1991 | International |
2 | Study of Tribological Performance Artificial joint | A. Sherif | 2001 | International |
Baiumy Taha Abdel-Moati El-Assal | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Experimental investigation of vapor chamber with different working fluids at different charge ratios | Ahmed A.A. Attia *, Baiumy T.A. El-Assal | 2012 | International |
Bilal Abdul-Karim Salem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Control and Optimization of Job Shop Floor | Elmogy B. S. , Abas M. S. , Nawara G. M | 2015 | International |
2 | Determining Optimal Level of CONWIP for Job Shop Floor | Elmogy B. S. , Abas M. S. , Nawara G. M | 2015 | International |
3 | Tool Wear Measurement using Computer Vision Technique | B. Elmogy | 2000 | International |
Doaa Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah Ads | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
2 | On the production of al-A356alloy semi-solid feedstock using cooling slope casting technique | D.M.Adss1, E.A.Attia1, S.H.Mansour1, T.S.Mahmoud1*, I.S.El-Mahallawi2, T.A.Khalifa1 | 2016 | International |
3 | Prediction of the wear behavior of UHMWPE using artificial neural networks | D.Adss, T.S.Mahmoud*, H.M.Zakaria, T.A.Khalifa | 2011 | International |
El-Awady Attia | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A frame work for selecting performance improvement initiatives | Sameh Mahmoud, El-Awady Attia, Ahmed El-assal | 2014 | International |
2 | A greedy heuristic approach for the project scheduling with labour allocation problem | El-Awady ATTIA, Kouassi Hilaire EDI, Philippe DUQUENNE, | 2012 | Local |
3 | A lean manufacturing road map using fuzzy-DEMATEL with case-based analysis | Sameh N Seleem, El-Awady Attia, Ahmed Karam, Ahmed El-Assal | 2020 | International |
4 | A MILP model for an integrated project scheduling and multi-skilled workforce allocation with flexible working hours | Ahmed Karam, El-Awady Attia, and Philippe Duquenne | 2017 | International |
5 | A multi-stage supply chain system controlled by Kanban | Amer M. A.; Attia E.-A., Baioumy S. | 2016 | International |
6 | A Novel Model for Economic Recycle Quantity with Two-Level Piecewise Constant Demand and Shortages | El-Awady Attia, Md Maniruzzaman Miah, Abu Sayeed Arif, Ali AlArjani, Mahmud Hasan, Md Sharif Uddin | 2024 | International |
7 | Affectation flexible des effectifs : Vers un modèle de gestion des compétences | El-Awady ATTIA, Philippe DUQUENNE, Jean-Marc LE LANN | 2011 | International |
8 | Aggregate production planning considering organizational learning with case based analysis | El-Awady Attia, Ashraf Megahed, Ali AlArjani, Ahmed Elbetar, Philippe Duquenne | 2022 | International |
9 | Aggregate Production Planning Considering Performance Evolution: A Case Study | Attia E.-A., Megahed A., Baioumy S., Elbetar A., Duquenne P. | 2016 | International |
10 | Close Interval Approximation of Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers for Interval Data-Based Transportation Problems | ZAMS Juman, SA Mostafa, AP Batuwita, A AlArjani, M Sharif Uddin, MM Jaber, T Alam, EA Attia | 2022 | International |
11 | Considering skills evolutions in multi-skilled workforce allocation with flexible working hours | El-Awady Attiaa, Philippe Duquennea, Jean-Marc Le-Lann | 2014 | International |
12 | Considering the flexibility of human resources in planning and scheduling industrial activities | El-Awady Attia | 2013 | International |
13 | Decision-based genetic algorithms for solving multi-period project scheduling with dynamically experienced workforce | El-Awady ATTIA, Philippe DUQUENNE, Jean-Marc LE LANN | 2012 | International |
14 | Dimensioning of the hydraulic gravity energy storage system using Fuzzy logic based simulation | Mostafa EA Elsayed, Ahmed AA Attia, MA Abdelrahman, El-Awady Attia | 2021 | International |
15 | Effect of Cooling Slope Casting Parameters on the Thixotropic Microstructure of A356 Aluminum Alloy | Adss D.M., Attia E-A. Mahmoud T.S. EL-Mahallawi I.S. Khalifa T.A. | 2015 | International |
16 | Effect of grain refining, mould material and pouring temperature on the microstructural characteristics of AA6063 aluminum alloy feedstocks produced using low superheat casting | A.Abu-El-Fadl, El-Awady Attia, E.H.Mansour, A.M.Gaafer, T.S.Mahmoud | 2016 | International |
17 | Effects of a quantity-based discount frame in inventory planning under time-dependent demand: A case study of mango businesses in Bangladesh | Md Rukonuzzaman, Md Al-Amin Khan, Aminur Rahman Khan, Ali AlArjani, Md Sharif Uddin, El-Awady Attia | 2023 | International |
18 | Évaluation de la complexité des projets basée sur une analyse en composantes principales | El-Awady ATTIA, Philippe DUQUENNE, Jean-Marc LE LANN | 2013 | International |
19 | Factors affecting the development of workforce versatility | El-Awady ATTIA, virgil DUMBRAVA Philippe DUQUENNE, | 2012 | International |
20 | Flexible resources allocation techniques: characteristics and modelling | El-Awady ATTIA, Kouassi Hilaire EDI, Philippe DUQUENNE, | 2012 | International |
21 | Identification of critical success factors for lean manufacturing using fuzzy DEMATEL method | Sameh N. Seleem; El-Awady Attia; Ahmed El-Assal | 2017 | International |
22 | Improving product manufacturing process using QFD methodology | Mohamed H. ESSAWY, El-Awady ATTIA, Ahmed M. ELASSAL | 2014 | International |
23 | Managing performance improvement initiatives using DEMATEL method with application case study | Sameh N. Seleem; El-Awady Attia*; Ahmed El-Assal | 2016 | International |
24 | Managing Performance Improvement Initiatives: Case Study at ElARABY Group in Egypt | Sameh Mahmoud, El-Awady Attia, Ahmed El-Assal | 2015 | International |
25 | On the production of al-A356 alloy semi-solid feedstock using cooling slope casting technique | D.M.Adss, E.A.Attia, S.H.Mansour, T.S.Mahmoud, I.S.El-Mahallawi, T.A.Khalifa | 2015 | International |
26 | Optimization of the cooling slope casting parameters for producing aa7075 wrought aluminumalloy thixotropic feedstock | E.Y.El-Kady, I.S.El-Mahallawi, T.S.Mahmoud, E.A.Attia, S.S.Mohammed,A.Monir | 2015 | International |
27 | Optimization of the low superheat casting process parameters for producing of thixotropic A356 alloy feedstock | E.Y.El-Kady, T.S.Mahmoud*, H.M.Zakaria, El-Awady Attia,M.F.El-Sherbiny | 2015 | International |
28 | Prioritization of failure modes of fire and rescue vessels with application case study | Mohamed Haidar, El-Awady Attia, and Ahmed El-Assal | 2017 | International |
29 | Prise en compte des évolutions de compétences pour les ressources humaines | El-Awady ATTIA, Philippe DUQUENNE, Jean-Marc LE LANN | 2011 | International |
30 | Problème d’affectation flexible des ressources humaines : Un modèle dynamique | El-Awady ATTIA, Philippe DUQUENNE, Jean-Marc LE LANN | 2011 | International |
31 | Product outsourcing policy for a sustainable flexible manufacturing system with reworking and green investment | Raj Kumar Bachar, Shaktipada Bhuniya, Santanu Kumar Ghosh, Ali AlArjani, Elawady Attia, Md Sharif Uddin, Biswajit Sarkar | 2023 | International |
32 | QFD model for product progress: A case study at ELARABY manufacturing company | Mohamed H. Essawy, El-Awady ATTIA, Ahmed El-Assal | 2015 | International |
33 | Solving assembly line balancing problem using genetic algorithms | El-Awady ATTIA, Mamdoh Soliman, Attia Gomaa, Mostafa Zahran, | 2008 | International |
