الصفحة الحالية:الصفحة الرئيسية

د. أسماء عبدالله حسن فراج نجم

الدرجة الوظيفية: مدرس

الوظيفة الإدارية الحالية:

الوظيفة الإدارية السابقة:

الكلية: كلية الهندسة بشبرا

القسم: هندسة الرياضيات والفيزياء

البريد الإلكتروني التعليمي: asmaa.negm@feng.bu.edu.eg

البريد الإلكتروني البديل: Asmaanegm@yahoo .com

رقم الموبايل: Not Available

الإسم العلمي: **********

البحوث [ عناوين(2) :: بحوث كاملة(2) :: ملخصات البحوث(2) ]

روابط (0) :: ملفات المقررات( 0) | مجموع النقاط :6


Preparation, characterization, and physical properties of lightweight ceramics by using sewage sludge ash [2021-07-09]
Abstract In the present study, sewage sludge ash (SSA) was added to clay to prepare lightweight ceramics for sustainable construction materials. The characterization and the effect of different concentrations of SSA on the physical and mechanical properties of the samples were studied. The results showed that the organic matter in SSA facilitated the combustion process. SSA addition reduced the bulk density from (1.94 to 1.32 g/cm3). Otherwise, the water absorption, the apparent porosity and the loss on ignition increased with the increase in SSA concentration. The addition of SSA lowered the compression strength but still within the standard range of the construction materials at concentration up to (30 wt.%). Furthermore, heavy metals are solidified inside the sintered samples, since Cu, Cd, Fe, Zn, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Pb, concentrations in the leachate met the range of Egyptian standard specification. KEYWORDS ceramic engineering, characterization, porous materials, waste disposal download attachment

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