Statement of Prof. Inas Anwar Osman Aboul Nasr:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): إيناس أنور عثمان أبو النصر
Faculty: Arts
Department: French
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: French literature (comparative)
Minor Speciality: Modern French novel
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: Elkalubiya_NewBenha,7faredNadaStreet
Work phone: 0133224718
Fax: 013-322-4718

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Translator Economy and Foreign Trade Ministry Cairo 1970-1-1 1972
Translator Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs Cairo 1972-1-1 1979
Assistant lecturer Faculty of Arts Benha 1979-1-1 1984
Lecturer Faculty of Arts Benha 1984-1-1 1990
Assistant Prof. Faculty of Arts Benha 1990-1-1 1998
Professor Faculty of Arts Benha 1999-1-1 2007
Emeritus Professor Faculty of Arts Benha 2007-1-1 2010

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
12. Cultural season of Fac. of Arts - Benha Univ. : Culture of Knowledge 2009
6. Conference : Alexandrie dans l’œuvre d’Edward Kharrat et Lawrence Durell - French Dept. - Fac. of Arts - Mansoura Univ. 2000
5. International Conference : « Popular Literature » - Fac. of Arts - Mansoura Univ. 1998
10. Septième Colloque International du Dept. de Fr. - Fac. des Lettres - Univ. du Caire. « Le Récit populaire entre oralité et écriture » - Le Caire 31
7. Colloque International : Discours et Relations de Pouvoir - Univ. du Caire - Fac. des Lettres - Dept. de Fr. 29
4. Premier colloque des Problèmes du Théâtre dans le Monde Arabe - Univ. d’Alex. - Fac. des Lettres 27
2. Premier colloque des influences échangées entre les deux littératures arabe et française - Univ. de Zagaziq - Centre International des Civilisations 26
3. Colloque International de la Littérature comparée dans le Monde Arabe - Univ. du Caire - Fac. des Lettres 20
11. International Conference of « Higher Education between Recent Status and changing culture » - Benha Univ. - Fac. of Arts 18
1. Colloque International Texte et Contexte. Univ. du Caire - Fac. des Lettres - Dept. de Fr. - 12
8. Premier Congrès régional de la Commission du Monde Arabe - (Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français) - « Arabo et Franco-phonie - Actions et interactions » - Univ. du Caire - Fac. des Lettres - Dept. de Fr. 6
9. Séminaire : Approches du texte littéraire - C.F.C.C. - Le Caire 6

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Last : Cairo Univ. Fac. of Arts PhD 1984
Cairo Univ. Fac. of Arts MSc 1978
Alexandria Univ. Fac. of Arts BSc 1969

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Association Égyptienne des Professeurs de Français (A.E.P.F.) memberships
Association de la littérature comparative (Univ. du Caire) memberships
3) Foreign language and environment service center (Special unit). Univ. of Benha memberships

Committees details:

Committee Year
1) Superior studies and researches committee (Fac. of Arts - Benha) 0
2) Cultural relations committee (Fac. of Arts - Benha) 0

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2005
1-6. Appointed as vice-dean for Postgraduate Studies Affairs
Scientific Activities of 1999
2-5. Supervising the academic and administrative procedures in the Dept. during the period at which I was appointed Head of the Dept.
Scientific Activities of 1990
3-3. Supervising and examining many PhD and MA theses in the faculty as well as in other faculties of Arts and education around Egypt
4-4. Teaching post graduate students in the Dept.
Scientific Activities of 1984
5-1. Cultural and youth activities with students – Benha
Scientific Activities of 1979
6-2. Teaching under graduate students since my appointment
