Statement of Dr. Heba Saber Amin:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): هبة صابر أمين
Faculty: Arts
Department: Geography
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Geography
Minor Speciality: Geomorphology
Current position: Asst. Professor
Office address: Elkalubiya_NewBenha,7faredNadaStreet
Work phone: 0133224718
Fax: 0133224718

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Demonstrator Faculty of Arts, Benha University Egypt 2005-1-1 2009
Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Arts, Benha University Egypt 2009-1-1 2012

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
1. University Education Between Current Status and Culture of Change 2009
Environmental Proplems 2009

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Faculty of Arts, Benha university BSc 2009
Faculty of Arts, Benha university MSc 2009

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2009
1-Courses in geographic information systems from the technology club in the faculty
2-- Participation in the preparation of the Strategic Plan of the College المشاركة في إعداد الخطة الإستراتيجية للكلية
Scientific Activities of 2008
3-Member of the community service and environment development Committee.
Scientific Activities of 2006
4-- A training course for the Preparation of university Lecturers
5-Training course for computer
6-A Course in effective teaching
