Statement of Prof. Maher Gamil Ahmed Fathy Higazy:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): ماهر جميل احمد فتحى حجازى
Faculty: Engineering, Shoubra
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Fluid Mechanics Turbo-Machines - Renewable Energy
Minor Speciality:
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: 108_ShoubraStreet_Cairo_Egypt
Work phone: 02-22050175
Fax: 02-22023336
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Demonstrato Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, Zagazig University, Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt. 1975 1980
Assistant Lecture, on leave to Leicester University Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, Zagazig University Cairo, Egypt 1980 1986
Ph.D. Student Faculty of Science, Department of Engineering, Leicester University England, UK. 1981 1986
Lecturer Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, Zagazig University, Cairo, Egypt 1986 1990
Lecturer On Leave to Teacher College, Ministry of Education, Sur, Sultanate of Oman. 1990 1995
Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, Zagazig University, Cairo, Egypt 1996 2002
Professor. Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, Zagazig University , Cairo, Egypt 2002 2003
Professor On leave from Libya 2003 2007
Professor. Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, Zagazig University , Cairo, Egypt. 2007 2009
Professor. Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra, Zagazig University , Cairo, Egypt. 2009 1970

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
.M. Rabia, A. M. El Mehdi and M. G. Higazy, Environmental effect of new approach in petrol engine for saving energy,1st Inter. Conf. and Exhibition on Environmental Impact of Energy and Water Saving in Tourism (EIEWS-2007), 30-31 May, 2007, Tripoli, Libya. 2007
- F. A. Mousa and M. G. Higazy, Heat pump system strategy for energy saving in hospitality dwelling buildings, 1st Inter. Conf. and Exhibition on Environmental Impact of Energy and Water Saving in Tourism (EIEWS-2007), 30-31 May, 2007, Tripoli, Libya. 2007
M.G.Higazy, Growth of boundary layers integral calculations on turbine blades with and without isolated surface ridges, Int. Conf. Aeronautical Science and Air Transportation, ICASAT2007-G3-02Conference Proceedings , Al Fatah University, Faculty of Engineering, April 2007,Tripoli, Libya. 2007
M.G.Higazy, Numerical prediction of transition boundary layer flows using new intermittency transport equation, The Aeronautical Journal, Royal Aeronautical Society, UK, Vol. 106, No 1060, June 2002. 2002
M. G. Higazy, and N.N. Baymoi, Effect of Groove geometry on characteristics of strong adverse pressure gradient flow, Seventh Int. Congress on Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion,ICFDP7-2001016, Dec. 18-20, 2001, Cairo, Egypt 2001
M. G. Higazy, Porosity Effect on the productivity of floating sponge solar still, World Renewable Energy Congress-2000, 1-7 July, 2000, Metropole Hotel, Brighton, U.K. 2000
M. G. Higazy, and N.N Baymoi, Experimental investigation of flow field characteristics over two cavities in tandem, 11th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference (IMPEC 11), Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, 5-7 Feb., 2000, Cairo, Egypt. 2000
H.A. Heikal and M. G. Higazy, On the thermodynamic cycles of gas turbine plants, The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering education, vol. 2, (IJMEE), 2000 2000
. G. Higazy, and N.N Baymoi, Assessment of two-dimensional associated with drag of grooves measurements in turbulent boundary layers, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 71, pp. 133-147, Oct. 2000, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo. 2000
M. G. Higazy, and N.N. Baymoi, Blade geometry analysis in axial flow compressor cascade, Engineering Res. Jour. ,Vol. 72,pp. 1-19, Dec. 2000, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering , Mataria, Cairo. 2000
M. G. Higazy and R.Y. Syker, Counter flow wet cooling towers analysis, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 72, pp. 20-38 , Dec. 2000, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. 2000
M.G.Higazy and R.Y. Syker, Optimization of counter flow wet cooling towers characteristics performance, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 65, 106-126, Oct. 1999, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo. 1999
M.G.Higazy, Integral calculation of boundary layers growth on turbine blades with isolated surface roughness, Engineering Res. Jour., Vol. 59, 109-118, October 1998,Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo. 1998
M. G. Higazy, Derivation of the logarithmic law of the wall for transition boundary layers, Engineering Res. Jour. ,Vol. 58, 93-108,Aggust 1998, Engineering Res. Jour. Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Cairo 1998
