Statement of Prof. Adel Abdel Aleem Shaheen:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): عادل عبد العليم شاهين
Faculty: Veterinary Medicine
Department: Fish Diseases and mangement
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Fish Diseases and Management
Minor Speciality: Fish Diseases and Management
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: Moshtohor-Toukh-Egypt
Work phone: 0133461411
Fax: 0133640460
Alt. e-mail: shaheen_aa@yahoo.Com

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
1. Problems of imported fish in Egypt 2009
1. Problems of imported fish in Egypt 2009
3. The role of irradiation in medicine and the environment 2001
1. The role of irradiation in medicine and the environment 2001
2. Inevitability of aquaculture in Egypt 0
1. Inevitability of aquaculture in Egypt 0

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
1. Member of some committees of General Authority for Veterinary Services 2009 Membership
2. Member of the Egyptian Society for Animal Reproduction and Fertility, since 2004 till now Membership
3. Member of the Society of Physiological Sciences and their Applications, since 2000 till now Membership
4. Member of the Society of natural toxins since 2005 till now Membership
a. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, USA 1998 – 1999 Award

Committees details:

Committee Year
Member of number of Committees for the Fac. Vet. Med., Benha University. 0
2) Member of number of committees for the General Authority for Veterinary Services, Ministry of agr 0
Member of number of Committees for the Fac. Vet. Med., Benha University 0
2) Member of number of committees for the General Authority for Veterinary Services, Ministry of agr 0

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2013
1-5. External referee of Master thesis for Faculty of science, Cairo University.
2-1. External referee of Master thesis for Faculty of science, Cairo University.
3-4. External referee for Ph.D. and Master Theses of fish diseases and management for many faculties of Vet. Med. at Egypt.
4-1. Member of the committee for promotion of the assistant professors and professors at the veterinary sector of the higher education.
5-2. Member of the committee for promotion of the assistant professors and professors at the veterinary sector of the higher education.
6-4. External referee for Ph.D. and Master Theses of fish diseases and management for many faculties of Vet. Med. at Egypt
Scientific Activities of 2009
7-1. Member of referees committee for incentive awards in the Agricultural Research Center.
8-1. Member of referees committee for incentive awards in the Agricultural Research Center.
9-5) Scientific mission to Miyazaki University at Japan to follow up the studying of Ph.D. student
10-6) Submitting a lecture entitled "Fungal diseases in fish and shellfish" at the Department of Animal Production, Miyazaki University, Japan
11-8) Member of Benha University Delegation for signing the partnership agreement between Benha University and University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania
Scientific Activities of 2008
12-2) Receiving students from the United States faculty of veterinary medicine, Purdue University, for three years the last one was at June
13-3) Scientific mission with student delegation to the United Stats for activation the partnership agreement between Benha University and Purdue University at Indiana
14-4) Submitting a lecture entitled "Aquaculture: Management & Disease" at the Department of wildlife and Natural resources, Purdue University, Indiana, United States
Scientific Activities of 2007
15-3. Project referee for Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Special councils Sector
16-1. Project referee for Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Special councils Sector.
17-1) Collaboration with the African union for solving the problem of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) in fish outbreak at Zambia
Scientific Activities of 2005
18-6. Member of promotion Committee for Scientific Staff, Animal Health Institute.
19-6. Member of promotion Committee for Scientific Staff, Animal Health Institute.


Research Consultant in Virginia Institute of Marine Science for two months 1999.
Research Consultant in Virginia Institute of Marine Science for two months 1999.