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Prof. Ehab Mahmoud Abdelaal Elzoghby :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
1. International Veterinary Syposium entitled "Progress and perspective in Veterinary Medicine. Romania. 2009
13. Scientific Conference of the General Egyptian Society of tissues and cells 2008
12. Scientific Conference of the General Egyptian Society of tissues and cells 2007
11. Scientific Conference of the General Egyptian Society of tissues 2006
10. Scientific Conference of the General Egyptian Society of tissues and cells 2005
7. 2nd scientific competition for students of the faculties of veterinary medicine and organized it Pfizer Egypt and established the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagazig University 2004
8. Applications of fluorescent in situ hybridization 2004
9. Scientific Conference first-College of Veterinary Medicine-Zagazig University / Branch Banha (Ras Sidr) 2004
6. Scientific Conference XXVI of the General Egyptian Society of tissues and cells 2003
5. Scientific Conference XXVI of the General Egyptian science autopsy 2002
17. Cocssidosis disease in the bird-prevention and control 2001
16. The role of radiation in medicine and prevention 2001
4. Scientific Conference XXV of the General Egyptian Society of tissues and cells 2001
3. The role of radiation in medicine and prevention 2001
2. The "Introduction to Computers, computer operating systems, computer applications 2000
14. Federated American Societies for Experimental Biology, Washington DC. 1999
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