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Prof. Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed El-Adl :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
The 54th Annual Congress of The Egyptian Urological Association 2019
The 53th Annual Congress of The Egyptian Urological Association 2018
Self-Study and External Auditing, FLDC, Benha University, Egypt 2017
Electronic websites management, FLDC, Benha University, Egypt 2017
The 26th Saudi Urologic Conference Madinah - KSA. 2014
The 25th Saudi Urologic Conference in collaboration with American Urological Association Jeddah - KSA 2013
An application Training for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) Dornier MedTech Europe -Postfach 1129- 82230 Wassling 2012
The 24th Saudi Urologic Conference King Abdel Aziz University, KSA 2012
Course of Development of Staff Teaching Skills (Word ) ICTP, Benha University, Egypt 2011
Course of Development of Staff Teaching Skills (Windows) ICTP, Benha University, Egypt 2011
The Healthcare and Quality Al-Adwani Geberal Hospital- Taif- KSA 2010
Egyptian Urologic Association (Update of Operative Female Urology) Damietta General Hospital 2009
First International Conference of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center Cairo University, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center, Cairo, Egypt 2008
The 16th Annual Cardiovascular Conference Saudi MOH and King Faisal Hospital- Taif- KSA 2008
Course of Development of Staff Teaching Skills (Financial and Legal Aspects) FLDP, Benha University, Egypt 2008
Course of Development of Staff Teaching Skills (Ethics of Scientific Research) FLDP, Benha University, Egypt 2008
Course of Development of Staff Teaching Skills (Presentation) ICTP - Benha University, Egypt 2008
• 12- Stem Cell Between Dream and Reality Benha University, Egypt 2008
Continuous Medical Education Program Elite Medical and Surgical Center in collaboration with Saudi Council for Health Specialties 2008
Continuous Medical Education Program- Elite Medical and Surgical Center in collaboration with Saudi Council for Health Specialties 2007
The First Uro-Oncology Update course In Collaboration with Saudi Urologic Association 2006
The 19th. Saudi Urological Conference 2006
Course of Development of Staff Teaching Skills (Effective communication skills). 2005
Course of Development of Staff Teaching Skills (Thinking skills program) 2005
Optimization of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) practice 2005
Training Of Trainers (TOT) 2005
Update in women health 2004
Transvaginal tape (TVT) training course 2002
TOEFL Course 2000
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