Statement of Prof. Ibrahim Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Halim:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): إبراهيم عبدالمنعم عبدالحليم
Faculty: Engineering, Shoubra
Department: Electrical Engineering
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Electrical Power and Machines
Minor Speciality: Electrical Machines
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: 108_ShoubraStreet_Cairo_Egypt
Mobile 2: 01220606072
Work phone: 0220500330
Fax: 0237494678
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Head of Electrical Engineering Depatment Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University Egypt 1981-1-1 1983
Head of Electrical Engineering Depatment Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University Egypt 1991-1-1 1995
Head of Electrical Engineering Depatment Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University Egypt 2000-1-1 2002
Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University Egypt 2002-1-1 2007

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Eighth International Middle East Power Systems Conference, 2001
Seventh International Middle East Power Systems Conference, 2000
Sixth International Middle East Power Systems Conference, 1998
Fifth International Middle East Power Systems Conference, 1997
. IEEE/IAS Conference, , San Diego, California, USA. 1996
. Sixth Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control, Budapest, 1990
. International Conference on Electrical Machines, Munich, Germany. 1986
The Tenth Annual Operations Research Conference, Egypt. 1985
International Conference on Electrical Machines, Lausanne, 1984
The Fourth IASTED International Symposium on Modelling and 1983
Third IFAC Symposium on Control in Power Electronics and Electrical 1983
The Ninth Annual Operation Research Conference, Egypt. 1983
International Conference on Electrical Machines, Budapest, Hungary. 1982
International Conference on Applied Modelling and simulation, Paris, 1982
The Annual Operations Research Conference, Egypt. 1982
IEE International Conference on Electrical Machines, London, England, 1981
International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation, Lyon, 1981
The Seventh Annual Operations Research Conference, Egypt. 1981
The Sixth Annual Operations Research Conference, Egypt. 1980
International Conference on Electrical Machines, Athens, Greece 1980
Intelect. 80, International Elect. Congress, Egypt. 1980

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Loughborough University of Technology, England, United Kingdom. PhD 1978
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt. MSc 1973
Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Egypt. BSc 1968

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Fellow of the IET (formerly IEE) (The Institution of Engineering and Technology), London, England, United Kingdom (since 1993). membership
Chairman of the Electrical Machines Standardization Committee (since 1990), Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality, Cairo, Egypt. membership
State Encouragement Prize in Engineering Sciences from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, 1992. Award
Medal of Excellence (First Class) from the President of Egypt, 1995. Award
Esteem Prize in Engineering Sciences From Zagazig University, Egypt, 2004. Award

Committees details:

Committee Year
From 2013 to 2015, Member of the Egyptian Universities Promotion Committee For Professors and associate Professors (Electrical Power and Machines) - Eleventh Period. 2015
From 2004 to 2008, Member of the Egyptian Universities Promotion Committee For Professors (Electrical Power and Machines) - Ninth Period. 2008
From 2001 to 2004, Member of the Egyptian Universities Promotion Committee For associate Professors (Electrical Power and Machines) - Eighth Period. 2004

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2021
1-Reviewing of International Journals: "Are Renewable Energy Technologies Cost Competitive for Electricity Generation? ", Renewable Energy Journal (Elsevier), Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.
2-Reviewing of International Journals: "Voltage Reconfiguration Fault–Tolerant Control techniquefor Two energy System"< International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,( ITEES), John Wiley & Sons..
3-Reviewing of International Journals: "Cascade Control of Grid-Connected NPC Converters Via Sliding Mode Technique", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
4--Reviewing of International Journals: "Interconnection and price convergence: price effects in the Spanish electricity market after doubling interconnection capacity with France", Renewable Energy Journal (Elsevier), Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.
5-Reviewing of International Journals: "The paradigms of technological innovation and renewables as a panacea for sustainable development: A pathway of going Green", Renewable Energy Journal (Elsevier), Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.
6-Reviewing of International Journals: "Optimal Structure Design of a PV/FC HRES Using Amended Water Strider Algorithm", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,( ITEES), John Wiley & Sons.
Scientific Activities of 2020
7-Reviewing of International Journals: "Enhancement of Small Signal Stability in Inverter-Dominated Microgrid with Optimal Internal Model Controller", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
8-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design and Development of a new Three-phase AC-DC Single-Stage Wind Energy Conversion system", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
9-Reviewing of International Journals: "T-S Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control for Wind Energy Conversion System with Squirrel-cage Induction Generator", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
10-Reviewing of International Journals: “Design Of Robust Adaptive Self-Tuning Regulator Controller On Single-phase Full-Bridge Grid-connected Inverter”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
11-Reviewing of International Journals: “Dynamic Economic and Emission Dispatch with Renewable Energy Integration Under Uncertainties and Demand Side Management”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
12-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Novel Design of Electronic Load Controller for Micro Hydro-Electric Plants”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
13--Reviewing of International Journals: "Machine Intelligent Monitoring for Potential Induced Degradation in Multicrystalline Soiled Solar Panels", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
14-Reviewing of International Journals: “ Hybrid k-means Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm based FOPID Controller with Feed Forward DC-DC Converter for Solar-Wind Generating Systemr”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
15-Reviewing of International Journals: "Finite-time Cascade-like Tracking Control of Direct-drive Wave Energy Converters", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2019
16-Reviewing of International Journals: "Transient and steady-state modelling of healthy and eccentric induction motors considering the main and third harmonic saturation factors", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
17-Reviewing of International Journals: "Dynamic Reconfiguration of Irregularly Shaded PV Array Based on Shaded Cells' Number", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
18-Reviewing of International Journals: "Calculating Electromagnetic Force between Thin Circular Coils with Inclined Axes in Air", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
19-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design and Operation of an OCC Based Scheme for a Stand-Alone PV System Powering DC Loads", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
20-Reviewing of International Journals: "OPTIMAL CONTROL OF LINEAR INDUCTION MOTOR BASED ON 2DOF- P I^λ D^μ CONTROL WITH ANTI-WINDUP TECHNIQUE", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
21-Reviewing of International Journals: "Inverter Current Feedback control of a CHB based Matrix Converter", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
22-Reviewing of International Journals: "Brushless DC Motor Phase Inductances and Back-EMF Voltage in Presence of Rotor Eccentricity", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
23-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Discrete-Time Integral Terminal Sliding Mode based Maximum Power Point Controller for the Wind Energy System", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
24-Reviewing of International Journals: “An improved cumulant-based method for stochastic risk assessment considering frequency regulation and renewable energy integration”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
25-Reviewing of International Journals: "Ground Current Crosstalk in the Braking Circuit of Three-Level NPC Inverter Motor Drive Systems", IET Electronics Letters Journal, England, United Kingdom.
