Statement of Prof. Ibrahim Abdallha Gaaboub:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): إبراهيم عبدا لله جعبوب
Faculty: Agriculture
Department: Plant Protection
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Insect Physiology
Minor Speciality: Neurophysiology
Current position: Professor
Office address: Faculty of Agriculture - Moshtohor, Toukh, Kalyoubia,13736 ,Egypt
Mobile 1: 00201006924808
Work phone: 0132460306
Fax: 0132467786 - 0132468954
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Associate Professor at Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture. Moshtohor, Benha Univ. , Kaliobia, Egypt Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture. Moshtohor, Benha Univ. , Kaliobia, Egypt Egypt 2005 2011
Assistant Professor at Dept. of Entomology, Faculy of Agriculture. Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ. , Kaliobia, Egypt Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture. Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ. , Kaliobia, Egypt Egypt 2000 2005
Assistant lecturer, Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture . Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ., Kaliobia, Egypt Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture . Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ., Kaliobia, Egypt Egypt 1990 1995
Ph.D student on a scholarship funded by the Egyptian Ministry of higher education at the Univ. of Goettingen, Germany. Ph.D student on a scholarship funded by the Egyptian Ministry of higher education at the Univ. of Goettingen, Germany. Germaney 1995 2000
Demonstrator, Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture. Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ., Kaliobia, Egypt. Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture. Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ., Kaliobia, Egypt. ERgypt 1988 1990
Professor at Dept. of Entomology Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture. Moshtohor, Benha Univ Egypt 2012 Until Now

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
18. 1st International Conference On Biotechnology Applications In Agriculture. Benha University, Moshtohor and Hurghada, 18-22, February 2012, Egypt 2012
The 6th International Conference of Biological Sciences -The Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology - Egypt 2010
16. The 3rd Mediterranean Conference of Neuroscience - Alex Biblotik- Egypt 2009
15. The 5th International Conference Biological Sciences -The Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology - Egypt 2008
Genetic manipulated food and the relation with human health and his environment (2007) at the Academy of Scientific & Technology, Egypt National Commitee of Toxicology (14/2/2007). 2007
Health hazards of drinking water pollution (2007) at Academy of Scientific & Technology, Egypt National Commitee of Toxicology (28/5/2007). 2007
13. Bilogical control Conference - Egypt 2007
11. The 4th International Conference Biological Sciences -The Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology - Egypt 2006
12. The 3rd International Conference of Plant Protection Research Institute Egypt 2006
14. Advantages and disadvantges of pesticides conference- Egypt 2006
From 5 – 9 March 2005 Training in electron microscope unit, ( The circular Electron Microscopy Training Program “ Techniques”. Faculty of Science, Alexandria University. 2005
10. The 1st Scientific Conference of The Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology. 2005
9. The 3rd International Conference on Biological Sciences -The Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology. 2004
7. The 29th Goettingen Neurobiology Germany 2003
8. The 1st International Egyptian – Romanian Conference - Egypt 2003
Integrated Pest Management of Modified Atmospheres for Control of Post-Harvest Pests at Faculty of Agriculture Moshtohor, Plant Protection Department 23-24/6/2002 2002
The 28th Goettingen Neurobiology Germany 2002
5. The 6th International Congress of Neuroethology- Germany 2001
Meet the locusts (3 –5 July 2001) part of the royal society summer science exhibition, research from the universities of Bath, Oxford and Southampton. 2001
From Feb. – September 2001 Research fellow in School of Biological Sciences University of Southampton, England (Work group Dr. Philip Newland). 2001
4. The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology- England 2000
From Feb.-May 1999 visitor in School of Biological Sciences University of Southampton, England (Work group Dr. Philip Newland). 1999
3. The 27 th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference - Germany 1999
6 -10 September 1998 Spezifische motorische reaktion nach reizung tarsaler kontakt- Chemorezeptoren ( Specific motor reaction after stimulating tarsal contact chemoreceptor). (Sensormotorik bei invertebraten in Violau) Univ. Muenchen. 1998
2. The 26 th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference - Germany 1998
2-5 April 1997 Motorische antworten auf reizung chemorezeptiver sensormotorik Bei Locusta sp. (Motor response of stimulating contact chemoreceptor in Locusta sp.). (Sensormotorik bei invertebraten), Univ. Kaiserslautern. 1997
1. First International Egyptian – Russian Conference for Biophysics - Egypt 1992

