Statement of Prof. Dr.Hasnaa Sabry Abdel-Hamid Ahmed Helwa:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): حسناء صبرى عبد الحميد أحمد حلوة
Faculty: Education
Department: Methodology
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Curriculum and Teaching Methods
Minor Speciality: Curriculum and TEFL Instruction
Current position: Professor
Office address: Al_Qalubyia_Benha_Egypt
Mobile 1: 01030251476
Mobile 2: 01141088950
Work phone: 0133227523
Fax: ..................
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Demonstrator at department of Curricula and TEFL Instruction Faculty of Education , Benha University Egypt 2006 2010
Assistant lecturer at department of Curricula and TEFL Instruction Faculty of Education , Benha University Egypt 2010 2013
Lecturer at department of Curricula and TEFL Instruction Faculty of Education , Benha University Egypt 2013 2016
Associate Professor Faculty of Humanities and Science- University of Majmaa Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - 2016 Until Now
Assistant professor Faculty of Education- Benha University Egypt 2019 until now

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
the third International conference for the Faculty and Leadership Developmental Centre – Benha University ; Developing Training programs in Arab Institutions to keep pace with innovation and entrepreneurship . On 20-21 March 2018 , Benha University , Egypt 2019
the first scientific Symposium of the Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Specific Education - Benha University entitled: "Academic Scientific Institutions of Education Technology between Theory and Practice". 2019
the annual scientific conference of the Faculty of Education Zagazig University entitled: "Developing the teacher's preparation: necessities and requirements 2019
Accreditation of Academic Programs 2019
the International Conference of Higher Education Development : Global Variables and International Standards. 2019
" The 3rd International conference at Faculty of Education – Ain Shams University " Future Visions for Education Development and Teacher Preparation). 2018
training workshop entitled Training on using the resources of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. 2018
The 8th (4th International) Faculty of Education – Monufia University " Raising marginalized groups in Arab societies to achieve sustainable development goals (opportunities and challenges), 2018
The 4th International Language Assessment Conference in Egypt ILACE , 2018, New Directions in Assessment - Empowering Teachers and Learners” in cooperation with the British Council 2018
the fifth International conference (26th ) of the Egyptian Association of Curriculum and Teaching methods entitled " " Teaching Curricula at Arabic World and Identity Challenge". 2017
 20th Nile TESOL AUC Conference : Best practices in TESOL : communicate , collaborate and create 2016
the fourth International conference (25nd) of the Egyptian Association of Curriculum and Teaching methods entitled " " Towards accurate change in visions and strategies of developing learning curriculum 2016
the 26th conference entitled : Teaching reading standards at different learning stages and its role in teaching materials selection and learning strategies 2016
Benha Faculty of Education Conference entitled : The integration and empowerment of individuals with special needs in education and society: Practices and Challenges 2016
the Fourth and the second international conference of Faculty of Education, Port Said University, entitled " Towards a child friendly school 2015
Nile TESOL , conference 26-27 January, 2015 2015
Nile TESOL AUC Conference XVII: Revolutionizing TESOL: Techniques and Strategies ,The American University in Cairo, January 28-29 2014
the conference of Faculty of Education, Benha University, 2013
Nile TESOL AUC Conference XVII: Revolutionizing TESOL: Techniques and Strategies ,The American University in Cairo, January 28-29 2013
the conference of Faculty of Education, Damanhour University 2013
Nile TESOL AUC Conference XVI: Language Education in the 21st Century: Challenges &Opportunities", The American University in Cairo 2012
WEBINAR" Program, Regional English Language Office –RELO, U.S. Embassy , Cairo, 2012
The Educational Research Trends and Fields In Curricula and Teaching Methods " in Faculty of Education , Benha University ,with cooperation of Egyptian Association for Curricula and Teaching Methods 2009
Writing Instruction and Assessment Workshop", Regional English Language Office –RELO, U.S. Embassy , Cairo. 2008
the 25th Egyptian Association for Curricula and Teaching Methods Conference ",2008, Ain Shams University, Cairo. 2008
The Introduction to Local TOEFL TOT Workshop", Held in AMIDEAST,AMERICA- MIDEAT EUCATIONAL& TRAINING, Cairo, 2007
Developing EFL Teaching Skills Workshop" ,Held with AMIDEAST Cooperation , Foreign Language Center- Benha University, 2007

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods -Faculty of Education- Benha University PhD 2013
Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods -Faculty of Education- Benha University MSc 2010
Faculty of education- Benha University BSc 2004

