Statement of Prof. Magdy Abd El-Hamied Abdel-Rahman Soltan:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): مجدى عبد الحميد عبد الرحمن سلطان
Faculty: Agriculture
Department: Animal Production
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Fish Production
Minor Speciality: Fish Nutrition
Current position: Professor
Office address: Faculty of Agriculture - Moshtohor, Toukh, Kalyoubia,13736 ,Egypt
Mobile 1: 01203952152
Mobile 2: 01143453820
Work phone: 0132460306
Fax: 0132467786 - 0132468954
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Administrator of Animal Production Faculty of Agric. at Moshtohor, Zagazig University Egypt 1986 1992
Associate teacher of Animal Production Faculty of Agric. at Moshtohor, Zagazig University Egypt 1992 1998
Associate Professor of Fish Nutrition Faculty of Agric. at Moshtohor, Zagazig University Egypt 2003 2008
Professor of Fish Nutrition Faculty of Agric. at Moshtohor, Zagazig University Egypt 2008 Until Now

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Participation (by three researches) in the second international Conference on Biotechnology Application in Agriculture 18-22 February 2014
Participation (by one researches) in the first international Conference on Biotechnology Application in Agriculture 18-22 February 2012
Participation (by one researches) in the 8th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, 12-14/10/2008, Cairo, Egypt., 787-799. 2008
Participation in workshop entitled " Aquaculture strategy for Egypt: developing the next stages" organized by World Fish Center, Abbassa, Sharkya Egypt, 6-7 May 2007. 2007
Participation in workshop entitled " Aquaculture strategy for Egypt: developing the next stages" organized by World Fish Center, Abbassa, Sharkya Egypt, 6-7 May 2007. 2007
Participation (by one research) in the first Scientific Conference on Modern Attitudes in Aquaculture), Sharm El-Sheikh, 13-15 December, 2006. 2006
Participation (by one research) in the second Scientific International Conference of the Egyptian Aquaculture Society, 5-7 September, 2006 Ismailia, Cairo, Egypt. 2006
Participation in workshop entitled " Aquaculture Principles and Practices " organized by World Fish Center, Abbassa, Sharkya Egypt, 25 August 2005 2005
Participation (by two researches) in the 10th Conference organized by the Egyptian Society for Nutrition and feed, held in Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Suez Canal University, held in Sharm El-Sheikh, 13-15 December, 2005. 2005
Participation (by two researches) in the third Conference for Modern technology in Agriculture. Held in Faculty of Agriculture, cairo University, Egypt 14-16 November 2005 2005
Participation (by one research) in the third International Conference. On Animal Production. And Health in Semi Arid Areas. Held in El-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt, 7-9 September, 2004. 2004
Participation and preparation of scientific symposium entitled " Expert Consultation on Fish Nutrition Research and Feed Technology in Egypt ", held in the international center for fish (World fish center), Abbassa, Sharkya, Egypt, 2/12/2004. 2004
Participation (by one research) in the first International Conference for aquaculture, held in Al-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt, 13-15 December, 2002. 2002
Participation and preparation of scientific symposium entitled "The role of the small investor in development benefiting from agricultural wastes", held in Animal Production Department, Zagazig University/ Benha Branch, Egypt, College of Agriculture at Moshtohor, on Sunday, 19/5/2002. 2002
Participation (by two researches) in the 2nd Conference of Production and Health Division in semi-arid areas, organized by Faculty of Agricultural for Sciences environmental El Arish, Suez Canal University, Egypt, from 4-6 September 2001 2001
Participation in Veterinary Conference organized by Veterinary Medical Association, under Egyptian need logo for animal health, held in Conference Hall of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt, from 6-9/5/2001. 2001
Participation (by two researches) in the first international conference (Agricultural economics in Islamic world), Al Azhar Univ., Cairo, Egypt from 22th to 25th April 2000. 2000
Participation (by one researches) in the third All Africa Conf. Anim. Agric. & 11th Conf. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Prod., held in Alexandria, Egypt, 6-9 November, 2000 2000
Participation (by two researches) in the Conference of Social and Agricultural Development of Sinai Held in El-Arish-North Sinai, Egypt, 2000
Participation (by one research) in the forth Conference of the Egyptian association for fisheries development,, Held in Cairo, 17-19 October 2000 2000
Participation (by one research) in the Second Arabic Conference for Genetics and biotechnology. Held in Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, Egypt 23-26 October 2000 2000
Participation and preparation of scientific symposium entitled "General strategy to tap and safe disposal of agricultural residues to maintain a clean environment", held in Animal Production, Department, Zagazig University/ Benha Branch, Egypt, College of Agriculture at Moshtohor, on Sunday, 26/11/2000. 2000
Participation (by one researches) in scientific research in the seventh Conference for animal feed (Ruminant-chicken and fish), organized by the Egyptian Society for Nutrition and feed, held in Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Suez Canal University, held in El-Arish, Egypt, from 19-21 October 1999. 1999
Participation in workshop entitled " Improving Aquaculture Productivity in Egypt " organized by World Fish Center, Abbassa, Sharkya Egypt, 6-11 november 1999 1999

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Zagazig university, Egypt (included 26 months in a scholarship, Georg August universitat, Goettingen Germany, in the period from 12 December, 1995 to 11 February, 1998) PhD 1998
Zagazig university, Egypt. MSc 1992
Zagazig university, Egypt. BSc 1986

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Egyptian Journal of Feed and Feeding Membership
Egyptian of Animal Science Association Membership
Annals of Agriculture Science, Moshtohor, Egypt Membership
Egyptian Journal of. Aquatic Biology and Fisheries. Membership

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2006
1-Participation in training course entitled "Use of technology in teaching" organized by Faculty and Leadership Development project, held in Benha University, Egypt, from 19-21 June 2006.
2-Attended course entitled "Legal" organized by Faculty and Leadership Development project, held in Benha University, Egypt, from 15-17/8/2006.
Scientific Activities of 2005
3-Participation in training course entitled "Making decisions and solving problems", organized by Faculty and Leadership Development project, held in Benha University, Egypt, from 2-4 January 2005.
Scientific Activities of 1999
4-) Participation in workshop entitled " Improving Aquaculture Productivity in Egypt " organized by World Fish Center, Abbassa, Sharkya Egypt, 6-11 november 1999


I have experience in Fish Nutrition and formulating fish diets.
I have experience in analysis of data and experimental design of experiments.
I have experience in gene manipulation in tilapia fish (Induction of Triploid, Tetraploid, Androgenesis , gynogenesis).
I have experience in sex reversal in tilapia fish (by different methods),