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Prof. Abdelfattah Monged Selim :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
34. 13th Cadic International symposium “What should we do for food security and sustainable livestock production” Miyazaki University 2023
Ethics in Science 2023
Proposal Writing for Post Docs 2023
Capacity building for internationalization 2023
32. 7th International Conference of Veterinary Research Division, Animal Health for Global Security, National Research Center 2021
University Exams and digital Question Banks 2020
Research Management 2019
25. The first African Health Summit, Tanta University 2019
24. 6th international Conference of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University 2017
23. 7th International Conference of Veterinary Research Division, Development of Animal Wealth: Challenge and Solution, National Research Center 2017
22. International Congress on Rickettsiae and other intracellular bacteria, Marseille 2017
workshop on competitive proposal writing by Daad 2015
1st Congress of tue European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticicans, Lelystad, the Netherlands. 2010
International Symosium of Globalisierung und Epideemiologie- Neue Herausforderung & neue Lösungen?, Leipzig, Germany. 2010
Doktorandensymposium 2010, Freien Universität des Fachbreiches Veterinärmedizin, Berlin, Germany. 2010
QPCR Seminar Tour 2010 by Bio-Rad, 29, Magdeburg, Germany. 2010
BVD-OhrstanzendiagnostiK des Landesamtes für Verbraucherschutz Sachsen-Anhalt, Stendal, Germany. 2010
5th International Veterinary Conference, Leipzig. 2010
28. Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung des AVID (Bakteriologie), Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein, Germany. 2009
4th International Conference for Mycobacterium, FLI, Jena, Germany. 2009
7th International Conference for BHV1, BVD and Paratuberculosis Control, Stendal, Germany. 2009
59th Meeting for Udder Health and Milk quality, Bismark, Stendal, Germany. 2008
4th International Veterinary Conference, Leipzig. 2008
6th International Conference for BHV1, BVD and Paratuberculosis Control, Stendal, Germany 2007
Workshop on Gentetic Diagnosis Of Certain Diseases by Using real-time PCR, Center for Genetic Enginerring, Al azahr University. 2005
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