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Association of Arab Educators Membership
2. Member at the formation of a committee to pursue the course of the process of teaching and communicating with the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education within the framework of the contract and the protocol of cooperation with the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education and Membership
3. Member at the Service Committee of Environment and Community Development, Faculty of Education , Benha University , 2014. Membership
 عضو فى تشكيل لجنة متابعة سير عملية التدريس والتواصل مع الهيئة العامة لمحو الامية وتعليم الكبار فى اطار التعاقد وبرتوكول التعاون مع الهيئة العامة لمحو الامية وتعليم الكبار وكلية التربية – جامعة بنها 2014. Membership
 عضو لجنة خدمة المجتمع وشئون البيئة – كلية التربية – جامعة بنها 2014 Membership
member at the Assocation of Reading and Literacy Membership
member at the Egyptian Association of Curriculum and Methodology Membership

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2016
1-Preparing a Guide for Measurement and Assessment Unit- Faculty of Humanities and Science- Majmaa University - KSA
2- Conducting workshops related to the Education Affairs - Faculty of Humanities and Science - Majmaa University - KSA
Scientific Activities of 2014
3-1. Teaching TOEFL at The Foreign Language Center – Benha University from 2010 until now .
4-judging MA thesis: The effectiveness of a suggested program based on "Engleman's corrective reading " in developing reading fluency skills among EFL students at the faculty of Education "Curricula and Methods of Teaching English- Benha University
5-judging PH D. Using A concept oriented reading instruction (CORI) approach to develop EFL reading comprehension skills and reading motivation among second year experimental preparatory school pupils Curricula and Methods of Teaching English- Benha University"
6- إلقاء محاضرة بعنوان " دمج ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة مع الطلاب العاديين : دراسة تحليلية نفسية اجتماعية " في مدرسة ميت العطار الإبتدائية المشتركة بإدارة بنها التعليمية يوم الأحد 23 مارس . وذلك ضمن إطار فعاليات اليوم الأول للأسبوع الإقليمي الثقافي الذي تنفذه جامعة بنها في الفترة من 23 - 26 مارس 2014 م.
7- مراجعة وتحكيم بحث بعنوان :(الكفاءة البراجماتية لطلاب شعبة اللغة الانجليزية بالجامعات السودانية فى الفصول التعليمية النظامية ) والمنشور فى المجلة الافريقية للبحوث التربوية 2014. AERJ-2014-026.African Educational Research Journal.
8- مراجعة وتحكيم بحث بعنوان :(التدريس الحكى القصصى ) والمنشور فى المجلة العالمية للسياسة التعليم والبحث 2014: . ISSN 2360-7076 (International Journal of Educational Policy Research)
9-تجكيم رسالة ماجيستير بعنوان : استخدام استراتيجية خرائط المفاهيم فى تنمية مهارات التفكير الابداعى ومهارات التعبير الكتابى لتلاميذ الصف السابع الاساسى مناهج وطرق تدريس لغة عربية جامعة الدول العربية معهد البحوث والدراسات العربية
Scientific Activities of 2013
10-Judging M.A thesis("Using Collaborative Strategic Reading Approach to Develop EFL Secondary Stage Students' Reading Comprehension Skills". Institute of Arab Research and Studies Curricula and Instruction (TEFL), Cairo Institute of Arab Research and Studies Curricula and Instruction (TEFL), Cairo
11-Participating in Course Specification for The EFL Program -Faculty of Education- Benha University- Department of Curriculum and Instruction (English Section),
12-Judging MA thesis The Effect of Using Blogs on Improving Composition Writing Skills in EFL and Critical Thinking Dispositions among Second Year Secondary School Students)Curricula and Methods of Teaching English
13-judging PH thesis (The effect of WebQuest strategy on developing EFL reading comprehension skills and cultural awareness of experimental secondary school students)Curricula and Methods of Teaching English,Menoufia University
14-تحكيم رسالة دكتوراة بعنوان ()" برنامج قائم على بعض استراتيجيات تعلم اللغة فى تنمية مهارات الاداء اللغوى لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الاعدادية"مناهج وطرق تدريس لغة عربية كلية التربية- جامعة بنها
15-Judging MA thesis : Using Multimedia Authentic Materials – Based Activities to Develop EFL Listening Comprehension Skills of Preparatory Stage Pupils.Curricula and Methods of Teaching English- Mansoura University
Scientific Activities of 2012
16- Revising the Higher Studies at Faculty of Education- Benha University