34 | Spare Parts Classification in Marine Rescue and Fire Services' Stores with Case Study | Zain Alabdeen Sughayer; El-Awady Attia; Ahmed El-Assal | 2018 | International |
35 | Towards a learning curve for electric motors production under organizational learning via shop floor data | El-Awady Attia, Ashraf Megahed, Philippe Duquenne, | 2016 | International |
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El-sayed Hamzah Mansour Abd-el hadi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
2 | Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of AA 7020-O Al plates joined by friction stirr welding | A.M. gaffer, T.M. Mahmoud, and E.H. Mansour | 2010 | International |
3 | On the production of Al-A356 semi solid feed-stock using cooling slope castings technique | D.M.Adss,T.M.Mahoud,I.S.El-Mahallawi,T.A.Khalifa, and E.H. Mansour | 2015 | International |
Gerges Edwar Mehanny Beshay | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Coupled Vibration Analysis of Composite Wind Turbine Blade | Karam Y. Maalawi and Gerges E. Beshay | 2018 | Local |
2 | Dynamic Optimization of Thin-Walled Composite Blades of Wind Turbines | G E Beshay;K Y Maalawi;S M Abdrabbo;T A Khalifa | 2015 | International |
3 | Structural Optimization of Wind Turbine Blades for Improved Dynamic Performance | Gerges Beshay | 2020 | International |
Hamdy El-Sayed Mohamed El-Sayed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
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Hamid Farag Hamed Saber | |
Hend yasin Mohamed Al-Tantawi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Tilt and Orientation Angles on the Performance of Photovoltaic Cells | El Tantawy. H. Y1, Abdellatif, O. E1, Elmahallawi, I. S2, Assassa, G., M1. and, Abd Rabbo, M1. | 2015 | Local |
Islam Hussein Elsayed Hussein Sakkr | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Comparison of Temperature Contours across an Open Door of a Cold Storage Room at Different Storage Temperatures | Eslam Hussein , Ramadan Amer , Ramadan Sakr , Mohamed Moawed | 2015 | Local |
2 | Effect of Entrance Dimensions on Warm Air Infiltration into Cold Stores | Eslam Hussein , Ramadan Amer , Ramadan Sakr , Mohamed Moawed | 2015 | Local |
Khalid Abdel Wahab Mahmoud Ibrahem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Developing Heat Transfer Augmentation in Ribbed Rectangular Duct with Different Intake Shapes | Mohamed Fayek Abd Rabbo, Khalid Ibrahem, Aly Abdelaziz, Karam ELshazly | 2005 | International |
2 | Effect of Different Intake Shapes on the Fluid Flow Characteristics of a Ribbed Rectangular Duct | Mohamed Fayek Abd Rabbo, Khalid Ibrahem, Aly Abdelaziz, Karam ELshazly | 2005 | International |
3 | Experimental and numerical investigation of evaporative heat transfer in the vicinity of the 3-phase contact line | Khalid Ibrahem, Mohamed F Abd Rabbo, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan | 2010 | International |
4 | Experimental investigation of evaporative heat transfer characteristics at the 3-phase contact line | K Ibrahem, MF Abd Rabbo, T Gambaryan-Roisman, P Stephan | 2010 | International |
5 | Experimental investigation of evaporative heat transfer characteristics at the 3-phase contact line | Khalid Ibrahem, Mohamed Fayek AbdRabbo, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan | 2009 | International |
6 | Experimental investigation of micro-scale heat transfer at an evaporating moving 3-phase contact line | K Ibrahem, MF Abd Rabbo, T Gambaryan-Roisman, P Stephan | 2010 | International |
7 | The effect of three-phase contact line speed on local evaporative heat transfer: Experimental and numerical investigations | Christian Kunkelmann, Khalid Ibrahem, Nils Schweizer, Stefan Herbert, Peter Stephan, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman | 2012 | International |
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Magdy Rashwan Ibrahim | |
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Maha Fathi Abdullah El-Sangaree | |
Mahmoud Abdelrahman Khedr | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effects of increasing the strain rate on mechanical twinning and dynamic strain aging in Fe-12.5 Mn-1.1 C and Fe–24Mn-0.45 C–2Al austenitic steels | Mahmoud Khedr, Wei Li, Na Min, Wenqing Liu, Xuejun Jin | 2022 | International |
2 | Effects of Wall Thickness Variation on Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel with Lattice Auxetic Structures | M Khedr, A Hamada, W Abd_Elaziem, M Jaskari, J Kömi, A Järvenpää | 2023 | International |
3 | Evolution of Fracture Mode in Nano-twinned Fe-1.1C-12.5Mn Steel | Mahmoud Khedr, Li Wei, Min Na, Li Yu, Jin Xuejun | 2019 | International |
4 | Hierarchical microstructure design of a bimodal grained twinning-induced plasticity steel with excellent cryogenic mechanical properties | Y. Li; Y. Lu; W. Li; M. Khedr; H Liu; X. Jin | 2018 | International |
5 | Improving hydrogen embrittlement resistance of Hadfield steel by thermo-mechanical flash-treatment | M. Khedr; W. Li; X. Zhu; P. Zhou; S. Gao; X. Jin | 2018 | International |
6 | Investigation of exhaust valve failure in a marine diesel engine | Taher El-Bitar; Maha El-Meligy; Mahmoud Khedr | 2020 | International |
7 | Investigation of temperature variation during friction drilling of 6082 and 7075 Al-alloys | N Hamzawy, M Khedr, T S Mahmoud, I Elmahlawy, T Khalifa | 2020 | International |
8 | Metallurgical analysis of ASME SA213 T12 boiler vertical water-wall tubes failure | Mahmoud Khedr, Walaa Abd_Elaziem, M Newishy, H Abdel-Aleem | 2023 | International |
9 | Metallurgical characterization of a failed A106 Gr-B carbon steel welded condensate pipeline in a petroleum refinery | Walaa Abd-Elaziem, Mahmoud Khedr, M Newishy, H Abdel-Aleem | 2023 | International |
10 | Microstructural evolution and mechanical performance of two joints of medium-Mn stainless steel with low-and high-alloyed steels | Mahmoud Khedr, I Reda Ibrahim, Matias Jaskari, Mohammed Ali, Hamed A Abdel-Aleem, Tamer S Mahmoud, Atef Hamada | 2023 | International |
11 | Optimization of Thermal Drilling Parameters of 6082 Al-Alloy Based on Response Surface Methodology | Nadia Hamzawy, Tamer S Mahmoud, Iman El-Mahallawi, Tarek Khalifa, Mahmoud Khedr | 2023 | International |
12 | Review on the Solid-State Welding of Steels: Diffusion Bonding and Friction Stir Welding Processes | Mahmoud Khedr, Atef Hamada, Antti Järvenpää, Sally Elkatatny, Walaa Abd-Elaziem | 2023 | Local |
13 | Strengthening Contributions of Mechanical Twinning and Dislocations to the Flow Stress of Hadfield High-Manganese Steel: Quantitative Analysis | M Khedr, W Li, N Min, W Abd-Elaziem, X Jin | 2022 | International |
14 | Study on the Mechanical Performance of Dissimilar Butt Joints between Low Ni Medium-Mn and Ni-Cr Austenitic Stainless Steels Processed by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding | IR Ibrahim, M Khedr, TS Mahmoud, HA Abdel-Aleem, A Hamada | 2021 | International |
15 | Studying Hydrogen Embrittlement in Nano-twinned Polycrystalline Fe-12.5 Mn-1.2 C Austenitic Steel | Mahmoud Khedr; Wei Li; Xuejun Jin | 2018 | International |
16 | Studying the distribution of hardness values in friction drilled 7075 Al-alloy sheets at different conditions | N Hamzawy, M Khedr, TS Mahmoud, I Ei-Mahallawi, TA Khalifa | 2021 | International |