26-Reviewing of International Journals: "Single-Phase Hybrid DCM SEPIC Rectifiers Integrated with Ladder-Type Switched-Capacitor Cells", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
27-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Novel Energy Regeneration Technique for Electric Vehicles Driven by a Brushless DC Motor", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
28-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Study on the Effects of Rotor Step Skewing on the Vibration and Noise of a PMSM for Electric Vehicles", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
29-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design and Analysis of a Pulse Capacitor Charge Power Supply System Based On Novel Brushless Field Assisted Induction Generator with Flux Control Capability", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
30-Reviewing of International Journals: "A review of photovoltaic systems: design, operation and maintenance", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
31-Reviewing of International Journals: "Failure mode analysis of Modular Multilevel Capacitor Clamped Converter for Electric Vehicle Application", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
32-Reviewing of International Journals: "A New ZVS Soft-Switched DC-DC Converter based Charger for Low Voltage battery in Hybrid Electric Vehicles", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
33-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Dual Input-Dual Output DC-DC Converter for Solar PV/Battery/Ultra-capacitor Powered Electric Vehicle Application", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
34-Reviewing of International Journals: "Magnetic Noise Reduction using Skewing Technique for Brabus Wheel Hub Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators in Fully Electric Vehicles", IET Electrical Systems in Transportation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
35-Reviewing of International Journals: "An efficient Induction Motor Design for Performance Intensification using Magnet Software", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
36-Reviewing of International Journals: "Adaptive Fractional Order Control of Power System Frequency in the Presence of Wind Turbine", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution Journal, England, United Kingdom.
37-Reviewing of International Journals: "Constrained Design and Control of Trapezoidal Waves-Forms Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Motor Increasing Energy Accumulator Lifetime", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
38-Reviewing of International Journals: “Implementation of Matrix Converter in Wind Energy Conversion System with Modified Control Techniques”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
39-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Review of DC/AC Converters for Electric Vehicle Applications", IET Electrical Systems in Transportation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
40-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design and Implementation of Model Predictive Control for Microgrid Hybrid Energy System with Power Quality Enhancement features", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
41-Reviewing of International Journals: "A New High Torque density Combined Axial-Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
42-Reviewing of International Journals: "IA New Global Transposition Method of Stator Winding and Its Loss Calculation in AC Machines", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
43-Reviewing of International Journals: "Robust predictive current control for IPMSM without rotor flux information based on a discrete-time disturbance observer", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
44-Reviewing of International Journals: "Research on Control Strategy of MMC DC Power Electronic Transformer Based on DAB Mode", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution Journal, England, United Kingdom.
45-Reviewing of International Journals: "Deterministic model-based robust controller for PMSM system with uncertainties", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
46-Reviewing of International Journals: “ Constant Voltage and Frequency Operation of a Two Windings Single Phase Self-Excited Induction Generator ", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
47-Reviewing of International Journals: “Optimum Design of Cooling Structure for In-wheel Motor Drive System”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
48-Reviewing of International Journals: "Predictive Neural Network Based Adaptive Controller for Grid-Connected PV Systems Supplying Pulse-Load", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
49-Reviewing of International Journals: "Novel Empirical Model for Calculation of Core Losses in Permanent Magnet Machines", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
50-Reviewing of International Journals: "A review of the High-speed Permanent Magnet Rotor Stress Analysis used for Automotive Air-handling Machines", IET Electrical Systems in Transportation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
51-Reviewing of International Journals: "Control of Dual Three-phase PMSG Wind Turbine Drive System with One Channel of Faulty Rectifier", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
52-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design and Development of Truncated Angle Variant (TAV) Controller for Multi-Source fed BLDC Motor Drive", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
53-Reviewing of International Journals: "An efficient Induction Motor Design for Performance Intensification using Magnet Software", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
54-Reviewing of International Journals: "Voltage Sensorless Direct Torque Control Scheme for Improved Low-Speed Performance of Induction Motor Drive", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
55-Reviewing of International Journals: “Comparative Study of Heuristic Optimization Techniques for Optimal Design of a Solar/Wind/Battery Hybrid Energy Conversion Scheme in Different Climatic Zones”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
56-Reviewing of International Journals: "Energy performance evaluation of different commonly used glazings in hot climatic regions and their economic analysis", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
57-Reviewing of International Journals: "Performance Improvement of Five-Phase Induction Motor by Direct Torque Control strategy", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
58-Reviewing of International Journals: “Voltage Flicker in Wind Farm Connected Distribution System - a Review”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
59-Reviewing of International Journals: "Life-cycle assessment of p-type multi-crystalline back surface field (BSF) solar module in China of 2019", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
60-Reviewing of International Journals: "The Performance Improvement of Direct Torque Controlled Five-Phase Induction Motor in Context of Common-Mode Voltage, Torque Ripple and Demagnetization under Low Speed Region", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
61-Reviewing of International Journals: "Experimental Investigation of Various Battery Charging Strategies Implemented on a cost-effective Hardware Developed for Solar PV System", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
62-Reviewing of International Journals: "Auto-calibration method for high concentration sun trackers", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
63-Reviewing of International Journals: “Sensorless Speed Control of a fault tolerant Five-phase PMSM Drives”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
64-Reviewing of International Journals: "Energy performance evaluation of different commonly used glazings in hot climatic regions and their economic analysis", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
65-Reviewing of International Journals: "Direct Torque Control Scheme for a Five-Level Multi-Point Clamped Inverter fed Induction Motor using Fractional-order PI Controller", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES), John Wiley.& Sons.
