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Assist. Hala sayed mahmoud Aamer :: Workshops / Conferences:

Type: workshop
Name: Agent-Based Form-Finding, Optimisation, And Collaborative Design’, AA School of Architecture (London) EmTech studio led workshop for DigitalFUTURES WORLD
Start Date: 2020-07-26
End Date: 2020-08-10
Note: ‘Agent-Based Form-Finding, Optimisation, And Collaborative Design’, EmTech led workshop for DigitalFUTURES WORLD. The workshop has aimed to develop an understanding of how biology can be a model for computational systems and spatial articulations. Participants gained an understanding of the systematic patterns of behaviour in social insect colonies, and an exploration of how these patterns can inform the development of algorithms and methods applied to create complex spatial configurations. Our focus has been directed on agent-based modelling (ABM), multi-objective optimisation, and immersive spatial design. Our computational toolset have comprised Rhinoceros, Grasshopper (Wallacei, Culebra, and Dendro), and Unity.
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