17 | The effect of deformation twins induced previously by cold rolling on the mechanical behavior of Hadfield steel | Mahmoud Khedr; Lee Wie; Jin Xuejun | 2016 | International |
18 | The effect of pre-drilling on the characteristics of friction drilled A356 cast aluminum alloy | Yathrib Eid Albarbary, Rasha Afify, EH Mansour, Tamer S Mahmoud, Mahmoud Khedr | 2023 | International |
Mahmoud Ahmed Ahmed Hassan Sharaf Eldin | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An experimental study of a newly designed freezing desalination unit equipped with reversed vapor compression cycle | Ahmed A Altohamy, MA Sharafeldin, MA Abdelrahman, Ahmed AA Attia, Ismail MM Elsemary | 2021 | International |
2 | Convective heat transfer enhancement inside tubes using inserted helical coils | R. K. Ali, M. A. Sharafeldeen ,N. S. Berbish , M. A. Moawed | 2016 | International |
3 | Efficiency of evacuated tube solar collector using WO3/Water nanofluid | M.A. Sharafeldin; Gyula Gróf | 2019 | International |
4 | Evacuated tube solar collector performance using CeO2/water nanofluid | M.A. Sharafeldin , Gyula Grof | 2018 | International |
5 | Evacuated tube solar collector performance using copper nanofluid: Energy and environmental analysis | MA Sharafeldin, Gyula Gróf, Eiyad Abu-Nada, Omid Mahian | 2019 | International |
6 | Experimental investigation of flat plate solar collector using CeO2-water nanofluid | M.A. Sharafeldina,, Gyula Gróf | 2018 | International |
7 | Experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop of turbulent flow inside tube with inserted helical coils | M. A. Sharafeldeen, N. S. Berbish, M. A. Moawed, R. K. Ali | 2017 | International |
8 | Experimental investigation on the effect of pulsating flow on heat transfer and pressure drop in conical tubes | Mohamed T Abdelghany, Samir M Elshamy, MA Sharafeldin, OE Abdellatif | 2023 | International |
9 | Experimental Study on the Performance of a Flat-Plate Collector Using WO3/Water Nanofluids | Mahmoud Ahmed Sharafeldin, Gyula Gróf, Omid Mahian | 2018 | International |
10 | Investigation of the effect of hybrid CuO-Cu/water nanofluid on the solar thermal energy storage system | ZA Alrowaili, Mohammed Ezzeldien, Nagih M Shaaalan, Eslam Hussein, MA Sharafeldin | 2022 | International |
11 | Utilizing artificial neural networks to predict the thermal performance of conical tubes with pulsating flow | Mohamed T Abdelghany, Samir M Elshamy, MA Sharafeldin, OE Abdellatif | 2023 | International |
Mamdouh Wafaa Shawky Hefny | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of Cooling System on Heat Transfer Coefficient During Condensation of Saturated Steam Inside Horizontal | El-ghnam, R. I., Abdellatif, O. E., Abd-Rabo, M. F. and El-Dosoky, M. W. Shawky | 1999 | International |
2 | Nucleate Pool Boiling Characteristics from Internally Coated Horizontal Tubes Using Saturated R-134a and Distilled Water | R. M. Abdel Aziz, M. H. Sakr, M. F. Abd Rabbo, M. S. Zahran and M. W. Shawky El-Dosoky | 2008 | International |
Mina Gamal Mourad Abd Elmalek | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An Experimental Study of the Near Wake of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines | Mina G. Mourad, Samir S. Ayad, Osama E. Abdellatif, Ali A. Abdelaziz | 2015 | International |
2 | Effect of winglet geometry on horizontal axis wind turbine performance | Mina G. Mourad; Ibrahim Shahin; Samir S. Ayad; Osama E. Abdellatif; Tarek A. Mekhail | 2020 | International |
Mohamed Abdel-Salam Fahmi El-Dessouky | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | الاداء القياسى لمنظومه تحليه مياه البحر بالطاقه الشمسيه | 2015 | International |
Mohamed Elsayed Abdelaty Elsayed Ahmed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Experimental Studies of Honeycomb Seals with Wavy Ridges on the Rotor | S. S. Dmitriev, B. N. Petrunin, E. A. E. Ahmed Mohamed | 2018 | International |
2 | Numerical Investigation of The Performance of Twisted and Untwisted Blades for Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines | M. E. Abdelaty, Abdellatif ,O.,E. and A. M. Osman | 2015 | Local |
3 | Study into the Separation Ability of the New NRU MPEI Peripheral Sealing | V. G. Gribin, S. S. Dmitriev, B. N. Petrunin & E. A. E. Ahmed Mohamed | 2020 | International |
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Mohamed Hassan Shehata | |
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Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Emam | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
2 | Friction Stir Welding of 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV Martensitic Stainless Steel: Numerical Simulation Based on Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian Approach Supported with Experimental Work | Mohamed Ragab; Hong Liu; Guan-Jun Yang; Mohamed M. Z. Ahmed | 2021 | International |
3 | Microstructure evolution during friction stir welding of 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV martensitic stainless steel at different tool rotation rates | Mohamed Ragab; Hong Liu; Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed; Guan-Jun Yang, Zheng-Ji Lou; Ghazanfar Mehboob | 2021 | International |
4 | Numerical and experimental study of underwater friction stir welding of 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV heat-resistant stainless steel | Mohamed Ragab, Hong Liu, Hamed. A. Abdel-Aleem, Mohamed M. El-Sayed Seleman, Mohamed.M.Z. Ahmed, Ghazanfar Mehboob | 2024 | International |
5 | Tailoring Periodic Vertical Cracks in Thermal Barrier Coatings Enabling High Strain Tolerance | Ghazanfar Mehboob;Tong Xu;Guang-Rong Li;Guan-Jun Yang;Adnan Tahir;Mohamed Ragab;Shahnwaz Hussain | 2021 | International |
Mohamed Saber Ahmed Ibrahim Sokar | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | DESIGN AND FUEL ECONOMY OF A SERIES HYDRAULIC HYBRID VEHICLE | P. Achten, G. Vael, M. Ibrahim-Sokar and T. Kohmaescher | 2008 | International |
2 | ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF THE HYDRID Proc. | P. Achten, G. Vael, M. Ibrahim-Sokar and T. Kohmaescher | 2008 | International |
3 | Modeling, Identification, and Control of Hydro-pneumatic Suspension Systems | Ibrahim Ali Badway, Mohamed Ib. Sokar, Saber Abd Rabbo | 2015 | International |
6 | Simulation and Control of a Hydro-pneumatic Suspension system | Ibrahim A. Badway, Mohamed Ib. Sokar, Saber Abd Raboo | 2017 | International |
9 | Voice robot control using advanced fuzzy control techniques | M. Elsayed, M. Ib. Sokar, S. Abd Rabbo, M. ElArabi | 2015 | International |
10 | Wheeled Mobile Robot Control Using Advanced Fuzzy Control | M. Elsayed, M. Sokar, S. Abd Rabbo and M. El-Arabi | 2017 | International |
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Mohammed Hani Mahmoud Abdel-Maksoud | |
Mostafa Abdel-mohimen Hussein | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An Investigation of the Effect of Anti-Vortex Film Cooling On a Flat Plate | Mostafa A. Hussein, Tarek. A. Mekhail, Samir S. Ayad, and Karam M. El-Shazly | 2010 | International |
2 | Analysis of Day lighting Benefits for Office Building in Egypt | Mostafa A. Hussein, George B. Hanna, Moncef Kararti, | 2005 | International |
3 | Experimental investigation of film cooling from compound angle holes supplemented by secondary holes | M A. H. Abdelmohimen; Abid Mohiodin | 2019 | International |
4 | Improving film cooling from compound angle holes by adding secondary holes branched out from the main holes | Mostafa A. H. Abdelmohimen | 2017 | International |
