Statement of Prof. Ebrahim Mohamed Abdelmoeti Ebrahim Aboleila:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): إبراهيم محمد عبد المعطى ابراهيم ابوالعيلة
Faculty: Medicine
Department: Anaesthesia
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality:
Minor Speciality:
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: Banha Faculty Of Medicine – Anesthesia Department
Mobile 1: 0104894395
Mobile 2: 0110235953
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Resdence of anaesthesia Benha University Hospitals A.R.E. 1981-1-1 1984
Assisstant Lecture Of Anaesthesia Benha Faculty Of Medicine A.R.E. 1985-1-1 1992
Lecturer Of Anaesthesia Benha Faculty Of Medicine A.R.E. 1992-1-1 2000
Assistant Professour of Anaesthesia Benha Faculty Of Medicine A.R.E. 2000-1-1 2005
Professour Of Anaesthesia Benha Faculty Of Medicine A.R.E. 2005-1-1 2012

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
13th Alexandria Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Conference (ASAIC) 2009
12th Alexandria Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Conference (ASAIC) 2008
22nd Anesthesia International Egyptian conference 2006
21st Anesthesia International Egyptian conference 2005
18th Anesthesia International Egyptian Conference 2002
6TH International congress on Patients Safety During anesthesia ,Intensive care and Pain Management- 2001
Annual National Anesthesia Meeting 2000

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Zagazig university Banha branch PhD 1992
Zagazig university Banha branch MSc 1984
Zagazig university Banha branch BSc 1979

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Central Society Of Egyptian Anesthesiologist Membership

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:
