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Prof. Ashraf mohamed mohamed abourayan :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
مشروعات البحوث التنافسية، جامعة بنها 2016
التقييم الذاتي و المراجعة الخارجية، جامعة بنها 2016
ادارة المواقع الالكترونية، جامعة بنها 2016
credit Hours System in Universities, BU, Egypt 2016
The 2015 World Congress on : Advances in structural engineering and mechanics (ASEM15), Incheon, Korea 2015
Programs and Courses Reports, NBU, KSA 2013
Field Experience Specifications and Reports, NBU, KSA 2013
Program Specification, NBU, KSA 2013
The international academic accreditation and their recognition in the Saudi Arabia 2013
الجودة و الاعتماد الاكاديمي، جامعة الحدود الشمالية، السعودية 2012
التدريس الفعال، جامعة الحدود الشمالية، السعودية 2012
ICSSD2012 Conference, India,4-6 January 2012
, “Engineering technology Education” presented at Jubil First International Engineering Conference, KSA, 2012
Al-Azhar 11th International Engineering Conference Cairo, Egypt, 21-23, December 2010. 2010
Strategic planning for Universities (workshop), Northern Border University, Arar, KSA, January 2010 2010
NATO Programme for Security Through Science, NATO Head Quarter, Brussels, May 6 2010. 2010
Al-Azhar 11th International Engineering Conference Cairo, Egypt, 21-23, December 2010. 2010
6th International Engineering Conference (6th IEC), Egypt 2008
5th International Engineering Conference Mansourah-Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt, 27-31, March 2006. 2006
4th International Engineering Conference Mansourah-Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt, 20-22, April 2004 2004
Fourth International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, The Military Technical College, Cairo, 14-16 May 2002. 2002
Third Alexandria Conference On Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, 27-29 December 1997. 1997
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 34th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 1583-1593, 1993. 1993
"The Professor as Resereacher", Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, VA, USA 1992
Fourth Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, and Dynamics of Structures and Mechanisms, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, June, 1992. 1992
62nd Shock and Vibration Symposium 1, 92-101, 1991. 1991
Third Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations Stability, and Dynamics of Structures and Mechanisms, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, June 25-27, 1990. 1990
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