5 | LES of Turbulent Mixing In Anti-Vortex Film Cooling Flows | Mostafa Abdelmohimen, Maher G. Higazy, | 2013 | International |
6 | Numerical Analysis of Film Cooling Due to Simple/Compound Angle Hole Combination | Mostafa A. H. Abdelmohimen1,2 · Irfan Anjum Badruddin1 · C. Ahamed Saleel1 · T. M. Yunus Khan1 · Sarfaraz Kamangar | 2020 | International |
8 | Numerical Investigation of Film Cooling from Two Rows of Holeswith Anti-Vortex Holes Attached to the Upstream Row | Mostafa Abdelmohimen Hussien Abdelmohimen | 2015 | International |
9 | Numerical investigation of solar chimney power plants performance for Saudi Arabia weather conditions | Mostafa A. H. Abdelmohimen; Salem A. Algarni | 2018 | International |
11 | Potential of energy and water sustainability from HVAC unit condensate water in hot-humid climate of jazan, Saudi Arabia | Salem A. Algarni; Mostafa A. Abdelmohimen; C. A. Saleel | 2017 | International |
12 | Thermal features and heat transfer enhancement of a Casson fluid across a porous stretching/shrinking sheet: Analysis of dual solutions | M. Riaz Khan , Mohamed Abdelghany Elkotb , R.T. Matoog , Nawal A. Alshehri , Mostafa A.H. Abdelmohimen | 2021 | International |
Nadia Hamzawy Mohamed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Investigation of Temperature Variation During Friction Drilling of 6082 and 7075 Al-Alloys | Nadia Hamzawy, Mahmoud Khedr, Tamer S. Mahmoud, Iman EI-Mahallawi, and Tarek A. Khalifa | 2020 | International |
2 | ON THE OPTIMIZATION OF GAS METAL ARC WELDING PROCESS PARAMETERS | N. Hamzawy S. A. Zayan T.S. Mahmoud A. H. Gomaa | 2016 | International |
3 | Optimization of Thermal Drilling Parameters of 6082 Al-Alloy Based on Response Surface Methodology | Nadia Hamzawy1 · Tamer S. Mahmoud1 · Iman El-Mahallawi2,3 · Tarek Khalifa1 · Mahmoud Khedr | 2023 | International |
4 | Studying the distribution of hardness values in friction drilled 7075 Al-alloy sheets at different conditions | N Hamzawy , M Khedr , T S Mahmoud , I EI-Mahallawi and T A Khalifa | 2021 | International |
Rasha Afify | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Corrosionrate prediction model using Box-Cox transformation of friction stir processed Al-Si alloy | Tamer Samir Mahmoud; Elsayed Hamza Mansour; Rasha Mohamed Afify; and KhadigaMuftah Mohamed Hasona | 2020 | Local |
2 | Effect of Heat Treatment of Steel AISI X 210 Cr 12 on Surface Roughness Quality During Turning Operation. | J.H.A. Mohammad; R.M.Afify; E.H. Mansour; and A. M.Gaafer | 2019 | Local |
5 | Investigation of Friction Stir Spot-Welded Dissimilar Aluminum and Steel Metallic Lap Joints through Experimental Approaches | Rasha M. Afify | 2024 | Local |
6 | Investigation of Friction Stir Spot-Welded Dissimilar Aluminum and Steel Metallic Lap Joints through Experimental Approaches | Rasha M. Afify | 2024 | Local |
7 | On themicrostructural andmechanical characteristics of friction stir spot welded aa1050-o aluminumalloys | R.M.Afify*, T.S.Mahmoud, S.M.Abd-Rabbo, T.A.Khalifa | 2015 | International |
8 | Statistical Analysis of Friction Stir Welding Parameters | Mohamed F. Sakr * ; R. M. Afify; A. M. Gaafer; and E. H. Mansour | 2021 | Local |
9 | Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties | Hasona, Khadija M. ; Afify, Rasha M. ; Mansour, El-Sayed H. ; Gaafer, Ahmed M. ; Mahmoud, Tamer S. ; Mosleh, Ahmed O. | 2021 | International |
10 | The effect of pre-drilling on the characteristics of friction drilled A356 cast aluminum alloy | Yathrib Eid Albarbary ; Rasha Afify ; E.H. Mansour ; Tamer S. Mahmoud ;Mahmoud Khedr | 2022 | International |
11 | Thermal Management of Friction-Drilled A356 Aluminum Alloy: A Study of Preheating and Drilling Parameters | Ahmed Abdalkareem , Rasha Afify , Nadia Hamzawy , Tamer S. Mahmoud and Mahmoud Khedr | 2024 | International |
12 | Wear and Friction Behavior of Epoxy/BN nanocomposites | Fawaz K. Soliman; Sameh S. Habib and Rasha M. Afif | 2021 | Local |
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Rasha Mohamed Elsayed Afify | |
Saber Ragab Abd Allah | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Cooling solar panels using saturated activated alumina with saline water: Experimental study | Saber Abdo, Hind Saidani-Scott, Bernardo Borges, MA Abdelrahman | 2020 | International |
2 | Encapsulation surface roughness effect on the performance of cool storage systems | R. Y. Sakr Ahmed A.Altohamy, Ismail M. M. Elsemary, Saber Abdo, M. A. Abdelrahman, Ahmed A. A. Attiaa | 2020 | International |
3 | Exergy and parametric analysis of freeze desalination with reversed vapor compression cycle | M.A.Abd Elrahman, Saber Abdo, Eslam Hussein, Ahmed A.Altohamy, Ahmed A. A.Attia | 2020 | International |
4 | Experimental investigation on the Effect of Using Nano fluid (Al2O3 - Water) on the Performance of PV/T System | Saber Ragab Abdallah Ismail M.M. ElSemary , Ahmed A. Altohamy , M.A Abdelrahman, , Ahmed A.A. Attia, Osama Abdelatif | 2018 | International |
5 | Experimental study for thermal regulation of photovoltaic panels using saturated zeolite with water | Saber Ragab Abdallah, Hind Saidani-Scott, Jorge Benedic | 2019 | International |
6 | Experimental Study with Analysis for a Novel Saturated Activated Alumina Photovoltaic Thermal System | Mike J. Tierney Saber Abdo, Hind Saidani-Scott, Jorge Benedi | 2020 | International |
7 | Hydrogels beads for cooling solar panels: Experimental study | M. A. Abdelrahman Saber Abdo, Hind Saidani-Scott, Jorge Benedi | 2020 | Local |
8 | Performance analysis for hybrid PV/T system using low concentration MWCNT (water-based) nanofluid | Saber Ragab Abdallah, Osama Ezzat Abdellatif HindSaidani-Scott | 2019 | International |
9 | Performance of Cooling Photovoltaic Cells using Nanofluids | Saber Ragab Abd-Allah, Osama Ezzat Abdellatif, El-Sayed Yousef El-Kady | 2015 | International |
Samer Anwar Beskales Agaiby | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of Blade Slot Inclination Angle on Flow Separation in The Centrifugal Fan Impeller | S. A. Beskales , Ibrahim Shahin , Samir S. Ayad , Osama E. Abdullatif and Tarek A. Mekhail | 2023 | Local |
2 | Effect of Suction Slot Location and Width on the Performance of Centrifugal Fan | S. A. Beskales , Ibrahim Shahin , Samir S. Ayad , Osama E. Abdullatif and Tarek A. Mekhail | 2023 | Local |
3 | The Effect of Tip End-Blade Geometry on The Axial Fan Perfromance | S. A. BESKALES SAMIR S. AYAD M. G. HIGAZY O. E. ABDELLATIF | 2013 | Local |
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Zakaria Ahmed Mohamed Behairy | |
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Abanoub Zaki Abdel-malak Zaki | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Study for the effect of slat installation on aerodynamic performance of S809 airfoil | Abanoub Zaki;Mohamed A. Abdelrahman;Samir S. Ayad;Osama E.Abdellatif | 2021 | Local |
2 | Effects of leading edge slat on the aerodynamic performance of low Reynolds number horizontal axis wind turbine | Abanoub Zaki;Mohamed A. Abdelrahman;Samir S. Ayad;Osama E. Abdellatif | 2021 | Local |
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Ahmed Mohi Mohamed Ahmed | |