M. G. Higazy, Theoretical performance of wind wheel turbines, Int. J. of Solar Energy, vol. 17, pp. 145-166, 1995. 1995
M. G. Higazy, Flow angle effect on the drag caused by small obstacles immersed in turbulent boundary layer, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, April, pp. 182-194, vol. 4, 1995. 1995
M. G. Higazy and C. J. Fraser, Digital measurements in intermittently transient flows, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, April, pp. 85-99, vol. 4, 1995. 1995
M.G.Higazy and C. J. Fraser, Numerical prediction of Laminar-transition-turbulent layers, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, April, pp. 100-117, vol. 4, 1995. 1995
M. G. Higazy, A floating sponge solar still: design and performance, Int. J. of Solar Energy, vol. 17, pp. 61-71, 1995. 1995
-C.J.Fraser, M. G. Higazy, and J. S. Milne, End-stage boundary layer transition models for engineering calculations, Part C: I. Mech. Engineering Science, U.K. vol. 208, 1994. 1994
M. G. Higazy, Sea water desalination using a floating sponge solar still, Conf. on the Transfer of Technology to Local Industries, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, March, 1992. 1992
M. G. Higazy, Outdoor experimental results of an aluminum, CPC, collector, Conf. on the Transfer of Technology to Local Industries, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, March, 1992. 1992
M. G. Higazy, Analytical and experimental investigation of a new type of wind wheel turbine, Conf. on the Transfer of Technology to Local Industries, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, March-1992. 1992
Aida Abd El Hafiz, M. H. Said and M. G. Higazy, Critical assessment and development of an innovated wind wheel turbine (WWT), The Seventh Int. Conf. for Mech. Power Engineering pp. v/5.1-v/5.13, Cairo University, Egypt, 1990 1990
M.G.Higazy, Separated flow associated with two-dimensional extended obstacles mounted on a flat plate, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Dec. pp. 91-106, vol. 12, 1989. 1989
M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell, The turbulent boundary layer drag of large backward-facing steps, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt, March, 1989. 1989
M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell, On the estimation of two-dimensional drag of surface irregularities immersed in turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt, March, 1989. 1989
M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell, Laminar boundary layer drag resulting from a backward-facing step, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt, March, 1989. 1989
M. G. Higazy and M. M. Mustafa, A performance investigation of troughs solar water heater, 4th Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-4) , Zagazig- Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt, March, 1989. 1989
-M. G. Higazy and Aida Abd El Hafiz, The yaw angle effect on the reattachment length behind isolated roughness elements, Helwan University, Research Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Dec. pp. 35-54, vol. 12, 1989. 1989
G. Higazy, Effect of freestream pressure gradient on turbulent boundary layers reattachment behind a backward-facing step, 2nd Int. Joint Conf. for Mech. Engineering & Tech.(MET-2) , Zagazig - Leicester University, Cairo, Egypt, April, 1985. 1985
D.J.Cockrell and M. G. Higazy, Drag resulting from rearward-facing steps immersed in laminar boundary layer, Leicester University, Engineering dept., Internal Report, July 1984 1984
M.G.Higazy and D.J.Cockrell, The measurements of drag resulting from small surface irregularities immersed in turbulent boundary layers, J. Experiments in Fluid, 2, pp. 197-202, 1984. 1984
A.M.Sibaie, H. A. Heikal, M.F. Abd Rabbo and M. G. Higazy, Excrescence 1980
A.M.Sibaie, H. A. Heikal, M.F. Abd Rabbo and M. G. Higazy, Construction and performance characteristics of wind tunnel design, 3rd Int. Conf. for Mech. Power Engineering, Monufia University, Cairo, Egypt, 1980. 1980

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Faculty of Science, Department of Engineering, Leicester University PhD 1986

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Vice-president of the scientific committee, (First International Conference and Exhibition on: Environmental Impact of Energy and Water Saving on Tourism, Eiews-2007 May). Membership
2) Assistant editor of IEF Journal, , International Energy Foundation (IEF), Tripoli, Libya. Membership
3) Mechanical Engineering Society, and Engineering Syndicate, Cairo, Egypt. Membership
4) An AIAA Journal, as external reviewer Membership
A.O.I. (Arab Organization of Industry) Award for Innovation of Solar Water Desalination awards

Committees details:

Committee Year
Egyptian Scientific Committee for Professors and Assistant professor promotion 0
Member Of AIAA Reviewer 0

Scientific Activities:
