د. دعاء ابراهيم عبد الكريم سليمان
الدرجة الوظيفية: مدرس
الوظيفة الإدارية الحالية:
الوظيفة الإدارية السابقة:
الكلية: كلية الهندسة ببنها
القسم: الهندسة الكهربية
البريد الإلكتروني التعليمي: DOAA.SOLIMAN@bhit.bu.edu.eg
رقم الموبايل: Not Available
الإسم العلمي: Doaa Soliman
البحوث [ عناوين(10) :: بحوث كاملة(7) :: ملخصات البحوث(9) ]
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الاهتمامات البحثية
Modeling, simulation and software tools development are my specialization. BASIC was my first programming language when I was 17 years old. At that time, it was happiness to design a program solving little problems as second order equations. During early semesters at The Higher Institute of Technology, I lent other programming languages such as PASCAL, FORTRAN, SPICE and AUTOCAD. At the eighth and ninth semesters of undergraduate, I showed talent in using Low-Level programming languages as ASSEMPLY. At the last two semesters, I was also featured in modeling and simulation of control systems using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Finally, PLC programming to control a lighting system was the main subject of the graduation project. In June 1996, I got the Bachelor of Engineering degree with accumulative grade “Very Good” with honor. After graduation, I got a job as lecturer assistant in the same institution for eleven years. During this period I shared teaching many subjects such as Microprocessor Based Systems, Digital Control, Industrial Control Systems, Modeling of Electrical Machines, Control Theory and their associated application laboratories. In 2003, I got the master degree in Automatic Control. It was manly about developing a software tool using Matlab/Simulink for education purposes. The Graphical User Interface GUIDE supported by Matlab is used to facilitate demonstrating different Control Systems design for undergraduate students. In 2013, I received my PhD certificate at The Chair of Automation/Saarland University. The work was mainly about Modeling, Simulating and Verifying a safety control application. The application is specified in accordance with IEC 61508 (safety standard) and IEC 61131-3 (PLC programming standard). The control application is build up from Safety Function Block components in a library. Natural language, State diagrams and Timing diagrams were used to give the specifications of each block component to describe its function, internal behavior and timing behavior. The Function Block component is modeled in Timed Automaton, validated via simulator tool and verified via model checker with the help of UPPAAL tool. Based on the verified Timed Automaton library, a control application is constructed as Timed Automata network for the purpose of verification. Finally, a software tool is developed to automatically transform a Timed Automata Network into a Function Block Diagram to be directly downloaded to safety PLCs.