Ali Mohammed Ismail Elgazzar | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of pouring temperature, mould and slope plate materials on the microstructural characteristics of a356 aluminum alloy | A. El-gazzar, S. S. Mohmmad, A. Attia, T.S. Mahmoud, E.Y. El-Kady | 2017 | Local |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Geometrical and Structural parameters Investigation of an Inclined Air Pillow for Soft Pneumatic Actuator | B R Mohamed; S M abdrabbo; M M elsamanty | 2022 | Local |
Ehab Abdel-Azim Awad | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
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Elhaitham Mustafa Elshahat Mustafa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Dynamic Characteristics Study of Re-entrant Honeycomb Auxetic Structure for Al6082 | M. Elsamanty, A. Mostafa, A. Ibrahim | 2020 | Local |
Hassan Ali Selim Ali Elshokrofy | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of design parameters on auxetic behavior and stiffness of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel | Mahmoud Khedr, Hassan Elshokrofy, Aki-Petteri Pokka, Atef Hamada, Matias Jaskari, Aappo Mustakangas, Antti Järvenpää, Abdelkader Ibrahim, Mahmoud Elsamanty | 2024 | International |
2 | Investigation and Tailoring of Rotating Squares’ and Rectangles’ Auxetic Structure Behavior through Computational Simulations of 6082T6 Aluminum Alloy Structures | Elsamanty, Mahmoud, Hassan Elshokrofy, Abdelkader Ibrahim, Antti Järvenpää, and Mahmoud Khedr | 2024 | International |
3 | Strengthening aluminum matrix composite with additively manufactured 316L stainless steel lattice reinforcement: Processing methodology, mechanical performance and deformation mechanism | Atef Hamada, Elsayed Hamza Mansour, Matias Jaskari, Walaa Abdel-Aziem, Abdelkarim Karam, Hassan Elshokrofy, Aappo Mustakangas, Antti Järvenpää, Mahmoud Khedr | 2024 | International |
Helal Anwar Elgammal | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | The Performance Enhancement of a Water Chiller of Conically Coiled Tube Evaporator | H.A. El-Gammal (*), M.R. Salem, A.A. Abdulaziz and K.M. Elshazly | 2018 | International |
Hesham Zaghloul Abdelhameed Mostafa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Optimization and parametric analysis of a multi-junction high-concentrator PV cell combined with a straight fins heat sink | Hesham Zaghloul; Mohamed Emam; M.A. Abdelrahman; M.F. Abd Rabbo | 2021 | International |
2 | Passive Cooling of Multijunction Concentrator Photovoltaic Solar Cells | H Zaghloul, M Emam, MA Abdelrahman, MFA Rabbo | 2020 | Local |
Ibrahim Mahmoud Mohamed Mohamed Shahin | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Aeroacoustic Simulation for NASA CC3 Centrifugal Compressor Operating at off Design Condition | 2016 | International | |
2 | Centrifugal Compressor Spiral Dry Gas Seal Simulation Working at Reverse Rotation | 2013 | International | |
3 | Computational Study of center line turning angle effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation | Shahin, I., Abd Elganny, M., Abdellatif, O. E , and Abd Rabbo. M.F | 2008 | International |
4 | Dry gas seal simulation with different spiral tapered grooves | 2014 | International | |
5 | Large Eddy Simulation for a Deep Surge Cycle in a High-Speed Centrifugal Compressor With Vaned Diffuser | 2015 | International | |
6 | Large eddy simulation of surge inception and active surge control in a high speed centrifugal compressor with a vaned diffuser | 2016 | International | |
7 | Numerical investigation of rotating stall in centrifugal compressor with vaned and vaneless diffuser | 2015 | International | |
8 | Optimization of stepped conical swirler with multiple jets for pre-mixed turbulent swirl flames | 2016 | International | |
9 | Performance and Flow field Analysis for a Diffuser Pump at Different Flow and Design Parameters | Shahin, I., Abd Elganny, M., Abdellatif, O. E , Ayad, Samir S., and Abd Rabbo. M.F | 2011 | International |
10 | Performance and Unsteady Flow Field Prediction of a Centrifugal Pump with CFD Tools | Shahin, I., Abd Elganny, M., Abdellatif, O. E , Ayad, Samir S., and Abd Rabbo. M.F | 2010 | International |
11 | Three Dimensional Computational Study for spiral Dry Gas Seal with Constant Groove Depth and Different Tapered Grooves | 2013 | International | |
12 | Unsteady CFD Simulation for High Speed Centrifugal Compressor Operating Near Surge | 2014 | International | |
13 | Unsteady CFD Simulation for High Speed Centrifugal Compressor Operating Near Surge | 2014 | International | |
14 | “Area ratio effect on the turbulent flow through a diffusing S-duct using Large-eddy simulation” AIAA 2008-5726, 6th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), 28 - 30 July , Cleveland, Ohio. | Abdellatif, O. E, Abd Rabbo, M. , Abd Elganny, M. and Shahin, I. | 2008 | International |
Ibrahim Reda Ibrahim Youssef Awad | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Performance of Two Joints of Medium-Mn Stainless Steel with Low- and High-Alloyed Steels | Mahmoud Khedr Mahmoud Khedr, I. Reda Ibrahim, Matias Jaskari, Mohammed Ali, Hamed A. Abdel-Aleem, Tamer S. Mahmoud and Atef Hamada | 2023 | International |
2 | Study on the Mechanical Performance of Dissimilar Butt Joints between Low Ni Medium-Mn and Ni-Cr Austenitic Stainless Steels Processed by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding | I. Reda Ibrahim; Mahmoud Khedr; Tamer S. Mahmoud; Hamed A. Abdel-Aleem; Atef Hamada | 2021 | International |
Islam moustafa kamel | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
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Mahmoud Ismail Ahmad Al-Gazzar | |
Mohamed Ahmed Hassaan Ahmed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Soft Pneumatic Muscles: Revolutionizing Human Assistive Devices with Geometric Design and Intelligent Control | Mahmoud Elsamanty; Mohamed A. Hassaan; Mostafa Orban; Kai Guo ;Hongbo Yang;Saber Abdrabbo ;Mohamed Selmy | 2023 | International |
2 | Soft Pneumatic Muscles: Revolutionizing Human Assistive Devices with Geometric Design and Intelligent Control | Mahmoud Elsamanty 1,2,* , Mohamed A. Hassaan 1 , Mostafa Orban 1,3,4 , Kai Guo 3,4,* , Hongbo Yang 3,4 , Saber Abdrabbo and Mohamed Selmy | 2023 | International |
Mohamed Fouad El-sherbiny El-sayed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Optimization of the low superheat casting process parameters for producing of thixotropic A356 alloy feedstock | E.Y.El-Kady, T.S.Mahmoud*, H.M.Zakaria, El-Awady Attia,M.F.El-Sherbiny | 2016 | International |
Mohamed Mohy Mohamed Abdalhadi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Study of Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics inside Shell and Semi-Circular Tubes Heat Exchanger | M.M. Ellaban, M.A. Abdelrahman, M.R. Salem, M.A. Moawed, K.M. Elshazly | 2018 | International |
Mohamed Nasser Mohamed Owyed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Experimental investigation of the performance attributes of a thermal energy storage unit using different system configurations | Mohamed R. Salem, Mohamed N. Owyed, Ragab K. Ali | 2023 | International |
Mostafa Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Study The Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine using Dual Rotor System | Mostafa M. Mokhtar, Mohamed A. Abdulrahman, Osama E. Abdullatif, Mohamed F. Abd Rabbo | 2021 | Local |
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Muhamad Abd El-Fatah Hamouda Soliman | |
Mustafa Orban | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Design of Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot and its Control for Passive Training | Gilbert Masengo; Xiaodong Zhang; Gui Yin; Ahmad Bala Alhassan; Runlin Dong; Mostafa Orban; Emmanuel Mudaheranwa | 2020 | International |