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Graduation student (Ph. D.) 1996 -2000 at Goettingen Uni. Germany Thesis title: (Neural processing of chemosensory Information from the locust legs). PhD 2000
M. Sc. Economic Entomology Zagazig Univ. 1990. Thesis title: (Electrophysiological studies on the cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (Bios.) excellent . MSc 1990
B. Sc. Entomology, Alexandria University. June 1985. Very good with honour degree. BSc 1985

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
1) International Society for Neuroethology. Membership
2) The Egyptian Society of Biological Control. Membership
3) The Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology. Membership
4) The Egyptian Society of Entomology. Membership
5) The Science Advisory Board. Membership
6) Annals of Agricultural Sciences, Moshtohor. Membership
- Grant from the Egyptian Government, Project title (Neural processing of chemosensory information from the locust legs). 1995 Award
- British Neuroscience Association, Project title (Central mapping of contact chemoreceptors in the central nervous system) 2001. Award
- British Neuroscience Association, Project title (Studying the morphological and anatomical structures for sens organ by using scanning and transimmision electron microscope), 1999. Award

Committees details:

Committee Year
General Secretary of the Scientific Committee at the Egyptian Syndicate of Agrarians 2003
Committee of Postgraduate Studies and Research at Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University 2002
Committee of Quality Assurance and Accreditation at Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University 2001
Committee of Environment at Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University. 2000

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2015
1-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
2-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
3-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
4-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
5-- Etay El-Baroud Agricultural Research Station, Egypt
6-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
7--Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
Scientific Activities of 2013
8-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
9-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
10-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
11-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
12-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
13-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
Scientific Activities of 2012
14-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
15-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
16-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
17-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
18-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
19-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
20-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
Scientific Activities of 2011
21-- Etay El-Baroud Agricultural Research Station, Egypt
22-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
23-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
24-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
25-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
26-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
Scientific Activities of 2010
27-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
28-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
29-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
30-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
31-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
32-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
33-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
Scientific Activities of 2009
34-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
35-- Etay El-Baroud Agricultural Research Station, Egypt
36-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
37-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
Scientific Activities of 2008
38-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
39-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
40-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
41-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
42-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
Scientific Activities of 2007
43-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
44-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
45-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
46-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
47-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
Scientific Activities of 2006
48-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
49-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
50-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
51-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
52-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
Scientific Activities of 2005
53-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
54-UMR 1272 Physiologie de l'Insecte Signalisation et Communication
55-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
56-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
Scientific Activities of 2004
57-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
58-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
59-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
60-- Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
Scientific Activities of 2003
61-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
62-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
Scientific Activities of 2002
63-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
Scientific Activities of 2001
64-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
65-Agricultural Research Center, Central Pesticide Laboratory
Scientific Activities of 2000
66-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
Scientific Activities of 1999
67--Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Department of Neurobiology University of Göttingen, Germany
68-- School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, England
Scientific Activities of 1994
69-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
70-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
Scientific Activities of 1993
71-- Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt of Agriculture
72-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science
Scientific Activities of 1991
73-- Faculty of Sceince, Alexandria university, Egypt of Science


Gained experience in Microsoft Office (MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint)
Experienced in using statistic software (SAS, MSTAT-C and Sigma plot)
Experienced in using Photoshop CS
Gained experience in designing screens for multimedia presentations, and preparing documents for the world-wide web.
Histochemistry, Electrophysiological apparatus and Electron microscope