66-Reviewing of International Journals: "Torque Production Mechanism of Switched Reluctance Machines with Air-gap Field Modulation Principle", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion , USA.
67-Reviewing of International Journals: "Robust Model Predictive Control (MPC) for Large-Scale PV Plant Based on Paralleled Three-Phase Inverters", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
68-Reviewing of International Journals: “Five Legged Power Converter (FLPC) For Augmenting Power Quality In Hybrid Solar-Wind System", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
69-Reviewing of International Journals: “Dual Axis Solar Tracker with Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
70-Reviewing of International Journals: “Performances analysis of Twelve Sectors DTC Methodology Applied to Wind Turbine DFIG system operating Under Random Wind Speed”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2018
71-Reviewing of International Journals: "An 8 kW Full-Bridge LLC Plasma Inverter with SiC Power Devices", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
72-Reviewing of International Journals: "Sliding Mode Based Combined Speed and Direct Thrust Force Control of Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with First Order plus Integral Sliding Condition", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
73-Reviewing of International Journals: “Analytical calculation of induction machines inductances with axial asymmetry”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
74-Reviewing of International Journals: “Sensorless Speed Control for Double-Sided Linear Induction Motor Applications”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
76-Reviewing of International Journals: “SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTOR DRIVE IN ELECTRIC SCREW PRESS MACHINE USING CASCADED FUZZY CONTROLLER", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
77-Reviewing of International Journals: "Pseudo Derivative Feedback current controlled sensorless PMSM drive with Flux-Torque based MRAS speed estimator for low speed operation", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
78-Reviewing of International Journals: "Sliding Mode Based Combined Speed and Direct Thrust Force Control of Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with First Order plus Integral Sliding Condition", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
79-Reviewing of International Journals: "Analysis of a DTC with Back EMF Oriented Voltage for PMS Motor Drives", IEEE Power Engineering Letters, USA.
80-Reviewing of International Journals: “Application of ABCO-Based TID Controllers to Coordinated Control of Electric Vehicles and Automatic Generation Control”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
81-Reviewing of International Journals: "Improving the Thermal Performance of Rotary and Linear Air-Cored Permanent Magnet Machines for Direct Drive Wind and Wave Energy Applications.", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
82-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Parallel Estimation Scheme of Rotor Time Constant and Magnetizing Inductance in Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
83-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Review of Electric, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles - The State-of-The Art Power Electronics Converters Technologies", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
84-Reviewing of International Journals: "Sensorless Speed Control of a BLDC Motor using Sinusoidal Currents", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
85-Reviewing of International Journals: "Constants in Double Stator Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
86-Reviewing of International Journals: "Fuzzy Control of PV/Battery Hybrid Inverter in the Context of Microgrid Management", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
87-Reviewing of International Journals: "Hybrid Field Oriented and Direct Torque Control for Sensorless BLDC Motors Used in Aerial Drones", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
88-Reviewing of International Journals: "Tools for Handling Steady-State Under-Frequency Regulation in Isolated Microgrids", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
89-Reviewing of International Journals: "Decoupling Start Control Method for Aircraft Wound-Rotor Synchronous Starter-Generator Based on Main Field Current Estimation", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
90-Reviewing of International Journals: "New techniques dedicated to the modelling of healthy and eccentric induction motors considering the main and third harmonic saturation factors", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
91-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Decoupling Estimation Scheme for Rotor Resistance and Mutual Inductance in Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
92-Reviewing of International Journals: "A variable reference speed control of a High-speed BLDC motor for blender machine", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
93-Reviewing of International Journals: “Model Predictive Flux Control for an Induction Motor Drive Combined with Loss Minimization Criterion”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
94-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design, Operation and Maintenance of Photovoltaic Systems: A Review", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
95-Reviewing of International Journals: "Nonisolated PWM Multi-Port Converter Realizing Reduced Circuit Volume", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
96-Reviewing of International Journals: "A novel description of induction motor currents during a three-phase short-circuit near to motor terminals", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
97-Reviewing of International Journals: "Comparative Study of Direct Predictive Controllers Applied to AC Motor Drives", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
98-Reviewing of International Journals: "Neuro Fuzzy Controller for DTC of induction motor using multilevel inverter with SVM", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
99-Reviewing of International Journals: “An Improved Performance Characterization VSI fed induction motor drives using Random PWMf”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
100-Reviewing of International Journals: "Modelling and simulation of photovoltaic chain operation in condition of partial shading", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
101-Reviewing of International Journals: "Wind-PV Hybrid Microgeneration Scheme using Two-winding IG with Balanced Current Operation for Wide Speed Range.", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
102-Reviewing of International Journals: "Effects of Number of Windings on Outer Brushless Direct Current Motor Design", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
103-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Reduced-switch Induction Motor Drive system with Active Power Decoupling", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
104-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design and Multi-Objective Optimization Switched Reluctance Machine with iron loss", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
105-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Taxonomic Research Survey on Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
106-Reviewing of International Journals: “MODELLING AND EXPERIMENTATION OF MODIFIED CASCADED MULTILEVEL INVERTER WITH OPTIMIZED OUTPUT", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
109-Reviewing of International Journals: "MRAS Based Online Induction Motor Rotor Time Constant Estimation Using Perturbation Based Extremum Seeking Control", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
110-Reviewing of International Journals: "Experimental Study of a novel filter structure designed for Low-cost Sensors in Electric Vehicles", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