2 | Accurate Flexible Temperature Sensor Based on Laser-Induced Graphene Material | Huang Kun1,2, Liu Bin2,Mostafa Orban1,2,3, Qiu Donghai2, Yang Hongbo1,2* | 2021 | International |
3 | An Approach for Accurate Pattern Recognition of Four Hand Gestures Based on sEMG Signals | Mostafa Orban, Xiaodong Zhang, Zhufeng Lu, Yi Zhang, Hanzhe Li | 2019 | International |
4 | Design of Micro-Bluetooth Motion Acquisition System | Benkun Bao, Senhao Zhang,Mostafa Orban,Donghai Qiu,Hongbo Yang,1,2 and Xiankai Cheng 1 | 2021 | International |
5 | Magnetometer-Free, IMU-Based Foot Progression Angle Estimation for Real-Life Walking Conditions | Tian Tan;Zachary A. Strout;Haisheng Xia;Mostafa Orban;Peter B. Shull | 2020 | International |
6 | Precise Control Method on Prosthetic Hand Using sEMG Signals | Mostafa Orban; Xiaodong Zhang; Zhufeng Lu; Antonio Marcal; Ahmed Emad; Gilbert Masengo | 2020 | International |
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Mustafa Mohamed Mahmoud Okasha | |
Omar Abd Elmotaleb Abd Elzaher Ali | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Productivity of Solar Still Unit Engaged with Waste Energy Source | Omar A. Elfieky, Ramdan Y. Sakr, Ghazy M. Assassa, Mohamed R. Salem | 2021 | Local |
Omar Emad Galal Ahmed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
Ramy Gadallah | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Application of Low Transformation Temperature (LTT) Material to Weld Joint for Improvement of Residual Stress and its Measurement Using Contour Method | Ramy Gadallah; Hidekazu Murakawa; Seiichiro Tsutsumi | 2014 | International |
2 | Calculation of SIFs along a 3-D Crack Front with the Interaction Integral Method Using a Non-Uniform Residual Stress Field | Ramy Gadallah; Naoki Osawa; Satoyuki Tanaka | 2016 | International |
3 | Evaluation of stress intensity factor for a surface cracked butt welded joint based on real welding residual stress | Ramy Gadallah; Naoki Osawa; Satoyuki Tanaka | 2017 | International |
4 | Influence of Shielding Gas Composition on the Properties of Flux-Cored Arc Welds of Plain Carbon Steel | Ramy Gadallah; Raouf Fahmy; Tarek Khalifa; Alber Sadek | 2012 | International |
5 | Influence of Specimen Size on Welding Residual Stress and Inherent Deformation (in Japanese) | Murakawa Hidekazu; Yuan Hua; Blandon Juan; Gadallah Ramy | 2014 | International |
6 | Numerical Estimation on Stress Intensity Factors for Surface Cracks in a Welding Residual Stress Field | Ramy Gadallah; Naoki Osawa; Satoyuki Tanaka | 2016 | International |
7 | Numerical Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factors of Three-dimensional Surface Cracks in Welded Joints Using the Superposition Method | Ramy Gadallah; Naoki Osawa; Satoyuki Tanaka | 2015 | International |
8 | Prediction of residual stresses induced by low transformation temperature weld wires and its validation using the contour method | Ramy Gadallah; Seiichiro Tsutsumi; Kazuo Hiraoka; Hidekazu Murakawa | 2015 | International |
9 | Prediction of Residual Stresses Produced by Low Transformation Temperature Weld Wires and its Validation Using Contour Method | Ramy Gadallah; Seiichiro Tsutsumi; Hidekazu Murakawa | 2014 | International |
10 | Validation of the Contour Method Considering the In-plane Displacements at the Cut Surface | Gadallah Ramy; Murakawa Hidekazu | 2014 | International |
Said Abd Elkerem Mustafa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
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Abdullah Omar Mohamed Abou Reasha | |
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ahmed abd elftah moustafa kamel elsadek | |
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Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Mahmoud Abdalkareem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Thermal Management of Friction-Drilled A356 Aluminum Alloy: A Study of Preheating and Drilling Parameters | Ahmed Abdalkareem; Rasha Afify; Nadia Hamzawy; Tamer S. Mahmoud; Mahmoud Khedr | 2024 | International |
Ahmed Saaed Mohamed Alam | |
Andrew Ayman Fikry Fouad | |
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Ayman Karam Shehatah Ali | |
Islam Othman Mohamed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
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mahmoud Gamal Abdalnasser | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Trajectory Tracking of Wheeled Mobile Robot Through System Identification and Control Using Deep Neural Network | Mahmoud Gamal Abdalnasser 1 Mahmoud Elsamanty 2 Abdelkader A Ibrahim 3 | 2024 | Local |
Mahmoud zarif mohamed amin | |
Mohamed Fakhr El deen | |
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Mohamed Hassan Hassan Elsayed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Effect of building orientation on weld characteristics of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel: Microstructure and mechanical properties | Mahmoud Khedr ; Mohamed Elsayed ; Matias Jaskari ; Hamed A. Abdel-Aleem ; A.M. Gaafer ; Atef Hamada | 2024 | International |
2 | Microstructure and Hardness Properties of Additively Manufactured AISI 316L Welded by Tungsten Inert Gas and LaserWelding Techniques | Mohamed Elsayed ;Mahmoud Khedr ; Antti Järvenpää ; A. M. Gaafer ; and Atef Hamada | 2024 | International |
Mohamed Khaled Ahmed Hamed Saudi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Exploring Key Parameters Affecting Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Numerical Investigation | Mohamed Kh Saudi1, 2, a), Mohamed Emam1, 2, b), Hidetoshi Sekiguchi3, c), Ahmed S G Khalil4, 5, d), and Hamdy Hassan1, 6, e) | 2024 | International |
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Mohamed Zaki Ismail | |
Mohammad Mahmoud Daif Mohammad | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Experimental investigation of a sun tracking concentrated solar still with economic analysis | Mohammad M. Daif, Mohamed Emam, M. A. Abdelrahman, Ahmed A. A. Attia & Aly M. A. Soliman | 2024 | International |
Mostafa Mahmoud Galal Zaki | |
Mustafa Mahmoud Mohammed Hassan | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Development and Optimization of a Cost-Effective Lightweight Humanoid Robotic Arm for Assistive Applications | Elsayed, M. M., Elsamanty, M., & Selmy, M. | 2024 | Local |
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Tamer Ramadan Hassan Badawi | |
Youssef Awny Gaber Ghaly | |
Ashraf Ahmed Lashin | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
5 | IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF SOLAR DESALINATION SYSTEMS | Zeinab S. Abdel-Rehim, Ashraf Lasheen | 2005 | International |
Ibrahim moussa Ibrahim | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Development of carbon—Low alloy steel grades for low temperature applications | ;Fouad Helmy;Mohammed Gamil | 2011 | International |
Khairy Hussein Mustafa El Najjar | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An experimental investigation for the influence of flame holder geometry on flame stability of premixed mixture | 4. Reda I. El-Ghnam, Khairy H. El-Nagar, Eed A. Abdel-Hadi., and Ismail M.M. ElSemary | 2013 | International |
2 | AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF MAGNETIC FUEL TREATMENT ON SI ENGINE PERFORMANCE | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim*, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz*, Khairy H. El-Nagar*Hamdy H. Maarouf | 2009 | International |
3 | An experimental Investigation of the Effect of Magnetic Field on Engine Cooling Water Properties | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim*, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz*, Khairy H. El-Nagar* Hamdy H. Maarouf** | 2011 | International |
4 | An Experimental Study on The Effect of Internal Helical Groove With Different Pitches On Heat Pipe Performance | Ahmed A.A. Attia, Khairy H. El Nagar and Reda I. El-Ghnam, | 2009 | International |
5 | An Experimental Study On the Stability Of Premixed Flame Using Conical Stabilizer | Khairy H. El-Nagar | 2012 | International |
6 | CFD Aerodynamic Analysis and Combustion Visualization in a Fluidized Bed Using Vertical Separated Jets | Khairy H. El-Nagar | 2012 | International |
7 | Design and construction of liquid fuel injection system for fluidized bed | Khairy H. El-Nagar | 2013 | International |
8 | Effect of Bluff Body Geometry on Flame Stabilization with the Assist of Lungmore probe | Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Khairy H. El Nagar, Ismail M.M. ElSemary | 2013 | International |
9 | Experimental Study on Fluidized Bed using an EnhancedVertical Ejector with Horizontal Jets Configuration | Khairy H. El-Nagar | 2012 | International |
Mamdouh Esmat Abdel-Ghani | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Energy Saving in Pump Station Using Variable Speed Drive | M.E.Abdel-Ghany, A.kandil, and A. Zedan | 1997 | International |
2 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Flow Through Cascades | 1. G. R. A. Assassa and, M. E. Abdel-Ghany | 1978 | International |
3 | Experimental Investigation of the Wake Behind a Cascade of Airfoils and Isolated Airfoil | 2. G.R.A. Assassa and M.E. Abdel-ghany | 1987 | International |
4 | Turbulence and Heat Transfer Measurements Over Doughnut and Disc Bafflies in Circular Pipe | M.E.Abdel-Ghany and R.I.Afify | 1996 | International |
Mamdouh Mohamed El-Sayed Soliman | |
Mervat Tawfik Mahmoud Abd Elrahman | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Adapting the Harmock and Dawson Film Thickness Equation to the Elliptical Contact Aligns in the Rolling Direction”. Egyptian Journal of Applied Science, Zagazig University June. | Gadalla, N. and Tawfik, M. | 1987 | Local |
2 | "Externally pressurized Bearings for systems leading to Nanometer Technology”. Conference on scanning Microscopy Technologies and Applications . Los-Anglos, U.S.A., January. | Stout, K.,J., and Tawfik, M. | 1988 | International |
3 | "The Application of Aerostatic Bearings to High Precision Machines”. 2nd Joint International Conference on Production Engineering , Leicester, England, April. | Tawfik, M. and Stout, K. J. | 1983 | International |
4 | "Theoritical Analysis of twoo Configurations Aerostatic Flat Pad Bearings Using Pocketed Orifice Restrictors” Tribology International Vol. 26, No. 4, August. | Stout, K. J., El-Ashkar, S., Tawfik, M. and Ghasi, V . | 1993 | International |
5 | The Stiffness of Flat Pad Aerostatic Bearings. Journal of Engineering Applied Science Vol. 45 No. 5 Oct PP 721 – 739, Faculty of Engineering Cairo University. | Tawfik , M. , El-Ashkar , S. and Stout , K.J. | 1998 | Local |
6 | “ Design Data for Externally Pressurized Spherical Gas bearings”. Tribology International, Vol. 10, No.3, pp 163-169, June. | Stout, K. J. and Tawfik, M. | 1977 | International |
7 | “Characteristics of Slot Entry Hybrid Gas Bearings”. 8th International Gas Bearing Symposium. Leicester, England. Paper 11, April . | Stout, K. J.,Tawfik, M. and Rowe, W. B. | 1981 | International |
8 | “Combined Radial and Thrust – A Comparison” 8th International Gas Bearing Symposium. Leicester, England. Paper 13, April . | Tawfik, M. and Stout, K. J. | 1981 | Local |
9 | “Comparison of Slot Entry and Orifice Compensated Gas Journal Bearings”. Wear Vol. 51, No.1, pp.137-145, October . | Stout, K. J., Pink, E. G. and Tawfik, M. | 1978 | International |
10 | “Convex Programming Model to Solve Coated Contact Problems”. V. Tribology , Conference Budapest, Hungary , 27-29 November . | Gadalla, N. and Tawfik, M. | 1991 | International |
11 | “Design of Aerostatic Journal Bearings”. Engineering, pp. 143-147, February . England. | Stout, K. J., Pink, E. G. and Tawfik, M. | 1979 | Local |
12 | “Design of Aerostatic Thrust Bearings”. Engineering,pp.42-45.January . England. | Stout, K. J., Pink, E. G. and Tawfik, M. | 1979 | International |
13 | “Design of Externally Pressurized Fluid Film Bearings- General Introduction”. Engineering, pp. 1046-1049. October .England. | Stout, K. J., Pink, E. G. and Tawfik, M. | 1978 | International |
14 | “Design of Hydrostatic Journal Bearings”. Engineering, pp.1311-1314. December . England. | Stout, K. J., Pink, E. G. and Tawfik, M. | 1978 | Local |
15 | “Design of Hydrostatic Thrust Bearings”. Engineering,pp.1170-1173. November . England. | Stout, K. J., Pink, E. G. and Tawfik, M. | 1978 | International |
16 | “Determination of Friction Coefficient in Drive System of Earthmoving Equipment in Presence of Intermediate Materials”. Engineering Research Bulletin , University of Helwan, Vol. 2, April. | Tawfik, M. | 1994 | Local |
17 | “Evaluation of The Cleanliness Degree of Fresh Lubricating Oils Marketed in Egypt . Using Ferrography” . 3rd Joint International Conference on Mech. Eng. Technology , Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, April . | Khatab , A. A. and Tawfik, M. | 1985 | Local |
18 | “Graphical Design Procedures for Slot Entry Hybrid Gas Journal Bearings”. Wear Vol. 887 , No. 1, pp 51-68. | Tawfik, M. and Stout, K. J. | 1983 | Local |
19 | “Identification of Wear Mechanism in Diesel Engines Ferrographic Oil Analysis”. 3rd Cairo University MDP Conference, Cairo, Egypt. December . | Khatab , A. A. and Tawfik, M. | 1985 | Local |
20 | “Mechanical and Structural Properties of Nickel - Graphite Coated Surfaces “. 4th Tribology Conference , Budapest , Hungary. Septemper. | Tawfik, M., Khatab, A. A., and Salama, M. S. | 1987 | International |
21 | “Optimization of Slot Entry Hybrid Bearings”. Tribology International, Vol. 15, No.1, pp 31-36, February. | Tawfik, M. and Stout, K. J. | 1982 | Local |
22 | “Prediction of Surface Quality Through Cutting Conditions in Grinding Process” AMPT, 93 International Conference , Dublin City University-Dublin- Ireland_ August. | Tawfik , M. | 1993 | International |
23 | “The Analysis of the Load Performance of Various Office Arrangements in Aerostatic Flat Pad Bearings”. Engineering Research Bulletin , University of Helwan , Vol. 2, April. | Tawfik, M. El-Ashkar, S., and Stout, K.J. | 1994 | Local |
24 | “The Characteristics of Externally Gas Bearings” 3rd Joint International Conference on Mech. Eng. Technology , Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, April . | Tawfik, M. | 1985 | Local |
25 | “The Design of Flat Pad Aerostatic Bearings for Ultra High Precision Applications”. Machine Design and Production Conference . September 16-18 . METU , Ankara , Turkey. | Tawfik , M. | 1992 | International |
26 | “The Design of High Efficiency Flat Pad Aerostatic Bearings Using Laminar Restrictions .” Tribology International Vol. 22 , No. 4, August . | Tawfik, M. and Stout,K. ,J. | 1989 | Local |
