Statement of Prof. Mohamed Fayek A.M. Abd-Rabbo:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): محمد فائق عبد ربه احمد
Faculty: Engineering, Shoubra
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Mechanical Engineering
Minor Speciality: Thermo-Fluids
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: 108_ShoubraStreet_Cairo_Egypt
Mobile 1: 0123949093
Work phone: 0222050175
Fax: 0222023336
Alt. e-mail: ,

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Demonstrator Cairo polytechnic Now Shoubra Faculty of Engineering Egypt 1966 1972
Research Assistant Leicester University UK 1972-1-1 1977
Assistant Professor Mosul University Iraq 1981-1-1 1988
Acting head of Mech. Eng.Dept. Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra) Egypt 1989-1-1 1990
Professor Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra) Egypt 1990-1-1 1999
Head of Mech. Eng.Dept. Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra) Egypt 1999-1-1 2003
Emeritus Professor Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra) Egypt 2005-1-1 1970-01-01

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
2) Attending & Organizing 34 international conferences, in the following fields: - Solar energy - Multi-phase flow - Mechanical power engineering - Turbomachines - Water technology - Fluid mechanics - hydrology 0

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Leicester University UK. PhD 1977
Cairo polythenic (faculty of engineering [shoubra]) BSc 1966

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Egyptian code committee for Mechanical works for Ministry of Public Work and Irrigation Membership
Egyptian Desalination Society Membership
3) Institution of Mechanical Engineers UK Membership
4) Institution of Egyptian Engineers Membership
5) Mechanical engineers society. Membership
a. awards in the science and art day presented by late president Nasser Award
b. PhD Ministry of defense grant through Leicester University UK Award

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 1997
1-Faculty of engineering youth leader
Scientific Activities of 1996
2-Multimedia lab.
Scientific Activities of 1995
3-Student union sport activity supervision
Scientific Activities of 1988
4-Solar energy lab.
Scientific Activities of 1979
5-Fluid mechanics lab.


Design of metal sheets painting shop for Cairo metal work 1979 estimated cost 3 million LE.
Design of deep freezers and refrigerators factory at Abo Rawash Giza, Egypt, 1980 estimated cost 7 million LE
13) Design of the following pumping station: a- 11.5 m3/sec b-4 m3/sec c- 1.5 m3/sec For El Gezera irrigation project –Iraq, during the period 1984-1988
Mechanical measurements course through the Arab training bureau 2008
Oil storage tanks design and inspections through the Arab training bureau 2008
Pumps maintenance and operation through the Arab training bureau 2006
Redesign water pipe line for a pumping station 10 km for the mechanical& electrical authority Ministry of irrigation.2008
Course and networking in the field of computers 1993- till now
Design a group of multistage centrifugal pumps Using computer modeling CFD for Turkish firm.
Air-conditioning system design and software analysis
Chillers systems control training course.. Dubai
Industrial safety training course Saudi Arabia
Diesel engines maintenance training course Saudi Arabia.
New technologies in the field of Water desalination , training course, Egypt
Quality assurance for the erection of Inshas nuclear reactor.