111-Reviewing of International Journals: “Design and Implementation of Brush-less Doubly Fed Induction Machine with New Stator Winding Configuration.”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
112-Reviewing of International Journals: "Precise mathematical expression for speed-time and time-speed curves of induction machine during no-load direct start-up", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
113-Reviewing of International Journals: "Variable Voltage Control of 9-phase Hybrid Generators in a Medium Voltage DC Wind Generation System", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2017
114-Reviewing of International Journals: "Recongurable Generic FPGA Implementation Of Fuzzy Logic Controller For MPPT of PV Systems", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
115-Reviewing of International Journals: “Comparison between Interleaved boost converter based 6-Switch and 4-Switch VSI fed PMBLDC Motor Drive Basic", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
116-Reviewing of International Journals: “Contribution a Sliding Mode Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Turbines", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
117-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Novel Two Stage Power Converter in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
118-Reviewing of International Journals: "Finite Position Set-Phase Locked Loop for Sensorless Control of Direct-Driven Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
119-Reviewing of International Journals: "Modelling of PV system for a standard domestic loading condition using Five Level Inverter", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
120-Reviewing of International Journals: “Comparison of Different Controllers and Stability Analysis for PV Powered Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
121-Reviewing of International Journals: "Investigation of a Dual-Stator Linear-Rotary PM Generator for Direct-Coupled Ocean Wave and Current Energy Conversion System", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
122-Reviewing of International Journals: “A SURVEY OF SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MACHINE USED IN ELECTRIC VEHICLE", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
123-Reviewing of International Journals: "The Electromagnetic Loss Properties of Induction Motor Under Voltage Unbalance and Distortion Condition", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
126-Reviewing of International Journals: "Analytical Modeling of the Effect of Pole offset on the Output Parameters of BLDC Motor", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
127-Reviewing of International Journals: “Fuzzy Logic Controller Grid Connected DG System", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
128-Reviewing of International Journals: “DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF CASCADED VOLTAGE MULTIPLIER CELLS INTEGRATED BOOST CONVERTER", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
129-Reviewing of International Journals: "Modeling of an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter by Equivalent Electric Circuit Theory", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
130-Reviewing of International Journals: "Optimal Lighting Energy Consumption and Distributed Illumination of a Lighting System that combines Daylight and Electric light", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
131-Reviewing of International Journals: “Numerical Analysis of the Double-Sided Linear Induction Motor with a Ladder-Slot Secondary”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
132-Reviewing of International Journals: “IMPLEMENTATION OF LTE ADVANCED USING DIFFERENT RELAY ENVIRONMENT IN OF DMA SYSTEM WITH SER PERFORMANCE", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
133-Reviewing of International Journals: "A proposed advanced maximum power point tracking control for a photovoltaic-solar pump system", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
134-Reviewing of International Journals: "An Improved Multi-functional Scheme for Grid Interfaced PV Energy Conversion System", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
135-Reviewing of International Journals: “MODELLING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AND HYBRID SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
136-Reviewing of International Journals: “Design and Comparison of Optimal Controllers for Reactive Power Compensation Using STATCOM FACTS Device in Power System", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
137-Reviewing of International Journals: "Solar Powered Sensorless Induction Motor Drive with Improved Efficiency for Water Pumping", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
138-Reviewing of International Journals: "Voltage Unbalance and Distortion on the Loss Characteristics of Three Phase Cage Induction Motor", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
139-Reviewing of International Journals: "Analytical Modeling of the Effect of Pole offset on the Output Parameters of BLDC Motor", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
140-Reviewing of International Journals: "A review on the recent charger topologies, control strategies and architectures of electric vehicle applications", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
141-Reviewing of International Journals: “Analysis and Enhancement of Small Signal Stability Affected by the Penetration of Renewable Energy Resources”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
143-Reviewing of International Journals: "Developing an Advanced Daylight Model for Building Energy Tool to Simulate Dynamic Shading Device", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
144-Reviewing of International Journals: "High-Frequency Modeling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Star Connection", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
145-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Single-Stage Sensorless Control of a PV based Bore-Well Submersible BLDC Motor", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
146-Reviewing of International Journals: “Grid Voltage Sensorless Control of Single Phase Grid Tied Inverter for Renewable Energy System Applications”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
147-Reviewing of International Journals: “Maximum Boost Control for 7-Level Z-Source Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
149-Reviewing of International Journals: “MODIFIED APO PWM BASED MULTILEVEL INVERTER TOPOLOGY FOR SOLAR POWER CONVERSION SYSTEM", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
150-Reviewing of International Journals: “Shunt based active Power Factor Correction for Direct Torque Controlled PMSM Drive", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
151-Reviewing of International Journals: “Input-Output Linearizing Control Based on a Newly Extended MVT Observer Design: an Induction Motor Application", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
152-Reviewing of International Journals: "High-Frequency Modeling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Star Connection", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
153-Reviewing of International Journals: "Optimal Efficiency Control in a Wind System with Doubly Fed Induction Generator", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2016
154-Reviewing of International Journals: "Study on Uniform Energy Control Strategy of AC Resistance Spot Welding ", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
155-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Novel Evolutionary Technique to Estimate Induction Machine Parameters from Nameplate Data", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
156-Reviewing of International Journals: "Novel Multi-Level Island Detection Strategy for an Autonomous Microgrid with Small Hydro Generators ", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
157-Reviewing of International Journals: "Novel Optimized Methods for Maximum Power Point Tracking in PV Systems Using Fractional Open Circuit Voltage Technique ", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
