Statement of Dr. Ahmed Abdul Moneim Abdul Fattah:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): أحمد عبدالمنعم عبدالفتاح
Faculty: Medicine
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Ultrasonography Endoscopy Reproductive Endocrinology
Minor Speciality: Transperineal Ultrasound 3D/4D Ultrasound Doppler Ultrasound Diagnostic/Operative Laparoscopy Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Assisted Reproduction Techniques
Current position: Lecturer
Mobile 1: 01010137855
Work phone: 0133230280
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Teaching/Technical Supplies Committee Banha University Hospital EGYPT 2012-1-1 1970-01-01
M.B.B.CH. teaching program Banha University Hospital EGYPT 2012-1-1 1970-01-01
Emergency Department Management Board Banha University Hospital EGYPT 2012-1-1 1970-01-01
Surgery Hospital Management Board Banha University Hospital EGYPT 2008-1-1 2009
M.B.B.CH. teaching program Banha University Hospital EGYPT 2008-1-1 2011

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
7th Annual Scientific Meeting of Assiut OB/GYN Department 2012
4th meeting of ESUOG “Advances in Prenatal Diagnosis 2012
13th symposium of endoscopic surgery 2012
13th Annual Scientific Meeting of Cairo OB/GYN Department 2012
26th Annual Scientific Meeting of Alexandria OB/GYN Department 2012
IVF/ICSI Hands-on Training Workshop 2012
Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery Workshop 2012
Ian Donald school Advanced OB/GYN U/S Workshop 2012
7th world congress of perinatal Medicine in Developing Countries 2012
2nd annual scientific conference of (MISS-E) With hands-on training course on hysteroscopy 2011
Annual Workshop of Urology Department 2010
The Continuous Professional Development Program of RCOG 2010
Colposcopy Workshop 2010
Laparoscopy Workshop 2010
Ultrasound Workshop 2010
Hysteroscopy Workshop 2010
Simplified Hysterectomy Workshop 2010
15th Annual International Conference of Ain Shams Ob/Gyn Department 2010
TVT Secure Workshop 2008
9th world congress of the international association of maternal and neonatal health(IAMANEH) 2006
intrnational annual meeting of OBGYN department benha faculty of medicine(OPTIMIZATION OF ART PRACTICE-THE ROAD TO SUCCESS) 2005
intrnational annual meeting of OBGYN department benha faculty of medicine 2004

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Banha University PhD 2012
Banha University MSc 2006
Banha University BSc 2001

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2012
1-Conferences Speaker in 7th Annual Scientific Meeting of Assiut OB/GYN Department
Scientific Activities of 2010
2-Conferences Secretary General of Banha Annual International Ob/Gyn Conference
3-Conferences Organizer of 4 Workshops of Banha Annual International Ob/Gyn Conference
4-Community Constantly sharing in RESALA outpatient campaigns
Scientific Activities of 2009
5-Teaching Participated in Organizing 1st Student Conference
6-Teaching Participated in Supervising on the 2nd Wining Research in 1st Student Conference


Gynecology I have gained experience in caring for emergency gynecology admissions, elective procedures and postoperative care. I am trained in patient counseling for medical and surgical management of different gynecological disorders and contraception. I have gained experience in different gynecological surgical procedures in addition to diagnostic and operative Minimal Access procedures.
Ultrasound I have basic experience in Obstetric Ultrasound including fetal biometry, and early pregnancy assessment. I have gained advanced experience in use of ultrasound for obstetric fetal anomaly scan, Doppler US, antenatal diagnostic procedure, different gynecological US diagnosis.
IT skills During my research projects, I have learned different aspects of IT skills including Word processing, Excel, Power-Point Presentation software, basic statistical analysis. In addition I have gained experience in literature search using the Cochrane library, and different Med-line search web sites.
Communication Skills During my clinical, social and research activities I have interacted with a wide range of people from diverse cultures. My reports from my supervisors, colleagues and patients emphasizes that my communication skills are satisfactory.
Teaching I am involved in undergraduate student tutorials, ward round teaching and training in clinics and operating sessions as well as labor ward emergencies in Banha OB/GYN department.
Obstetrics I have developed experience in covering the delivery suite as a first, second and third on call, have evaluated priorities and allocated efficiently different members of the team at the standards needed to cover the busy units I have been working in university hospital (10000 delivers per year). I have gained experience in following high-risk pregnancies being involved as part of the complicated care team in medical antenatal clinics at Banha University tertiary referral hospital.