- Utalization of some agricultural wastes in food and feeding process
- Clinical studies on serum paraoxonase-1 as a poential serum biomarker of liver diseases in egypt buffalo
- Attempts to enhance abiotic stress tolerance ability of some potato plants via Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation by OPR1
- Eco-friendly Approaches For Controlling Economic Agricultural Pestss
- Evaluation of calcium metabolism in the uterine tissues of Egyptian buffalo in different reproductive statuses
- Impact of stem cell transplantation by different routes in rats with spinal cord injury
- Improving Antioxidant content in vegetable crops (capsicum annuum L.) through Genetic transformation
- Meta-analysis Risk factors of Viral Hepatits B and C Infection
- Nepheline Syenite Prospection Of Abu Khruq Ring Complex, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
- Photocatalytic degradation of some organic dyes using titanium oxidezinc oxide composite nanoparticlesAn efficient approach to purify waster
- Prevalence of Hepatits C virus infection and response of Hepatitis B vaccination among Egyptian school children attending Benha University Hospital
- Study of MicroRNA and DNA Methylation Changes in patients with Bladder Cancer in Qaluybia
- Synthesis characterization of nanosized cobalt -M(M=managese,iron) mixed oxied absorbents for analytical application purposes
- Legal and social aspects of slums Analytical study and applied in Qaliubiya
- Establishment and optimization of different vegetarian diets as new functional foods: Innovation of novel vegetarian diets recipes
- Biochemical investigations to reduce acrylamide content and increase quality in processed potato products
- The Optimum Use of Biological Control Agents, Compost and Essential Oils as Alternatives to Fungicides to Control Soil-borne Diseases Under Protected Houses
- Screening and selecting of some indigenous Egyptian algae for agricultural wastewater treatment, biodiesel and animal food production using some biotechnological methods
- Genetic improvement of local rabbit breeds by using molecular genetic techniques
- Seroprevalence of Chlamydia abortus in small ruminants in Qalybia governorate
- Evaluation the effectiveness of various innovative and modern anti-mycotoxin drugs in the affected broiler chickens
- Preparation and characterization of some polymer nano composites electrolytes for improved energy storage in lithium ion batteries
- Fabrication and characterization of some nano inorganic pigments and their applications in ceramic industry
- Small Scale Shrouded Wind Turbine for Domestic Applications
- Improving Nursing Care for Mothers and neonates at Maternal and Child Health Centers at Kalioubia Governorate
- Evolution Toward 5G Cellular Wireless Networks: Reliability and Energy Efficiency Challenges
- منهجية جديدة لتطوير مستودعات الأبحاث بجامعة بنها