Statement of Dr. Prof.Dr. Asmaa Gaber Ali Shalaby:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): أ.د.أسماء جابر على شلبى
Faculty: Science
Department: Physics
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Theoretical Physics time dependent Quantum mechanics problems
Minor Speciality: High Energy Physics include QGP the state of matter just created after the Big Bang. Study the heavy ion collision in ALICE and STAR experiments. Recently, I devoted to study the general relativity and the modified theories of gravity, (MOND, MOG, F(R))
Current position: Asst. Professor
Office address: Faculty_of_Science_Benha
Work phone: 0133225494
Fax: 0133222578

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Associate Professor Benha University Egypt 2017 2017
Lecturer, PhD Physics from Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Benha University. Egypt 2011 2017
assistant lecturer Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Benha University Egypt 2003 2005
Demonestrator Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Benha University Egypt 1998 1999
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Benha University. Egypt 1994 1998

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Launching Event of the Arab Physical Society 2022
First Pan-African Astro-Particle and Collider Physics Workshop 2022
4th International Electronic Conference on Entropy and Its Applications 2017
International Conference on Physics, Materials Sciences & Engineering (ICPMSE) 23-25 March 2017, Luxor, Egypt 2017
The XX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2016) 2016
Workshop of the Management of Electronic Sites 2016
Workshop of Scientific research Marketing 2016
Workshop of quality and Accreditation 2016
المؤتمر العلمى الدولى بكلية العلوم -جامعة بنها دور العلوم التطبيقية فى التنمية وخدمة المجتمع فى الفترة من 5-6 سبتمبر 2015 The first international conference of the FACULTY OF SCIENCE , BENHA UNIVERSITY ROLE OF applied SCIENCES IN DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY SERVICES 2015
ADVANCED WORKSHOP ON LHC PHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY 3rd-14th February 2014 Cairo-Egypt 2014
International Master classes Hands on particle Physics 2014
German-Egyptian school of Particle Physics at Zewial city of Science and Technology in Collaboration with the university of Bonn in Germany, 24-28 Feb., (2013). 2013
Workshop of management of time and committees 2013
Primordial QCD matter in LHC era, implications of QCD results on the early universe Conference, 10-14 Feb., (2013) Egypt. 2013
Workshop of the methods of scientific research 2010
Workshop of evaluation of students. 2010
Workshop of the effective presentation skills. 2009
Workshop lecture of the ethics of the profession. 2009
Workshop of university teacher preparation. 2008
• 3rd Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics (NUPPAC’01), 20-24 Oct. 2001, Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) and Egyptian Nuclear Physics Association (ENPA), Cairo, Egypt. 2001

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Benha University. PhD 2011
Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Benha University. MSc 2002
Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Benha University. BSc 1998

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Federation of Egyptian particle scientists (past, No longer) Membership
FEPS (Past, No longer) Membership
STAR experiment, BrookHaven National Lab. , NY. USA. (Past, No longer) Membership (Past, No longer) Membership
Collect Data Program (May 2008-Dec. 2009) North Carolina state university, Raleigh, USA Award
Scholar visit to JINR at Dubna , Russia. (5-16 Oct. 2015) Award

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2023
1-Reviewer at Phyica scripta and, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics.
Scientific Activities of 2022
2-Master Classes for undergraduate students (One-Day Event) each year in March, in collaboration with CERN and CMS.
Scientific Activities of 2017
3-contribution and organization of different seminars on scientific writing, plagiarism, student and supervisor relationship.... held at Benha university department of Physics. Speakers: Dr. Tarek Yusseif, Dr Bahaa Al Gendy.
Scientific Activities of 2016
4-Free lectures in Quantum Mechanics, and special relativity lectures for undergraduate students and open for any body interested. Based on David Griffith book in Quantum Mechanics, and special notes in special relativity.
Scientific Activities of 2015
5-Reviewer in two scientific Journals Physics science international journal & Transactions on Theoretical Physics.


Numerical solution, programming by Fortran and C-languages. Microsoft office access, Latex typing, Mathematica access . Linux access (Ubuntu 15, 12) and scientific Linux). Little experience in ROOT. Plotting by Gnuplot.
Teaching in the physics labs, teaching courses general and advanced in Physics for more than 15 years.