27 | “The Effect Of Errors in Manufacturing on Aerostatic Bearing Performance” 1st Joint Polytechnic Symposium on Manufacturing. Leicester, England. 14-15, June. | Pink,E.G. and Tawfik, M. | 1977 | International |
28 | “The Effect of Silica Flour on the Tribological properties of Moulded Asbestos Brake Linings” 4th Eurpean Tribology Congress Lyon, France, September . | Khatab , A. A. and Tawfik, M. | 1985 | International |
29 | “The selection of Bearings” Engineering, pp. 280-283, March . England. | Stout, K. J., Pink, E. G. and Tawfik, M. | 1979 | International |
Mohamed Hamdi Gooda Ghaith | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A pneumatic sensor for the online measurement of tool flank wear in turning | El hakim, M.A., Gheith, M.H., and Akl, W.N. | 2001 | International |
2 | An online method for the determination of the chip compression ratio as a machinability parameter in turning | 2002 | International | |
3 | Assessment of tool wear in orthogonal turning using cutting force measurements | 2008 | International | |
4 | Cutting force analysis considering the tool flank forces in orthogonal cutting | 2002 | International | |
5 | Machinability characteristics of lead free-silicon brass alloys as correlated with microstructure and mechanical properties | Mohamed A. Taha a,*, Nahed A. El-Mahallawy a, Rawia M. Hammouda a, Tarek M. Moussa a, Mohamed H. Gheith | 2012 | International |
6 | Machinability of a new group of lead-free brass alloys developed for fittings and faucets | 2007 | International | |
7 | Machinability of A356/Al2O3 cast aluminum metal matrix nanocomposites (MMCs) | E.Y.El-Kady, T.S.Mahmoud*, M.H.G.Ghaith | 2013 | International |
8 | Machinability of nickel particulates reinforced (AA6063) aluminum-based alloy | 2007 | International | |
9 | Online tool wear monitoring in turning using vibration analysis and artificial neural network | 2009 | International | |
10 | The Effect of Machining Parameters on the Cutting Forces, Tool Wear, and Machined Surface Roughness of Metal Matrix Nano Composite Material | 2015 | International | |
11 | Tool wear monitoring using frictional vibration measurements in turning | 2003 | International |
Tarik Mohamed Tawfeek | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An Investigation into Effect of Butt Welding Parameters on Weldment Mechanical Properties | A. Hemaid, Tarik Tawfeek*, O. A. Gaheen | 2016 | International |
3 | Experimental Investigations towards Optimization of the Parameters for Wear Loss Quantities in A356/Al2O3 Nanocomposites | El-Sayed El-Kady, Tamer Khalil, Tarik Tawfeek | 2015 | International |
5 | Identifying and prioritising future robot control research with multi-criteria decision-making. | Rahmath Ulla Baig, Shaik Dawood, Mohamed Mansour,Tarik Tawfeek | 2020 | International |
6 | Modeling and experimental analysis of wheel-work interface in the cylindrical plunge grinding process | Tarik Tawfeek | 2016 | International |
7 | Study the influence of a new ball burnishing technique on the surface roughness of AISI 1018 low carbon steel | A.A. Ibrahim, Tamer Khalil, Tarik Tawfeek | 2015 | International |
8 | Study the Influence of Gas Metal Arc Welding Parameters on the Weld Metal and Heat Affected Zone Microstructures of Low Carbon Steel | Tarik Tawfeek | 2020 | International |
Abdul Salam Hamid Hussein Badr | |
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Ahmed Mohamed Abdelhamed Ghaith | |
Atef Abdel-azim Aly Mohamed | |
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Hisham Morsi Abdel-Rahman Tantawi | |
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Iman Mahmoud Mohamed Elkomy | |
Mohamed Hussien Bayuomi | |
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Rady Mohamed Ahmed Sleim | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | ( THE USE OF WASTE COTTONSEED OIL AS ALTERNATVE FUEL IN DIESEL ENGINES ) CAIRO 8th International Conference On Energy & Environment Session : 4A Alternative Fuels . | Radi A. Sylym, and Saeid W. Beshai | 2003 | Local |
2 | (Eccentric annuli in sub cooled boiling) Atomkernenergie – Kerntechnik Vol. 49 No. 1/2 Pages from 74 to 78. | A.S.A. Fahmy, A.H. Mariy, M.M. Swidan, and R.A. Sylym | 1986 | Local |
Raouf Tawfik Fahmy | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Forces Acting on the Cutter Head of a Dredger (Theoretical Approach)”, Sixth International Conference on Production Engineering & Design for Development – PEDD 6, Faculty of Engineering – Ain Shams University, February , Cairo. | R.T. Fahmy, S. Mahrous | 2002 | Local |
2 | “An Intergrated Study on The Cutting Forces With Application on Hard Soil Underwater”, Engineering Research Journal, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, June , Cairo, Egypt. | Fahmy, R.T. | 2004 | Local |
3 | “An Operating and Diagnostic Knowledge-Based System for Wire EDM”, KES 2003, LNAI 2773, pp. 691-698, 2003 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg . | Samy Ebeid, Raouf Fahmy, Sameh Habib | 2003 | Local |
4 | “Effect of Gas Composition on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Bainetic Steel Weld Metal”, IIW International Congress on Welding and Allied Processes, December , Cairo, Egypt. | M.A. Gouda, A. Sadek, R.T. Fahmy | 2004 | Local |
5 | “Effect of M-A Composition on the Corrosion Behavior of 100 HSLA Weld Metal”, IIW International Congress on Welding and Allied Processes, December , Cairo, Egypt. | M.A. Gouda, A. Sadek, R.T. Fahmy | 2004 | Local |
6 | “Mathematical Modelling for Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Aluminum-Silicon Carbide Composites”, 34th International MATADOR Conference Formerly The International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference, July ,Manchester, England | Samy Ebeid, Raouf Fahmy, Smeh Habib | 2004 | Local |
7 | “The State of the Art of Micro-Wire Electrical Discharge Machining” Proceeding of MDP-8, Cairo University Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo, Egypt, January 4-6. | Ebeid, S.J., Fahmy, R.T., Habib, S.S. | 2004 | Local |
8 | “Ultrasonic Precision Cutting”, Computer Aided Production Engineering (CAPE). University of Edinburgh, Uk, March . | J. A. McGeough, S. J. Ebeid, R. T. Fahmy, S.S. Habib | 2003 | Local |
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Said Wahba Shehata | |
Sami Ali Ahmed Al Qadi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Computer modeling of electroplated surfaces. | T.C. Buttery, H. Hemmety, S.A. Elkady, and P. Smith. | 1989 | International |
2 | Dynamic scratching as criterion of grindability. | M.S. Hamed, and S.A. Elkady. | 1985 | Local |
3 | Modeling of Electroplated Surfaces. | T.C. Buttery, H. Hemmety, S.A. Elkady,and M.D. Fellows. | 1987 | International |
4 | Some correlation between Machinability and Scratchability (Part - 2). | S.A. Elkady, M.S. Hamed, and M.A. Farid. | 1983 | International |
5 | Some correlation between Machinability and Scratchability (Part -1). | S.A. Elkady, and M.S. Hamed. | 1982 | International |
6 | The influence of the spray direction in the multilayer of the plasma coating technique. | S.A. Elkady. | 1995 | Local |
7 | The powder grain size effect on the multilayer of the plasma sprayed coating process. | S.A. Elkady, M.A. Elmenyawi, and M.S. Hamed. | 1995 | Local |
8 | Theory of surface production in Electro-Chemical Grinding. | A.A. Ibrahim, S.A. Elkady, and T.M. Tawfik. | 1995 | International |
Seyed Ali Zian Ali | |