Statement of Prof. Ibrahim Mohamed Reda kasb:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): ابراهيم محمد رضا ابراهيم قصب
Faculty: Medicine
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Cardiothoracic surgery
Minor Speciality: Open heart surgry Chest surgery
Current position: Dept. Head
Office address: Benha Faculty of medicine
Mobile 1: 0103361482
Mobile 2: 01200156000
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
2015 until now
Ass. professor Benha University Egypt 2012 until now
Consultant Nasser Institute Hospital Egypt 2011 until now
Cosultant National Institute of chest Egypt 2015 until now
Consultant El- Zaton Hospital Cairo , Egypt 2010 until now

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Stem Cell 2015
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Chest Medicine 2015
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Cardio-thoracic surgery 2015
VATS 2015
Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy 2014
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Cardio-thoracic surgery 2014
Annual Meeting of EACTS Itally 2014
Minimal Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery 2014
Thoracic Sympathectomy Video assisted 2014
Aortic Valve Preservation Surgery 2014
Mitral Valvr Repair 2014
Coronary anastmosis 2014
Minimal Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery 2014
Aortic Valve Sparing Surgery 2014
Chest wall Reconstruction 2013
Coronary artery anastomosis 2013
Mitral Valve Repair 2013
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Cardio-thoracic surgery 2013
Annual Meeting of EACTS Barcelona 2012
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Cardio-thoracic surgery 2012
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Cardio-thoracic surgery 2011
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Cardio-thoracic surgery 2010

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Ain shams university, Fuculty of medicine PhD 2007
Ain Shams University PhD 2007
Benha University, Faculty of Medicine MSc 1999
Benha University MSc 1999
Benha University, Faculty of Medicine BSc 1994
Benha Univesity BSc 1994

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Egyptian Society of cardiothoracic surgery Membership
Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery Membership
European Society of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery Membership
American society of chest surgery STS Membership
Egyptian society of Stem cell Membership
European Association of Cardio-thoracic Surgery (EACTS) Membership
European Society of Thoracic Surgery Membership
Egyptian Society of Cardio-thoracic Surgery Membership

Committees details:

Committee Year
Annual meeting of Egyptian society of chest diease 2015

Scientific Activities:


Adult Cardiac Surgery
Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery
Mitral Valve Repair
Adult Congenital heart surgery
Congenital heart with good anatomy ASD , VSD , PAPVC , PDA , Aortic Coarctation ..........
General Thoracic Surgery
VATS for Plural lesions , Peripheral lung lesions , Emphysematous Bullea
Tracheal and Eosophgeal Stents
Mediastinal lesions
Bronchoscopy and eosphgoscopy