158-Reviewing of International Journals: “Double Stator Winding Induction Generator for Renewable Energy Conversion System", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
159-Reviewing of International Journals: “Coordination of A Three Level STATCOM and Enhanced Field Oriented Controller for Grid Connected DFIG to Improve Performance during Different Faults", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
160-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Novel Partitioned Stator Switched Flux Memory Machine", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
161-Reviewing of International Journals: “INVESTIGATION & IMPLEMENTATION OF SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
162-Reviewing of International Journals: "Design of a Direct AC-AC Converter with Two-Phase PMSM", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
163-Reviewing of International Journals: “A comprehensive Assessment of two Soft Computing Global MPPT based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Cuckoo Search techniques for Partially Shaded PV System ”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
164-Reviewing of International Journals: "An improved variable step size P&O MPPT Technique for Photovoltaic Systems", Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
165-Reviewing of International Journals: “CURRENT SHARING IN PARALLELED CONNECTED LUO CONVERTERS FOR STANDALONE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
166-Reviewing of International Journals: "Harmonics analysis of induction motor at varying loads", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
167-Reviewing of International Journals: “Study on Harmonic Mitigation Techniques for Electronically Commutated BLDC motors used in Industrial Blowers/Fans", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
168-Reviewing of International Journals: "Dynamic Analysis of a Novel Single-Phase Induction Generator using an Improved Machine Model", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
169-Reviewing of International Journals: “Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive’s Better Performance and Analysis with A New Modified MPPT Controller in Interfacing with dSPACE DS-1104”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
170-Reviewing of International Journals: "Analytic Model for Performance Study and Computer Aided Design of Single-phase Shaded-Pole Induction Motors", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
171-Reviewing of International Journals: "Self-excited induction generators operating with synchronous generators for application in isolated generation", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
172-Reviewing of International Journals: "Comparison of Suspension Winding Configurations and Control Strategies for Bearingless Flux-Switching PM motor", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
173-Reviewing of International Journals: "Analysis of Synchronous Parasitic Torque in Dual Skew Cage Rotor Induction Motors with Equivalent Slot Number", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
174-Reviewing of International Journals: "Permanent partial shading detection for protection of photovoltaic panels against hot spotting", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
175-Reviewing of International Journals: “Comparative Study between PSPWM and SVPWM Techniques Based on MLI for Induction Motor Drive", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
176-Reviewing of International Journals: “Impact of electrical perturbations on energy conservation in induction motor drives”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
177-Reviewing of International Journals: “Development of a low cost test rig for wind energy conversion systems subject to electrical faults under non-stationary conditions", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
179-Reviewing of International Journals: "Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Rotor Parameters under Unbalance Voltage", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
180-Reviewing of International Journals: “An effective four-level voltage switching state algorithm for direct torque controlled open end winding induction motor drive by using two two-level inverters”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
181-Reviewing of International Journals: “OPTIMAL TUNING OF A SINGLE INPUT T-S FLC USING PSO ALGORITHM FOR PV SYSTEM", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
182-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Review of Hybrid Topologies Combining Line-Commutated and Cascaded Full-Bridge Converters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
184-Reviewing of International Journals: “DETAILED MODELLING OF PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR (PMSM) FOR ELECTRICAL FORKLIFTS PART-I", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
186-Reviewing of International Journals: "The Application of An Improved Discretization Method for the Rotor-bearing Assembly in the Radiated Noise Analysis of the Permanent Magnet Motor Using Riccati Transfer Matrix Method", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
187-Reviewing of International Journals: "Efficiency Optimization in Small Induction Motors Using Magnetic Slot Wedges", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2015
188-Reviewing of International Journals: "An Energy Management Scheme with Power Limit Capability and an Adaptive Maximum Power Point Tracking for Standalone Wind Energy Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
189-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Versatile Rotor Speed Computation Scheme for Enhanced Control of DFIM under Unbalanced Grid Conditions", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
190-Reviewing of International Journals: "Model-Based Predictive Direct Power Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Generators for Wind Power Applications", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
191-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Comparative Performance of DTC Induction Motor Drive Using Two-Level and Three-Level Bus-Clamped SVPWM ”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
192-Reviewing of International Journals: "Robust One-Step ahead State Predictor using Adaptive Proportional-Integral Observer", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
194-Reviewing of International Journals: “Improvement of the Detection of the Defect Squirrel Cage Rotor by the study of additional components of the space harmonics”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
195-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Fuzzy Logic Controller applied to a DFIM", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
196-Reviewing of International Journals: “Predictive Control Based Five-to-Three Direct Matrix Converter for Multi-Phase Generation”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
197-Reviewing of International Journals: "Optimisation of Magnetic Circuit for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
198-Reviewing of International Journals: "Hybrid Topology of Symmetrical Multilevel Inverter using Less Number of Devices", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
199-Reviewing of International Journals: “INNOVATIVE ELECTRICAL MACHINE FOR WIND TURBINE SYSTEMS", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
202-Reviewing of International Journals: “SYSTEMIC DESIGN OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES POWER CHAIN WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC CONVERTER", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
203-Reviewing of International Journals: “Control and Operation of DC Smart Grid Based on Renewable Energy”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
204-Reviewing of International Journals: “Control and Operation of DC Smart Grid Based on Renewable Energy”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
205-Reviewing of International Journals: “AN INDIRECT ADAPTIVE SPEED CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTORS USING NEURO FUZZY APPROXIMATORS", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
206-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Multifunctional Series Compensator for Fault Ride-Through Capability Enhancement of Squirrel-Cage induction Generator", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
207-Reviewing of International Journals: "On the Identifiability of Steady State Induction Machine Models using External Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
209-Reviewing of International Journals: “SPACE VECTOR MODULATED DIRECT TORQUE CONTROL OF IPMSM DRIVE", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
210-Reviewing of International Journals: “Comparative study between two methods of independent control of the powers of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
211-Reviewing of International Journals: “ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF Z SOURCE INVERTER USING PM SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR DRIVE", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
212-Reviewing of International Journals: "Improved Active Yaw Control Technique for an Horizontal Axis Wind Generator", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
214-Reviewing of International Journals: “An Advanced SMPS Converter To Track the Maximum power from the Thermoelectric Generator", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
215-Reviewing of International Journals: “HYBRID FUZZY SLIDING MODE PERFORMANCE CONTROL APPLIED TO A DFIM", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
216-Reviewing of International Journals: “Control of Shunt Active Power Filter Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
217-Reviewing of International Journals: “Synchronous Reference Frame method for Mitigation of Current Harmonics with PI and FLC based Shunt Active Filter under Load Variation", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
218-Reviewing of International Journals: “STUDY OF CASCADED DOUBLY FED INDUCTION GENERATOR IN WIND ENERGY WITH VARIABLE PITCH CONTROL SYSTEM", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
219-Reviewing of International Journals: “Non−iterative Maximum power point tracking of PV array using short circuit and open circuit values for a single−stage grid connected inverter”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
220-Reviewing of International Journals: "Modeling and Implementation of the Direct Torque Control Technique Used in an Innovative Photovoltaic-Powered Pumping Application", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
221-Reviewing of International Journals: “Performance Evaluation of Dual-Bridge High Frequency Resonant DC/DC Converter", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
222-Reviewing of International Journals: “ROBUST SLIDING MODE CONTROL DESIGN FOR A QUADRATIC BOOST CONVERTER", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
223-Reviewing of International Journals: “Analysis, Design and Implementation of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive Based on Slip Angle”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
224-Reviewing of International Journals: "Induction Machine Parameter Measurement through Processing the Transient Current Response to a DC Step Voltage", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
225-Reviewing of International Journals: “A NONLINEAR ADAPTIVE BACKSTEPPING CONTROL SPEED FOR A PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
226-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Multidimensional Space Vector PWM Algorithm using Branch Space Voltage Vector ", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
227-Reviewing of International Journals: "Research on Sensorless and Advanced Angle Control Strategies for Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Motor ", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
228-Reviewing of International Journals: “DESIGN OF AN ENERGY EFFICIENT AUTOTRANSFORMER FOR STARTING AN INDUCTION MOTOR", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
229-Reviewing of International Journals: "FPGA Implementation of a Single-Input Fuzzy PID Controller for DC-DC Buck Converters", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
230-Reviewing of International Journals: "FPGA Implementation of a Single-Input Fuzzy PID Controller for DC-DC Buck Converters", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
231-Reviewing of International Journals: "Dual Mode Operation of Wind-Solar Based Single-Phase Reconfigurable Microgrid", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
232-Reviewing of International Journals: "Eigenvalue Based Relative Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for Optimized Performance of Sensorless Induction Motor Drives", IET Electric Power Applications Journal, England, United Kingdom.
233-Reviewing of International Journals: “Input-Output feedback linearizing control based on the adaptive flux observer of the induction motor", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
234-Reviewing of International Journals: “SSR Control Using STATCOM with SubSynchronous Damping Controller", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
235-Reviewing of International Journals: "Fuzzy supervised online Coactive Neuro Fuzzy Inference system based Rotor Position Control of Brushless DC Motor", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
Scientific Activities of 2014
236-Reviewing of International Journals: "Characterization of Tubular Linear Switched Reluctance Actuators and the Design Consideration Applied to Linear Compressors", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
237-Reviewing of International Journals: "Optimization of LCL filter based on closed-loop THD calculation model of the grid-connected inverter", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
238-Reviewing of International Journals: "Enhancement in Primary Frequency Contribution using Dynamic Deloading of Wind Turbines", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
239-Reviewing of International Journals: "Hybrid Power Electronic Controller for combined operation of Constant Power and MPPT for single phase Grid-tied PV Systems", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
240-Reviewing of International Journals: "Effects of Voltage-Loop PI Controller Design on Frequency Transients in Single-Loop Control Based Standalone Brushless Generation ", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
241-Reviewing of International Journals: "A Review on Model Reference Adaptive System for Speed Sensorless Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
242-Reviewing of International Journals: “A GRID CONNECTED ASYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR DRIVEN BY A PITCH CONTROLLED HORIZONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINE", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
243-Reviewing of International Journals: “Fuzzy Logic Based Control Strategy for Three Phase BLDC Motor with Variable Load", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
244-Reviewing of International Journals: “MRAS Based Rotor Speed and Position Estimation for Sensorless Speed Control of SPM Synchronous Motor with Starting Algorithm using Current Control ”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
245-Reviewing of International Journals: "Converter Rating Optimization for a Brushless Doubly fed Induction Generator", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
247-Reviewing of International Journals: “Extended Space Vector Method for Calculation of Induction Motor Parameters”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
248-Reviewing of International Journals: “Mathematical Modeling of Power Transformers", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
249-Reviewing of International Journals: "Dynamic Performance Improvement of DC Microgrids", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
250-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Study of the Performance of Generators Used in Wind Systems ", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
251-Reviewing of International Journals: “Direct Torque Neural Network Control of Dual Stator Induction Motor ", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
252-Reviewing of International Journals: “Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Induction motor using Support Vector Machine ”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
253-Reviewing of International Journals: “MODELING AND DIRECT TORQUE CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR BY USING FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL TECHNIQUE", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
254-Reviewing of International Journals: “Torque ripple minimization of direct drive switched reluctance motor", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
255-Reviewing of International Journals: "Nonlinear Dynamic Power Tracking of Low-Power Wind Energy Conversion System ", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
256-Reviewing of International Journals: "Advanced Integrated Modeling and Analysis for Adjustable Speed Drives of Induction Motors Operating with Minimum Losses", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
257-Reviewing of International Journals: "Control of Interfacing Power Sharing Converter in an Autonomous Hybrid Micro grid", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
258-Reviewing of International Journals: "Large-scale Photovoltaic Plant Harmonic Transmission Model and Analysis on Resonance characteristics", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
259-2-Reviewing of International Journals: "Flexible Power Weighting Distribution for Three-Phase Parallel Inverters with Networked Control ", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
260-Reviewing of International Journals: “Vector Control of wind conversion system based on a squirrel cage induction generator-(SCIG)", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
261-Reviewing of International Journals: “Feedback Linearization and Sliding Mode Controllers for Shunt DC Motor", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
262-Reviewing of International Journals: “Trajectory tracking sensor fault tolerant controller design for induction motor drive", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
263-Reviewing of International Journals: “Finite States Predictive Torque and Flux Control of an Induction Motor Drive fed by a Direct Matrix Converter with Reactive Power Minimization", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
264-Reviewing of International Journals: “Backstepping Control of wind conversion system based on a squirrel cage Induction generator (SCIG)", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
265-Reviewing of International Journals: “SPEED CONTROL OF PMBLDC MOTOR USING PI AND PID CONTROLLER - A COMPARATIVE STUDY", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
266-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Backstepping Control Strategy of a Hybrid Generation System Based on a Photovoltaic Array and a Fuel Cell”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
267-Reviewing of International Journals: “NOVEL SPEED SENSORLESS INDIRECT FIELD-ORIENTED CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR USING PLL AND EKF", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
268-Reviewing of International Journals: "Research of Maximum Power Point Tracking in the Photovoltaic System in Redundant Load Mode", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
269-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Novel DTC-SVM Associated With the Calculation of PI Regulator of the Induction Machine", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
270-Reviewing of International Journals: "Hybrid Sensorless Control for SPMSM Using Secondary Saliency Tracking and Active Flux Observer", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, USA.
271-7-Reviewing of International Journals: “Recent Advances in Induction motors for Broken Rotor Bar Fault diagnosis: A Comprehensive Review", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
272-Reviewing of International Journals: “Sensorless indirect field-oriented control OF induction motor Based on PLL and Novel MRAS", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
273-Reviewing of International Journals: "Photovoltaic Systems in Low Voltage Networks and Overvoltage Correction with Reactive Power Control", IET Renewable Power Generation Journal, England, United Kingdom.
274-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Fuzzy Logic Based Voltage Regulation System for Independent Load Operations of Stand Alone Self-Excited Induction Generators”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
275-Reviewing of International Journals: "Networked Control of Microgrid with Microalternator and Photovoltaic Systems", IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
276-Reviewing of International Journals: “DESIGN AND MODELLING OF PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
277-1-Reviewing of Scientific Journals: "Analysis of Permanent Magnet Brushless AC Motor Using Fourier Transform Approach", ASEJ - Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Cairo, Egypt.
Scientific Activities of 2013
278-Reviewing of International Journals: "Simple Neutral-Point Voltage Control for Three-Level Inverters Using a Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
279-Reviewing of International Journals: "Optimization of Induction Motor Soft-Starting Through Artificial Immune System", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
280-Reviewing of International Journals: "Open Loop Sensorless Slip Position Estimator of a DFIM Based on Air-gap Active Power Calculations – Sensitivity Study", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
281-Reviewing of International Journals: "Model-Free Controller Tuning based on DFT Processing: Application to Induction Motor Drives", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
282-Reviewing of International Journals: “SVM based finite control set model predictive control technique for MPPT of photovoltaic array”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
283-Reviewing of International Journals: “State Space Analysis of a Solar Power Array taking a Higher Degree of Non-Linearity into Account”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
284-Reviewing of International Journals: “Fuzzy Logic Based Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation for Induction Motor”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
285-Reviewing of International Journals: "Real-Time Detection of Open-Circuit Faults in VSI-Fed Three- Phase Induction Motors", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
286-Reviewing of International Journals: "Optimal FLPID Controllers Design by BA for Hydro-Thermal System", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
287-Reviewing of International Journals: “SVPWM Algorithm for Multilevel Voltage Source Inverters Based on Matrix Transformation and Including Operation in the Over-modulation Region”, IET Power Electronics Journal, England, United Kingdom.
288-Reviewing of International Journals: “Single-Phase Double H-Bridge Voltage Source Converter Fed SRM Drive”, JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
289-Reviewing of International Journals: “On The Analysis and Optimal Control Design of BLDC Drives”, JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
290-Reviewing of International Journals: “Genetic Algorithm Approach to Find Excitation Capacitances for 3-phase SMSEIG Operating Single-phase Loads", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
291-Reviewing of International Journals: "Intelligent Controller for Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives", JEE (Journal of Electrical Engineering), Romania.
Scientific Activities of 2012
292-Reviewing of International Journals: "Experimental and numerical analysis of a Simple Core Loss Calculation for AC filter inductor in PWM DC-AC Inverters", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
293-Reviewing of International Journals: "Experience in Developing a Novel Single-Phase Two Winding 5 kW Self-Excited Induction Generator for Off-grid Renewable Energy based Power Generation", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
294-Reviewing of International Journals: “Power conditioning system for grid-connected photovoltaic system", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
295-Reviewing of International Journals: “Evaluation of techniques for online efficiency estimation of induction machines", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
296-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Soft-Transition of Multilevel Inverter for Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
297-Reviewing of International Journals: “Optimal Placement of Solar Farm on a Transmission Grid Using Multiobjective Bees Algorithm", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
298-Reviewing of International Journals: “IRPT Based Control of a 50 kW Grid Interfaced Solar Photovoltaic Power Generating System with Power Quality Improvement”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2011
299-Reviewing of International Journals: “Generalised Approach to the Analysis of Asymmetrical Delta Connected Three-Phase Induction Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
300-Reviewing of International Journals: “Design Optimization of Induction Motor: Supply Voltage Perspectives and Experimental Illustrations”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
301-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Stability Enhancement Method for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Stations”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
302-Reviewing of International Journals: “Comparison of the Energy Efficiency of Electric Induction Motors Driving Different Types of Mechanical Loads”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
303-Reviewing of International Journals: “On-Line Efficiency Optimization And Speed-Sensorless Control Of Single-Phase Induction Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
304-Reviewing of International Journals: “Design of Microprocessor Based Static Slip Energy Recovery Controlled Slip Ring Induction Motor Drive Feeding Speed Dependent Load”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
305-Reviewing of International Journals: "Investigation of a low-power, double-sided switched reluctance generator for wave energy conversion", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
306-Reviewing of International Journals: “Design Optimization of a Spinning Motor in Textile Industry Using Modified Differential Evolution Algorithms", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
307-Reviewing of International Journals: “Modelling and Control of an Autonomous Photovoltaic System Based Sliding Mode Controlled Buck-Boost Converter", Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2010
308-Reviewing of International Journals: “Estimation of Induction Motor Operating Power Factor From Measured Current and Manufacturer Data”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
309-Reviewing of International Journals: “Voltage Sensorless Estimation of Induction Motor Operating Power Factor From Measured Current and Manufacturer Data”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
310-Reviewing of International Journals: “SPEED CONTROL OF A REAL TIME D.C SHUNT MOTOR USING PSO BASED TUNING OF A PID CONTROLLER”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
311-Reviewing of International Journals: “Parameters Estimation of Permanent Capacitor Single-Phase Induction Motor Using Turns Ratio as Complex Quantity”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
312-Reviewing of International Journals: “Design and Implementation of a New Thermoelectric-Photovoltaic Hybrid Energy System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2009
313-Reviewing of International Journals: “Tandem Inverter Control for High Performance-Low Power Losses Electrical Drives”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
314-Reviewing of International Journals: “Control of Zero Sequence Braking for Three–Phase Induction Motor Operating from Single-Phase Supply with a Controlled Capacitor”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
315-Reviewing of International Journals: “Resistance Estimation in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors for Real-Time Thermal Management - Part 1: Methods”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
316-Reviewing of International Journals: “INTERCONNECTION OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATOR (PVG) TO A MAIN SUPPLY: A SIMULATION STUDY”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
317-Reviewing of International Journals: “PI fuzzy gain-scheduling speed control at startup of a gas turbine power plant”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
318-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Novel Scheme for Rapid Tracking of Maximum Power Point in Wind Energy Generation Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
319-Reviewing of International Journals: “Hydroelectric Power Generation using Municipal Waste Water: an Energy Scenario in the Twenty-First Century”, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA.
320-Reviewing of International Journals: “Formulating a New Method for Estimating the CF of Variable Speed Wind Turbines”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
321-Reviewing of International Journals: “Study of a Novel Energy Efficient Single-phase Induction Motor with Three Series-connected Windings and Two Capacitors”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2008
322-Reviewing of International Journals: “A Simplified Control Algorithm for the AC/DC Power Converter of the Wind Power Generation System”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
323-Reviewing of International Journals: “Transient Analysis of Self Excited Induction Generator with Generalized Impedance Controller”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
324-Reviewing of International Journals: “MMF Harmonic Effects on Single-Phase Induction Motor Performance – A Review”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
325-Reviewing of International Journals: “Implementation of a Voltage Regulator for an Isolated Asynchronous Generator Feeding Induction Motor Loads”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2005
326-Reviewing of International Journals: “Influence of the DC Link coil Inductance on the Harmonics of a Slip Energy Recovery System”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
Scientific Activities of 2003
327- Symposium on Power Transformers and Their Standards for Engineers from Several Industrial Sectors, Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University.
328- Issuing and Chief Editor of the Technical Journal “Journal of Engineering Research” For Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University.
329-Reviewing of International Journals: “Doubly Fed Induction Generator Model for Transient Stability Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, USA.
Scientific Activities of 1996
330- Symposium on Power Transformers and Their Standards for Engineers from Several Industrial Sectors, Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University


Chairman of the team of Electrical Designs of “Esna Barrages”, through the Consulting Center of the Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University, (1994/1995) .
Chairman of the team of Electrical Designs for EVA FARMA Factory (Private Sector) (1996/1997).
Testing Motors for Washing Machines of “Ideal Company” (1998/1999).